(精)人教精通版五年级上册Unit 6 It’s a grapefruit Lesson 34 ppt课件(含教案).zip

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授课内容 Lesson 34备课时间 Knowledge: a.The new words and phrases. peach food noodle b.The drills: Is this a cherry? Yes, it is.Is that a peach? No, it isnt. c. Lets paste . d. Lets read and chant. Ability: To train Ss the abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and communications. 教学目标 Emotions: To give the Ss the more chances to be create. To educate Ss study hard and help each other. 教学重点Main poitns: peach food noodle 教学难点Difficult points: How to let stutends use the new sentences in reality. 学情分析 本课时的语言项目是 peach food noodle Is this a cherry? Yes, it is.Is that a peach? No, it isnt. 教师在教学中可以从已学过的入手,在复习的过程总引入本课时 的新知识,使孩子能把学过的语言结合起来进行运用。然后在孩 子初步掌握句型的基础上,教师应该给孩子创设交际的情景,让 孩子在对话和交流中,尝试运用本课时的句型。 教具准备Teaching aids: Pictures. Cards. A tape recorder. ppt. 备课方式一次备课二次备课 教 学 过 程 Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up a.Play a guessing game. Show them half pictures of fruit and let them guess to teach the sentence : Is this a cherry? Yes, it is. Is that a peach? No, it isntA guessing game b.A guessing game -Whats this? - Its. -Whats that? - Its. 【这一活动是上新课前的热身运动,使学生能较 快进入最佳学习状态,在对前几课进行巩固的同 时,也是为新课做了铺垫。】 Step Two: Presentation 1)T acts as a reporter to interview some questions: Do you like? And then take out a box of fruits. Let Ss pick one out from the box and answer the question : whats this? Whats that? 2) Draw half pictures of fruit and let them guess to practice the sentence : Is this a ? Yes, it is. Is that a ? No, it isnt. 3) Ask and answer a.-Is that juice? - Yes,it is. b.-Is that juice? - No,it isnt. Its milk. c.-Is this a peach? - Yes,it is. d.-What are these? - They are noodles. e.-Is that rice? - No,it isnt. Its food. 【用这种方法呈现新知,可以加深学生的记 忆。】 4)Do a chant. Is this a cherry? Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Is that a peach? No, it isnt. No, it isnt. Step Three: Practice. a. Lets paste b. Lets read and chant. c. Whos fast? Peach food noodle noodles a peach a cheery cheery 【这个游戏既能帮助学生记忆单词,同时也训练 了学生的语言表达和运用能力。】 d. Work in pairs Whats this/that? Is this/that a? Youre right/wrong. 【通过让学生小组合作,在任务中习得语言,在 任务中运中语言,同时也培养了学生的小组合作 能力,让学生体验到成就感。】 e.I say you guess 猜谜我们会用到的句子: What color, is it big or small? Whats this/that? Is this/that a? Youre right/wrong. A:Its red .Its small. Its sweet. Whats that? B: Is it a cherry. A:Yes, it is. Youre right. 【在这里除了复习新知外,还可以充分发挥学生 的想象力,使旧词新用,拓展思维,也培养了学 生的口头表达能力,真正起到了用英语的效果。 】 Step Four: Homework: a.Listen and repeat. b.Do the exercises . 板书设计 Lesson 34 peach food noodle Is this a cherry? Yes, it is. Is that a peach? No, it isnt. 课后小记 及反思 本节课的活动的设计和多媒体手段的运用,使抽象的内容变得直 观,让学生在快乐的课堂中体会了知识的生成过程,直观、自然 地感悟和理解知识符合学生的认知规律,这是我感觉较为成功的 一点。 总体来说,这节课使我对教育教学有了一个新的认识: 第一、教师只有关注课程标准,深入钻研教材,了解学生的已有 经验和认知基础,精心创设活动情境,才能有效地开展教学。 第二、教师是导演,学生是演员。一部电影是否能成功上演,演 员是最重要的成分之一。所以充分关注学生,发挥学生在课堂中 的主体地位,才能提高学生课堂的参与度,才是有效课堂,才能 把课堂还给学生。不过如何更好地去关注学生,关注全体学生, 充分把握教学的切入口,还需我们不断实践、思考。 通过反思发现,在教学中还有一些不足之处,如应如何更好 地对学生进行评价,如何对学生进行更合理的引导,如何发挥学 生的能动性等,这些都是我今后需进一步思考的问题。今后我会 继续努力,不断的更新教学观念,精心设计每一节课,打造好课 堂这一主阵地。 Lesson 34 guess Lets go! A guessing game apple -Whats this? - Its. orange -Whats this? - Its. watermelon -Whats that? - Its. kiwifruit -Whats that? - Its. juice -Is that juicejuice? - Yes,it is. milk -Is that juicejuice? - No,it isnt. Its milk. -Is this an apple? - No,it isnt. Its a cherry. -Is this a peach? - Yes,it is. peach peach -What are these? - They are noodles. noodlenoodle foodfood foodfood foodfood foodfood -Is that ricerice? - No,it isnt. Its foodfood . W h o s fast? 01 peach foodfood noodlenoodle cherrycherry noodlesnoodles a a cheerycheery a a peachpeach Work in pairs Whats this/that? Is this/that a? Youre right/wrong. I say you guess 猜谜我们会用到的句子: What color, is it big or small? Whats this/that? Is this/that a? Youre right/wrong. A:Its red .Its small. Its sweet. Whats that? B: Is it a cherry. A:Yes, it is. Youre right. Homework: a.Listen and repeat. b.Do the exercises .
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