(精)冀教版(三起)四年级上册英语Unit1 The clothes we wear Lesson 6 Betty's Clothes ppt课件(含教案+素材).zip

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  • 【精】冀教版(三起)四年级上册英语Unit1 The clothes we wear Lesson 6 Bettys Clothes ppt课件(含教案+素材)
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冀教英语四年级上册冀教英语四年级上册 Lesson 6 Bettys Clothes 教学设计教学设计 教学目标:教学目标: 1.学生能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。 2.学生能就故事进行提问和回答。 3.学生能够用自己的语言分角色表演这个故事。 教学重难点教学重难点 1. 重点重点 学生能听懂和理解这个简单的故事,并能就故事进行提问和 回答。 2. 难点难点 学生能够用自己的语言分角色表演这个故事。 教学准备:教学准备: PPT 课件 教学过程:教学过程: Step1:Warm-up Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls! Welcome to English Class . First, lets have a chant together. (大家好,欢迎大家来上英语课。首先,让我们一起唱个儿 歌吧。) PPT 出示第 2 课学的歌谣,和学生一起吟唱。 Lead in Okay,class. Today ,we will meet a little girl Betty. And she is going to a party .What will she wear?Do you know ? Lets find out !(好的,同学们,今天我们将要认识一个小女孩贝蒂。她将要去 参加一个聚会。她会穿什么呢?你知道吗?让我们来找到答案。) Step2:presentation 1、Prepare to read 学生打开课本 12 页。先不着急读故事,认真看一下每幅图, 了解故事的梗概,同桌间可以讨论。然后回答下列问题: Where is the girl? What is the girl doing? What clothes are in the pictures? 2、Read the Story 将故事从头到尾过一遍,帮助学生理解故事情节。 (1)图一,让学生自己阅读,问辅助问题:What is the girls name ? What day is today? What is she going to? (2)图二,Betty 打开了衣橱,又发生了什么呢?辅助问题: What colour are the shorts? What clothes can you see in the closet? (3)图三,接着往下看,Betty 的裤子和 T 恤给她说了什么? 辅助问题:What colour are the trousers? What colour is the T-shirt? Does she like them ? (4)图四,Betty 会不会穿她的毛衣去参加聚会呢吧,咱们接 着往下看。辅助问题:What colour is the sweater? Does Betty like the sweater? (5)图五,一件粉色衬衫和一件紫色裙子也加入了对话,她们 说了什么呢?辅助问题:What colour is the shirt? What colour is the skirt? When will Betty wear them? (6)图六,这条围巾真好看呀!她在说什么?辅助问题:When will Betty wear the scarf? Do you like it? (7)图七,Betty 又看到了什么?辅助问题:What do you think of the dress? (8)图八,Betty 最后决定穿什么去参加聚会呢?辅助问题: What colour is the dress? 串完故事后,开始朗读。教师先慢速把整个故事给同学们读 一遍,然后播放录音,让学生跟读,重点词句可反复听。最后再 播放一次录音,让学生跟着大声朗读。 3、 After Reading 把学生分成 8 组,每组练习表演 8 张图片中的一张。给学生 时间练习,期间教师走动,帮助有困难的同学。准备好后,让每 组在全班面前表演。 Step3:Consolidation and Homework 告诉学生老师喜欢他们的表演。家庭作业是试着用英语把故 事读给家长听。 板书设计板书设计 Lesson 6 Bettys Clothes What will Betty wear to the party ? 英语冀教版 四年级上 Lets chant Today ,we will meet a little girl Betty. And she is going to a party . What will she wear?Do you know ? Prepare to read 认真看一下每幅图,了解故事的认真看一下每幅图,了解故事的 梗概,同桌间可以讨论。然后回梗概,同桌间可以讨论。然后回 答下列问题:答下列问题: Where is the girl? What is the girl doing? What clothes are in the pictures? Read the Story What is the girls name ? What day is today? What is she going to? Read the Story What colour are the shorts? What clothes can you see in the closet? Read the Story What colour are the trousers? What colour is the T-shirt? Does she like them ? Read the Story What colour is the sweater? Does Betty like the sweater? Read the Story What colour is the shirt? What colour is the skirt? When will Betty wear them? Read the Story When will Betty wear the scarf? Do you like it? Read the Story What do you think of the dress? Read the Story What colour is the dress? Read the Story 全班分成8组,每组练习表演8张图片中的一张。 准备好后,每组在全班面前表演。 Act out the story After Reading
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