外研版英语五年级上册:模块知识梳理卷-Module 2 购物(含答案).doc

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1、Module 2购物购物 一、重点语音。 判断下列每组单词中画线部分读音是(T)否(F)一致。 () 1.A. much() 2.A. banana B. numberB. apple () 3.A. above() 4.A. teacher B. loveB. nurse 二、重点词汇。(英汉互译) (一)食物 1. cheese _2. apple _ 3. banana _4. juice _ 5. pear _6. egg _ 7. chocolate _8. some fruit _ (二)数量 1. 一半_2. 一些, 一点, 若干_ 3. a lot of _4. half a

2、kilo _ (三)动作 1. 使用_2. lose_ 3. make a shopping list_ 4. use the bag_ (四)疑问词组 1. how much cheese_ 2. how many apples_ (五)其他 1. list_2. er_ 3. first_4. kilo_ 5. bottle_6. food _ 7. 可以_8. need_ 9. over there_10. a shopping list_ 11. our picnic_12. a big bag_ 13. at home_14. at the supermarket_ 三、重点句子。(

3、汉译英) (一)询问数量的句型及回答: 1. 你妈妈说买多少个苹果? 四个苹果。 _ _ 2. 你们买了多少奶酪? 半千克。 _ _ (二)询问某人买了什么及回答: 你们买了什么? 我们买了一些苹果。 _ _ (三)其他: 1. 这是清单。 _ 2. 萨姆, 请去买一些水果。 _ 3. 我们没买苹果。 _ 4. 我们可以用那边的那个包。 _ 四、重点语法。 用 How much 和 How many 补全句子。 1. _ eggs did your mother buy? 2. _ milk did Sam drink? 3. _ cheese do we need? 4. _ chocola

4、te do you want? 5. _ oranges did Lingling say? 五、情景交际。 (一)选择恰当的应答语。 ()1. What did you buy? ()2. Where is the cheese? ()3. How many bananas did you buy? ()4. How much juice did she drink? ()5. Did your friend eat bread? ()6. How much meat did Sam buy? ()7. Tom, go and buy some apples, please. (二)补全对话

5、。 Amy: Hello, Mum. 1. _ Mum: Yes. I went to the supermarket with your father. Amy: What did you buy? Mum: 2. _ Amy: Did you buy any apples? Mum: 3. _ Amy: Did you buy any bananas? Mum: 4. _ Amy: 5. _ A. Six bananas. B. We bought some pears. C. Yes, she did. D. Here. It is on the table. E. She drank

6、it all. F. OK! G. Half a kilo. Mum: We bought ten bananas. Amy: Thanks, Mum. I like bananas. A. We bought some fruit. B. Did you go to the supermarket yesterday? C. How many bananas did you buy? D. No, we didnt. E. Yes, we did. Module 2购物购物 一、1. T2. F3. T4. F 二、(一)1. 奶酪2. 苹果3. 香蕉 4. 果汁5. 梨6. 鸡蛋7. 巧克

7、力 8. 一些水果 (二)1. half2. any3. 许多的4. 半千克 (三)1. use2. 丢失3. 列一张购物清单4. 使用这个包 (四)1. 多少奶酪2. 多少苹果 (五)1. 清单2. 哦,嗯,呃 3. 首先,第一;最先的;第一(次)的 4. 千克5. 瓶子;一瓶的容量6. 食物 7. can8. 需要9. 在那边 10. 一张购物清单11. 我们的野餐 12. 一个大的包13. 在家14. 在超市 三、(一)1. How many apples did your mum say? Four apples. 2. How much cheese did you buy? Half a kilo. (二)What did you buy? We bought some apples. (三)1. Heres the list. 2. Sam, go and buy some fruit, please. 3. We didnt buy any apples. 4. We can use the bag over there. 四、1. How many2. How much 3. How much4. How much 5. How many 五、(一)1. B2. D3. A4. E5. C6. G7. F (二)1. B2. A3. D4. E5. C


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