(精)人教版九年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. SectionA2d&Grammar Focusppt课件(含练习+音视频).zip

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  • Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. SectionA2d&Grammar Focusppt课件(含练习+音视频)
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    • whose coat is that.mp4
    • 公开课Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. SectionA2d&Grammar Focus.doc--点击预览
    • 公开课Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. SectionA2d&Grammar Focus.ppt--点击预览
    • 微课:情态动词表推测_标清.flv


Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. SectionA2d&Grammar Focus同步练习同步练习 一、单选。一、单选。 1.The guitar _ belong to Alice. Only she plays the guitar here. A. could B. must C. cant D. can 2.Whos singing in the garden? It _ be Mr.Brown.He always practices singing at this time. Amust Bcant Cneed D. can 3.I still havent found my pet dog. Im sorry to hear that.You _ be very sad. Amay Bmust Cshould Dcant 4.- Whose pencil box is this? - Oh, its . I was looking for it everywhere. A. my B. yours C. me D mine 5.Last week they Song Zuyings concert. A. joined B. took part in C. attended D. on 6.Who helped Betty tidy up the bedroom just now? . She cleaned it all by herself. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody D. Anybody 7. The workers have to rubbish to keep the mountains clean. A. turn up B. give up C. mix up D. pick up 8.There must be in this small village. A. valuable something B. something valuable C. anything valuable D. valuable anything 9.Who broke the glass? I dont know. It _ be the wind. Amust BshouldCcould Dcant 10.Is Mr. Smith over there? It _ be him. He has gone to Beijing on business. Acant Bmust Cmight DCan 二、二、用情态动词完成下列对话。用情态动词完成下列对话。 Jessica: I wonder where Peter has got to. He said he would be here in time for lunch. Im really worried about him. Helen: Dont worry! He (1)_ still come. Jessica: I doubt it. Its past 2 oclock. I think he should have rung me up! But he didnt! Helen: Maybe his boss couldnt give him time off. Jessica: Yes, thats possible, I guess. Or he (2)_ have had an accident! Do you think I should phone the police? Helen: Dear me, no! Dont fuss (大惊小怪)! He (3)_ be on his way right now! (Ten minutes later, the phone rings.) Peter: Sorry, Jessica, but I cant get away from the office. I have some urgent (紧急的) work to do. It (4)_ be 8 or 9 oclock when I get home. Jessica: OK. Then Im sure you (5)_ have had your lunch, right? Peter: Yes. My boss treated me to lunch. 三、三、情景对话。情景对话。 A: Hello, Lucy. 1. Is this your book? B: No, its not mine. Where did you find it? A: Under the bench in the gym. B: When did you find it? A: 2. A: 3. Class Two had a lesson in the gym just now. A: Lets ask the P.E. teacher of the Class Two. 4. B: Im sorry I cant go with you. I must practice the piano right away. A: 5. I have to go alone. See you. B: See you. A. When we were having the gym class. B. Thats right. C. Whose book is this? D. She always reads these kinds of books. E. It doesnt matter. F. It might be someones in Class Two. G. She could help us. Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. SectionA2d&Grammar Focus 同步练习同步练习答案答案 一、BBBDC BDBCA 二、 1. may / might / could 2. may / might / could 3. may / might / could 4. may / might / could 5. must 三、 CAFGE 5. 人教新目标版 九年级 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Warming-upLets enjoy a video and be ready to review. Whose hat is that? Its my/his/her hat. Whose coat is that? Its my/his/her coat. Whose . is this /that? Whose . are these/those? When we dont know the owner,we can guess by using : 肯肯 定:定:It/They must 有有可能:可能:It/They might/could 不可能:不可能:It/They cant must 100% probably true could might 20%80% possibly true cant 0 almost not true be sbs. = belong to sb. 情态动词情态动词 must, might, could, cant 后接动词原形后接动词原形, 可以表示对可以表示对 现在的情况的推测。现在的情况的推测。be+所有格与所有格与belong to可以表示所属关系可以表示所属关系 。 RevisionLook and make conversations in pairs. Thingsownerspossibilityreason 1English book Carla100% name on 2 French bookFred7080%study 3guitarAlice6070%play 4T-shirtJohn0%too small B: It must be Carlas. Because it has her name on it. A: Whose English book is this? =must belong to Carla. Linda Mom Linda and her Mom are talking about Lindas schoolbag. Does Linda look happy? She may lost her schoolbag. Could Lindas schoolbag be stolen(被偷被偷)? Lead-in Lets read the conversation between them. Reading task Read 2d and answer the questions. 1. Whats the matter with Linda? 2. What are there in her schoolbag? 3. Could Lindas schoolbag be stolen? Why? She felt very worried.She cant find her schoolbag. Her books, her pink hair band and some tennis balls. No, it cant be stolen. There is not anything valuable in her schoolbag. 4.What did she do yesterday? 5.Where did Linda last put her schoolbag? 6 Could Lindas schoolbag still be at the park? Why? Her schoolbag might be at the park. Yes. She left early, before the rest of her friends. She thought someone must have picked it up. She attended a concert and went to a picnic. Linda: Mom, I m really worried. Mom: Why? Whats wrong? Linda: I cant find my schoolbag. Mom: Well, where did you last put it? Linda: I cant remember! I attended a concert yesterday so it might be still in the music hall . Mom: Do you have anything valuable in your schoolbag ? 2dListen and repeat. Whats wrong?怎么了怎么了 ? last作为副词作为副词 ,意为,意为“最近最近 ;上一次;上一次”。 attend a concert 出席音乐会出席音乐会 something valuable 一些有价值的东西一些有价值的东西 Linda: No, just my books, my pink hair band and some tennis balls. Mom: So it cant be stolen. Linda: Oh, wait! I went to a picnic after the concert. I remember I have my schoolbag with me at the picnic. Mom: So, could it still be at the park? Linda: Yes. I left early, before the rest of my friends. I think somebody must have picked it up. Ill call them now to check if anybody has it. may/might/cant/ could/must be+done may/might/cant/could/must +have done 1.Whats wrong? 怎么了?怎么了? 【句型解析句型解析】whats wrong (with sb./sth.)?意为意为“(某人(某人/某事某事 ) 怎么了?怎么了?”,用来询问对方有什么不顺心的事情或某物有,用来询问对方有什么不顺心的事情或某物有 什么问题。什么问题。 常见的表示常见的表示“怎么了?怎么了?”的句型:的句型: Whats up (with sb./sth.)? Whats the matter (with sb./sth.)? Whats the trouble (with sb./sth.)? Language points 【活学活用】【活学活用】你的牙齿怎么了?你的牙齿怎么了? Whats wrong with your teeth? 2.I attended a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall.我昨天参加了一场音乐会,所以它有可能还在音乐厅里。我昨天参加了一场音乐会,所以它有可能还在音乐厅里。 【词汇解读词汇解读】attend vt. 出席;参加出席;参加 attend是正式用语,侧重指参加会议、婚礼、典礼,去上课、是正式用语,侧重指参加会议、婚礼、典礼,去上课、 上学、听报告等。上学、听报告等。 【活学活用】【活学活用】 1) 只有只有15个人出席这次会议。个人出席这次会议。 2)我们都想去听李先生的报告。我们都想去听李先生的报告。 Only 15 people attended the meeting . All of us went to attend the lecture given by Mr. Li. My mother attended an important meeting yesterday. 我我妈妈昨天参加了一个重要的会议。妈妈昨天参加了一个重要的会议。 We are going swimming. Would you like to join us? 我们我们要去游泳,你想跟我们一起去吗?要去游泳,你想跟我们一起去吗? Will you join us in playing basketball? 你会和我们一起打篮球吗?你会和我们一起打篮球吗? Im going to take part in the sports meeting. 我将要参加运动会。我将要参加运动会。 【观察领悟观察领悟】 【巧辩异同巧辩异同】 attend : 意为意为“出席;参加出席;参加”,为正式用语,通,为正式用语,通常用于指常用于指 “参加参加”会议、典礼、婚礼、葬礼会议、典礼、婚礼、葬礼等。等。 take part in : 主要指主要指“参加参加”会议或群众性活动会议或群众性活动等,着重说明等,着重说明 句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。 join : 多指多指“加入加入”某组织、团体某组织、团体成为其中的一员,其后成为其中的一员,其后 常接表示组织的集体名词,如俱乐部、军队等。常接表示组织的集体名词,如俱乐部、军队等。 join in:多指多指“参加参加”小规模的活动,如游戏球赛等小规模的活动,如游戏球赛等; join sb. in (doing) sth. 意为意为“和某人一道做某事和某人一道做某事”,in (doing) sth.有时也可省去。有时也可省去。 3.Do you have anything valuable in your schoolbag? 你的书包里有你的书包里有 贵重的东西吗?贵重的东西吗? 【词汇解读词汇解读】 valuable形容词,意为形容词,意为“贵重的;很有用的;宝贵贵重的;很有用的;宝贵 的的”,在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。用作表语时,可与介,在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。用作表语时,可与介 词词to连用,常用短语连用,常用短语be valuable to sb.“对某人来说很有价值对某人来说很有价值”。 anything valuable 一些贵重的东西一些贵重的东西。形容词形容词valuable修饰不定代修饰不定代 词词anything要后置。当形容词修饰不定代词要后置。当形容词修饰不定代词(something, anything, nothing等等)时,形容词应放在不定代词的后面。时,形容词应放在不定代词的后面。 【活学活用】【活学活用】1) 这一经历对我很有用。这一经历对我很有用。 2) 他在教育问题上给我们提了宝贵的建议。他在教育问题上给我们提了宝贵的建议。 This experience isvaluableto me. He gave us valuableadvice on the problems of education. 4. I think somebody must have picked it up. 我想一定有人捡到。我想一定有人捡到。 【词汇解读词汇解读】 pick up意为意为“拿起;捡起拿起;捡起”。它是由。它是由“动词动词+副词副词” 构成的短语,当其宾语是名词时,该名词即可位于构成的短语,当其宾语是名词时,该名词即可位于up之后,之后, 也可位于也可位于pick与与up 之间;当其宾语是代词时,该代词必须之间;当其宾语是代词时,该代词必须 位于位于pick 与与up之间。之间。另外另外pick up 还有(开车)接人还有(开车)接人; (偶然偶然) 学会学会的意思。的意思。 【活学活用】【活学活用】 1) 我的尺子在你的桌子下面,能请你帮我捡起来吗?我的尺子在你的桌子下面,能请你帮我捡起来吗? 2) 把纸捡起来然后丢在垃圾桶里。把纸捡起来然后丢在垃圾桶里。 My ruler is under your desk. Could you pick it up for me? Pick up the paper and put it in the dustbin. must have picked it up是是“must+have+过去分词过去分词”的结构,的结构, must 在此处表示推测在此处表示推测, 意为意为“一定一定”。当情态动词后接。当情态动词后接have done时时, 表表 达对过去的事情进行推测达对过去的事情进行推测, 故故must have done something表示表示“过过 去一定做过了去一定做过了”这样的意思。这样的意思。 Linda has gone to work, but her bicycle is still here. 琳琳达已经去上班了,但她的自行车还在这里。达已经去上班了,但她的自行车还在这里。 She must have gone by bus. 她她一定是乘公共汽车去的。一定是乘公共汽车去的。 He might/could have arrived there. 他可能早就到那里了。他可能早就到那里了。 Video timeWatch the video. Lindas really worried. She cant find her schoolbag. She _ yesterday so it _ in the music hall. There wasnt anything valuable in her schoolbag. So it _ stolen. She _ after the concert. She remembered she had her schoolbag with her _. So it _ at the park. And she thought somebody must have _. Linda will call them now to check if anybody has it. ConsolidationFill in the blanks according to the conversation. attended a concertmight still be cant bewent to a picnic at the picniccould still be picked it up Role playRole-play the conversation. Linda : Mom, Im . Mom : Why? Whats .? Linda : I cant . Mom : Well, where .? Linda : I cant remember ! I . Mom : Do you .? Linda : No, just my books, . Mom : So it cant . Linda : Oh, wait! I went . I . Mom : So .? Linda :Yes. I . I. Ill. Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball. Whose hair band is this? It could be Meis hair band . Or it might belong to Linda . They both have long hair. What did you see that night? Im not sure, but it cant be a dog. It was bigger. I think it might be a bear or a wolf. Grammar Focus 语法特征语法特征 1.1.情态动词不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或情态动词不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或 估计某事的发生。估计某事的发生。 2.2.情态动词除情态动词除ought 和和have 外,后面只能接不带外,后面只能接不带to 的不定式。的不定式。 3.3.情态动词没有人称、数的变化,即情态动词第三人称单数不加情态动词没有人称、数的变化,即情态动词第三人称单数不加 -s。 4.4.情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式、分词等形式。情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式、分词等形式。 情态动词定义情态动词定义表示可能、怀疑、允诺、愿望、义务表示可能、怀疑、允诺、愿望、义务 、必要、猜测等的、必要、猜测等的动词就动词就是是情态动词情态动词 。 语法重点:语法重点:情态动词表推测情态动词表推测 英语中英语中表示推测的情态动词表示推测的情态动词主要有主要有 must,can,could,may ,might等等,它们可以对过去、现在或将来的情况作出语气强弱它们可以对过去、现在或将来的情况作出语气强弱 不同的推测。不同的推测。 确定的推测确定的推测含义含义 不确定的推不确定的推 测测(可能性依可能性依 次减弱次减弱) 含义含义 肯定句肯定句must一定;必定一定;必定 cancould maymight 可能可能 否定句否定句 cant couldnt 不可能不可能 may not might not 不大不大 可能可能 can和和could也可以用于疑问句中表示推测。也可以用于疑问句中表示推测。 情态动词表示推测有以下几种结构表示情态动词表示推测有以下几种结构表示: : 情态动词情态动词+ + do / be (表示对表示对现在或将来现在或将来的动作或状态推测的动作或状态推测 ) eg: Do you know where she is now?你知道你知道 她现在在哪吗?她现在在哪吗?I think she might travel in Beijing. 我想她可能在北京旅行。我想她可能在北京旅行。 be doing (表示对表示对正在正在发生的事情推测发生的事情推测) eg: At this moment, my father cant be working in the office. 这个时候我爸爸不可能正在办公室这个时候我爸爸不可能正在办公室 工作。工作。 情态动词情态动词+ + have done (表示对表示对过去发生过去发生的事情推测的事情推测) eg: The road is wet. It must have rained last night.路是湿的,昨晚肯定下过雨了。路是湿的,昨晚肯定下过雨了。 have been doing(表示对表示对过去正在进行过去正在进行的事情的事情 推测推测) eg: Your mother must have been looking for you at that moment.你妈妈那个时候肯你妈妈那个时候肯 定正在找你。定正在找你。 must具体用法具体用法 must 表示必须要做的事,意为表示必须要做的事,意为“必须,应该必须,应该”。must一一 般问句的否定回答用般问句的否定回答用neednt或或dont have to , 而不用而不用 mustnt, mustnt意为意为“不可以,不能不可以,不能”,表示禁止,不许可,表示禁止,不许可 。另外,。另外,must还可表示有把握的推测,意为还可表示有把握的推测,意为“一定、肯定一定、肯定” 。must的过去式还是的过去式还是must。 在回答以在回答以must开头的一般疑问句时,否定式需用开头的一般疑问句时,否定式需用need not (neednt),表示,表示“不必不必”的意思。的意思。 eg: Must we hand in our exercises today? Yes, you must. ( No, you neednt) must意为意为“一定;准是一定;准是”。表示说话人对事物的推测可能性的程度非表示说话人对事物的推测可能性的程度非 常大。常大。 “must be +表语表语”意为意为“一定一定”,表示对现在情况的推测。,表示对现在情况的推测。 eg: I cant understand them. They must be foreigners. “must be+现在分词现在分词”意为意为“一定正在一定正在”,表示对说话瞬间情表示对说话瞬间情 况的推测。况的推测。 eg: She must be cooking now because I can smell something delicious. “must have +过去分词过去分词”意为意为“一定已经一定已经”,表示对过去情况表示对过去情况 的推测。的推测。 eg: I cant find my keys .I must have left them at home. may may表示允许、也许,意为表示允许、也许,意为“也许;可能;可以也许;可能;可以”,语气不太可能,语气不太可能 。may not,意为,意为“也许不也许不”。对。对may的一般问句的回答:的一般问句的回答: 肯定回答一般肯定回答一般是:是:Yes, please./ Certainly./ Sure等等 否定回答一般否定回答一般是:是:Please dont./No, you cant/mustnt. might是是may的过去式,与的过去式,与may用法类似,语气比用法类似,语气比may弱,表示推弱,表示推 测的可能性更小,常用于肯定句和否定句中,不用于疑问句中。测的可能性更小,常用于肯定句和否定句中,不用于疑问句中。 常见句型为:常见句型为:“may be +表语表语”意为意为“有可能有可能”,表示对现在的,表示对现在的 可能推测。可能推测。 eg: He may be angry because he looks unhappy. can can 可表示能力、允许、可能性、怀疑猜测,意为可表示能力、允许、可能性、怀疑猜测,意为“可以可以 ,会,能,会,能”;cant意为意为“不会,不能,不可以不会,不能,不可以”,还有,还有“不可不可 能能”之意。之意。could为为can的过去式,用法与的过去式,用法与can类似,常用于过类似,常用于过 去时态中;去时态中;could还可用于现在时态中表示委婉客气,相当还可用于现在时态中表示委婉客气,相当 于于can;could也可表示惊讶怀疑,不相信。也可表示惊讶怀疑,不相信。cant和和couldnt 一般用于否定句和疑问句中。一般用于否定句和疑问句中。 eg:He couldnt be a thief. can表示推测时,常用于否定句、疑问句中,表示推测时,常用于否定句、疑问句中,cant意为意为“不可能;不可能; 应该不是应该不是”。 常用句型为:常用句型为:“can/cant be +表语表语”意为意为“(不)可能(不)可能”,表表 示对现在情况的推测。示对现在情况的推测。 eg: That cant be Maria, because shes in hospital. Theres someone outside. Who can it be? could/might:如果表示推测的把握性不是很大时,用如果表示推测的把握性不是很大时,用could或或might 。它们常用于肯定句或疑问句中,意为。它们常用于肯定句或疑问句中,意为“也许;可能也许;可能”。 eg: He might be doing his homework now. Could the news be true? 1.(2019辽宁辽宁)The dictionary _ belong to Sam.You can see his name on it. AcanBmust Cneed Dwould 句意:这本字典一定是萨姆的。你可以在上面看到他的名字。句意:这本字典一定是萨姆的。你可以在上面看到他的名字。 考查情态动词辨析。考查情态动词辨析。can可能,表推测;可能,表推测;must一定,表肯定推测一定,表肯定推测 ;need需要,指有必要;需要,指有必要;would将要,用于表示意愿。根据下文将要,用于表示意愿。根据下文 You can see his name on it.可知是肯定推测,故选可知是肯定推测,故选B。 2. (2019湖南)湖南)Who is singing in the next room? It_be Lisa, but Im not sure Amust Bmay Cneed 句意:谁正在隔壁房间唱歌?句意:谁正在隔壁房间唱歌? 可能是可能是Lisa,但我不确定。,但我不确定。 A. must一定是;一定是;B. may可能是;可能是;C. need需要。由需要。由Im not sure 推出是没有把握的猜测。选项推出是没有把握的猜测。选项B符合题意,故答案选符合题意,故答案选B。 3. (2019年绥化)年绥化)That _ be an alien.there is no such thing! A.might B. must C. cant 句意句意“那个不可能是外星人,没有这样的东西那个不可能是外星人,没有这样的东西”。A.可能(表示可能(表示 推测);推测);B.一定是(表示肯定的推测);一定是(表示肯定的推测);C.一定不是(表示否一定不是(表示否 定的推测)。根据定的推测)。根据theres no such thing!“没有这样的东西没有这样的东西”可知可知 ,表示否定的推测,即,表示否定的推测,即“那一定不是外星人那一定不是外星人”,故选,故选C。 4.(2019甘肃)甘肃)Whose cap is this? Is it Cindys? It_be hers. Dont you remember she even didnt come to the party? Acant Bmight Cmay notDmust 句意句意“这是谁的帽子?是辛迪的吗?一定不是她的,你不记得这是谁的帽子?是辛迪的吗?一定不是她的,你不记得 了吗?她甚至都没来参加派对了吗?她甚至都没来参加派对”。A.一定不是(表示否定推测一定不是(表示否定推测 ););B.可能;可能;C.可能不;可能不;D.一定(表示肯定推测)。根据一定(表示肯定推测)。根据 sheevendidntcometotheparty可知,她甚至都没来参加派对可知,她甚至都没来参加派对 ,所以帽子一定不是她的,故选,所以帽子一定不是她的,故选A。A。 1. A: Wheres Jean? B: Im not sure. She _ (is / might be / must be) in the laboratory. 2. A: Everyone is going to the pool after school. B: Really? It _ (must be / cant be / could be) hot outdoors. Choose the best way to complete each sentence using the words in the brackets. might be must be 4a n. 实验室实验室 adv. 在户外,在野外在户外,在野外 3. A: Thats the phone. B: Hmm. I wonder who it _ (must be / could be / should be). 4. A: I wonder if these are Jims glasses. B: They _ (cant be / might be / could be) his. He doesnt wear glasses. 5. A: I hear water running in the bathroom. B: It _ (could be / must be / cant be) Carla. She was thinking of taking a shower. could be cant be must be Complete these responses.4b 1. A: Many people are wearing coats. B: The weather must be _. 2. A: Sally has been coughing a lot. B: She might be _. 3. A: This restaurant is always very crowded. B: The food _. 4. A: Whenever I try to read this book, I feel sleepy. B: It cant _. cold having a cold must be good be interesting sleepy是形容词,意为是形容词,意为“困倦的;瞌睡的困倦的;瞌睡的”。即可作定语。也可作表。即可作定语。也可作表 语。语。asleep是形容词,意为是形容词,意为“睡着的睡着的”,只能作表语,不能作定语。,只能作表语,不能作定语。 fall asleep 意为意为“入睡入睡”。 Look at this picture of a room. How much can you tell about the person who lives here? Is it a boy or a girl? What are his / her
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