外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 2-Unit 1 They're monkeys.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:90006).docx

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外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 2-Unit 1 They're monkeys.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:90006).docx_第1页
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外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 2-Unit 1 They're monkeys.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:90006).docx_第2页
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外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 2-Unit 1 They're monkeys.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:90006).docx_第3页
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1、Module2 Unit1 Theyre monkeys. 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1. 知识与技能目标: (1) 能听懂、 会说并认读下列单词: they, monkey, baby, all, zoo, tiger, lion, elephant, fat 等。 (2)能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:Whats this?Its.What are they?They are. 等。 (3)初步了解名词单复数以及学会运用 What are they? They are. 句 型并能在日常生活中实际应用。 2. 过程与方法目标: 培养学生小组合作学习的能力,鼓励学生学会自主探究学习, 让学生获取

2、成功体验,增强自信心。 3.情感态度与价值观目标: 培养学生友好协作的精神和乐观自信的学习态度; 渗透思想教育, 倡导学生动物是人类的好朋友,要爱护动物。 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 重点: 1.单词: they, monkey, baby, all, zoo, tiger, lion, elephant, fat 的认读及运 用 2.句型 Whats this?Its.What are they?They are.的运用 难点:名词单复数和 Whats this?Its.What are they?They are. 句型在实际情景中的应用 三、资源准备三、资源准备 白板、PPT、单词卡片

3、、教材、sticker 等 四、学情分析四、学情分析 三年级下学期的学生,已经有了一定的英语知识的积累。能听懂 老师简单的指令,与老师的配合也在逐步提升。在教学中,教师要多 创造语境,运用多种教学手段,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,充分调动 他们的自主能动性、积极性,并发挥团队协作精神,营造互帮互助、 共同学习英语的氛围,并能通过课堂产生对动物的喜爱之情,懂得爱 惜动物。 五、教学步骤五、教学步骤 (一)Warm up 热身导入 1. Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. (动作) Ss: Good morning, teacher. (动作) T:

4、How are you today? (动作) Ss: Im fine, thank you, and you? (动作) T: Im fine, too. Thank you. Sit down, please. (动作) 2. Free talking T: Whats your favourite colour? Whats your favourite letter? Whats your favourite song? (依次请学生回答问题并复习前一模块重点句型) T: All right! Now, everyone, stand up, lets sing the ABC son

5、g together. (学生齐唱 ABC 歌曲) T: Good job! Congratulation! Thank you. Sit down, please. 同学们的 歌声太动听了,所以呀,有一些特殊的朋友也想和你们进行唱 歌比赛呢。你们想知道它们是谁吗?那就一起看看大屏幕吧! Please look at the screen and guess. (教师出示猴子的局部图片并 询问:Whats this? ) Ss: 猴子(monkey) (有个别预习的同学可能已经会认读 monkey 一 词) T: Yes, its a monkey. (教师出示猴子的图片,用高低声的方式教读

6、单词 monkey,之后依次进行开火车读) T: 教师出示猴子的完整图片,再次询问学生:Whats this? 引导 学生回答:Its a monkey.教师板书句子,带领学生齐读。 T: 教师出示 A1 的图片并询问:What are they? (Tell the students when we talk about more than one thing, we may use “they”.) 教 师引导学生回答:They are monkeys. 教师板书课题,之后指着 猴子爸爸,引导学生回答:father monkey, 同样引出 mother monkey, baby monk

7、ey,并教授: baby T: Where are they? 引导学生回答: They are all in the zoo. 出示单词 卡片,教授 new words: all, zoo T: OK,you all did a good job. Now, lets listen a chant.(教师播放动 画,教师引导学生理解 chant 大意) T:Now, listen and repeat. (再一次播放动画,请学生逐句跟读,注 意模仿语音语调及表情) T: Very good. Congratulation. Ss: Good good very good(及时鼓励学生,增强其

8、自信心) (二)Task presentation 任务呈现 T: Boys and girls, 本模块学习结束后, 我们要以小组为单位制作 “动 物乐园” 的海报, 在这儿之前, 我们要多学习几种动物的英文名称。 Just now, we have learned the new word “monkey”. And we know monkeys are in the zoo. 刚才在 A1 中,我们已经学习了“monkey”, 那么动物园里还有哪些小动物呢?今天Mr Li 带学生们参观动物园, 咱们一起来看看吧!Before this, I will divide you into t

9、wo groups, Girls are Group 1, and boys are Group 2. If you try best, I will give you a sticker. At last, we can see which group is the winner. Are you ready? (三)课文学习 Text learning 1. T: Before the text, I have a question. (教师引出问题) (1) How many animals are there in the zoo? (2) What are they?(可用汉语来回答

10、) Lets listen and find the answer. (教师播放 A2 动画)Now, who can answer the question? Ss: 学生回答上述问题 T: Great! (在回答第二个问题的时候,教师趁机教授本课新单词) 教师拿出单词卡片带领学生学习:tiger, lion, elephant 等 new words T: 教师出示带有这几种动物的图片, 并用 Whats this?和 What are they? 来训练学生新单词以及名词单复数的应用。 在出示 panda 时,提醒学生熊猫很胖,并教授“fat” 2. T: Ok, you are all

11、 the best! Now, this time, listen and repeat. (教师播 放 A2 动画,学生逐句跟读) 3. T:This time, lets read after it again. (请学生再次跟读,并模仿语 音语调) 4. T: Now, please practice the dialogue by yourself.Are you ready? Ss: Yes! (学生自己模仿语音语调朗读课文,教师可予以适当指导) T:One, two, three! Ss: Three, two, one! T: Boys and girls, who can re

12、ad the text? Put up your hands. (学生举 手 朗读课文,教师及时给予鼓励, 找两到三个学生朗读) T: This time, lets read the dialogue in role. First, I will be Mr Li, and you are the pupils. Are you ready? (教师先做示范, 之后再找几组学 生表演对话)Stop here, boys and girls, lets read the dialogue together. “Hello, boys and girls.one two.” (让学生齐读) (四

13、)训练巩固 Practice T: lets do some exercises. 让我们来做一些练习, 老师设计了 4 个闯 关游戏,看哪组同学变现棒。Are you ready? 1. 闯关 1:给动画配音。(给表现好的同学 sticker 作为奖励并及 时鼓励孩子们大胆举手尝试) 2. 闯关 2:Finish activity three: Listen and say. (播放录音, 请学生逐句跟读, 之后同桌互读 read with your partner, 并向全班同学展示,哪组读的流利,就给一个 sticker 作为鼓励) 3. 闯关 3:动物猜猜猜(老师播放图片,让学生猜动物

14、) 4. 闯关 4:Lets come to Activity 4. 同学们,谁能概括一下,我们都 学了哪些动物?(教师引导学生说出他们知道的动物名称,例如: panda, cat, dog, monkey, lion, tiger, elephant) 教师先示范模仿一种动 物的动作,并询问:Whats this? 引导学生回答。再请个别男生进 行模仿,女生学生猜,随后女生模仿男生猜。(表现好的同学及时 给予鼓励) (五)任务完成 Task completion T: 本模块学习结束后,我们要分组制作动物乐园的海报,屏幕 上已经有我们学过的动物名称, 现在请每名组员使用 My favouri

15、te animal is 说出自己最喜欢的动物,之后回家搜集动物的图片, 为下一单元制作动物乐园做准备。 (六)小结 Summary T: Ok, boys and girls, today, we have learned these new words and sentences. Now, lets read the new words and the sentences together. (学生齐读本堂课主要句型及单词) T: Lets watch a video about beautiful animals.(教师播放关于动物 的视频) Today, weve met so ma

16、ny animals, such as monkeys, lions and so on. They are cute and beautiful. Do you like animals? (引导学 生要保护,爱惜动物) (六)Homework T: Now todays homework (展示作业内容) T: Look at the blackboard, which group is the winner today? T: Ok, in this class, everyone did a good job, congratulation! Good, good, very good!Now, class is over, stand up! Goodbye boys and girls! (做再见姿势) Ss: Goodbye, teacher! (学生鞠躬向老师说再见) T: Thank you very much! Please sit down.


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