外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 2-Unit 1 They're monkeys.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c39b3).doc

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外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 2-Unit 1 They're monkeys.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c39b3).doc_第1页
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外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 2-Unit 1 They're monkeys.-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c39b3).doc_第2页
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1、Module2Module2UnitUnit 1 1 TheyTheyrere monkeys.monkeys. 1. 语言目标 (1) 能运用下列词汇: elephant ,tiger,panda, lion, monkey. (2) 能够理解下列常用表达: a. Whats this? Its a. b.What are they? They are. 2. 能力目标 (1) 使学生了解并掌握一些动物词汇; (2) 部分学生能进行简单对话。 3. 情感目标 (1)调动学生学习英语与开口说英语的积极性; (2)培养学生爱护动物的意识。 II.II. 教学重难点教学重难点 1.教学重点: (1

2、)词汇: elephant ,tiger,panda, lion, monkey. (2)句型: What are they? They are. 2.教学难点: 让学生运用所学语言简单介绍动物。 III.III. . .教学准备教学准备 1教师:录音光碟、多媒体课件、图片和物品实物。 IVIV . . 教学步骤教学步骤 Step ILead-in 1.Greeting T: Stand up. Hello, boys and girls, I am Miss Du. Say hello to me ! Hello, boys and girls. 1 S: Hello, Miss Du. T

3、: Good, First, lets sing a song together. (一起唱啦啦歌,调动情绪。) T:very good. Today, we will have a PK, one point here, two points ,hereThe highest group will get this. You can use them to change these! Do you like them? (分小组进行比赛,激发学生兴趣。 ) 2.T: Super. First, lets see a movie. (观看西游记片段,引出动物,猴子。) T:Do you kno

4、w them? Yes, theyre monkeys.(引出课 题) T: Where are they now?Yeah, zoo.Today, we will visit the zoo together. Lets go. (创造情景,模拟学生参观动物园的情景,激发兴趣。 ) Step IINew words 1. Preset the new words (1)elephant T: Wow, look at this, whats this? S:大象。 T: yeah, elephant .(老师带读四遍) T: Finger. Show me, OK, Lets spell.

5、E-L-E-P-H-A-N-T. Its an elephant .(展示英语单词,学生跟读) T:elephant , elephant ,Its an elephant. Lets do it together. (带上动作做两遍,并在同一排先后请同学起来边说边做。) T: Super.(教师进行鼓励性评价。) (2)tiger T: Come here, come here. Lets see the next one.Oh, whats this? (展示单词卡, 教读单词, 再配合模仿动作练习单词, 句型。 ) T: Have you heard this?两只老虎,两只老虎. Ye

6、ah, lets sing a English song like this. 2 (3)panda 以同样方式教习单词 panda。展示单词卡,教读单词, 再配合模仿动作练习单词,句型。 大小声游戏操练单词。 (4)monkey T: OK. Go and see the next one. Look, whats this? (展示单词卡,教读单词。 ) T: Look at here, how many monkeys? One, two. Yeah, theyre monkeys.Follow me.一只猴子, monkey,monkey. 两只猴子, monkeys, monkeys

7、. T: Can you act them? Like this. Monkeys, monkeys, theyre monkeys. (5)lion T: Oh, Im tired. I dont want to go. I want to have a rest! Listen, whats the voice?(播放狮子吼声)Are you curious? OK, lets go and see it together. (展示单词卡, 教读单词, 再配合模仿动作练习单词, 句型。 ) Step IIIDrills (1)Bomb Game T: Oh, I am really tir

8、ed. Lets have a rest and play games. OK, lets look at the PPT. Ill show you first. You see this, say. (进行炸弹活动,闪现单词及炸弹的图片,让学生在游戏中 操练单词。) T: Understand? (2)Listen and read T: Today, our friends also come and visit the zoo. Lets see a video about them. (播放课本录音动画,并带学生读课文。 ) (3) Lets chant! Step IVPracti

9、ce (1)Guessing game T: Here, there are many animals. You can ask me like 3 this. (教师示范,抽取图片,自己不知道图片内容,全体同学 问:What are they?用 Theyre.的句型进行回答,每人 三次机会,答对给予小组一分。) (2)Game T:I need two students. Come here. Look at this, when you see this picture, you say, what are they? You say, theyre.Understand?) S: (进

10、行转盘游戏,以此增加趣味性,调动学生兴趣,让学 生在游戏中反复练习单词,句型。表现好的小组给予分数 奖励。) Step VISummary T: Now, lets see who is the winner. Oh, group congratulation, here are some presents for you. OK. Its time to go home. Last, I have a question. Are you happy today? Yeah, do you like animals? Good, Look at these pictures.Many people are hurting them. Are they right or wrong?. Let s make a promise. (让全体学生起立,以宣誓的方式,进行保护动物的情感 教育。) Step VBlackboard Design On the LeftOn the Right(blackboard) Multimedia screen Theyre monkeys. elephant What are they?tiger 小组得分panda Theyre.monkey lion


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