外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 4-Unit 1 Do you like meat -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c14b1).doc

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外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 4-Unit 1 Do you like meat -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c14b1).doc_第1页
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1、外研版英语三年级起点三年级下册 Module 4 Unit 1 Do you like meat? 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1.能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:fish, milk, meat, noodles, rice. 2.能听懂、会说并认读句型:- Do you like.? - Yes, I do./ No, I dont. (二)能力目标:学生能够通过运用句型与新授单词与他人进行沟通 交流,相互了解对方喜欢的食物等。 (三) 情感目标: 为学生创设轻松、 愉悦、 和谐的英语课堂学习氛围, 培养学生乐于观察、并与他人交流分享的情感。并促进学生养成敢于 开口、乐于模

2、仿的好习惯,在鼓励性评价中树立信心。并结合生活实 际,教导学生要养成“珍惜食物,杜绝浪费”的好习惯。 教学重点、难点:掌握单词 fish, milk, meat, noodles, rice.的读音 以及句型:- Do you like .?- Yes, I do./ No, I dont.的应用;能灵活地应 用句型 - Do you like .?- Yes, I do./ No, I dont.与他人进行交流互动。 二、学情分析:二、学情分析: 三年级学生的特点是活泼好动,好奇心强,同时拥有很强的模仿 性。但是由于年龄小、心智未成熟,有意注意持续的时间较短。因而 在教学设计过程中,需设计出

3、形式多样的活动,吸引学生的注意力, 提高学生的积极性,让学生在一个生动有趣、活跃的范围内快乐、自 主高效地学习。 同时, 也因为现在是处于三年级第二学期的学习阶段, 学生们对于英语有了一定的学习基础,接受能力较强,各项活动的设 计难度适中,容易让学生们在接受他人的评价中发现自身的价值,产 生兴奋感和自豪感,增强自信心。 三、教学内容分析:三、教学内容分析: 本节课的教学内容选自外语教学与研究出版社小学英语三年级 起点下册 Module 4 Unit 1 Do you like meat?本节课的设计主要是让学 生掌握:Unit 1 的重点句型: Do you like ? 以及肯定回答: Ye

4、s, I do. 否定回答: No, I dont.学习有关食物的词语: fish, milk, meat, noodles, rice.在课程开始学习的活动一中,应用了学生所熟悉的颜色词设计成 chant 的形式协助学生理解教学重点句型。本单元的重点教学内容鲜 明突出,环环相扣,在教学设计中可以通过围绕着上一模块的关于运 动的单词,运用本模块的重点句型设计成游戏的形式,可以达到复习 旧知、巩固新授的效果等,给了教学设计更大的设想空间。 四、教学方法:四、教学方法: 情景教学法、多媒体教学法、全身动作反应法、游戏辅助法 五、教学资源:五、教学资源:实物、卡片、多媒体 六、教学过程:六、教学过程

5、: 一一. . WarmWarm up.up. ( (1 1min)min) 1. Greetings. Say hello to each other. 2. Review. Lets chant together. I like red. I like yellow. I like blue. I like green. (将 Activity 1 的内容进行改编,并将最后一句,也就是本单元的重点 句型提炼出来,从而在达到复习上一节课重点句型 I like.的同时,也 使本节课的重点句型更加明显突出。配上音乐和动作,有助于营造轻 松、愉悦的语言学习氛围,利于学生积极情感态度的形成。达到了激

6、 发学生学习兴趣、提高学生注意力的效果,此外配图也是根据说唱内 容设计了红、黄、蓝、绿四种颜色,使说唱内容更加形象直观,并为 下面的句型操练提供素材。) 二二.Presentation.Presentation. ( (7 7mins)mins) 1. Introduce the key sentence pattern by the chant above. T:There are so many colours. I like them all. Do you like them too? (引出本节重点句型 Do you like .?,并将它粘贴在黑板上) T:Read it afte

7、r me. (带读重点句型) T:If you like it. You can say. Ss: Yes, I do. T:Read it after me. Yes, I do. (运用卡片加手势带读 Yes, I do.使回答更加形象直观。) T: Do you like.? T: Yes, I do. Ss: . (带读-Do you like.? -Yes, I do.问与答结合在一起读有助于整体理解记 忆。) T: I say Do you like.? You say Yes, I do. T: Do you like.? Ss: Yes, I do. T: The boys.

8、Do you like.? Boys: Yes, I do. T: The girls. Do you like.? Girls: Yes, I do. (通过分男女生问答,再次巩固) T: Look at here. Do you like yellow? Ss: Yes, I do. . (通过图片操练句型,形象直观,呼应 chant 的内容。) T: But if you dont like it, you can say. Ss: No, I dont. T:Read it after me. No, I dont. (同上, 运用同样的方法引出否定回答: No, I dont.并进行

9、操练巩固。 ) 2. Use the flash to show the new word: fish. T: Hello, boys and girls. Im a. Ss: fish (运用 flash 动画向学生展示一条鱼的鲜明形象,并向学生做“自我 介绍”,生动有趣,也能让学生自己感悟 fish 的读音及意思。) T: i-i-/i/ Ss: i-i-/i/ T: f-f-/f/ Ss: f-f-/f/ T: /f/ /i/ Ss: /fi/ T: / Ss: / T: fish /fi/ Ss: fish /fi/ (运用音标拼读法,让学生准确掌握单词读音。加上手势使指令更加 清晰明

10、了。) T:i-i-/i/ Ss: i-i-/i/ T:fish fish fish Ss: fish fish fish T:i-i-/i/ fish fish fish Ss: i-i-/i/ fish fish fish (强调 i-i-/i/ 的发音,为下面 milk 中的 i 也是发/i/做铺垫。) 3. There is a cat and he says: Im so hungry. Can you help me? The students can help the cat by finishing four tasks which are about the main con

11、tent of the lesson. T:What about this? Do you like cat? Ss: Yes, I do. T:Lets see what cat has said? (PPT: Cat: Im so hungry. Can you help me?) T:The cat says he is so hungry. Can you help him? Ss: Yes. T:If you want to help the cat, you should finish four tasks. Now lets see the first one. (设计猫饥饿找食

12、物的情景,让学生分成两大组,并通过完成四项任 务来帮助猫获得食物,增加课堂的趣味性以及学生的责任感和成就 感。以简笔画的形式和手工制作小鱼卡纸作为奖励机制,增强视觉效 果和画面感。) 三三. . Practice.(Practice.(4 4mins)mins) 1. Task 1: Choose and say: A: Do you like.? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. T: Task 1: Choose and say: Do you like.? You can say: Yes, I do. or No, I dont. For example. You

13、 please. Do you like basketball? S1: . T: Do you like football? S2: . T: Very good. Thank you. Sit down,please. Now you will have one minute to make a short dialogue with your partner. Now begin. T: Times up. Who can? Good. You two please. Now lets see which one. S1: . S2: . T: Fantastic. (将上一模块所学的表

14、示运动的重点单词运用gif动画图设计成转盘游 戏,包括:basketball, football, table tennis, morning exercise, swimming, skipping, riding a bike,让学生以游戏的形式进行,活跃课堂 气氛的同时,复习已知单词和操练巩固新授句型。) 四四.Presentation.(.Presentation.(2 2mins)mins) Introduce the new word milk by practicing the key sentence pattern above. T: Do you like bird? Ss

15、: . T: Do you like dog? Ss: . T: Do you like swimming? Ss: . T: Do you like English book? Ss: . T: Do you like milk? Ss: . (承接着 task1 的活动, 继续以 Do you like .?句型操练提问, 由动作过 度到实物英语书和牛奶。) T:Read it after me: milk Ss: . T: i-i Ss: /i/ T: m-m-/m/ Ss: m-m-/m/ T: /m/ /i/ Ss:/mi/ T: milk Ss: milk T: i-i-/i/ m

16、ilk milk milk Ss: i-i-/i/ milk milk milk (呼应 fish 的教授) 五五. . Practice.(Practice.(1 1min)min) Lets chant together. i - i - /i/ fish fish fish i - i -/i/ milk milk milk (运用 i 都发/i/的共同点,用 chant 的形式,配上音乐和动作,便于学 生记忆和活跃气氛。) 六六.Presentation.(.Presentation.(5 5mins)mins) 1. Show the pictures about the food.

17、 Learn the new words one by one: meat, noodles, rice. T:First, we have said we like fish and milk. What do you like? Anything else? Ss: . T: What about this one? Do you like meat? Ss: . T: Read it after me: meat Ss: . T: ea-ea-/i:/ Ss: . T: /m/ /i:/ Ss: /mi:/ T: meat Ss: meat T: Lets read it twice.

18、T: This group one by one. . (运用手势引导学生 ea-/i:/以及 oo-/u:/是发长音,用开火车、齐读五 次、教师读词音量引导学生一次次提高音量等多样形式教授新词。) T:Now look at the food on the blackboard. Do you like meat? Ss: . (以口头问答的形式操练板书上的重点句型以及所有本节课的重点单 词。) 七七. . Practice.(Practice.(4 4mins)mins) Task 2: Pass the word card and say: Do you like.? Each grou

19、p has twenty seconds. T:Look at the card in my hand. Whats this? Ss: . (回顾新教授的单词,检验学生记忆情况。) T:Now I want a student to come here and choose one card. And then pass the card and say: Do you like.? But remember you only have twenty seconds. Now volunteers. Ss: . (随机选取单词卡片,20 秒限定时间,小组之间竞赛等因素的设计, 让学生即紧张又

20、感到很兴奋,学生情绪高涨,促进记忆。) 八八.Presentation.(.Presentation.(1010mins)mins) Task 3:Listen and match. Learn the text. T:Do you know who are they? Ss: . T:What are they? Ss: . T: Then do you know what do they like? Lets watch the video and find out the answer. (Watch the video twice.) T: Do you know what are t

21、hey talking about? Can you give me the answer? S1: . S2: . (播放教学视频两遍,便于学生理解,设计图片匹配题,课文内容更 加清晰易懂,增强视觉效果。) Read the text after the tape twice and then read it with your partner. At last the students read it together. T: Lets read the text after the tape. T: Great. Now open your book on page twenty. Yo

22、u will have two minutes to read the text with your partner. Now begin. T: Times up. Lets read the text together. 九九.Sum.Sum up.(up.(3 3mins)mins) Task 4: Summary. Fill the blank: Make use of the main sentence pattern: Do you like _? And then fill the blank according to the pictures of food. At last

23、the students conclude the main sentence pattern according to the exercises: Do you like.? And how to answer it. 十十. .C Consolidation.(onsolidation.(1 1min)min) Sing a song about the main sentence. T: We have finished all the tasks. Are you happy? Ss: . T: Me too. Lets sing a song together. 十一十一. . H

24、omework.Homework. (1min1min) 1. Make a list. What do you like to eat? What about your family? 十二十二. . Extension.Extension. (1min1min) And then the cat comes out again with the happy face and says: Im full now. Thank you, boys and girls. At last the teacher reminds the students to cherish the food. T

25、: The cat is full and so happy. Its because all of you. Lets count how many fishes. T: Group is better. But all of you have helped the cat. You have done a good job. (鼓励表扬所有学生,增强学生的自信心。) T:Gentle hint. Please remember no matter what you like to eat, please dont waste food. 十三、板书设计: Module 4 Unit 1 Do you like meat? Do you like.?(简笔画猫) Yes, I do. No, I dont.(简笔画盘子 1 和盘子 2)


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