外研版(三起)四下Module 4-Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:47b35).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Module 4_Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou _ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:47b35)
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Module 4 Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou? Zuoliqin Shuanghe Primary School flysingplay football I will.,will you.? Yes, I will. No, I wont. rain snow windy sunny cloudy hot cold rain sunnysnowwindy cold weather It will .将会. hot be cloudy The tomorrow明天的天气 Beijing Shenyang Yinchuan Hangzhou Guangzhou Haikou It will.in. The weather tomorrowThe weather tomorrowThe weather tomorrowThe weather tomorrow Shenyang Beijing Will it .in Beijing? Yes, it will. No, it wont. Haikou Will it .in Haikou? Yes, it will. No, it wont. Will it .in Yinchuan? Yes, it will. No, it wont. Yinchuan Will it .in Guangzhou? Yes, it will. No, it wont. Guangzhou Will it .in Hangzhou? Yes, it will. No, it wont. Hangzhou Will it .in Shenyang? Yes, it will. No, it wont. Shenyang Guess the weather tomorrow Will it .in Huaying? Yes, it will. No, it wont. be cloudy Guess the weather tomorrow Will it .in London? Yes, it will. No, it wont. rain 一、听对话判断,Yes,it will在 处打. No,it wont在 处打。 1、Will it be hot in Haikou? A. B. 2、Will it be cold in Yinchuan? A. B. 3、Will it snow in Hangzhou? A. B. 4、Will it rain in Shenyang? A. B. 5、Will it be cloudy in Guangzhou? A. B. 6、Will it be windy in Beijing? A. B. 1、Will it be hot in Haikou? A. B. 2、Will it be cold in Yinchuan? A. B. 3、Will it snow in Hangzhou? A. B. 4、Will it rain in Shenyang? A. B. 5、Will it be cloudy in Guangzhou? A. B. 6、Will it be windy in Beijing? A. B. 二、再小组问答: girl: Will it. ? robot: Yes,it will. No,it wont. Lets chant snow, rain, be cloudy be cold, be hot, be windy It will be sunny. Homework 1.用今天学的知识和同学或家人说天 气。 2. 观看一次天气预报,试着用英语预 报天气给家人听。 GoodbyeGoodbye! 教学目标 能够灵活运用句型 It will be hot in Haikou. Will it be hot in Haikou? 会用 Yes, it will. / No, it wont.做相应的回答。 教学重难点 教学重点: It will be hot in Haikou. Will it be hot in Haikou? 教学难点:灵活运用句子谈论将来的天气状况。 教学准备PPT、cards 教学过程个性化设计 教学过程教学过程 (一)Warm-up 1. Greetings: T: Good morning boys and girls S: Good morning Miss Zuo. T: Hello,boy!How are you today? S: Im fine. Thank you. T: Im fine, too.Hello,girl! How are you ? (和个别孩 子握手问好) 设计意图:本堂课是在外校上课,老师和孩子们 互相不熟悉,通过这种方式拉近师生间的距离,有利 于本课互动。 2. Lead in T: Today,Im glad to study English with you ,I hope you are happy. Now,Im a magic man,look at me,can you guess,what is it?Whoa,Its a beautiful flower,guess again ,oh,Its a robot. 设计意图:用变魔术的方法导入(Robot)本课有 关的信息,目的是吸引孩子们的注意和好奇心,提高 学生学习欲望,并为后面的学习做好铺垫。 T:This class,there are two robots for you ,one is for boys group ,the other is for girls group,if you can do a good job ,you can come here to pick one organ on the paper,at last ,Lets see which group is the winner。 设计意图:分组奖励办法, 提高学生的学习兴趣。 3、Review T:boys and girls,look,Robot can walk,can you walk?Robot can talk,”I will fly,will you fly?”(幻灯片出示 单词和句型) S: Yes,I will.No,I wont. T:I will sing,will you sing?” S: Yes,I will.No,I wont. T:I will play football,will you play football?” S: Yes,I will.No,I wont. 设计意图:这是学过的 Will you.?的一般疑问 句,为本课的知识输出建立基础。 (二)New teaching 1. New words T:Robot can do many things,and it can do weather forecast,(出示 weather 的单词卡片,并教读单词。)lets guess the weather tomorrow.(出示幻灯片,播放雨声) S: rain T:(让猜正确的学生上讲台贴机器人的一个身体部位) 出示下雨的幻灯片检查答案并出示单词卡片教读, 抽读。 T:The weather tomorrow,we can say it like this:It will rain.(板书呈现的新句型,并教读,单词和句子相结合) T:(出示下雪的幻灯片)Can you guess the weather? S: snow T:出示单词卡片教读,what will the weather be like tomorrow?(引导学生用句型 it will.来回答) T:(出示有风的的幻灯片)Can you guess the weather? S: windy T:出示单词卡片教读,what will the weather be like tomorrow?(引导学生用句型 it will.来回答) T:此时,根据学生的课堂生成,顺势引导正确的句 型 it will be windy.教读,分组读 T:用同样的方法呈现其余的新单词 hot,cold,sunny,cloudy.并分组练习新句型。 设计意图:从听说读几方面来训练和提升学生的英 语素养,摆脱传统以写为主忽视学生口语练习的弊端。 让学生能够把课堂中学习的知识和日常生活联系起来。 2、游戏:T:we know many weather symbols,look at the PPT,read the words.(让学生来认识天气符号读单 词,表现好的奖励贴机器人的身体部位,再齐读板书 的单词和句子)guess words:look at my mouth,guess the words.I point,you read(速度由慢到快) 设计意图:游戏教学是将游戏和本课重点知识有效 的结合起来,让学生在游戏中获取和巩固新知。 3、New sentences T:You are good,there is a Chinese map,look at these cities,they are: S: Shenyang,Beijing,Hangzhou, Yinchuan,Guangzhou, Haikou. T:The weather tomorrow in Shenyang,we can say:It will snow in Shenyang.(出示幻灯片:各个城市的天气, 并示范说出几个句子 It will rain in Hangzhou.It will be cold in Yinchuan.引导学生说其余的句子,表现好的奖励 贴机器人的身体部位) T:(出示幻灯片机器人,Can you be a robot to do the weather forecast?老师模仿机器人的声音说一个句子 示范,让学生来说其他的,表现好的奖励贴机器人的 身体部位) 设计意图:小孩的模仿能力很强,让他们模仿机器 人的声音来播报天气,他们很感兴趣,也愿意来表现 自己,加上能得到奖励,学生们很容易能突破本课重 点。 4、Question sentences T:Wonderful show.we know these cities tomorrow weather (出示幻灯片)Now,can you answer my question:Will it snow in Haikou?(出示卡片问,并板书) S: No,it wont.(出示答语并引导学生回答,教读后 分组问答练习) T:Will it be hot in Haikou?(出示卡片问,并板书) S: Yes,it will. T:同样的方法练习其他单词和句子,示范几个后让 学生自己来问答,表现好的奖励贴机器人。 5、游戏:T:分别出示华蓥广场和伦敦的幻灯片, look at the city,Can you come here and guess the weather! 抽学生上来猜天气,用 Will it .?句型,其余的学生 用 Yes,it will. No,it wont.来回答他猜正确与否?上来猜 的同学奖励贴身体部位。 (3) Text T:A girl wants to the weather tomorrow.so she is calling the robot.Lets watch the flash,What are they saying?(看的同时,发练习题) T:This time,watch again,finish the exercise.then check the answer with your desk mates. T:I will be the girl,you will be the robot.take out your hands,lets call!(做打电话的手势)Will it.? S: Yes,it will.No,it wont. 设计意图:老师和全班学生表演对话练习问答, 为后面学生的练习做好示范和铺垫作用。 T:Good performances! Can you practice with your partners?(小组练习,老师巡视辅导) T:Which group wants to show us?(抽两三组同学上 前展示并奖励贴机器人身体部位) 设计意图:将学到的知识通过表演的方式展示巩 固,达到学以致用的目的,也克服传统的哑巴英语教 学缺点,还能突破本课难点。 (4) Chant T: Look at the chant,lets clap hands,chant with me! snow, rain, be cloudy be cold,be hot, be windy It will be sunny. 设计意图:将本课的重点知识编成 Chant,让每位 学生朗朗上口。 (五)Homework 1.用今天学的知识和同学或家人说天气。 2.观看一次天气预报,试着用英语预报天气给家人听。 板书设计 Will it be hot in Haikou? It will. Will it.? Yes,it will. No,it wont. 教学后记:
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