外研版(三起)四下Module 4-Unit 1 Will you take your kite -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:90516).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Module 4_Unit 1 Will you take your kite _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:90516)
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    • 教案90516.doc--点击预览
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milk kite breadrice noodle picnic have a picnic 去野餐去野餐 I will I will taketake a cap a ball apples 我将要我将要带着带着 Will you take your ?Will you take your ? Yes,I will. No,I wont. 你将要带着你的你将要带着你的? 是的,是的, 我将要。我将要。 不,我不会。不,我不会。 PracticePractice Will you take your bike ?Will you take your bike ? Yes, I will.Yes, I will. Will you take your pencil ?Will you take your pencil ? No, I wont.No, I wont. PracticePractice Will you take your book ?Will you take your book ? Yes, I will.Yes, I will. Will you take your basketball ?Will you take your basketball ? No, I wont.No, I wont. Chant: Will you, will you,Will you, will you, will you take your kite? will you take your kite? I will, l will, yes, I will.I will, l will, yes, I will. Will you, will you, Will you, will you, will you take your will you take your ballball? ? I wont, l wont, no, I wont.I wont, l wont, no, I wont. 判断正(T)误(F) 1 ( )We are going to have a picnic on Saturday. 2( )-Will you take your ball tomorrow? -Yes,I will. 3( )Tomorrow is Friday. T T F F T T 4. you take your kite tomorrow? A) Can B) Will 5. I will mymy kite and my ball on Saturday. A) take B) play 请听录音 ,并找到答案 Group work (学习小组合作) 拼一拼,贴一贴。 请组长打开信封,与组员一起完成拼图游戏 1.-Will you take ? -Yes, . 2.Will you ? -No, . 选出你所需要的词组 ,拼句子。 your kite your football play basketball I will. I wont. 教案与详案:二、详案教案与详案:二、详案 一、一、Warm-Up(3) 1. Greetings. 2. Review the words: milk/kite /rice/bread/noodles T: Class begins! Stand up! Good morning, class! Ss: Good morning, Ms Qin! T:Great ! Please sit down! Before our class, I want to divide you into 4groups, and we will honor the winner group after this class. I hope you can try your best! (及时的课堂约定,检测并反馈在 小组上) T:Now lets review some words we had learnt first. Ok?Are you ready?(头脑风暴:ppt 出示图 片,学生闪答,根据反应,进行激励) 二、二、Presentation (20) 1. Good news: have a picnic and teach the word “picnic” 2. Show the picnic plan, and teach the words and sentence pattern:1)take, ball, why, so, because, 2)Will you take? Yes, Ill. / No, I wont. 3. Practise the sentence pattern and chant 4. Read the questions, and find the answer in the book while reading and listening 5. Follow the tape sentence by sentence, and then read it out. T: Today, I have good news for all of you-on Saturday, were going to have a picnic in the World of Country. Do you know “picnic” ? (展示图片并教读) Ok, picnic-picnic, p-i-c-pic, n-i-c- nic , picnic.高低声操练、小组练、开火车操练,并及时进行激励。小组奖励。Good job!Now, our good news is “were going to have a picnic on Saturday.” (粘贴板书)Please follow me- were going to have a picnic on Saturday.this is good news, so we can say “Great!” Please show me your hands “great”. T: Were going to have a picnic on Saturday. Ss: Great!( 小组奖励。) T: Today, lets talk about our picnic. First, this is my plan for the picnic. ( ppt 出示我要带的物品) I will take a cap,a ball,apples.(出示单词卡 take)take, take-take,-t-a-k-take.(高低声、男女生、 开火车,小组奖励。)I will take a ball. Ball, ball(打篮球手势), basketball(踢足球手势)football. T: Will you take a ball? (粘贴 will you take 板书条)点两三个学生,根据学生 Yes/No 回答, 进行 Yes, I will. / No, I wont.的教学,并粘贴板书。 (Yes-给 ball 的图片,并要求学生反问 自己) (Nowhy not?教读 why not引导学生回答 because I dont like it. - So you wont take it, right?)小组奖励。 T: 出示 ppt 提问“Will you take your kite? ”粘贴板书条(your kite)Who can answer my question?随机找 2-3 个学生回答 (Yes-给的图片,并要求学生反 问自己) (Nowhy not?引导学生回答 because - So you wont take it, right?)小组奖励。 T: Next lets do some exercise. Who can? 及时小组奖励 Now here is a chant for you. Can you read it? lets begin. You did a good job! Wonderful! 小组奖励。 Lets read these questions quietly (1minute).Then please listen to the tape, and find out the answers. Can I check the answer? The first one小组奖励。 Could you open the book? turn to page20, activity 2. Follow the tape sentence by sentence. Lets read it together. 小组奖励。 Now role play. Im Sams father. The girls are Amy. The boys are Sam. Are you ready? Lets go. 三、三、Practice(15) 1. Group work: make a picnic plan 1)choose the things 2)discuss with the group using the pattern “Will you take?Yes, Ill. / No, I wont.” 3)show it out 2. Add-activities: 1)Take out the papers in the envelop and finish the sentences in the group. 2)Show the sentences. 3) Read it together. T: On Saturday, were going to have a picnic in the World of Country(乡村大世界).What will you take? Now take out your pen and choose it.1minute. 123-ABC T: 4 students in one group. 四人小组合作 Now exchange your opinion and discuss with your partners.用“Will you take?Yes, Ill. / No, I wont.”的句型提问 3minutes.小组奖励 T: Times up. 123-ABC Which group wants to show it out. Can you? Please come here. Wonderful! Big hands for them.小组奖励。 T: Take out the papers in the envelope. I want you to finish the sentences in your group.四人小组 合作 T: Which group can show and read the sentences. Please raise your hand.上黑板一起行动.选 2 组。小组奖励。 T: Attention! The whole class. Lets read the sentences on the blackboard. Great! Please praise yourselves.小组奖励。 四、四、Sum up(3) 1. Summary 2. Award the group winner T: Well, lets look at the blackboard. What have we learnt today? 板书 Read it together.小组奖励 五、五、Blackboard writing Unit 1 Will you take your kite? Were going to have a picnic on Saturday. Great . Will you take? Yes, I will. No, I wont. 课堂所需材料: 1 教师演示材料(A4,一份) Were going to have a picnic in The World of Country(乡村大世 界). I will take 2.小组合作材料(学生每人一份,A4) 小组合作:一起说小组合作:一起说(上讲台展示时,所有组员需要一起朗读这个句子,再开始问答)(上讲台展示时,所有组员需要一起朗读这个句子,再开始问答) Were going to have a picnic. 组长带头,小组里每个人轮流用下面的句型来提问: Will you take? Yes, I will. No, I wont. 3.信封内容(学生每人一份,A4) 4.奖励给学生参与问答课堂活动的奖励贴纸(彩色,若干)
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