外研版(三起)四下Module 9-Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:10b06).zip

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四年级下册四年级下册 Module9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday? 导学单导学单 学习内容:四下 M9 U2 第一课时 学习目标:1.会认读新单词:earth 2. 会运用句型交流:Did you ? -Yes,I did. / Yes,we did. -No,I didnt. / No,we didnt. 3.会使用一般过去时表达:I went to 某地某过去时间. I went there by 交通工具. 4.乐于游玩,乐于学习,热爱祖国,热爱家乡! 课前自主学习: 1、通过旧单词,尝试读新单词:learn,thin-earth 2、复习:写出下列词的中文 people photo there visit on holiday see my friend have a nice holiday on foot by plane by train by bus by car by bike by motorbike 3、跟录音读课文活动 1,活动 2. 4、读一读以下地点(像汉语拼音) Hangzhou 杭州 the famous West Lake(杭州)西湖 Beijing 北京 Shanghai 上海 Hong Kong 香港 the Great Wall 长城 Maoming 茂名 Xinyi 信宜 丁堡森林公园(Dingbao Forest Park) 旺同竹林公园 (Wangtong Bamboo Park)玉都公园(Yudu Park) 池洞大仁 山 (Daren Mountain) 朱砂石根山(Shigen Mountain) 高坡天马山 (Tianma Mountain) 西江温泉 (Xijian Warm Water) 你去过哪里呢? I went to 5、我自学后不会读、不理解或需要帮助的单词、短语和句子。 6、根据活动 1 判断以下句子,正确的写 T,错误的写 F。 ( )1.The aliens(外星人) had a nice holiday . ( )2.They went to the earth. 7、根据活动 2 判断以下句子,正确的写 T,错误的写 F。 ( )1.Xiao yong had a nice holiday . ( )2. Xiao yong went to Hangzhou by plane. 课堂活动,合作任务课堂活动,合作任务: 1、Read the dialogues in groups,any way is welcome. 小组合作朗读对话,形式可多样(齐读,分角色,一带一路) 2、Guessing games. 3、拓展提升:Make dialogues and act out,then take notes.(编对话并表演,然后做笔记) EG(示例)A:Did you have a nice holiday? B:Yes,I did. I went to Dingbao . A:Did you go by bus? B: Yes,I did /No,I didnt.I went by motorbike . A: Did you visit the Dingbao Forest Park ? B:Yes,I did./ No,I didnt.I went to Miss Li Dingbao motorbike Dingbao Forest Park Module9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday? 当堂检测(当堂检测( First Test) Self-learning 自主学习自主学习 自读课文活动自读课文活动 1,根椐课文选择。根椐课文选择。 ( )1.Did they like the people ? A.Yes,they did. B.No,they didnt. ( )2.Were the people nice? A. Yes,they were. B.No,they were. 自读课文活动自读课文活动 2,根椐课文选择。根椐课文选择。 ( )1. went to Hangzhou by . A.Sam, plane B.Xiaoyong,train ( )2.Did he visit the famous West Lake? A.Yes, he did. B.No,he didnt. ( )3.Lili was on holiday in A.Hangzhou B.Shanghai. ( )4.The West Lake is A. no bad. B.very beautiful. 两人读课文活动两人读课文活动 2,合作补充下文。合作补充下文。 Xiao yong a nice holiday,it was great ! They went to Hangzhou by . They visited the famous ,its very . He didnt his friend Lili in Hangzhou.Because Lili was on holiday in . 练习一:用括号里的词的正确形式填空。练习一:用括号里的词的正确形式填空。 1.Did you (have) a nice holiday? 2.We (go) to the concert yesterday. 3.I didnt (visit) Beijing last year. 练习二:按要求回答练习二:按要求回答 1.Did you have a nice holiday?(作肯定回答作肯定回答) , we . 2.Did he travel by train?(作否定回答作否定回答) , . Homework: 1.背背 M9U2 活动活动 1,活动,活动 2 2、选词填空、选词填空 A.was B.visit C.by D.have E.were F.in 1.Did you a nice holiday? 2.We went there train. 3.Did you the West Lake? 4.She on holiday Shanghai. 5.They very nice. Module 9 Unit2 Did you have a nice holiday? Review people photo there visit on holiday see my friend have a nice holiday on foot by plane by train by bus by car by bike by motorbike Self-learning 自主学习 预习课文判断,正确的写T,错误的写 F。 ( )1.They had a nice holiday . ( )2.They went to the earth. We wentwent to the earth. learn thin earth 地球 Self-learning 自主学习 自读课文活动1,根椐课文选择。 ( )1.Did they like the people ? A.Yes,they did. B.No,they didnt. ( )2.Were the people nice? A.Yes,they were. B.No,they were. cooperating and presenting1 合作探究与展示1 1.Read in groups 2.Act out I think they are. 准确 corr ect 声音 大 loud 流利 fluen t 合作 coopera tive 创新 creati ve Which group performs best? Self-learning 自主学习 预习课文2判断,正确的写T,错误的写F 。 ( )1.Xiao yong had a nice holiday . ( )2. Xiao yong went to Hangzhou by plane. the Great Wall No, I didnt. I went to Hangzhou. Did you visit last year? 长城 (参观) Did you visit the famous ? Yes , I did. West Lake 著名的西湖 No, she was on holiday in Shanghai. Did you see your friend Lili in Hangzhou?看望你的朋友 莉莉 她在上海度 假 Self-learning 自主学习 自读课文活动2,根椐课文选择。 ( )1. went to Hangzhou by . A.Sam, plane B.Xiaoyong,train ( )2.Did he visit the famous West Lake? A.Yes, he did. B.No,he didnt. ( )3.Lili was on holiday in A.Hangzhou B.Shanghai. ( )4.The West Lake is A.no bad. B.very beautiful. Cooperating 合作解疑 两人合作读课文活动2,完成下文。 Xiao yong a nice holiday,it was great! They went to Hangzhou by . They visited the famous ,its very . He didnt his friend Lili in Hangzhou.Because Lili was on holiday in . cooperating and presenting2 合作探究与展示2 1.Read in groups 2.Act out I think they are. 准确 corr ect 声音 大 loud 流利 fluen t 合作 coopera tive 创新 creati ve Which group performs best? Guessing game Did you go to_ last year? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. I went to_. Make dialogues and act out,then take notes.( 编对话并表演,然后做笔记) EG(示例)A:Did you have a nice holiday? B:Yes,I did. I went to Dingbao . A:Did you go by bus? B: Yes,I did /No,I didnt.I went by motorbike. A: Did you visit the Dingbao Forest Park ? B:Yes,I did./ No,I didnt.I went to Miss Li Dingbao motorbike Dingbao Forest Park Presenting and upgrading(展示提升 ) I think they are. 准确 corr ect 声音 大 loud 流利 fluen t 合作 coopera tive 创新 creati ve Which group performs best? Did you? 练习一:用括号里的词的正确形式填空。 1.Did you (have) a nice holiday? 2.We (go) to the concert yesterday. 3.I didnt (visit) Beijing last year. 练习二:按要求回答 1.Did you have a nice holiday?(作肯定回答 ) , we . 2.Did he travel by train?(作否定回答) , . 五、First Test(当堂检测) 六、Concluding(总结感悟) 1、What we have learnt?我们学到了什么? 2、Our China is very beautiful.We love China.Our Xinyi is very beautiful .We love Xinyi. And We love holidays,but Dont forger our studies.热爱祖国,热爱家乡,乐于游玩, 乐于学习!(Good good study!Day day up!好 好学习,天天向上!) 3、Homework 四年级下册四年级下册 Module9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday? 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标 1、语言知识目标:(1).会认读新单词:earth (2) 会运用句型交流:Did you ? -Yes,I did. / Yes,we did. -No,I didnt. / No,we didnt. (3).会使用一般过去时表达:I went to 某地某过去时间. I went there by 交通工具. 2、技能与情感目标 (1)培养自主学习,小组合作探究学习习惯,感受合作学习的乐趣. (2)宣扬信宜景点,增强热爱家乡的意识,乐于游玩,乐于学习. 二、方法与评价 1.方法:self-exploring ,group work ,acting, take notes (自主探究,小组合作,表演、作 笔记) 2.评价:多元的评价方式 (师评,生评,小组互评) 3、教学重点与难点 1、会认读新单词:earth 2、会运用句型交流:Did you ? -Yes,I did. / Yes,we did. -No,I didnt. / No,we didnt. 3、会使用一般过去时表达:I went to 某地某过去时间. I went there by 交通工具. 4、难点:正确用句型表达以及交流。 4、辅助教具: PPT,课文动画,导学单,卡片,学生准备游玩照片。 5、教学过程: Step one:Leading-in(引入创设问题) 1.Greetings 2.Warming-up sing a song 3.Review 4.Watch a video(Here comes some aliens.They went to the earth,they had a nice holiday.Did you have a nice holiday?) Step two:Self-learning(自主探究) 1.Check 预习 1 2.学习 earth,由 learn,thin,提炼出 earth 3.自读课文活动 1,完成当堂检测 1 Step three:cooperating 1(合作解疑 1) 4.Listen and repeat,read together,read in team 5.展示:Act out 活动 1 6.评价 7.过渡:The aliens had a nice holiday.How about Xiao yong?Did he have a nice holiday?Watch the video 8.Check 预习 2 Step three:cooperating 2(合作解疑 2) 9.Listen and repeat,read together 10.自读课文活动 2,完成当堂检测 2 11.两人读,合作完成练习 3 12.分角色,read in groups 13.展示:Act out 活动 2 14.评价 Step four:Presenting and upgrading(展示提升) 15.过渡:Hangzhou is very beautiful,and our Xinyi is very beautiful too,there are many places to go in Xinyi. 16.Guessing games :师拿卡片,示意学生 A,师 B,引出一些地点或景点。 17.Where did you go on your holiday?:要求学生拿出导学单,课堂合作 3,示意学 生 A,师 B。做示范,布置三人 A,一人 B,然后根据回答填好表格。 18.Act out,and show 19.评价 Step five:First Test(当堂检测) 20.小组合作找出 Did you.?开头的句子,你发现了什么? 21.完成练习一,二。 Step six:Concluding(总结感悟) 22.Summary 23.Emotional education 24.Homework 附:板书 Module9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday? Did you ? -Yes,I did. / Yes,we did. -No,I didnt. / No,we didnt.
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