外研版(三起)四下Module 8-Unit 1 They sang beautifully.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:5053e).doc

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外研版(三起)四下Module 8-Unit 1 They sang beautifully.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:5053e).doc_第1页
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1、1 教材分析 本课的课文情境是 Sam 和 Amy 向爸爸讲述他们上个星期日去野餐的经 历。他们乘坐公共汽车到了野餐的地点,在那里看到了很多在尽情歌唱的 鸟儿。Sam ,Amy 和同学们一起吃东西,喝饮料,还做了游戏。之后他们在 公园散步、听音乐、唱歌跳舞,还帮老师收拾东西。在听完他们的描述后, Mr Smart 评价说: “你们真是度过了忙碌的一天! ”本模块的教学内容是谈 论和评价过去的行为。本课的主要任务是谈论野餐中孩子们的活动。 学情分析 本课的教学对象是四年级的学生,他们的英语知识有一定的积累,有 一定的听说读写英语的基础。学生在合作学习以及在真实的任务中运用所 学语言进行交际的能力

2、较低年级时有了一定的提升。 因此在本课的教学中, 我尽可能的联系实际,创造生活化的语言环境,让学生在语境中更好地理 解课文, 同时采取合作学习的方式,在活动中鼓励学生在真实的情景中运用 所学语言,让学生在大胆实践和积极参与的过程中,培养其积极的情感态 度和自主学习能力。 教学目标 1.知识目标: (1)全体学生能够认读词汇:sang , beautifully , saw , went , there , ate , drank ,had , time , busy . (2)全体学生能够理解 They sang beautifully.等谈论过去的句型。 2.能力目标: 80%的学生能够运用

3、一般过去时谈论和评价过去的行为。 3情感目标: 通过谈论过去的事情,进一步培养学生积极运用所学英语进行表达和 交流,乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语的能力。 教学重、难点不规则动词的过去式。 教具准备课件、单词卡片、奖励 教 学 过 程 2 Step One Warmupand lead in. Step 1.Warm up 1)师生问候。 T: Hello, everyone. Im Ms Li. Nice to meet you. 2)Chant 导入话题。 T:Today were going to have a new lesson: Module 8 Unit 1 They sang be

4、autifully. Youll get a star when you do a good job, come on! OK? Look at the children. What did they do ? Lets listen together. Listen and chant. 3)Yesterday I went to the Sansu Temple. Step Two Presentation Step 2 Presentation 1)I saw some birds. They Sangbeautifully. 老师领读 see-saw,结合图片教授词汇 saw 和 sa

5、ng 进行学习 Look at the girl.She is beautiful. She sang beautifully. 老师领读 beautiful, beautifully 进行学习。 2)课件播放活动 1,学生听并感知课文。 T: Oh, lets listen to what they are talking about? 回答问题: What did the birds see? S: They saw some children. T: What did they do ? S:They played games. S:They sang songs too. 3)T: L

6、ast Sunday I had a picnic.I went there by car.I ate some food.I drank some drinks.It was fun. 老师领读 have-had, go -went,eat-ate, drink-drank. Fun.结合 图片进行学习 4)Last Sunday Amy and Sam had a picnic too. Was it fun? 3 Step Three New lesson. 1)课件播放活动 2,学生听并感知课文,回答问题: S: Yes, it was. 2)Listen, point and fin

7、d “ had, went, saw, sang, ate, drank. ” 3)Listen, point and underline the answers. Question: How did they go there? S: They went there by bus. Question: Whatdid they see? S: They saw some birds Question: What did they do last Sunday? S: (1) They ate some food and drank some drinks. S: (2) They playe

8、d games. S:(3) They walked in the park. S: (4)They listened to music. S: (5)They sang and danced. S: (6)They helped teachers. 3)Listen and repeat. 4) Read the text by yourselves. Step Four Practice. 1)T: Lets make a chant. They went and went. They saw and saw. They ate and ate. They drank and drank.

9、 They played and played. They walked and walked. They listened and listened. They sang and danced. They helped and helped They had a busy day! 2)Make a poster about your last weekend. 3)Lets report. 4 Step Five Free talk. What should we do after a picnic? Letswatch! Please throw the rubbish into the

10、 dustbin. Love life, protect the earth, begin from me. Step Six Homework. 1.Please listen and read the text three times. 请听读课文 3 遍。 2.Please finish your poster. 请完成海报。 3.Please talk about your poster with your friends. 请和你的朋友谈论海报。 Step Seven Writing design. Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully. eat-ateThey had a picnic. drink-drankThey went there by bus. sing-sangThey had a good time. see-sawThey had a busy day. go-went


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