外研版(三起)五下Module 2-Unit 1 She learnt English.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:00dce).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 2_Unit 1 She learnt English._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:00dce)
    • My grandma.mp4
    • 外研五下m2u1 素材m2 u1 part1flash.swf
    • 外研五下m2u1 素材m2 u1 part2flash.swf
    • 外研五下m2u1素材.swf
    • 外研五下m2u1课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案00dce.doc--点击预览
    • 调查表格.docx--点击预览


外研社外研社英语英语(三年级起点(三年级起点 )五年级下册)五年级下册 Task presentation(任务呈现(任务呈现 )This class well learn to talk about Linglings grandparentschanges. After learning, well talk about our grandparents changes between past and now. 这节课我们将会学习谈论玲玲的祖父这节课我们将会学习谈论玲玲的祖父 母的变化,学习后我们将会谈论我们母的变化,学习后我们将会谈论我们 的祖父母过去和现在的变化的祖父母过去和现在的变化 What are they talking about ? They are talking about Linglings grandparents 2. Did Linglings grandma learn any foreign languages? 4. Did Linglings grandpa learn English? 3.What did Linglings grandpa do? Yes, she learnt English. No, he didnt. Hes learning English now. 1.What did Linglings grandma do? She was a dancer. He was a driver. foreign cities drive dancerdriver dance 动词之后加动词之后加 erer或尾字母或尾字母 e e加加r r变成了名词变成了名词 表表示执行示执行 动作的动作的人人, , 如:如: teach-teach- teachteacherer work-workwork-work erer sing-singsing-sing erer play-playplay-play erer . Can you say more words? 一般过去时一般过去时 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。 描述过去所存在状态:借助描述过去所存在状态:借助waswas或或werewere。 She was a dancer. He was a driver. 描述过去所从事的活动或发生的行为:借助实意动词的描述过去所从事的活动或发生的行为:借助实意动词的 过去式(注意不规则变化)过去式(注意不规则变化) SheShe learntlearnt English.English. 询问过去是否从事过相关运动:用一般疑问句,借助动询问过去是否从事过相关运动:用一般疑问句,借助动 词词diddid和动词原形来询问。和动词原形来询问。Did+ +主语主语+ +动词原形动词原形+ +其他?其他? DidDid hehe learnlearn EnglishEnglish? 肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes, ,主语主语+ +did. .否定回答:否定回答:No, ,主语主语+ +didnt. . 现在进行时现在进行时: 使用现在进行时来陈述近期一直 做的某事(说话时未必正在做) 句型结构:主语句型结构:主语+be+be动词动词+ +动词动词inging+ +其他其他. . Hes learning English. Look, ask and answer. A: Did she make a cake yesterday? B: No, she didnt. A: Did she write his homework yesterday? B: Yes, she did. B:She didnt make a cake yesterday. B: She wrote her homework yesterday. Look, ask and answer. A: Did he watch TV yesterday? B: Yes, he did. A: Did he go to the zoo yesterday? B: No, he didnt. B: He watched TV yesterday. B: He didnt go to the zoo yesterday. Dancer,learnt Retell the main information of the dialogue. Driver,didnt learn is learning Linglings grandparents GrandmaGrandpa pastnowpastnow A:What did your grandma/grandpa do? B: She/He was a A: What did she/he do? B:She/He A: Did she/he learn any foreign languages? B: Yes, she/he learnt. /No, she/he didnt. A:what about now? B:She/He is This is my grandma. Many years ago,my grandma was young. She was a worker.She worked very hard. Then she didnt learn English. Now she is reading some books about health and diet. She likes some plants. so she is planting some succulent plants. She is learning some easy English. I love you very much. (1) Listen and read the text 3 times. (2) Copy the new word 3 times. (3)完成学案)完成学案M2U1 (4)After school ,you can ask your parents about their changes.(询询 问你的父母他们的变化。问你的父母他们的变化。) Module 2 Unit1 She learnt English.教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析 本课教材为外研社英语 (新标准) (三年级起点)五年级下册 Module2 Unit1 She learnt English.本单元的话题是描述某人过去到现 在的变化。本单元的课文情境是 Lingling 向 Sam 和 Amy 展示自己 爷爷奶奶年轻时的照片。通过对话,让我们了解到 Lingling 的奶奶 曾是一位舞蹈演员,而且学过英语,她的爷爷曾是一位司机,虽然 没有学过英语,不过现在正在学。学生通过学习进而能够运用所学 语言简单描述某人过去到现在的变化。本单元的学习为全体学生在 Unit2 运用英语详细介绍某人过去到现在的变化做了充分准备。本单 元是在第一模块的基础上继续巩固一般过去时的运用,同时也为后 面模块的学习打下基础。本单元共用 1 课时完成。 二、学情分析 五年级的学生天真活泼,好奇心强,有极强的模仿能力和求知欲望。 他们对过去时态的概念不生疏,能很快地判断出动作的时态,但是 并不能很好地运用过去时态。本单元根据学生特点,采用多种教学 手段,本单元的学习主要是通过描述某人过去与现在的变化,来接 触和学习一些新词汇并学会运用,同时,通过学习帮助学生复习和 归纳一般过去时的用法。学生通过读和说等活动能够完成本课的学 习任务。从而能在本模块学习结束后用英语详细介绍某人过去到现 在的变化。 三、教学目标 1、语言知识 全体学生能运用句型:She learnt English. Hes learning English now.描 述某人过去到现在的变化。 (语法、功能) 全体学生能理解词汇:learnt, taught, language, wrote, dancer, foreign. 全体学生能运用词汇:wrote. 部分学生能运用词汇:learnt, taught, language, dancer, foreign.(词汇) 2、语言技能 全体学生能听懂:She learnt English. Hes learning English now. 全体学生能说:She learnt English. Hes learning English now. 全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。 全体学生能按要求完成语句书写。 3、情感态度 乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任 务。 4、学习策略 积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 5、文化意识 知道世界上主要的文娱和体育活动。 四、教学重、难点 1、重点 正确使用“Did your grandma learn English”“Hes learning English now.”谈论某人的变化。 能用所学语句简单描述某人过去到现在的变化。 2、难点 准确运用句型描述某人过去和现在的变化。 language 和 foreign 两个单词的运用与发音。 五、教学准备 多媒体课件、单词卡片、CD-ROM、调查表。 六、教学过程 (一)热身导入 Warm-up and lead in(5 分钟) Greetings:T:“Class begins,Hello!boys and girls.” S:“Hello, Ms Gao”. 2.Lets chant and do the actions. 3.Free talk T:Yesterday,I read an English book and did my housework.What did you do yesterday?(And you?/What about you?)S: 4.Finish Activity1.(PPT) You did lots of things yesterday. What did Ms Smart do ?Lets have a look. Watch and answer .then learn the new words “learnt, taught, wrote, language”. Learn the new word “learnt” ear/:/early. “learnt” is the past tense of “learn” .I learnt to cook .Ms Smart learnt to cook. You learnt English.( Read it one by one) Learn the new word “taught”. “taught” is the past tense of “teach” .I taught you English.(read it in pairs) Learn the new word “language” .How to remnmber it easily. Chinese is“烂瓜哥”.Chinese is our mother language. Chinese, English and Japanese are languages.(one line by one line) Listen and repeat. (Turn to page 8.) Chant together. (二)任务呈现 Task presentation(1 分钟) This class well learn talk about Lingling s grandparents changes. After learning, well talk about our grandparents changes between past and now. Today lets learn a new lesson Module2 Unit1 She learnt English. ”Today well divided into two groups. 【设计意图】运用 PPT 向学生直观地展示出本课的学习目标和学习 任务,让学生清楚地了解本课的目的。 (三)课文学习 Text learning(18 分钟) We know Ms Smart did something in the past. Now lets learn who did/is doing what in activity 2 Look and answer. Look at picture1.T:Whore they? S: They are Lingling ,Amy and Sam. T: Lingling is showing some pictures to Amy and Sam. 2.Watch and answer What are they talking about ? 核对答案,教师给回答正确的小组表扬。 【设计意图】培养学生的语言运用能力,同时教师给学生及时相应 的评价及奖励。同时对新旧知识进行迁移。 Listen and underline the answer.(Read and translate) (1)What did Linglings grandma do? (2)Did Linglings grandma learn any foreign languages?(blackboard) (3)What did Linglings grandpa do? (4)Did Linglings grandpa learn English?(blackboard) 【设计意图】通过回答问题,可以培养学生的阅读能力,以及学生 的小组合作学习与探究能力。 4.Learn the new word “foreign”. English and Japanese are foreign languages. We know London is in England. New York is in America .So these places are all foreign cities. (one line by one line) 5.Discuss in your groups 6.Check out the answer and practise. 一般情况下,动词后加 er 或以 e 结尾的加 r 变成了名词表示执行动 作的人。 全班核对答案,教师给回答正确的小组表扬,同时学习本课新授单 词“foreign”,及以师生对话,生生对话的方式操练本课的重点句型。 【设计意图】教师给回答正确的小组表扬,既可以及时对学生的回 答做出一个评价,也可以调动学生的学习积极性。由师生分角色操 练本课的重点句型到生生分角色操练句型,通过机械操练句型既可 以使学生掌握本课的重点句型,同时也为语法的总结做铺垫。 Grammar.(PPT) Look at blackboard and answer “what did you find?” Students try to summarize the grammar, then teacher shows the grammar rules, and practise【设计意图】先让学生根据板书总结语法,再由教 师出示 PPT 总结本课语法,系统地对本课的语法进行梳理,通过练 习题,使学生能够更好地理解及运用本课语法。 Listen and repeat. Read by themselves , then read it in roles and show. Read together. 【设计意图】以多种形式充分调动学生的学习积极性,同时培养学 生说的能力。 Look and retell.(PPT) 将课文以图片的形式出现,让学生填空后再全班齐读。 【设计意图】以补全短文的形式,既可以考查学生对于课文的掌握 情况,同时也培养学生在书面表达方面的能力。 (四)训练巩固 Practice(6 分钟) Finish Activity4.(PPT) 【设计意图】通过图片的提示,让学生由机械操练本课的重点句型 转变为有意义的操练,能够更好地让学生理解和运用本课的句型。 (五)任务完成 Task completion(6 分钟) Task completation.(PPT) 教师告诉学生:“通过 Lingling 的介绍,我们已经了解了如何描述某 人过去和现在的不同。现在,为了更加了解外祖父母的过去与现在 的变化,请大家根据问题完成这个小调查表格。 ” 教师首先与一名学生进行示范,然后请学生在小组内进行调查,再 请部分小组成员的进行展示。 【设计意图】以完成调查表的形式让学生操练本课的句型,也让学 生参与活动,同时也调动了学生的学习积极性。 播放微视频介绍我的外祖母的过去与现在,感情升华。 (六)小结与布置作业 Summary and homework(4 分钟) Summary “What have you learnt from this class? ”教师请学生总结,教师补充、 指导,然后将本单元的知识点进行梳理、汇总。 2.Homework (1) Listen and read the text 3 times. (2) Copy the new word 3 times. (3)完成学案 M2U1 (4)After school ,you can ask your parents about their changes.(询 问你的父母他们的变化。) 七、板书设计 Module 2 Unit 1 She learnt English. Did your grandma learn any foreign languages? Yes, she learnt English. Did your Grandpa learn English? No, he didnt. But hes learning English now. Grandma Grandpa pastnowpastnow Grandma Grandpa pastnowpastnow Grandma Grandpa pastnowpastnow
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