外研版(三起)五下Module 2-Unit 1 She learnt English.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-公开课-(编号:211c6).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 2_Unit 1 She learnt English._ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_县级优课_(编号:211c6)
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    • She learnt English.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案211c6.doc--点击预览


Module Module 2 2 Unit 1Unit 1 She learnt English. Lets chant. What did she do? She learnt to cook. She learnt to dance. She taught languages and wrote a book. am, is do buy run eat have go get was got went had ate ran bought did dancer 舞蹈演员 foreign 外国的 language 语言 study 学习 teach 讲,教授 learn 学习 She can dance well. She is very good at dancing. She is a very good dancer. She danced in many cities. English is a foreign language. 外语 English Japanese French foreign languages learn studied study learnt teachtaught She taught English, they learnt English, and studied very hard. 1.Where did Linglings grandma dance? 2. Which foreign language did she learn? She danced in lots of Chinese cities. Listen and answer(part1-2). She learnt English. 3.Was Linglings grandpa a driver? 4. Did he learn English then? 5. What is he doing now? Yes, he was. No, he didnt. He is learning English. Listen and answer(part3-4). I can find it! 1. She was a dancer many years ago. Now 是表示现在的时间词,这个 时间发生的动作是正在进行的动作。 Yesterday, then, last, ago. 这些时间词表述的是过去的时间, 这些时间发生的动作是过去的动 作。 2. But he is learning English now. Game time ! We want to show! I can say! She didnt make a cake yesterday. watch TV He watched TV yesterday. do homework She did her homework yesterday. He didnt go to the zoo yesterday. go to the zoo make a cake watched TV did homework went to the zoo made a cake bought a book ate an ice cream I can answer! What did she/he do yesterday? Who is the winner? Homework 1. Read A2 three times. 2. Act it out. Thank you! M2 U1She learnt English教学设计 1、Textbook analysis 本课选自外研社(三年级起)五年级下册第二模块第 一单元,课文讲的是玲玲给她的朋友塞姆、艾米观看爷爷 奶奶过去和现在的照片,并讲述自己爷爷奶奶过去与现在 的变化,让学生也学会用英语来介绍自己最喜欢、最熟悉 的人(家人)过去和现在的变化。 二、Teaching aims 1Knowledge aims 1) Learn some new words learnt dancer taught wrote foreign language. 2) Learn some important sentences (1)-Did your grandma learn English? -Yes, she did./No, she didnt. (2)She learnt English. (3)He is learning English now. 2Ability aims 能听懂 Did your grandma learn English? Yes, she did. 这类语 句询问过去所发生的事情,能用 She learnt English.He is learning English now.这样的英语句子来介绍他人过去和现在 的状态。 3. Emotion aims 学生在理解玲玲为什么要和塞姆、艾米分享她外祖父 母照片的基础上,学会爱自己的家人。 2、Teaching important and difficult points Teaching important points:new words and She was a dancer.But he is learning English now. Teaching difficult points: how to distinguish the present progressive and the past tense. 四、Teaching procedures Step1. Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Lets chant. What did she do? She learnt to dance. She learnt to cook. She taught languages and wrote a book. 3. Play a game. Ask students to say the past tense of words one by one. am/is-was eat-ate do-did have-had buy-bought go-went run-ran get-got Step2. Presentation 1. 热身活动过后,播放第一遍录音,进行课文的整体 呈现,带着大家第一个问题:找出新单词。学生找出单词 后,集中学习课文中的新单词:learnt dancer taught wrote foreign language。 2. 接着分段播放录音,学生找出答案。 1)Where did Linglings grandma dance?(玲玲外祖母过去在 哪儿跳舞?) 2)What did linglings grandma learn?(玲玲的外祖母过去 学了什么?) 3)Was Linglings grandpa a driver?(玲玲的外祖父过去是 位司机吗?) 4)Did he learn English then?(他那时学过英语吗?) 5)What is linglings grandpa doing now?(他的爷爷现在在做 什么?) 3. 出示对话中出现的两个重点句型,让学生通过对比 发现应该根据时间来判断一个句子的时态。 She was a dancer many years ago. But he is learning English now. Step3. Practice 1. 教师范读。 2. 学生齐读。 3. 游戏。 1)小组展示对话朗读。(得票最高的小组可获 1 颗星) 2)必答题。(每组派一名学生用英文描述图片内容,回 答 正确可获一颗星。) 3)抢答题。(最先举手的同学回答老师提出的问题,回 答正确,该组可获一颗星。) 根据星星数量选出胜利组,给予表扬。 Step4. Extension 提出问题:为什么玲玲要塞姆、艾米讨论她的外祖父 母? 让学生自己找出答案:因为她爱自己的亲人。 拓展:家人是我们最亲的人,我们应该爱每一个家庭 成员。 Step5. Homework 1. Read activity 2 on page8-9 three times. 2. Act it out with partners.
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