外研版(三起)五下Module 10-Unit 2 I'm in New York now.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f14f5).doc

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1、Module10Unit2 Im in New York now. 教材分析: “Im in New York now.”是外研版三年级起点小学英语五年级下册第十模块第二 单元的内容。本模块共 2 个单元,第一单元谈论 Daming 旅行前的准备,第二单元以书信形 式谈论 Daming 旅行经历。通过大明到纽约的旅行,对学生进行听力与口语的训练。本课教 学以学生听力为主体, 设计四个难易程度适中的问题让不同程度的学生回答, 通过学生的回 答使学生掌握 what,who,where,when 等疑问词的用法和一般过去时。 采用 PPT 课件创设情境, 激发学习兴趣。 学情分析:11,12 岁的学

2、生思维特点是形象思维胜于抽象思维,他们的语言理解活动总是伴 随着大量的形象活动。活动越生动形象,学生的注意力就越集中和持久。因此,借助课件中 的插图可以加深学生的印象,有利于教学。 Teaching aims: 一、Knowledge aims: 1.Be able to understand the new words:pet, speak,building,more,American,find out. 2.Be able to use:Grandma and cousin Simon met me at the airport. 二、Ability aims: 会表达自己的旅行经历。 三

3、、Emotion aims: 培养学生在旅行中多看,多写,多思的好习惯。 Focus Points and Difficult Points: 会正确表达自己的旅行经历。 Teaching aids:PPT,cards,CD-ROM. Teaching period:1 period. Teaching process: Step One:Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2.T:Can you speak Chinese? Ss:Yes,I can. T:Can you speak English? Ss:Yes,I can. T:We can speak Chinese and En

4、glish.What language does the bird speak? Ss: T:Its a lovely pet. Step Two:Presentation 1.T:Daming was ready for his trip to New York.What did Daming do in New York? 2.Listen and answer the questions. Q1:Where is Daming now? Q2:When did Daming arrive there? Q3:Who met Daming at the airport? Q4:What f

5、ood did Grandma make for Daming? Check the answer. 3.Listen and read ,then learn the phonenics. wh/w/ wh/h/ wr/r/ 4.Read the text sentence by sentence. 5.Read the text together. Step Three:Consolidation. 1.Sing a song. “Its a big exciting world.” 2.Listen and judge: ()1.Last weekend I went to the zo

6、o with my sister. ()2.We went there by bus. ()3.I took some hamburgers. ()4.I took many photos. ()5.We had a lovely time there. 3.Pair work. Talk about your last weekend,then write. Last weekend I went _with my _.We went there by_.I took some _.I_.We had a lovely time there. Tips: zoo,park,Xiamen,bu

7、s,car,plane,sister, mother,juice,bread,hamburger,milk,ride a bike, go swimming,take photos Step Four:Summary What have we learnt today? Step Five:Home work. 1.Listen and imitate this lesson 3 times. 2.Copy the new words 4 times. Blackboard Design: Module10Uint2 Im in New York now. Grandma and Cousin

8、 SimonwhowhereNew York Chinese foodwhatwhenyesterday 教学后记: 在教学中我一直都十分注重对学生听力的培养,本课也不例外。1.我围绕疑问词 what,who,when,where 设计了几个问句,既突出了本课的教学重点又使不同程度的学生都 有参与回答的机会;2.利用课件使学生的抽象思维转化为形象思维,更有利于学生对知识的 掌握;3.“Pair work”是对所学内容的延伸(知识的拓展),达到学以致用的目的。在此次教 学中,还存在一些不足:1.不敢放手让他们谈论旅游;2.在小组合作时对学困生关注不够。 在以后的教学中,我不能主观地认为学生不能掌握、学不会而剥夺他们能力的发展;在小组 合作与课外学习时,指导优等生对学困生进行正确的帮助。


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