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1、2022 届高考英语一轮复习题型组合训练(Day23) 今日训练内容:七选五阅读 2 篇+语法填空 2 篇+短文改错 2 篇 一、七选五一、七选五阅读阅读 篇篇1 According to Jessica Hagy, author of How to Be Interesting, its not difficult to make yourself interesting at a dinner party. 1, if youre out of your comfort zone or if youre wandering into somebodys house for the firs

2、t time. So the main thing is just to show up and be adventurous, trying different foods and talking to strangers. People love to talk about themselves. If you can start the conversation with a question other than “What do you do for a living?”, youll be able to get a lot more interesting conversatio

3、n out of whomever it is youre talking to. 2 , it can bring in “I have this old, broken-down vehicle” or “I rode the bus with these crazy people who were laughing at silly jokes in the back.” It just opens up conversation. 3? If you cant take their wine away, you should certainly try to take away the

4、ir soapbox (讲 台). If youre the host, you can ask them to help you in the kitchen with something and just remove them from the situation.4. And what about that other dinner-party killer: awkward silence? If youre faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party, the only thing that always gets everyon

5、e talking again is to give the host a compliment(赞扬). 5. Just quickly turn around and say, “This cake is extremely delicious and you have to tell me all about it.” So being interesting at a dinner party isnt that hard. AHow do you know the host BThe first step is to go exploring CIf you ask the ques

6、tion “How did you get here?” DBe prepared to have awkward conversations with strangers E.Or turn the conversation into a topic where they have little to say F.What about that person who had too much to drink or wont stop talking G.He or she is the person who is feeling the weight of that awkwardness

7、 the most 篇篇2 My husband and I just spent a week in Paris.6So the first thingwe did was rent a fantastically expensive sixth-floor apartment the size of a cupboard. It was so tiny that we had to leave our suitcases in the hallway. The place wasnt entirely authentic, though. Unlike a normal Parisian

8、apartment, the plumbing ( 水 管 ) worked. 7Our building even had a tiny lift with a female voice that said, “Ouverture des portes,” in perfect French. That is the only French phrase I mastered, and its a shame I dont have much use for it. Parisians are different from you and me. They never look lazy o

9、r untidy.As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago, they eat great food and never gain weight. 8 French strawberries do not taste like cardboard. Instead, they explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs. 9 On our first morning in Paris, I went around the corner to the food market to p

10、ick up some groceries. I bought a handful of perfectly ripe small strawberries and a little sweet melon. My husband and I agreed they were the best fruit we had ever eaten. But they cost $18! In France, quality of life is much more important than efficiency. You can tell this by cafs life. French ca

11、fs are always crowded.10 When do these people work? The French take their 35-hour workweek seriously so seriously that some labor unions recently struck a deal with a group of companies limiting the number of hours that independent contractors can be on call. ANot all the customers are tourists. BTh

12、e quality of life in France is equally excellent. CThere was a nice kitchen and a comfortable bed. DThe amazing food is mainly consumed by local farmers. E.Thats not the only reason the French eat less than we do. F.Our aim was to see if we could live, in some way, like real Parisians. G.The food is

13、 so delicious that you dont need much of it to make you happy. 二、二、语法填空语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 篇篇1 It doesnt impress like George Washingtons plantation on the Potomac, but Lincolns home in downtown Springfield, Illinois, 11 (prove)irresistible to visitors since it opened to the pu

14、blic. Beautifully restored (修复) to its 1860 appearance, the house was Abraham and Mary Lincolns home for 17 years. In 1844 they bought it 12 $1,200 and some land from Charles Dresser, who performed their 13 (marry)ceremony in 1842. When the house was built, it was much 14(small)than it is today. Mar

15、ys niece wrote, The little home 15(paint) white. It was sweet and fresh. Mary loved it. She was extremely pretty, and her house was a reflection of 16 (she), everything in good taste and in perfect order. Although Mary loved flowers, 17 she nor her husband was known as a gardener.Along- time neighbo

16、r said they never planted trees and only kept a garden for one year. Marys sister, Frances Todd Wallace, often came over 18 (plant)flowers in the front yard. 19Lincolns enlarged the house to a full two stories in 1856 to meet the needs of their growing family. Three of the four Lincoln sons were bor

17、n here.After Lincoln was elected President of the US in 1861, they rented the house and 20 (sell)most of their furniture. 篇篇2 What do the Summer Palace, Yuanmingyuan and the Chengde Mountain Resort all have 21common? These Qing-dynasty architectural 22 (wonder), along with many others, were all buil

18、t by members of the same family- the Lei family. For seven generations, the Lei family 23 (quiet) shaped royal architecture. Their designs were admirable, 24 (vary) from grand buildings to public works, such as roads and dams. So incredible was their skill 25 many of their buildings survived earthqu

19、akes and remained standing over hundreds of years. The Lei family were also pioneering engineers, who used a grid (方格) system to plan their projects in detail. They took careful notes and made models of their projects, many of 26 have survived to this day, and they are registered as part of UNESCOS

20、Memory of the World Programme. In addition to their architectural achievements, the Lei family 27 (show) diligence (勤奋) and modesty. Each generation conscientiously learnt their skills and undertook ambitious projects, many of which took years 28 (complete). Yet they did not seek fame, and even toda

21、y, their great works are associated 29 (much) with the royal court than with them. With their remarkable skills, innovation, diligence and modesty, the Lei family leave behind their buildings and the 30 (believe) that true workmanship is a treasure that can last beyond a lifetime. 三、短文改错三、短文改错 假定英语课

22、上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有 10 处语言错 误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 篇篇1 There is a Chinese saying goes like this: Traveling ten thousand li is better than reading ten

23、 thousand books. Indeed, travel benefit us a lot. Firstly, travel broadens our mind and enriches our knowledges. We can experience more about the outside world by traveling. Secondly, we feel more relaxing when traveling, what is good for our body and health. Naturally, we will become more energetic

24、ally after a much pleasant travel. In addition, we are more likely to make new friends on your journey. To sum up, travel is really good to us. If possible, I wish I could travel around world in my lifetime. 篇篇2 Welcome to my school! When you arrive, there will be a party for you holding by my class

25、mates. You may attend to English classes to feel a differently learning style.After that, you can go to your host family that you can experience the Chinese way of life. You can have meals together chatting anything that interests us. The host family will also show you around some famous scenic spot

26、. You can visit the Palace Museum and climb the Great Wall, taking pictures wherever you went. There are many kinds of souvenirs to choose from. So isnt it the good idea to buy some for your friends? Write to me unless you have any questions about the schedule. 2022 届高考英语一轮复习综合训练 参考答案 1-5:BCFEG 1 根据

27、上文“its not difficult to make yourself interesting at a dinner party (在晚宴上让自己变得有 趣并不难)”可知, 下文应主要讲述如何在晚宴上让自己变得有趣。 下文“So the main thing is just to show up and be adventurous, trying different foods and talking to strangers. (所以最主要的事情 就是去尝试,去冒险,尝试不同的食物,和陌生人交谈)”可推知,本段主要说明想在晚宴上让 自己变得有趣,就要勇于冒险,勇于探索。由此可知,B

28、项“The first step is to go exploring(第 一步是去探索)”承上启下,符合题意。故选 B 项。 2根据下文“it can bring in “I have this old, broken-down vehicle” or “I rode the bus with these crazy people who were laughing at silly jokes in the back.” It just opens up conversation. (它可以带 入“我有这辆破旧的车”或“我和那些在后面嘲笑愚蠢笑话的疯子一起乘坐公共汽车。 ”它只是打 开了对

29、话)”可知,设空处应该是提了一个不太好的问题,只是开始交流,但并不会给人留下有 趣的印象。由此可知,C 项“If you ask the question “How did you get here?”(如果你问“你是怎么 到这里来的?”这个问题)”能够承接下文,符合题意。故选 C 项。 3根据下文“If you cant take their wine away, you should certainly try to take away their soapbox. If youre the host, you can ask them to help you in the kitchen

30、 with something and just remove them from the situation. (如果你不能拿走他们的酒, 你当然应该让他们离开讲话的地方。 如果你是主 人,你可以让他们到厨房帮你做点什么,只是为了让他们摆脱那种情景)”可知,此处指出了一 个问题的解决办法。 由此推知, 设空处提到了一个棘手的问题。 F 项“What about the person who has had too much to drink or wont stop talking(喝太多酒或一直说个不停的人怎么办)”正是提出 的问题,引出下文的解决办法,符合题意。故选 F 项。 4根据上文

31、“If you cant take their wine away, you should certainly try to take away their soapbox (讲台). If youre the host, you can ask them to help you in the kitchen with something and just remove them from the situation. (如果你不能拿走他们的酒, 你当然应该让他们离开讲话的地方。 如果你是主人,你可以让他们到厨房帮你做点什么,只是为了让他们摆脱那种情景)”可知,本 段主要是为解决“喝太多酒或一

32、直说个不停”这个问题提供方法。由此可知,E 项“Or turn the conversation into a topic where they have little to say(或者把谈话变成他们没什么可说的话题)”是 提出的另一个解决办法,承接上文,符合题意。故选 E 项。 5根据上文“If youre faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party, the only thing that always gets everyone talking again is to give the host a compliment.(如果你在晚

33、宴上遭遇了尴尬的沉默, 唯一能让大家再次交谈的方法就是赞美主人)”可知,此处指出赞美主人可以缓解尴尬的沉默, 设空处承上启下,下文“This cake is extremely delicious and you have to tell me all about it.(这蛋 糕特别好吃, 你得告诉我它的一切)”对主人进行了赞美。 由此可知, 宴会上出现尴尬的沉默时, 最尴尬的就是主人,所以需要赞美主人来缓解尴尬。G 项“He or she is the person who is feeling the weight of that awkwardness the most(他或她是最能感

34、受到那种尴尬的人)”承上启下,符合题 意。故选 G 项 6-10:FCGEA 6上文“My husband and I just spent a week in Paris.(我丈夫和我刚在巴黎待了一周)”说明了背 景; 下文“So the first thing we did was rent a fantastically expensive sixth-floor apartment the size of a cupboard.(所以我们做的第一件事就是租了一个非常昂贵公寓, 在第六层, 只有一个橱柜那么 大)”是空格处的结果,因此空格处需要填原因;根据 F 项“Our aim was

35、 to see if we could live, in some way, like real Parisians.(我们的目标是看看我们是否在某种程度上可以活的像巴黎人。)” 可知,作者要在巴黎住下来,所以需要租房子,两句构成因果关系。故选 F 项。 7上文“The place wasnt entirely authentic, though.(不过,这个地方并不是地道的法国住房)”是 段落的中心句,说明第二段主要内容是讲解公寓的情况。下文提到了楼宇和电梯的情况。C 项 “There was a nice kitchen and a comfortable bed.(有一个漂亮的厨房和一张

36、舒适的床)”提到了厨 房和床,这些都属于公寓的配置。故选 C 项。 8 上文“. they eat great food and never gain weight.(他们吃得很好, 而且从不发胖)”提及了食物。 下文“French strawberries do not taste like cardboard. Instead, they explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs.(法国草莓尝起来不像纸板。相反,它们会像小炸弹一样在你嘴里爆炸)”在说明法 国的草莓很好吃。上下文结合可知,因为法国的食物质量很高,所以不用吃很多就能很满足,

37、同时吃的少也就不会发胖了。 G 项“The food is so delicious that you dont need much of it to make you happy. (食物是如此美味,你不需要吃太多就能使你快乐)”符合语境要求。故选 G 项。 9第三段主要描述了作者夫妻去了采购了食物,买了草莓。下文“My husband and I agreed they were the best fruit we had ever eaten. But they cost $18!(我丈夫和我都认为这是我们吃过的最好 的水果。 但它们要 18 美元!)”说明法国的水果好吃但是也很贵。 选

38、项 E“Thats not the only reason the French eat less than we do.(这并不是法国人吃得比我们少的唯一原因)”承接了上一段关于法 国人吃的少但是不胖的话题,同时引起下文,给出了法国人吃的少的另一个原因物价贵。故 选 E 项。 10根据上文“In France, quality of life is much more important than efficiency (效率). You can tell this by cafs life. French cafs are always crowded. (在法国生活质量比效率更重要。这一

39、点你能 从咖啡馆生活看出来。法国的咖啡厅总是很拥挤)”可知,上文说明了法国人对待工作不是很积 极且咖啡厅里顾客很多。下文“When do these people work?(这些人什么时候工作?)”是一个问 句,说明本句属于过渡句,承接上文说明咖啡厅里的造成拥挤的客人的情况,A 选项中有 “customer”符合咖啡馆的情境设定,同时讲述了不是所有的客人都是游客,那么意味着大部分 人都是当地人,符合下文的提问。故选 A 项。 11has proved/has proven 12for 13marriage 14smaller 15was painted 16herself 17neither

40、 18to plant 19The 20sold 11查动词。句意:它不像乔治华盛顿在波托马克河畔的种植园那样给人留下深刻印象,但林 肯在伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德市中心的家,自从向公众开放以来,就被证明对游客来说是不 可抗拒的。分析句子成分可知,设空处作谓语动词,Lincolns home in downtown Springfield Illinois 作主语;结合句意及设空处后的时间状语从句 since it opened to the public 可知,此处指 过去发生的事情对现在造成的影响,符合现在完成时概念,故设空处用现在完成时;现在完 成时结构是 has/have +过去分词;主语

41、 Lincolns home in downtown Springfield Illinois 是第三人 称单数, 所以助动词用 has, 提示词 prove 的过去分词形式是 proved 或 proven。 故填 has proved/ has proven。 12考查介词。句意:1844 年,他们以 1200 美元的价格从查尔斯德莱瑟手中买下了这座房 子和一些土地,查尔斯德莱瑟在 1842 年举行了他们的婚礼。结合句意可知,此处考查固定短 语 buy sth. for +价格,意为“以价格买某物”。故填 for。 13考查名词。句意:1844 年,他们以 1200 美元的价格从查尔斯德莱

42、瑟手中买下了这座房 子和一些土地,查尔斯德莱瑟在 1842 年举行了他们的婚礼。结合设空前的形容词性物主代词 可知,此处要用名词形式;结合设空处后的 ceremony,可知此处意为“婚礼”;提示词 marry 意为“婚姻”,其名词形式为 marriage,marriage ceremony 意为“婚礼”。故填 marriage。 14考查形容词。句意:这栋房子建成时比现在小得多。结合设空前的 much 和设空后的 than 可知,此处考查形容词比较级固定结构 much+比较级+than,提示词 small 的比较级形式为 smaller。故填 smaller。 15考查被动语态。句意:这个小房

43、子被漆成了白色。分析句子结构可知,设空处作谓语动 词,The little home 作主语。结合句意及常识可知,房子是“被漆”的,主语和谓语动词之间是 被动关系,所以要用被动语态;根据上文的 was built 可知,此处为一般过去时态;一般过去 时的被动语态结构是 was/were+过去分词; 主语 The little home 是单数第三人称, 所以要用 was, 提示词 paint 的过去分词形式是 painted。故填 was painted。 16考查代词。句意:她非常漂亮,她的房子是她自己的写照,一切都很有品位,井井有条。 根据句意可知, 此处意为“她自己”, 可知此处考查反身

44、代词; 提示词 she 的反身代词是 herself。 故填 herself。 17考查连词。句意:虽然玛丽喜欢花,但她和她的丈夫都不是有名的园丁。根据句意可知, 此处考查连词结构“neithernor”,意为“既不也不”。故填 neither。 18考查动词不定式。句意:玛丽的妹妹弗朗西丝托德华莱士经常来前院种花。分析句子结 构可知,设空处作状语;根据句意可知,此处是目的状语;目的状语用动词不定式表示;提 示词 plant 的不定式形式为 to plant。故填 to plant。 19考查冠词。句意:林肯夫妇在 1856 年把房子扩大到了整整两层,以满足他们日益增长的 家庭的需要。 根据句

45、意可知, 此处意为“林肯一家”; 根据设空后的 Lincolns 可知, 此处考查“the+ 姓氏复数”,表示夫妇俩,或者一家人。设空处位于句首,所以首字母要大写。故填 The。 20考查动词。句意:1861 年林肯当选美国总统后,他们租了房子,卖掉了大部分家具。分 析句子成分可知,设空处和前面的动词 rented 一起做并列谓语;根据时间状语 1861 可知,此 处用一般过去时态,提示词 sell 的过去式形式是 sold。故填 sold。 21in 22wonders 23quietly 24varying 25that 26which 27showed 28to complete 29m

46、ore 30belief 21考查介词。句意:颐和园、圆明园和承德避暑山庄有什么共同之处?have sth. in common 为固定短语,意为“有共同之处”。故填 in。 22考查名词。句意:这些清代的建筑奇迹,以及其他许多建筑,都是由同一个家族的成员 雷氏家族建造的。wonder 意为“奇观”,为可数名词,前面有 these 限定,所以应该用复数 形式。故填 wonders。 23考查副词。句意: 雷氏家族七代人默默塑造了皇家建筑。修饰动词 shaped 需用副词 quietly 作状语。故填 quietly。 24考查非谓语动词。句意:他们的设计是令人钦佩的,从宏伟的建筑到公共工程,如

47、道路 和大坝。分析句子结构,已有谓语动词 were,空处需填非谓语动词作状语,主语 their designs 和 vary 为逻辑上的主谓关系,此处用现在分词形式做伴随状语。故填 varying。 25考查状语从句。句意:他们的技术是如此不可思议,以至于他们的许多建筑在地震中幸 存下来,并保存了数百年。so that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”。故填 that。 26考查定语从句。句意:他们认真地做笔记,为自己的项目制作模型,其中许多项目保存 至今,并被列入联合国教科文组织的“世界记忆计划”。本句是由逗号隔开的两部分,逗号之前 为完整的句子,逗号之后的部分缺少主语,因此逗号之后应该为

48、定语从句。此处应为“介词+ which”用法。先行词“ careful notes and made models of their projects”指物,在定语从句中作 of 的宾语,需用关系代词 which 引导。故填 which。 27考查动词时态。句意:除了他们在建筑上的成就,雷氏家族还表现出了勤奋和谦虚。根 据前后文信息及背景可知,此处应该用过去时态表示雷氏家族当时的做法。使用一般过去时。 故填 showed。 28考查非谓语动词。句意:每一代人都认真学习他们的技能,并承担雄心勃勃的项目,其 中许多项目需要多年才能完成。 “it takes sb. some time to do

49、sth.”为固定句型, 意为“做某事花费 某人多长时间”,不定式作主语。故填 to complete。 29考查副词比较级。句意:然而,他们并不追求名声,即使在今天,他们的伟大作品更多 地与王室有关,而不是与他们。根据后面的 than 可以判断出应该用比较级形式。故填 more。 30考查名词。句意:以他们卓越的技艺、创新、勤奋和谦虚,雷氏一家留下了他们的建筑, 并相信真正的工艺是可以延续一生的财富。定冠词 the 修饰名词,空处需填名词 belief,结合 后面的同位语从句可知,使用名词单数形式。故填 belief。 1. goesgoing或在或在goes前加前加that/which 2.

50、 benefitbenefits 3. knowledges knowledge4. relaxingrelaxed5. whatwhich6.energeticallyenergetic7.删除删除much8. your our9.good后的后的to for 10.在在world前加前加the 1.考查非谓语动词或定语从句。句意:中国有句谚语这样说:读万卷书不如行万里路。分析句 子可知,名词短语 a Chinese saying 后为定语,动词 go 与之为主动关系,可用其现在分词作后 置定语; 此处定语也可用定语从句表达, 因先行词为事物, 用关系代词 that 或 which 引导从句


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