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Unit3SportsandFitness 知识点讲解 1.fitnessn.健康;健壮;适合 Heisfittodothisjob.Heisfitforthisjob. (2)fitadj.健康的,keepfit/healthy 适合的befittodosth.适合做. befitforsth适合;胜任 同义:besuitableforsth (3)fitvt.适合(尺寸大小)Theshoesfitmewell. match;suit;gowith;fitinwithsth (1)词形变化 fitvt.适合adj.健康的;合适的 fitnessn.健康;适合sportsandfitness ealong 跟随,赶快; 到来; 进步; 1.Comealongorwellbelate._ 2.Whentherightopportunitycomesalong, seizeit._ 3.Tomhascomealongalotrecently._ 跟随,赶快; 到来; 进步; come短语拓展: comeacrosssb/sth偶然遇见某人/发现某物 ; comeupwithsth提出;想出; comeabout发生(=happen=_) comeout(人/日/月/草芽等)出来;出版 cometrue变为现实;()实现 Eexes:Filltheblanksinthecorrectforms I_anoldfriendinthestreet yesterday. Hesaidhisnewbookwould_ nextmonth. Wealsotalkedabouttheaccidentthat _thatday. cameacross comeout cameabout 3.workout 计计算出 锻炼 解决 (1)The old man works out every day. (2)You should work out how much these items cost. (3)They have worked out the problem. (4)The party worked out well.进展 4.makeit获得成功;准时到达;做到 扩展:复习it相关短语 getit知道,明白; forgetit算了吧; takeiteasy别紧张,别拿它当回事; believeitornot信不信由你; takeitorleaveit要么接受要么离开; makeit做成某事=succeedindoingsth; makeittosth准时到达 makeitaruletodosth; takeitforgrantedtodosth/that it相关句型 Itis+adj.+不定式或that从句( important/necessary/hard/difficult/easy) Itis+n.+不定式或that从句(ourduty) Itis+V-ed+不定式或that从句 (said/reported/hoped/expected) Itisnouse/good/awasteoftime+doingsth Itisworthwhiledoing/todosth whenitcomestosth; Italldepends.Itisuptosb.; Iwouldappreciate/like/enjoy/hate/dislike it+从句 Iwouldappreciateitifyoucanhelpme. Ihateitwhenpeoplespeakwiththeirmouth full. Itis+被强调部分+that+原句剩余部分 Itisforthisreasonthathewasabsent. example for example/instance take sb/sth for example 以为例 set an example for/to sb 5.setanexample(to/forsb.) (为某人)树立榜样 翻译句子: 1.他为我们树立了好榜样。 Hesetsagoodexampletous. 6.honour (1)honor/honourn.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸 V.向某人致敬,尊重/敬重 honoredadj.感到荣幸的feel honorableadj.可敬的,高尚的 (2)inhonourofsb.=inoneshonour 为纪念某人;为向某人表示敬意 Theysetupamonumentinhonorofthehero. (3)honoursb.forsth因而尊敬某人; showhonourtosb向表示敬意 (4)很荣幸做某事 Itsan/oneshonourtodosth. be/feelhonoredtodosth. havethehonourofdoing/todosth.有幸做某事 1.我们每年举行龙舟赛(DragonBoatRace)纪念 屈原。 Weholddragonboatraceeveryyearinhonor ofQuYuan./tohonorQuYuan. 2.很荣幸在这里做演讲。 Itisanhonourtogiveaspeechhere. Itismyhonourtogiveaspeechhere. Iamgladtohavethehonourtogiveaspeech here. Ifeelhonouredtogiveaspeechhere. 翻译句子: (1)词形变化 determinationn.决心;决定 determinev.影响;决定;确定 determinedadj.有决心的;坚决的 (2)短语:决心做某事 determinetodosth.决定去做某事 (侧重动作) bedeterminedtodosth.决定去做某事 (侧重心理状态) determineon/uponsth. 就某事做出决定 7. determinationn.决心;决定 Fromthe_(determine)expression onhisface,weknewthathewas determined_(take)upthejob, whichneededgreatpatienceand _(determine). determined totake determination 针对练习: (1)fallfell- fallen (2)短语拓展: fallapart破裂;破碎;崩溃 fallbehindsb. fall asleep fall down fallinlove(with.) falloff (the ladder) 8.fallapart 落在.后面;跟不上 入睡;睡着 倒塌;砍倒;跌倒 喜欢上/爱上. 从掉下来 1.WhenIwaslearningtorideabike,Ioften _. 2.Thechild_inhermothersarms. 3.Ifyoudontstudyhard,youwill_ others. 4.Ithinkthisoldchairisgoingto_. 用fall短语填空 fallapartfallbehindfallasleepfalldown fallapart fallbeind fellasleep felldown 9.injure vt (1) injurevt(尤指在意外事故中)使受伤; 损害,伤害(名誉、自尊等) His left foot was injured in the football game. injuryn.伤;伤口;伤害;损害 Some hurtful remarks can result in injury to ones heart. injuredadj.受伤的 Theinjuriedhavebeenwheeledtotheemergency room. (2) theinjured受伤的人(们);-谓复 doaninjurytosb伤害某人 (1)lose-lost-lost (2)lose短语拓展: loseheart/face/weight/touchwithsb 丧失信心;泄气; losecontrolof loseonesway 10.loseheart 丢脸; 失去对.的控制 迷路 翻译句子: 1.当我们遇到困难时,我们不应该失去信心。 Whenwemeetdifficulties,weshouldnt loseheart. 减肥;和某人失去联系 (1)failuren.失败;失败的人(或事物) 反义:(success-successful-succeed) failv.失败;未能通过;未做;不及格 (2)failtodosth.未(能)做某事 fail(in)sth.在某事中失败 11.failure 翻译句子: 1.他再一次没有通过汽车驾驶考试(drivingtest)。 Hefailedtopassthedrivingtestagain. Hefailedinthedrivingtestagain. (1)givegave-given (2)短语拓展: giveup放弃;投降 givein(tosb.)屈服;让步; giveaway赠送;泄露; givebacksth=returnsth归还某物 giveoff发出(气味、热、光.) giveout分发;用完;耗尽=runout(均没有被被动); (runoutofsth=useupsth均有被动) 12.giveup 1. Dontgive_tryingtodowhatyou reallywanttodo. 2. Pleaseremindmetogive_your money. 3. Ifyouthinkyouareright,dontgive in_hisdecision. 4. Iwasafraidshewouldgive_our secrettoothers. up back to away Exes pete (1)词形变化 competevi.竞争;对抗 competitionn.竞争;比赛;竞赛 competitorn.竞争者;对手 competitiveadj.竞争的;有竞争力的 (2)短语competeforsth为.竞争 competewith/againstsb/sth与.竞争 competeinsth参加 针对练习: In this _(compete), all the _ ( compete)are competing_ each other _ the prize money. all of them are very _ . competitioncompetitors competitive with/against for incompetitionwithsb和某人竞争 makesense有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚 makenosense无意义;讲不通 makesenseofsth.理解某物;弄懂某物 makesensetosb.为某人所理解 Itmakessensetodosth.做某事是明智的 翻译句子: 1.我不能理解这篇文章,也就是说,这篇文章对 我没有意义。 Icantmakesenseofthispassage,thatisto say,thispassagemakesnosensetome. 14.makesense 15.pretendvi 重视;强调;把重点放在 underthestressofsth在的压力下 reducestress减轻压力 (2)stresstheimportanceofsth强调的重要性 pare.with.与.比较 compare.to.把.比作.(比喻) (be)comparedwith/to.与.比较 针对练习: 1._(compare)withBeijing, Shanghaiisbiggerinsize. 2.Weusuallycomparechildren_the risingsun. Compared to U4 重点词汇讲 解 1.flood (1)n. 洪水U/C The heavy rain caused floods in the houses by the river. 大量 a flood of letters/complaints(投诉)/refugees(难民) vt.淹没;使灌满水 A flood of floods flooded the valley. vi. 淹没;The cellar(地窖) floods whenever it rains heavily. (2) flood into sth /in 涌入() Applications flooded into the office. Donations began to flood in from kind people. flood sth with sth 某处处 铺满铺满 或者充满满 The place was flooded with light. 2.rescue (1)n. a rescue team; rescue the injured (2)短语语: rescue sb. from .把某人从营营救出来 The soldiers rescued the old man from the flood. come to ones rescue援救或救助 某人 A boy was trapped in the building and soon a rescue team came to his rescue. 3.damage (1)vt. 损损害;破坏;n 损损坏;损损失 The strong wind damaged the fence(篱笆). The strong light can do /cause damage to your eyes. (2) do /cause damage to sth These chemicals can cause damage to the liver, heart, and kidneys.这些化学药品会使肝脏、心脏和肾脏受到损害。 4. destroy vt. 摧毁;毁灭destroyed; destroyed The bridge _( destroy) by the flood. was destroyed 5. death n.死,死亡 (1)The hero _(die) ten years ago. That is to say, he _for ten years. The_ man was saved by a kind passer-by. The tornado has caused many _. died has been dead dying deaths (2)了解一下: a matter of life and death ; be frightened/scared to death; starve to death; be sentenced to death 6.affect (1)vt.影响; (疾病)侵袭袭;感染;深深打动动 Their opinion will not affect my decision. Cancer had affected his lungs by the end of last month. We were deeply affected by her selflessness. (=be deeply touched/moved by sth) _(affect) by a serious disease, he has no longer able to speak clearly. (2)n. effect 影响;结结果 have an effect on sth/sb;have an influence on sth/sb; make a difference to sb. Sometimes family environment has an unbelievable effect on the shaping(塑造) of childrens characters. Affected 7.as if/though +从句 (1)as if 后跟从句,若是真实情况或极有可能为事实, 用陈述语气。 There are so many blank clouds in the sky. It seems as if it is going to rain soon. (2) as if 后跟从句,若是不真实实或不大可能为为事实实的情况 ,则则要用虚拟语拟语 气。 针对何时的假设 as if从句谓语动词 现在情况 已过去情况 对将来情况 一般过过去时时,即 were 或did 过过去完成时时,即had done “过过去将来时时”,即 would/could/might/should +V原形 as if 从句动词动词 所用的时态时态 ,比实际实际 情况要早一个时时 态态! 对将来情况进行假设时, He opened he his mouth as if he _something. 对现在情况: When a chopstick is put into a cup of water, it looks as if it _(be) broken. He looks as if he _ (not know) the result. 对已过去情况: My mother turned her back on me as if she_ (know) my mistake. were didnt know had known would say Exes 1.He behaved as if nothing _. 2.Children looked up to her as if she _ their own mother. 3.It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I _it? were had happened had done damage destroy ruin hurt 8.ruin vt. _ 某事令人很吃惊:_ (1)词词形变变化:adj._;_ Exes: He was _at the _ news, which was also a shock to her father. It is shocking that shocking 词词形变变化以及短语语搭 配同“surprise” (3)扩扩展: 对对某事大吃一惊 (sth.) come as a shock The news of his death came as a great shock to everyone . shocked be shocked at /by sth; be shocked to do sth in shock 9. shock n.震惊U,令人震惊的事C;休克; vt.使某人感到震惊, shockingshocked 10.trap (1) n. 险境;陷阱 set/lay a trap;fall into a trap (2)vt. 使落入险境;使陷入圈套; trapped; trapped 无连词连词 且被动动形式的短语语 作非谓时谓时 :去be, 即只保留 V-ed(+介+宾宾) 相关短语语: trap sb. into doing sth用计计使某人上当而做某事 ; be trapped in/under sth 被困于.; Exes 用trap的正确形式填空 She _ in the burning house. I _telling him all I knew. The team _ in the burning building were waiting for rescue anxiously. was trapped was trapped into trapped _ himself in the book, _ in the book, (2)bury oneself in sth He has buried himself in his work since he came here. 11.bury vt.埋葬;安葬; buried; buried (1)短语:bury sth in sth; bury ones face in hands She buried her face in her hands and wept. be buried in sth He was buried in the book , so he didnt notice it raining outside . 无连词连词 且vt 作非谓时谓时 : 无自身宾语,用V-ed形式; 有自身宾语,用V-ing形式 Buring Buried 谓语谓语 连词连词 he didnt notice it raining outside. 无连连 12. effort n. 努力;艰难的尝试;尽力 make an effort to do sth; in an effort to do sth; spare no effort to do sth (补充:spare sb. a few minutes) 一句多译: 我们将竭尽全力帮助你,但你必须做好迎接各种困难的 准备。 Well _ , but you must get prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties _ _ _ make an effort to help you, spare no effort to help you do all we can in an effort to help you try our best to help you 13. suffer from headache; supply sth to sb; (provide sth for sb;) in the open air; 14. have the power to do sth 哪些名词后跟 to do 做后置定语: (1)ability/chance/opportunity/ right/curiosity/attempt; (2)the first man to land on the moon; 15. strike v. 使遭受撞击击;给给某人留下印象;罢罢工 (1)strike sb. in/ on+ the+身体部位 be struck by /on /with sth 被打动; go on strike 举行罢工; be on strike 在罢工 (2)其他意思: (灾难、疾病等)侵袭;摩擦点燃(某物); (时钟)敲响报时;产生于头脑中; “望文猜意” The stone struck him in the eye. A good idea struck me. It struck me that I had seen the picture somewhere. I was deeply struck by the beautiful scenery The clock struck 12. The girl struck a match to light a candle. Tbus drivers strike stopped all traffic. 撞击击 突然想起 突然想起 打动动 (钟钟表)报报 时时点燃 罢罢工 U5 Languages Around the World 重点词汇讲解 1. native (1)adj.出生地的,本地的,土著的 my native country祖国/land故乡/city故里; a native speaker 母语使用者;说本族语的人, be native to sp. 原产于某地 The tiger is native to India. 类似结构: China is home to Pandas. .是的所在地/原产 地。 Koala is unique to Australia. .是所特有的 。 (2) n.本地人 C a native of NewYork; Native American(=American Indian)美洲土著居民 2. attitude 态度;看法, an attitude of mind心态问题 have a positive /negative/good/bad attitude to/towards sb./sth. take/keep 3.refer vi 提到;参考;查阅; vt 查询;叫求助于 (1)refer-referredreferredreferring; n. reference 参考;指称关系 (2) refer to sth/sb 三个意思: 描述; 涉及; 查阅; 参考 What does the underlined words in the sentence refer to ? This article refers to the events of last year. 指的是 You can refer to the dictionary when exact meaning of the word. Exes Some scientific stories this book _(refer) to have come true now. The theory you _(referred) to last year proved right. refers referred 4.despite 即使;尽管 prep. +名词(短语) (3)区别于though/ although conj.+句子 (1) despite sth= in spite of sth Despite the terrible weather, we continued to work in the field. Though the weather was terrible , we continued to work in the field. (2) despite the fact that Despite the fact that the problem is difficult, he spared no effort to solve it. Exes She was good at physics, _(尽 管) she found it boring . though /despite the fact that 6.base vt. 以为据点;以为基础;n. 底部;根据 Exes: My decision _on reason. Scientists have built an early warning system _ on mathematical models. _ an important decision more on emotion than on reason you will regret it sooner or later. was based 5. ups and downs,浮沉;兴衰;荣辱 ups and downs of life e.g. We should learn how to deal with ups and downs of life wisely. It is a fact that life is full of ups and downs. Despite the many ups and downs in his career, he still keeps a positive attitude towards life. at the base of (the building) 在的根部、底部 base sth. on/ upon sth.; be based on/ upon sth. based Basing 拓展练习: Mary is sitting on a park bench,_( bury) in her book. Mary is sitting on a park bench,_(bury) herself in her book. burying 7. date back to+年代等= date from+年代等 (1)常用于一般现在时;没有进行时态和被动语态, The Legend dates back to 300 years ago. 8.variety n.(植物、语言的)变体;异体;多样化 buried (2)常用现在分词形式作定语或状语。 We visited the castle dating back to the 12 century. (1) adj. various各种各样的 various activities n. variety多样化 a variety of activities vi. vary改变;变化; 其后介词搭配看具体句意。 (fromto/betweenand /in ;) Exes. Join us to taste a _ of fresh local food and drinks. There is way to get involved in _ activities on Earth Day. various 9 . major adj.重要的,主要的 a major problem; vi.主修,专门研究 major in physics/English,; n.主修课程,主修学生, n.大多数,大部分 the majority of 10. no matter+疑问词( what/ who/ which/where/ when.) (1)no matter+疑问代词/疑问副词,只能引导让步状语 从句: “无论”;此时可以替换成“疑问词-ever ” variety no matter what-whatever no matter which- whichever no matter where-wherever no matter when-whenever no matter how(+adj./adv)however+ (+adj./adv) (2) 只有“疑问代词-ever ”还可以引导主语从句、宾语 或表语从句等名词性从句。 You can take _ you like. _ cheats in the exam will be punished. You can choose _ book you prefer . Whatever happens , I will stand by you. Wherever you go, I will go. However hot it was, he always shut the windows. 状从 注意: 引导名词性从句只能用“连体字”: “疑问代词-ever ” : 既不会用“分体字”: no matter 疑问代词引导, 也不会用no matter疑问副词来引导名词性从句! whatever Whoever whichever 11. means (1) 单复数同形,谓语单复数看修饰词、上下 文。 All the means have been used. Every possible means has been used. (2)以的方式 by this means; in this way. 12.regard n. 尊重;关注 give my regards to sb. 代我问候某人 vt. 把视为; 看待 regard . as ; e.g. Nowadays cycling 【along with jogging and swimming】 is regarded as one of the best forms of exercise. 同义短语:consideras/to be ; think of as ; look on as. 13.appreciate vt 欣赏;感激;重视;领会 vi增值 n. 感激appreciation(同义词gratitude) (1)欣赏; He began to appreciate the local culture . (2)感激 appreciate+名/代/doing I appreciate being given the chance to work for our community. I would appreciate it + if 从句 “如果我将不胜感激。 ” I would appreciate it if you give me some asvice on my spoken English. 14. struggle for sth(freedom);努力争取 struggle against sth(the air pollution); 为反对而斗争; struggle with sb. 同搏斗 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 16. beg;beggedbeggedbegging; beggar乞丐; beg (sb.) for sth 向某人乞求某物; beg sb (not) to do sth 恳求某人(不)做某事 17. equal adj. 相同的unequal adj. 不相等的;不胜任的 ; equally adv相等地;平等地;equality n. 平等;相等 All men are created equal. 所有人都是生而平等的。 15.see the world from a different point of view(观点) from my point of view=in my view/opnion 在我看来 hold the view 【that 同位语从句】持有的观点 n.相等的人;相等物 He is equal to the job/ doing this kind of work. 能胜任 He has no equal in music. 18. demand(1) n.需求;要求 be in (great) demand (迫切)需求 meet/satisfy ones demands(/needs)满足某人的需求 Passagers must show their tickets on demand.(一经要求) (2) demand (of sb.) to do sth. 要求某人做某事 demand+that从句 Exes The manager demanded that workers _(work) hard to finish the task ahead of time. The doctor advised that Mary _(keep) a balance between work and play. 涉及用虚拟语气的常见动词: 一坚持,二命令,三建议,四要求, (3) a demanding job (工作)要求高的,费力的; a demanding boss/ child. (人)苛求的,要求极严的, (should) keep (should+V原形 ,即虚拟语气) (should)
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