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    • 【2021新人教版】高中英语必修第一册(高一)Unit1 Teenage life单元核心考点专项专练(含答案).doc--点击预览
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Unit1-Teenage life 单元核心考点专项专练单元核心考点专项专练 【分项练习分项练习】 【1-debate】 单句语法填空 The two sides debated _ each other _ the question of the origin of the universe. The question of building a third airport is still _ debate. Were debating whether or not _ (go) skiing this winter. 【2-prefer】 (1)单句语法填空 I prefer talk shows _ movies. She is very traditional; she prefers _ (dress) formally to wearing sports clothes. I think thats not how you prefer _ (do) things. (2)单句写作 我们要的是质量而不是数量。 We _ quality _ quantity. 【3-clean】 单句写作 我们把宿舍打扫一下吧,太乱了。 Lets _ the dorm. Its in a mess. 他们逼我清理茅厕。 They made me _ the latrines. 让水清洁的方法也已经找到。 Ways are also found to _. 【4-suitable】 单句写作 她适合做这项工作吗? Is she _ the job? 他不适合当教师。 He is not _ a teacher. 我觉得这件大衣不大适合我穿。 I dont think this coat really _. 【5-actually】 (1)单句语法填空 He seems to be doing nothing, but _ (actual) he is just waiting for a chance. We have been communicating by email, but _ actuality, we have never met. (2)单句写作 实际成本比我们预期的高得多。 The _ was much higher than we had expected. 【6-宾语从句】 单句语法填空 The villagers have already known _ we will do is rebuild the bridge. A ship in harbor is safe, but thats not _ ships are built for. Every day, we would sit by the lake, looking at the house and dreaming of _ it would be like to live there. 【7-challenge】 (1)单句语法填空 Although the game was _ (challenge), he challenged himself _ it without hesitation. It is a _ (challenge) job for me to cure children of their bad habits. (2)单句写作 Creating an atmosphere in which employees feel part of a team _(是一个巨大的挑战) The economy of this country _ (正面临着另一个 挑战) 【8-confuse】 (1)单句语法填空 I always confuse John _ his brother; they are so much alike. I would often get _ (confuse) when I came across new words with a similar spelling. There was a _ look on his face when he met with a _ problem. (confuse) (2)单句写作 对此再解释一下很重要,否则我们会使学生困惑。 It is important to explain this again or we _. 我们究竟是赢是输,情况不太清楚。 There was some _ whether we had won or lost. 他困窘地看着我,没有回答问题。 He looked at me _ and didnt answer the question. 【9-fluent】 一句多译 他的西班牙语很流利。 He is _ Spanish. He is a _ of Spanish. He _ Spanish _. 【10-graduate】 单句语法填空 As a new _ (graduation), he doesnt know what it takes to start a business here. When the boys graduated _ high school, Ann moved to a small town in Vermont. After his _ (graduate) from college, he came to Beijing, began working and started a new life. 【11-recommend】 (1)单句语法填空 Wed recommend you _ (book) your flight early. We strongly recommend _ (report) the incident to the police. I recommend (that) he _ (see) a lawyer. (2)一句多译 我建议他买这本书。 I recommend _ the book. I recommend _ the book. I recommend that _ the book. 【12-advance】 语段填空 决心去国外学习这项先进的技术,他已做了提前的准备,并提 前申请了护照。他相信他会在这一领域取得巨大进步并且遥遥领先 于他的同学。 Determined to learn the _ technology abroad, he has made _ preparations and applied for a passport _. He believes he will _ this field and be far _ his classmates. 【13-extra】 单句写作 她看了将近一个小时的课外书。 She read an _ for almost one hour. 他对额外的特殊服务有兴趣。 Hes interested in some _. 【14-obvious】 (1)单句语法填空 It is obvious _ us that he is not responsible for this mistake. Diet and exercise are _ (obvious) important if you want to lose weight. (2)单句写作 老的方法显然不能满足新的要求。 _that the old method cannot meet new requirements. 【15-so that】 句型转换 Liu Hai ran so fast that he was the winner of the boys 1000metre race. Liu Hai ran very fast, _ he was the winner of the boys 1000metre race. They talked in low voice in order that others would not be affected. They talked in low voice _ others would not be affected. 【16-responsible】 (1)单句语法填空 We should be _ (responsibility) for the work and keep teamwork spirit in mind. I have clearly understood my safety _ (responsible) at work. Im responsible _ my board of directors. (2)单句写作 He still felt _ (负有责任) her death. This will help them build up _ (责任感) since young. 【17-so.that.】 句型转换 It was so cold a day that there was nobody in the street. (用 such . that . 改写) It was _ there was nobody in the street. It will be so low in price that no man will be unable to own one. (用 so . that . 改为倒装句) _ He is such a clever boy that we all like him. (用 so . that . 改写) _ 【18-expert】 (1)单句语法填空 _ (expert) point out that fruit juices can be harmful to childrens teeth. (2)单句写作 他擅长训练动物。 He _ training animals. 即使是很熟练的驾驶员有时也会犯错误。 Even _ can make mistakes. 【19-youth】 单句写作 政府号召青年义务献血。 The government calls on _ to donate their blood voluntarily. 他年轻时很有音乐天才。 He had been a talented musician _. 【20-behaviour】 单句语法填空 Jack, cant you behave _ (you)? Youre no longer a kid. Sorry, Daddy. It wont happen again. He ought to be ashamed of his foolish _ (behave) He _ (behave) as if/though nothing had happened. 【21-attract】 (1)单句语法填空 The story has _ (attract) a lot of interest from the media. This _ (attract) tour takes you to some of San Franciscos most cheerful holiday scenes. The Forbidden City is a major tourist _ (attract) (2)单句写作 这份工作最吸引我的地方是有旅行的机会。 What _ to the job was the chance to travel. 政府正在试图把工业吸引到这个地区来。 The government is trying to _ the area. 【22-make+宾语+宾补】 单句语法填空 She made him _ (work) day and night. The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows, making air conditioning _ (necessary) There are so many people in the hospital that I was made _ (wait) four hours before I was examined by a doctor. He made his journey plan _ (know) in the whole class. The fact that she was a foreigner made _ difficult for her to get a job in that country. 【23-focus】 单句写作 With his attention _ (集中在) his homework, he forgot all about what I had told him. The childrens faces were badly _ (模糊) in the photograph. She was the _ (大家注意的焦点) 【24-addicted】 (1)单句语法填空 _ (addict) to playing the violin, he didnt find a thief walked into his house. Hes only 24 years old and a drug _ (addicted) Dont addict yourself _ such foolish things. (2)句型转换 Many kids addicted themselves to surfing the Net, so they have lost interest in studies. Many kids _ surfing the Net, so they have lost interest in studies. 【综合练习综合练习】 【单句填词】 1He must apologize for his bad _ (行为). 2Let them get used to _ (成年人的) world from childhood. 3He believes the pressures and competition are harder for this _ (一代人) 4The new store is better situated to _ (吸引) customers. 5Those who have a drug _ (成瘾者) at home know well what Im speaking about. 6He has been forced to adjust his _ (日程安排). 7As a _ (大学新生), I am looking forward to my college life. 8He _ (停止) his job as an official because of bad health last month. 9He needs three more credits to _ (毕业). 10His quality of life _ (改善) greatly since the operation. 11Each exercise focuses _ a different grammar point. 12The new survey shows that the number of the students _ (addict) to computer games has been on the increase in recent years. 13The creamy white flowers are _ (attract) in the spring. 14We should encourage children _ (join) some camps for them. 15His _ (behave) towards her was becoming more and more aggressive. 16He got a job as an _ (edit) of a trade journal. 17I practice _ (play) the piano twice a week. 18I think the first English class was very _ (confuse) 19My adviser said the _ (advance) literature course was difficult but interesting. 20The city is so big that the old man is _ (complete) lost. 21He has difficulty communicating with his _ (青少年的) son. 22Schools need _ (志愿者) to help children to read. 23Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of _ (运动) 24The _ (内容) of the course depends on what the students would like to study. 25This is not a _ (适当的) time to call him. 26He studies classical _ (文学), but also takes an interest in history. 27His poems were published under the _ (题目) of “Love and Reason” 28Its _ (明显地) not used very much. 29The weather is a constant _ (话题) of conversation in Britain. 30She is the _ (编辑) of the Washington Post. 31This voyage was the most exciting _ (冒险) of their lives. 32Many of these people had used drugs in their _ (青年时 期) 33His mother made him clean up the _ (盘子). 34He spent two weeks at _ (营地) this summer. 35She has been the _ (啦啦队长) for three years. 【单句写作】 1我爷爷 1972 年高中毕业。 My grandfather _ a senior school in 1972. 2她学习了 8 种外语,但是只能流利地说其中 6 种。 She studied eight foreign languages but is _ only six of them. 3我能提前报名上这一课程吗? Can I _ this course in advance? 4显然,你也需要改进学习方法。 _, you also need to _ learning methods. 5她参加了许多课外活动。 Shes involved in many _. 6我把 10 岁的儿子送到探险训练营去过期中假了。 I have sent my 10-year-old son off to an _ for the half-term holiday. 7我还需要几个纸盘子。 I need a few more _. 8我过去是一个青年俱乐部的成员。 I used to belong to a _. 9首先,我计划改善我的英语口语。 Firstly, I plan to improve my _. 10加入我们学校的啦啦队相当难。 To join our schools cheerleading team is _. 11现在很多青少年沉湎于网络。 Now many teenagers _ the Internet. 12她首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。 _ to her was her sense of humour. 1314 岁以下的儿童必须由成人陪同。 Children under 14 must be accompanied _. 14我家祖祖辈辈都住在这所房子里。 My family have lived in this house _. 15您希望我们继续致力于这个平台吗? Do you want us to _ this platform? 参考答案: 【分项练习】 1、with; about/on/overunderto go 2、todressingto do prefer; to 3、clean upclean outmake water clean 4、suitable forfit to besuits me 5、actuallyin actual cost 6、whatwhatwhat 7、challenging; tochallenging is a big challengeis facing another challenge 8、withconfusedconfused; confusing will confuse the studentsconfusion as toin confusion 9、fluent influent speakerspeaks; fluently 10、graduatefromgraduation 11、to bookreporting(should) see his buyinghim to buyhe (should) buy 12、advancedadvancein advance make great advances inin advance of 13、extracurricular bookextraspecial service 14、toobviously It is obvious 15、so thatso that 16、responsibleresponsibilityto responsible forthe sense of responsibility 17、such a cold day that So low will it be in price that no man will be unable to own one. He is so clever a boy that we all like him. 18、Experts is expert in/atexpert drivers 19、the youthin his youth 20、yourselfbehaviourbehaved 21、attractedattractiveattraction attracted me mostattract industry to 22、workunnecessaryto waitknownit 23、focused onout of focusfocus of everyones attention 24、Addictedaddictto are/become/get addicted to 【综合练习】 单句填词: 1 答案:behaviour2 答案:adults3 答案:generation 4 答案:attract5 答案:addict6 答案:schedule 7 答案:freshman8 答案:quit9 答案:graduate 10 答案:has improved11 答案:on12 答案:addicted 13 答案:attractive14 答案:to join15 答案:behaviour 16 答案:editor17 答案:playing18 答案:confusing 19 答案:advanced20 答案:completely21 答案:teenage 22 答案:volunteers23 答案:movement24 答案:content 25 答案:suitable26 答案:literature27 答案:title 28 答案:obviously29 答案:topic30 答案:editor 31 答案:adventure32 答案:youth33 答案:plate 34 答案:camp35 答案:cheerleader 单句写作: 1 答案:graduated from 2 答案:fluent in 3 答案:sign up for 4 答案:Obviously; improve 5 答案:extracurricular activities 6 答案:adventure camp 7 答案:paper plates 8 答案:youth club 9 答案:spoken English 10 答案:quite hard 11 答案:are addicted to 12 答案:What first attracted me 13 答案:by an adult 14 答案:for generations 15 答案:focus on Unit2-Travelling around 单元核心考点专项专练单元核心考点专项专练 【分项练习分项练习】 【1-apply】 (1)单句语法填空 I was awaiting to hear the results of my college _ (apply) To my delight. I was chosen from hundreds of _ (apply) to attend the opening ceremony. I am writing to apply _ the volunteer position stated in your notice. The new technology was applied _ farming. (2)单句写作 这个年轻人想在这个大公司申请一个职位。 The young man wanted to _ in this big company. 你最好给你的伤口上点药。 Youd better _ your wound. 【2-rent】 单句写作 这片土地租给别的农民了。 The land _ other farmers. 她把房间租给了大学生。 She _ university students. 【3-pack】 单句语法填空 Do you need me to help you pack _? Theyre like a _ of kids! 【4-amazing】 (1)用 amaze 的适当形式填空 I find it _ that you dont know about Jay Chou. It _ me to learn that the sixteenyearold boy should be a computer expert. When he heard someone calling his name, he looked back in _. (2)单句写作 我们很惊讶地发现没有人受伤。 We _ that no one was hurt. 【5-arrangement】 (1)单句语法填空 The company will arrange for a taxi _ (meet) you at the airport. If you are interested, please sign up at the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday so that we will make necessary _ (arrange) (2)单句写作 戴夫安排人开车送他回家。 Dave _ him home. 我盼望着你告诉我你的假期安排。 I am looking forward to being told about your _. 【6-recognize】 (1)单句语法填空 It is recognised _ the environmental pollution has become more and more serious. The city has been built up so fast that it has changed beyond _ (recognize) The moment I answered the phone, I _ (recognise) his voice. (2)一句多译 那本书被公认为是 21 世纪最重要的文学作品之一。(recognise) The book _ one of the greatest works of literature of the 21st century. _ the book is one of the greatest works of literature of the 21st century. 【7-flight】 单句语法填空 The return _ (fly) of the aircraft was delayed. The plane was attacked as it _ (fly) over the sea. 【8-other than】 语段填空 除了李华,我没有更亲密的朋友了。当我遇到我不能应对的困 难局面时,他总是帮助我而不是远离我。 I have no closer friend _ Li Hua. He is always helping me _ getting away from me when I am in a difficult situation that is _ I can handle. 【9-admire】 (1)单句语法填空 All those who knew Mo Yan admired him _ winning the Nobel Prize for Literature. Her excellent performance filled me with _ (admire) She was used to receiving _ (admire) glances from others. (2)单句写作 我不同意她的意见,但是我赞赏她的恪守原则。 I dont agree with her, but I _ her _ sticking to her principles. 【10-transport】 单句写作 这些种子是由风传播的。 The seeds _ by the wind. 政府认为应该在改进农村地区的公共交通上花费更多的钱。 The government believes that more money should be spent in improving _ in rural areas. 【11-check】 (1)单句语法填空 Guests should check _ their rooms by noon. He had checked _ at Amsterdams Schiphol airport for a flight to Manchester. (2)单句写作 斯蒂芬夜里起来看了他女儿好几遍。 Stephen _ his daughter several times during the night. 这本书已用你的名字从图书馆借出。 The book _ in your name. 【12-request】 (1)单句语法填空 The teacher sang an English song _ the request of the students. The government made an official request that the meeting _ (postpone) (2)一句多译 老师要求学生不要在草地上走。 The teacher requested the students _ on the grass. The teacher requested that the students _ on the grass. 【13-view】 (1)单句语法填空 The plane soon went out _ view. Whats your view _ the problem? (2)单句写作 _ (在我看来), playing computer games is a waste of time. When we climbed to the top of the mountain, we _ (看得清) of the whole town. 【14-sight】 (1)单句语法填空 She never lets her daughter out _ her sight. The escaped prisoner was nowhere _ sight. (2)单句写作 _ (在的眼中) the world, they are a happy couple. We came _ (见到了) the shore at midday. 【15-现在分词作状语】 单句语法填空 Mary stood at the school gate _ (wait) for Betty. _ (be) ill, he didnt go to school yesterday. The child fell, _ (strike) his head against the door. 【16-comment】 (1)单句语法填空 So far, Mr Cook has not commented _ these reports. He made his _ (comment) at a news conference in Amsterdam. (2)单句写作 无可奉告。我什么都不知道。 _. I dont know anything. 我们还没有看到这封信,所以无从发表意见。 We have not seen the letter, so we can hardly _ it. 【综合练习综合练习】 【单句填词】 1The fine _ (细节) of the plan has yet to be worked out. 2The sun disappeared from _ (视野). 3Students who pass the test will receive a _ (学分) 4He has set us a good example in practicing _ (节约) 5She _ (要求) that no one should be told of her decision. 6The price for the trip doesnt include _ (住宿) 7He went up the garden _ (小路) to knock on the door. 8They were climbing up a _ (狭窄的) mountain road. 9Your local library
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