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1、译林版六上期中检测试卷 听力部分(30 分) 一选出你所听到的内容。10 分 ()1.A.throughB. thinkC.three ()2. A.shoutB.startC.showed ()3. A.eachB.eatC.ear ()4.A.pearB.wearC.weather ()5. A.cloudyB.couldC.would ()6. A.laughB.heavyC.high ()7. A.lookedB.excitedC.took ()8. A.fitB.firstC.sad ()9. A.foolishB.forestC.front ()10. A.rainyB.holid

2、ayC. sunny 二.根据所听到问句选择合适的答句。10 分 () 1.A.Its 20thSeptember.B.Its Monday.C.Its cloudy. () 2.A.Iwent to the park.B. I fly a kite.C.Imill. () 3.A.No,it wasnt.B.Yes,it is.C.No,it isnt. () 4.Ayes,it was.B.It was cloudy.C.My kite flew away. () 5.A.Yes,there is.B.No,there wasnt.C.Yes,there were. () 6.A.I am

3、.B.We do.C.He can. () 7.A.Oh,how beautiful!B.Its beautiful.C.It fits well. () 8.A.On bike.B.On foot.C.By bikes. () 9.A.I went to a farm.B.It was rainy.C.Its raining. () 10.A.Yes,I am.B.No,I wasnt.C.Yes, Idid. 三、听短文,判断句子正(T)误(F) 。10 分 ()1.It was a sunny day today. ()2.They had a picnic in the park. (

4、)3.There were not any people in the park. ()4.They had lunch near the lake. ()5.They were happy today. 笔试部分(70 分) 四、找出每组中不同类的单词。10 分 ()1.A.tellB.sayC.sentence()2.A.kingB.clever C.foolish ()3.A.wasB.goC.were()4.A.walkB.summer C.point ()5.A.peopleB.milkC.honey()6.A.shoutB.laugh C.cloudy ()7.A.cloudB.r

5、ainyC.windy()8.A.broughtB.became C.paper ()9.A.lunchB.afternoon C.morning()10.A.thirstyB.ask C.hungry 五、根据汉语写单词,每空一词。10 分 1.Cleverpeople can see the _(国王的)newclothes.? 2.It(下雨)last week. 3.Dont(带来)your toy car to school tomorrow. 4.Lets(见面)at the bus stop at 8:30 tomorrow morning. 5.My mother(讲)me a

6、 story last night. 6.Mr Green has two(孩子).One is a girl,the other is a boy. 7. The weather(变成)windythismorning. 8.MyparentswenttoShanghaifor the _ (国庆节)holiday last year. 9.CanIhave a _(瓶子 ) ofmilk? king, rain, bring, meet, told, turned, National Day, bottle 六、单项选择。10 分 ()1.What _theydolastweek? A.d

7、oB. didC.are ()2.Whatinteresting story! A.aB.不填C. an ()3.Aman wears a kilt. A.ScottishB.AmericanC.Chinese ()4.They visited the old woman andher with the housework. A.helpedB.helpC.helps ()5.YangLingwenttoNanjing _theholiday. A.withB.inC.for BCAAC ()6.I didnt know him_. A.atfirstB.at oneC.on first. (

8、)7.Therea river in front of my grandparentshouse many years ago. A.wasB.wereC.is ()8.It wasyesterday and we flew our kites high in the sky. A.raniyB.windyC.cloudy ()9.He often_appleson the farm. A.picksB.pickedC.picking ()10.-Werethereanyfruittreeson the farm? -No,_._ A.there areB.there arentC.there

9、 werent 七、配对。10 分 III ()1.Look,this is my picture.A. Yes,it is. ()2.Were you at school yesterday?B. By bike. ()3.Was it rainy last Sunday?C. No,I was absent. ()4.Is this your kite?D. Well done. ()5.How did you go to school this morning?E. Yes,it was. ()6.Why are you absent?F.Japan ()7.Where is he fr

10、om?G.Ive got a cold. ()8.Didyou watch TV just now?H.Because Im ill. ()9.What did Nancy do ? I.No, I didnt. ()10.Whatsthematter?J.She watched a film. 八、用所给词的适当形式填空。10 分 1.I dont like(rain)days. 2.There(be) a lot of water in the pool last night. 3,Its(he) turn now. 4.It was too late.He had to(go) to w

11、ork by taxi. 5.I dont want(tell) you about it. 6.I could(swim) when(当的时候) I was seven years old. 7.We(see) many magic things last Halloween. 8.I want to buy some _(mango)andsomebread. 9.It was sunny.We(play) football in the park. 10.Miss Zhang is nice to(we) . 九、根据中文提示,完成句子。10 分 1.很久很久以前,有一个国王。 Long

12、 long,therea king. 2.国王什么衣服都没穿。 The king isntclothes. 3.昨天下午,天空乌云密布。 Therea lot of blackin the sky yesterday afternoon. 4.今天早上我们是坐公共汽车上学的。 This morning,weto schoolbus. 5. 因为昨天我想把那条鱼给你。 BecauseI _to_you the fish yesterday. 十、阅读理解。10 分 A.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) A boy put a bird in a cage(笼子).He liked it ver

13、y much and watched it every day. A cat saw the bird and wanted to have it for her dinner. But the bird was in the cage.She couldnt catch it. So she was very angry. One day, the cat opened the door of the cage and wanted to catch it.But the bird flew away. The boy came back home and couldnt find the

14、bird.He was very angry and put the cat into the cage. ()1.The boy put the bird in the cage. ()2.The boy liked the cat very much and watched it every day. ()3.The cat was angry because she could catch the bird. ()4.The cat had the bird for her dinner. ()5.The boy was angry at last(最后). B.根据短文内容,选择正确的

15、答案。 It was sunny last Sunday,YangLing visited LiuTaosgrandparents.She went there with LiuTao, SuHai,SuYang,WangBing and Mike. Liu Taos grandpa showed them a lot of stamps from different countries.His grandma cooked them a nice lunch.They liked the food very much. In the morning,the children cleaned

16、the house for Liu Taos grandparents.In the afternoon,they worked in the garden.SuHai and SuYang watered the trees and flowers.LiuTao and WangBing picked apples.YangLing and Mike planted ( 种 植 ) some trees.They worked for about two hours(小时).They really had a good time there. ()1.It waslast Sunday. A

17、.sunnyB.cloudyC.windy ()2.LiuTaos grandma cooked a nicefor them. A.breakfastB.lunchC.dinner ()3.The children cleaned the house. A.after lunchB.in the afternoonC.in the morning. ()4.watered the trees and flowers. A.LiuTao and WangBingB.The twinsC.YangLing and Mike ()5.The children was verylast Sunday

18、. A.sadB.hungryC.happy 译林版六上期中检测试卷 听力材料 一、选出你所听到的内容。 (读两遍) 1. through2.start3. ear4.weather5.could 6.laugh7.excited8.sad9.forest10.rainy 二、根据所听到问句选择合适的答句。 (读两遍) 1.What day is it today? 2.Whatswrongwithyou? 3.WasitrainylastSunday? 4.Whathappened? 5.Were there a lot of people in the street? 6.Who can

19、play basketball? 7.Look at my shoes. 8.How do you go to school every day? 9.What did you do for the holiday? 10.Did you watch TV last night? 三、听短文,判断句子正(T)误(F) (读三遍) It was sunny today. Mike and I had a picnic. We went to the park. We saw a lot of people in the park . There were many green trees in the park. There was a lake ,too. We brought some bread, cakes, and some drinks. We had lunch under a big tree. After lunch, we listened to music and talked with each other. We were happy today.


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