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1、UnitUnit 1 1 HelloHello 教学要求: 1能听懂、会说以下日常交际用语,并能运用所学交际用 语进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名。 Hello/Hi ,Im Whats your name? 要求读音正确, 语调自然。特别要注意 Im 和 name 的正 确读音。 2培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。 3认识五个人物: David ,Liu Tao ,Yang Ling ,Mike ,Nancy . 4. 能听懂、会说以下八个动物类单词:a dog, a cat , a bird , a tiger ,a monkey , a zebra , a panda ,an ele

2、phant 。 要求读音正确。 5会唱歌曲 Hello! 6.理解冠词 a /an 之间的区别。 教学重点:见教学要求 1、2、4。 教学难点:见教学要求:1、4、6。 教具准备:录音机(带)、 动物卡片、人物头饰。 课时安排: 共四课时。 第一课时: ALearn to say. 第二课时: BLook and learn . 第三课时: CLook and say . 第四课时: DFun house . UnitUnit 1 1 HelloHello . . 第一课时 TEACHING CONTENTS: 1.Vocabulary :David ,Liu Tao ,YangLing ,M

3、ike ,Nancy . 2.Pattern : Hi /Hello ,Im Whats your name ?Good morning . TEACHING AIMS : 1.The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance : Hello /Hi ,Im . Whats your name? Good morning . 2.To know five persons : David ,Liu Tao, YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy . 3.To encourage the Ss to talk in English .

4、TEACHING AIDS :Cassette ,recorder ,masks (David ,Liu Tao ,YangLing ,Mike ,Nancy ) TEACHING PROCEDURES: Step 1: Warm-up 1.Introduce : Allow me to introduce myself .My name is ,You can call me “Mr /Miss .”This semester I teach you English .I hope we could get along with each other .First ,lets say “He

5、llo !” 2.Greetings: Hello! Hi ! Good morning/Good afternoon . Step2 Presentationand practice . 1.Learn to say :Hi /Hello ,Im a. T: If you want to introduce yourself to others ,you should say : Hi ,Im /Hello ,Im b. Read after the T. Hi ,Im /Hello ,Im c. Practice : TTry to sing together (老师做简单律动,学生跟做,

6、试唱) Step 6 Homework Listen to the tape and read aloud .Say “Goodbye .” POSTSCRIPT: Phonetic symbol UnitUnit 1 1 HelloHello . . 第二课时 TEACHING CONTENTS : Vocabulary : a dog ,a cat ,a bird ,a tiger ,a monkey , a zebra ,a panda ,an elephant . TEACHING AIMS: 1.To understand and say the words :a dog ,a ca

7、t ,a bird ,a tiger ,a monkey ,a zebra ,a panda ,an elephant . 2.To understand whats the difference between “a .”and “ an .” 3.To encourage the Ss to learn English . TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step 1 Warm-up . 1.Greetings: Hello ,everyone! Hello,Im Whats your name? 2.Introduce . Please introduce yourself

8、to others (Prtactice in groups ). 3.Check . Step2 Presentation and practice . 1.Learn to say the new word: a dog . a.Show the card (dog) T: Hi ,boys and girls ,Im Dog .(Please say “Hello”to Dog) Ss: Hello,Dog. b. Practice and check . c. Imitate “Dog” (Use body language ) 2.Look at the picture and sa

9、y “Hello ,Dog/Cat /.” 3.听录音做动作。 师: Monkey .生做猴子爬山状。 师: Tiger. 生模仿老虎吼声,并展示自己强壮的双臂。 4.小组活动。 一人模仿小动物的动作或声音,其余学生猜,说出相应的 动物单词。 5对比练习:仔细看题板,找出每组词中表示“一”的单 词。 a cata panda an elephant .提醒学生注意“a” 和“an”的用法不同。 Step3 Consolidation . 1.Listen to the tape and repeat . 2.Play a game: Go hunting (Teachers Book Page

10、5) 3.Workbook : B Listen and draw . Step4 Homework: Listen to the tape and repeat 3 . UnitUnit 1 1 HelloHello . . 第三课时 TEACHING CONTENTS : 1.C Look and say : Hi ,Hello ImWhats your name? 2.Workbook . AListen and judge . TEACHING AIMS: 1.TheSs can inquire about someones name and introduce themselves.

11、 2.TheSs can talk in English.They like to speak in English . 3.The Ss can sing a song “Hello!” TEACHING AIDS:Recorder ,cassette ,teaching pictures ,masks . TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step1 Warm up 1.Greetings . 2.Free talk . 3.Sing“Good morning to you .” Step2 Prsentation . 1.Show the masks (animals ),Pl

12、ease say “Hello .”to dog /cat / 2.Ss practice by using “Hi ,Hello ,Im Whats your name Woof!” 3.Show the teaching pictures (C Look and say ) Look at the pictures . Q: 1)How many people are there in the picture ?(Five) 2)Who are they ? (David ,YangLing, Nancy ,Liu Tao ,Bobby ) 3) What are theytalking

13、about ? 4.Discuss . 5.Practice (By using masks ) David : Hello ,Im David ,Whats your name ? YangLing : Hello ,Im Yang Ling, Whats your name ? Nancy: Hello ,Im Nancy ,Whats your name? Step3 Learn to sing “Hello!” 1.Listen to the song . 2.Read after the T. 3.Learn to sing (Sing and dance ) Step4 Do th

14、e workbook . Page 1 Unit 1 Hello .A Listen and judge .Listen to the tapeandlookatthepictures.,thenmark,Ifitstrue,please drawasmilingface.Ifitsfalse,pleasedrawacryingface . KEY: 1. 2. 3. 4 Step5 Consolidation . 1.Listen to the tape .(PartA PartB ) 2.Read after the tape . 3.Sing a song “Hello!” Step 6

15、 ENDING . UnitUnit 1 1 HelloHello . . 第四课时 TEACHING CONTENTS: 1.Listen and circle . 2.Act and guess . TEACHING AIMS: 1.Go on learning the new words and the new sentences . 2.To encourage the Ss to learn English and use it . TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step 1 Warm up 1.Sing two songs : Good morning to you

16、!,Hello! 2. Greetings . 3.Do what I do . Singing .crying , drinking ,watching TV, walking ,writing (学生跟着教师模拟各种动作,把学生带到英 语氛围中。) 4.Free talk . Step2 Presentation . 1.Show the cards (animals ). Please say “Hello”to them. 2.Read the words . 3.Listen and circle . e.g When you heard “a panda .”please circ

17、le panda ,but not “Bobby.” 4.Act and guess . The students are back-to back. One student imitates one animal ,the other guesses “An elephant?” or “A monkey ?” Thefirst studentanswers “Yes.”or “No .”Byusing animal cards . 5. Do the workbook : C Listen ,find and circle . KEY:1.a panda 2. a tiger . 3. a

18、 monkey . Step3 Good bye Unit2Nicetomeetyou 第一课时 TEACHING CONTENTS: 1.Vocabulary : Miss Li ,Mr Gree, Wang Bing ,Helen . 2.Pattern : This is Good morning .Good afternoon , Nice to meet you , Nice to meet you ,too . TEACHING AIMS : 1.Enable the students can understand and say the communion parlances :

19、 This is Good morning .Good afternoon . Nice to meet you .Nice to meet you ,too . 2.To know four persons :Miss Li, Mr Green , WangBing ,Helen . 3.To encourage the Ss to talk in English . TEACHING AIDS :Cassette ,recorder ,masks (Miss Li ,Mr Green ,Wang Bing ,Helen .)model:( a clock ) TEACHING PROCED

20、URES : Step 1:Free talk 1.The teacherwearsthemasksofanimals:ask:Hi/Hello,Im a bird/(a dog, a tiger), Whats your name? The student answers: Hi/Hello ,Im 2.Students wear the masks of animals Practise in pairs (同桌练习) Group work (小组练习) Step 2 Presentation and pratice . 1.Learn to say :Nice to meet you .

21、/Nice to meet you ,too . a.The teacher wears the mask of a monkey . Say :Hello ,Im a monkey .Nice to meet you . (教师走到几个学生面边握手边说Nice to meet you ) b.Read the sentence after me . c.T says :Hello ,Im a monkey ,Nice to meet you ,S says :Nice to meet you ,too. d.Practice . T太阳慢慢 升起, 背景为野外的花香鸟语声。 T: Oh, I

22、ts six . The sunrises .“Get up ,Li Li ” S1:“All right .”(say “All right ” ,do “Get up ”) b.Read after the T. “Get up ”“All right ” 利用情境,学生进行组组、男 女生的练习。 c.Sing “Get up ,Get up ”“All right,All right ” c.Practice : TS,SS, Group work . Work in pairs . d.Check. 2.Learntosay:“Gotoschool now ,”.“Ok ,Goodby

23、e ” a.T: LiLi,Look at the clock ,Itsseven ,Put up your schoolbag ,Go to school now ,LiLi.(帮助学 生背好书包,并作出手势,让学生意会该去上 学了) S1:Ok,Miss Yan ,Goodbye. b.Read after the T. “Go to school ,now ”“Ok ” c.Practice .(开火车练习:S1:Go to school, .S2:Ok,Gotoschool,. S3:Ok.)此时播放合适的音乐,渲 染气氛。 d.Check. 3.Boys and girls,Im t

24、ired ,Lets have a rest . Playa game :Listen and do . (one student say “Get up ”, the others act it ) 2.Learn :“Go home,now ,All right,See you ,” a.T: LiLi ,Its five oclock,school is over ,Go home,now,LiLi. S1:All right ,See you ,Miss Yan .(边说边背书包走 出教室,准备回家) b.Read after the T “Go home .” “See you ”

25、c. Practice 要(练习时,把 see you 和 Goodbye 交换 使用。 ) d. Check. Play a game :Guess: (Teacher act “Get up。 What am I doing ?” student guess .) 3.Learn :“Go to bed now ,Ok ,Good night,” a.创设一个晚间情景,夜空黑乎乎,月亮挂在 树梢,星星在眨眼。 T:“LiLi,Itsnine,Themoonrises,Goto bed ,now ,LiLi.” S1:“Ok, Good night.”(边说边打着哈欠) b.Read aft

26、er the T. “bed ”“Good night” c.Practice and check.(小组内先自由练说,再 进行组组之间的评比。 ) Step3. Consolidation. 1.Listen to the tape and repeat . ( first only listen ,the second time repeat ). 2.Act the partA.(引入竞争制,使学生的注意力更 为集中) 3. 4.Workbook :Page 10AListen and judge . Step 4. Homework: Listen to the tape and re

27、peat about PartAthree times . Sing“Goodbye !” Design: Unit 4 Goodbye 图 1Get up ,.All right 图 2Go to school now ,.Ok,Goodbye. 图 3Go home now ,.All right,See you,. 图 4Go to bed now ,. Ok ,Good night ,. POSTSCRIPT. Phonetic symbol. bed/bed/night/nait/get/get/right/rait/ school/sku:l/home/hUm/ now/n a U

28、 /see/si : /sofa/ 5 s U f / telephone/5telifUn/table/5teibl/ fridge/frid V /chair/t F Z /desk/desk/ bookcase /buk-keis/ 教学反思: The second period: B Look and learn. TEACHING CONTENTS: Vocabulary: a bookcase,a desk ,a bed ,a sofa , a fridge ,a chair ,a table ,a telephone. TEACHINGAIMS: 1.To understand

29、and say the words :a bookcase, a bed ,a sofa ,a fridge ,a chair ,a table,a telephone . 2.To encourage the Ss to learn English. TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step 1.Warm-up : 1.Sing Hello 、 Hi,Nancy!.师生共乐。 2.Greetings: Hello, everyone!Good morning everyone.以及围绕 上一节课所学句型。 3.Freetalk. Step2 Presentation and pr

30、actice . 简单地自我介绍以及 介绍家人。 1.Learn to say new word: a.T: Boys and girls ,Lets go to my home (Take out picture B Look and learn)今天你们将参观我 的家,从我家出来后,你们将学会许多有用的 单词。 S1: Miss Yan ? whats this? T:This is a fridge . b.Read after the T. a fridge ,This is a fridge . T: Boys and girls ,what colour? S:Agreen fri

31、dge c.T:Boysandgirls,Letssingit,Ok? (Fridge ,fridge ,fredge ,I like fridge ,I like fridge ) d.Practice in pairs and check , one say these one by one . 2.Look and say the other words .(bed ,bookcase) The same method . Play a game: 1.guess . 1)师用简笔画进行画, 生根据教师的笔势进 行猜测。 2)采用多媒体, 根据事物的一部分进行来猜 全体。 3.Check

32、 . Look at the picture and say “This is a fridge /chair/.” Step 3 Consolidation. 1.Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.Play a game :Passing a secret. 3.Workbook: B Listen and circle.师生互动共同熟 悉上面的事物。 4.Draw and guess: desk, table ,chair .以画简笔画的 方式引入这三个单词的学习。 5.Chant . 以Chant 形式学习sofa , telephone ,sofa ,s

33、ofa ,I sit in the sofa .Telephone ,telephone ,I call you on the telephone . 6.Practice and check . Step4 Homework. Listen to the tape and repeat about Part A and Part B (several times .) Step5END. Sing“Goodbye!” Design: Unit 4 Goodbye . 图 1a fridge图 5a chair 图 2a bookcase图 6a table 图 3a desk图 7a sof

34、a 图 4a bed图 8a telephone The third period:CLook and say TEACHING CONTENTS: 1.C Look and say: This is a /an . 2.Workbook :CListen and colour . TEACHINGAIMS: 1.To understand whats the difference between “This is a /an ” and “This is ” 2.The Ss can talk in English.They like to speak in English. TEACHIN

35、GAIDS : cards ,teaching pictures. TEACHING PROCEDURES: Step 1 .Warm up : 1.Greetings. 2.Free talk :围绕本单元句型及人初次见面相互介 绍,问候之类的交际用语。 3.Sing“Good morning to you ” Step 2 .Presentation . 1.Review. a.Play a game: Guess (e.g One student acts monkey ,the others guess ,“a brown monkey”). Read the animal words

36、. b.Play a game: Passing a secret (复习水果、 家具 类单词) Read it . 抛魔盒:具体为在魔盒的每个面上写上单 词,进行抛掷,接到魔盒者应尽快读出与他对面的 单词,然后便传递下去。 2.CLook and say . a.T: Boys and girls ,Look at the picture and say one by one ,whos fast? b.Read “This is a /an .” c.Play a game : Look for your friend (将这十二 个单词所代表的形象制成卡片,请十二位同学 各抽一张, 按录

37、音机中所述快速找出自己的 “好 朋友”) 3.Workbook: CListen and colour . Key: 1. a black telephone2. a red sofa .3. a green bookcase4. a blue fridge . Step3.Consolidation. 1.Listen to the tape (PartA,Part B) 2.Read after the tape .(纠音、正音) Step4.END. Sing “Goodbye !” DESIGN: Unit 4 Goodbye This is a /an Homework: Liste

38、n to the tape about PartA and Part B (3) thensay it to your classmate . The fourth period :DFun house TEACHING CONTENTS: 1.Listen and number 2.Think and place . TEACHINGAIMS: 1.The Ss can understand and say “Heres a .” 2.Go on learning the new words and the new sentences . 3.To encourage the Ss to l

39、earn English and use it . TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step1.Warm-up 1.Sing two songs : Hello!Good morning to you ! 2.Greetings:简单自我介绍及将你的同学介绍给别 人。 (用他们的英文名) 3.Do whatI do “Flying ,jumping , watching TV.” 4.Free talk :Get up ,boys and girls /Go to school now / Step2. Presentation . 1.Listen and number . a.

40、T: Look at the picture , boys and girls ,who are they? What are they talking about? b.Listen to the tape and do it . c.Key :a 4b 2c 1d 3 2.Think and place a.Read after the T. “Heres a ” b.Play a game : Think and place (Teachers Book Page 20) 3.Sing a song “Goodbye ” a.Read after the T. “half past ni

41、ne time”, “Its time to say .” b.Listen to the tape . c.Learn to sing (sing and dance ) Step 3Homework . Listen to the tape and repeat . Step 4 End . Sing “Goodbye !” Homework: Practice in three students ,act it about this unit . Listen to the tape about Hello!How are you DESIGN: Unit 4 Goodbye 教学反思:

42、 单词 table 学生读得不准,可能是因为母语中没有ei 的发音习惯。 C 部分既出现了第一单元中的动物, 又呈现了第三单元 中水果两两相对,各复现了六个单词,由此,复习面还挺 广的,根据复习的反馈效果来看,学生掌握不是很好。课 外还应督促学生搞好复习,巩固工作。 本课句型 This is a /an,a /an 的区别对于学生来讲, 理 解起来比较困难,说的时候,多数以 This is a 来介绍, an 的发音也很模糊。 平时发现学生能利用学过的知识和老师交流,和教师打招 呼的热情很高涨,教学中,应重视这种热情,鼓励他们以 培养学生学说英语的良好习惯 Unit 5How are you

43、? 教材简析: 本单元主要围绕 How are you ?及其相应的四种应答句 展开教学。综观本册的上半册内容,从第一单元的 Hello /Hi! ,第二单元的 Good morning /Good afternoon /Nice to meet you .第四单元的 Goodbye !/See you /Good night .到本单元的 How are you ?互致问候的礼貌用语 贯穿始终。 除问候语之外, 本单元还介绍了八个学习用品类单词 , 并复巩固了前几单元中的部分交际用语。随着学生学习内 容的增多,教师在教学过程中应经常复习学过的问候语, 并鼓励学生在平时的生活、学习中尽量用英语

44、互致问候, 自觉将所英语运用于日常交际中。 Teaching demands: 1、 能学会使用问候语 How are you ?及其四种 应答语。 2、 能听懂、会说以下八个学习用品类单词 a pen ,a book ,a rubber ,a pencil ,a pencil box ,a ruler , a ball pen , a pencil sharpener . 3、 会唱歌曲 Hello ! How are you ? Teaching mainpoints and difficultpoints : 1能学会使用问候语 How are you ?及其四种 应答语: Fine ,

45、thank you / Fine ,thank you ,And you ? Im fine ,too /Not bad ,thank you /Not so good . 2听懂、会说八个文具类单词,并能以升调进 行问答练习,答语为 Yes or No. Teaching aids: a cassette ,pictures, masks ,a smiling face , a crying face , school things . Allocation of Time: The first period:A.Learn to say . The second period :BLook

46、and learn . The third period:CLookand say . The fourth period :DFun house . The first period:ALearn to say . Teaching Aims : 1.Enable the Ss to understand and say “How are you ?” “Fine ,thank you , And you ”“Not bad ”or “Not so good .” 2.Raise the Ss interest to learn English. 3.Encourage the Ss to

47、have good cooperation with one another. Teaching contents : How are you ?Fine ,thank you .( And you?) Not bad ,thank you . Not so good. Im fine ,too .Im sorry . Teaching procedures : Step1.Warming upexercise . 1.Greetingsthe Ss: Good morning /afternoon ,class? Glad to see you ! 2.Revision : Show me

48、your English book ,Show me your rubber ,etc .What colour is it? 3.Now ,lets sing ,Ok ?(“Hi, Nancy”.“Colour song”) Step2. Presentation A.Lets talk . (1)Lets make a dialogue : T: (show a toy )Look ,This is my friend Peter,He wants to be your friend ,Do you like him ? T:(ToyPeter) Hello ,Im Peter, Nice

49、 to meet you . SS:Hello,Peter. Sa : Hello ,Peter, Im . Sb: Good morning ,Peter ,Im ,This is my friend . Sc: Nice to meet you ,Peter. T :Nice to meet you ,too . (2) Lets listen to the tape ,please listen carefully, then answer my questions : a.How many kids do youknow ? b.What do you remember? c.Who

50、is not so good ? (3)Teachand learn : How are you ?/Fine ,thank you . a.T holds up twofingers (the two fingers are opposed) Finger 1: Hi, How are you ? Finger 2: Fine ,thank you . (Twice times ) b. Follow me and practise Hi, How are you ? Fine ,thank you . c.Practice in pairs . d.check (single or par


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