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1、五上期末测试卷五上期末测试卷 班级班级姓名姓名 一、听录音,找出你所听到的句子中含有的选项。一、听录音,找出你所听到的句子中含有的选项。(5 分分) () 1. A. writeB. writerC. right () 2.A. sockB. soupC. soft () 3.A. lessonB. listenC. letter () 4.A. addressB. afraidC. about () 5.A. MissB. MrC. Mrs 二、听录音,相符的用二、听录音,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用表示,不相符的用“F”表示表示。 (6 分)分) 123 ()()() 456 ()()(

2、) 三、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答语三、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答语。 (听两遍(听两遍) (10 分)分) () 1. A. Its a deskB. Theyre flowers.C. Theres a desk. () 2. A. He often plays football.B. She often goes shopping. C. He likes cooking. () 3. A.Yes,theydo.B.No,shedoesnt.C.Yes,hedoes. () 4. A.I like fishing.B.I likeArt.C. I like apples.

3、 () 5. A. Its Sams.B. Theyre Sams.C. Sam. 四、根据所听内容完成短文。四、根据所听内容完成短文。(听三遍听三遍)(9 分)分) A:Whos your? B:Peter. Hein the UK. A: How old is he? B: He is 11old. A: Does he have Chinese lessons at school? B: No, he.HeChinese after school. A: Does heplaying football? B: Yes, he does. Hetoo. 笔试部分(70 分) 五、英汉互译(

4、五、英汉互译(12 分)分) 1.写一封邮件2. Western countries 3. 一位英语教师4.第一个学生 5. turn to ice6. 擅长 7. 做贺卡_8.喜欢打篮球 9. 读故事10. English addresses_ 11.Merry Christmas!12.very popular in the US_ 六、选用方框内的单词,将其适当形式填在横线上,每空一词六、选用方框内的单词,将其适当形式填在横线上,每空一词。 (10 分分) visit,teach,go,help,swim ,do ,student,country, China 1、My father i

5、s a doctor.Hesick people. 2、Miss Wang is a. SheusMusic. 3、Do thosestudy? No, they. 4、In many, coffee is very popular. 5、Does Nancy alwaysher uncle? 6、How aboutto the park? 7、He oftenat weekends. 七、单项选择(七、单项选择(10 分)分) () 1. Can you show us _ your new school? A. toB. aroundC. about () 2. _ any swings

6、in the park. A. There areB. There isntC. There arent () 3. People eat a lot of nice food_ Christmas Day. A. onB. atC. in () 4. The boy cant play_ piano, but he can play_ football. A. / ; theB. the ; /C. a ; the () 5. Su Hai eats _ when she watches TV. A. a lot ofB. a lotsC. a lot () 6. Tom likes sin

7、ging, but Mike _ A. dontB. doesntC. isnt () 7. Wheres my dog?Look, its _ the cars. A. betweenB. underC. on () 8. I can _ salads. I like _ salads. A. make; makingB. making; makeC. make; make () 9. What_ your cousin _?He has a bike. A. do, haveB. does, hasC. does, have () 10.What _ the boy like _?He _

8、. A. do; doing; likes drawingB. does; doing; likes drawing C. does; doing; like drawing 八、八、会话匹配。会话匹配。(10(10 分分) ) ()1、What subjects do you like?A. No, he doesnt. ()2、How many books do you have ?B. I like English. ()3、Does Mike like rabbits?C. Ten. ()4、What does your father do?D. Yes, there is. ()5、

9、What can you do?E. Yes, I do. ()6、Is there a football?F. Good idea. () 7、How much is the pen?G. Thirteen yuan, please. () 8、What do they like doing?H. He is a doctor. () 9、Do you have an animal friend?I. I can make a salad. () 10、Shall we go and play there?J. They like swimming. 九、填空(九、填空(14 分)分) (一

10、)根据图片提示,完成下列对话。 A: _ _balls are there in the classroom? B: _me have _ _. There are _. A: _ on the teachers desk? B: There is a _ and two books. (二)根据中文提示,翻译下列句子。 1.-李老师有什么爱好吗?” -有,她喜欢弹钢琴。 ” Miss Li have any hobbies? Yes,shethe piano. 2.卧室在第二层。 The bedroom is _ floor. 十、十、根据短文判断下列句子,相符写根据短文判断下列句子,相符写

11、 T,不相符写,不相符写 F(10 分)分) Mrs Brown has a lovely dog. One day the dog is lost 丢失,and it is raining outside. Mrs Brown looks everywhere but she cant find it. So she calls the policeman. A young policeman answers the telephone, Dont worry, Madam. Dogs are really strong animals. They sometimes live for se

12、veral days in the rain and quite all right. Mrs Brown is happy to hear the policeman. She says, My dog is clever. He almost 几乎 talks. Well then, the policeman says. Why dont you put your telephone down? Maybe he wants to call you. () 1. Mrs Brown lost her lovely dog.() 2. It is raining outside. () 3

13、. Mrs Brown is worried, so she calls the doctor. () 4. Mrs Brown is very sad to hear the policemans words. () 5. Mrs Browns dog can talk. 十一、判断对(十一、判断对(T)错()错( F) 。 (4 分)分) 1.We can see polar bears in Canada. () 2.In the UK, we call a firefighter a “cop”. () 3.In the US, this is the ground floor. () 4.Football is very popular in the US. ()


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