(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection Section Appt课件.pptx

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1、Unit 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION Section A Listening and Speaking 核心词汇 词汇一 illegal adj. 不合法的;非法的 教材原句 Stop illegal hunting immediately 立即停止非法狩猎 要点必记 (1)illegal immigrants 非法移民 illegal drugs 违禁药品 illegal activities 非法活动 an illegal act 违法行为 illegal parking 违章停车 It is illegal to do sth. 做某事是违法的。 (2)legal adj

2、. 合法的 illegally adv. 不合法地;非法地 学法点拨 il- 是否定前缀,意为“不,非” illogical 不合逻辑的 illimitable 无限的 题组练领悟方法 词汇二 hunt vt. right now; right away 单句语法填空 (1)词汇复现All hunters must stop hunting wild animals (immediate). (2) (immediate)shed gone,I remembered her name. 单句写作 (3) I will contact you (我一到那里). (4) The boss orde

3、red them to (立即采取行动). immediately Immediately immediately I arrive there take immediate action 词汇四 on earth(放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底 教材原句 What on Earth Are We Doing to Our Planet? 我们到底在对地球做什么? 学法点拨 ( 1)on earth“究竟,到底”,放在疑问词 what,how,why,where,who 等之后表示强调,用于 询问令人惊讶或生气的事。 (2)“在地球上”的表达法: on earth/Earth on the

4、 earth/Earth 单句写作 (1)词汇复现猎人究竟为什么要射杀这些动物? _ _ _ do the hunters shoot these animals? (2) 你那么做究竟为了什么? _ _ _ did you do that for? (3) 他是世界上最有影响力的人。 He is the most powerful _ _. Why on earth What on earth on earth 词汇五 die out 灭亡; 逐渐消失 教材原句 Our planets is dying out at an alarming rate. 我们地球的正在以惊人的速度消亡。 要点

5、必记 die out(家族、物种等)灭绝;(风俗、习惯等) 逐渐消失 die away(声音、光线、风等)逐渐减弱, 逐渐消失 die off 相继死去,先后死去(直到死光) die down(火、兴奋程度等)减弱,平息; (=die away)(声音、光线等)变弱,消失 单句语法填空 (1) The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying ,so we should take steps to protect them. (2) Some old customs are slowly dying in China. (3) The fi

6、re died ,so we put more coal. (4) The sound of the car died in the distance. (5) This species has nearly died because its habitat is being destroyed. (6) Many trees are dying for lack of water. out out out down away/down off 词汇六 alarming adj. 惊人的;使人惊恐的 要点必记 alarm vt. 使惊恐;使害怕;使担心 n. 恐慌; 警报;警报器 in ala

7、rm 惊恐地 air alarm 空袭警报 an alarm system 警报系统 a fire alarm 防火警报器 单句写作 (1) 雨林正以惊人的速度消失。 The rainforests are disappearing_ _ _ _ . (2) “你都做了些什么?”埃莉惊恐地喊道。 “ What have you done?” Ellie cried _ _ . at an alarming rate in alarm 词汇七 rate (1)n. 速度;(比)率 (2)vt. 划分等级 教材原句 Our planets is dying out at an alarming r

8、ate. 我们地球的正在以惊人的速度消亡。 要点必记 (1)first-rate 一流的 the birth/death rate 出生率/ 死亡率 at a steady rate 以平稳的速度 rating n. 等级;级别 ( 2)at a rate of 以的速度,以的 比率 at a/the speed of 以的速度 at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour 以平均每小时5 千米的速度 单句写作 (1) 大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时5 千米。 Most people walk _ _ _ _ _ 5 kilometres an hour

9、. (2) 那里的地方企业正在以每年三家的速度关闭。 Local businesses there are closing _ _ _ _ three a year. (3) 到目前为止飞船一直在以平稳的速度飞行。 So far the spacecrafts been traveling_ _ _ _. at an average rate of at a/the rate of at a steady rate 单句语法填空 (1)词汇复现Some hunters have illegally hunted wild animals,leading to mass (extinct)of

10、them. 单句写作 (2) According to Jack,it is global warming that_ (导致许多动物的灭绝). (3) Conservationists are trying to (保护鲸以防止其灭绝). (4) The species (濒临灭绝). extinction leads to the extinction of many animals preserve the whale from extinction is close to extinction 词汇八 extinct adj. 已灭绝的 教材原句 Between 150 and 200

11、 species are becoming extinct every day. 每天有150 到200 个物种灭绝。 要点必记 (1)an extinct volcano 死火山 an extinct species 已灭绝的一个物种 (2)extinction n. 灭绝 be close to extinction 濒临灭绝 preserve endangered species from extinction 保护濒危物种不致灭绝 lead to the extinction of many animals 导致许多动物的灭绝 词汇九 mass (1)adj. 大量的;广泛的(2)n.

12、 大量;堆;群 教材原句 This mass extinction is caused by hunting,habitat ,and pollution . 这种大量的灭绝是由狩猎、 栖息地 和污染造成的。 要点必记 a mass of/masses of 众多;大量 have a broad base of the masses 有广泛的群众基础 a mass of sand 一堆沙 a mass of treasure 大宗财宝 学法点拨 a mass of/masses of“众多,大量”,可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,谓语动词的单复数要和of 后 面名词单复数形式保持一致。 单

13、句语法填空 (1) Ive got (mass)of work to do. (2)2016全国卷Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants,flowers, patterns and masses color. (3) There (be)masses of people in the shops yesterday. 单句写作 (4) Beijing Opera_ (有广泛的群众基础). (5) The villagers found (大量财宝)when they built a house. has a broa

14、d base of the masses a mass of treasure masses of were 词汇十 aware adj. 知道;发觉;有意识的 教材原句 We must make people aware of the problem and help the endangered wildlife before its too late! 我们必须让人们意识到这个问题,帮助濒危野生动物,否则就太晚了! 要点必记 (1)be/become aware of/that. 知道; 意识到 make sb. aware of/that. 使某人意识到 raise the aware

15、ness of. 提高的意识 arouse ones awareness of. 唤起某人对的意识 (2)unaware adj. 没察觉的,不知道的 awareness n. 认识,意识 单句语法填空 (1)2017浙江卷At the sight of the scene,they were aware what had happened. (2) Are you aware there is danger? 单句写作 (3)2018江苏卷The customers _ _ _没有意识到)eating more than usual. (4) They suddenly_ _ _ (意识到)

16、 people looking at them. (5) People should _ _ _ _ (提高 意识)environmental protection. raise the awareness of became aware of of that arent aware of/ are unaware of 词汇十一 endanger vt. 使遭受危险;危害 教材原句 We must make people aware of the problem and help the endangered wildlife before its too late! 我们必须让 人们意识到

17、这个问题,帮助濒危野生动物,否则就太晚了! 要点必记 (1)endangered adj. 有危险的;濒临灭绝的 endangered animals 濒危动物 an endangered species 濒危物种 ( 2)in danger of(doing)sth. 处于(做)某 事的危险中 out of danger 脱离危险 be a danger to sb. /sth. 对某人/ 某物有危险 be dangerous for 对有危险 It is a danger/dangerous to do sth. 做某事是一件危险的事/ 危险的。 单句语法填空 (1)词汇复现Some wi

18、ld animals are (endanger)and their habitats have been threatened,too. (2)We argued him out of going on such a (danger)journey. (3) Levels of waste from the factory may be a danger public health. 单句写作 (4) Nature reserves have protected (许多濒危动物)from decreasing in number. (5) You are (有 危险) catching a

19、cold if you dont take any medicine. endangered dangerous to many endangered animals in danger of 词汇十二 average(1)n. 平均数;平均水平 (2)adj. 平均的;正常的;普通的 教材原句 How many elephants are killed on average every day? 平均每天有多少头大象被杀害? 要点必记 (1)on(the)average 平均 an average of 平均有 above/below average 平均水平以上/ 下 ( 2)the av

20、erage rainfall of. 的平均降雨量 an average age of.的平均年龄 average build/height 中等身材/ 平均身高 the average size 平均大小 词汇十三 make progress 取得进步 教材原句 China has made a lot of progress. 中国已经取得了很大的进步。 要点必记 make progress in. 在方面取得进步 make some/great progress 取得一些/ 巨大进步 make slow/steady/rapid/good progress 取得缓慢的/ 平稳的/ 迅速的

21、/ 良好的进展 误区警示 progress 是不可数名词,不能用a/an 修饰,没有复数形式。 单句语法填空 (1) The provinces rainfall this year is average. Many plants are short of water and have been dead. (2) average,90% of the students per class in this school are experienced in studying maths. (3)2015重庆卷Last year was the warmest year on record,wi

22、th global temperature 0. 68 _the average. 单句写作 (4) My English is_ _(在平均水平之上). (5) _ _ (平均起来),each member earns 5 per hour. (6) _ _ _ (的平均数)3,4 and 11 is 6. below On above above average On average The average of 单句写作 (1)With the help of the teachers and his classmates,Li Lei_ (在方面取得进步)his study recen

23、tly. (2) The report shows that we are (取得快速的进步),but we need to make greater efforts. (3) It is hard to imagine ( 他们取得的进步)in the past few months. has made progress in making rapid progress what progress they have made 词汇十四 be concerned about 对关切的;为担忧的 教材原句 Im concerned about the African elephants. 我很

24、担心非洲象。 要点必记 concern vt. 涉及;让担忧 n. 担心,忧虑;关注;利害关系 concerned adj. 担心的;关切的 concern oneself about 关心,挂念 with concern 关切地 show concern about/for 对表示担心 / 关心 as far as sb. /sth. is concerned 就而言 be concerned with 与有关;涉及 一言辨异 As far as I am concerned,educators should be concerned about the problems that are

25、concerned with the healthy growth of the children and concern themselves with/in the work of education. 依我之见, 教育工作者应该关心 与儿童健康成长有关的问题,并使自己参与教育工作。 单句语法填空 (1) As far as Im (concern),the idea is crazy. (2) In fact,John has never been (concern)about what others think of him. (3) My teacher is looking at

26、me concern. (4) Several parents showed their great concern their childrens safety at school. (5) The meeting was concerned the system reforms and everyone present was concerned their own interests. (6) What (concern)me is our lack of preparation for the change. concerned concerned with about with ab

27、out concerns 单句写作 (7) The (忧心忡忡的家长) were all_(担心)the childrens safety. (8) (就我而言),reading English newspapers is of great help to our English study. (9) Please come here on time. The matter (与有关)all of you. is concerned with As far as I am concerned concerned parentsconcerned about 单句写作(1)词汇复现They ha

28、ve to search for new habitats and try to_(适应新环境). (2) Three of her novels (已被改编成)television series. 辨析填空(adapt/adopt) (3) They have no children of their own,but theyre hoping to . (4) That article is from a song. (5) I think its time to a different strategy in my dealings with him. (6) The good thin

29、g about children is that they very easily to new environments. adopt adopt adapted adapt adapt to new environments have been adapted for 词汇十五 adapt(1)vi. 适应 (2)vt. 使适应;使适合;改编,改写 教材原句 Elephants need large living spaces,so its difficult for them to adapt to the changes. 大象需要大 的生存空间,因此对它们来说适应变化是困难的。 要点

30、必记 adapt to sth. 适应某事 adapt (oneself)to (使自己)适应(to 是介词) be adapted for 被改编成 be adapted from 改编自 学法点拨 apt 适合 adapt根义(使)适合多义 使)适应 改编,改写 opt 选择 adopt根义选取多义 采取,采用收养,领养 词汇十六 measure (1)n. 措施;方法(常用复数) (2)v. 测量;度量;估量 教材原句 What measures are being taken to help them? 正在采取什么措施来帮助它们? 要点必记 make. to ones own mea

31、sure 依照某人的尺寸做 take measures to do sth. (=take steps / action to do sth. ) 采取措施做某事 beyond measure 非常大;非常多;极其 measure.by. 用来衡量 误区警示 measure 意为“某物长/ 宽/ 高为”时是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,也不能用于进行时态。 词汇十七 pressure n. 压力;要求 教材原句 The authorities are under pressure to build elephant parks and tell people not to buy elepha

32、nt products. 政府正面临建设大象公园并告诫人们不要购买大象产品的压力。 要点必记 under pressure 在压力下;承受压力(pressure 前无任何冠词) under the pressure of. 在的压力下 put pressure on sb. 给某人施加压力 reduce pressure 减轻压力 give in to pressure 屈服于压力 blood pressure 血压 词语积累 press v. 按,压 单句语法填空 (1) The little child would like to have his height (measure). (2

33、) Its believed that education shouldnt (measure)only by exam results. (3) The bed (measure)1.8 metres long and its too short for the young man. (4) Oh,sir,youll need to get a suit made your own measure. (5)词汇复现Some government departments must take effective measures (prevent) our environment from be

34、ing polluted further. 单句写作 (6) The gentle father a dress (为他的女儿量身定做). (7) The government should (采取措施保护地球). take measures to protect the earth made to his daughters measure measured be measured measures to to prevent 单句语法填空 (1)词汇复现 pressure,they had to make their own living. (2) Extra lessons on Sun

35、days put more pressure students,who already have piles of homework to do. (3) He had to give up the work he loved deeply the pressure of his parents. (4) The (press)of being a doctor causes me stress. 单句写作 (5) The team performed well_ _ (在压力下). (6) You should remember that even the best student can make mistakes sometimes. So dont _ too _ _ (给 施加压力)yourself. put pressure on under pressure Under on under pressure


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