闽教版三年级上册Unit 6 Colors-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:005fa).zip

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Unit 6 Unit 6 ColorColors s Part APart A 闽教版小学英语三年级上闽教版小学英语三年级上 Red and yellow and pink and green. Purple and orange and blue. I can sing a rainbow, sing a rain bow. Sing a rain bow now. ColorsColorsColorsColors color colors Part APart A Unit 6 ColorUnit 6 Colors s What color is it? 这是什么颜色? The is red . The is red. redred e redy llow e The is yellow. The is yellow. yellowyellow u blue The is blue. The is blue. Yellow, its yellow. Blue, its blue. green green i: The is _. The is _ . green green 哪种颜色的小鸟从弹弓上飞了出去? Game1 : green red blue yellow How Many Colors in the Pictures? light灯 traffic light 交通信号灯 redThe light is _. The light is _. green The light is _. yellow 1.How to do when the light is red? 当红灯时我们应该怎么做? 2.How to do when the light is green? 当绿灯时,我们应该怎么做呢? The light is red. The light is green. stop 停 Lets go.走 The light is yellow. wait 等 老师举red红牌时,全班同学坐着并说“Stop!” 老师举green绿牌时,全班同学起立并说“ Lets go.” 老师举yellow黄牌时,全班同学做手势并说“wait .” Game Traffic Lights red blue green yellow green yellow redstop停 wait等 go 走 我们要遵守交通规则。要等绿灯亮 了才能过马路! 请遵守交通规则 Observe to the traffic rules. 遵守交通规则 Cherish the life. 珍惜生命 Enjoy the life. 热爱生活 Homework作业 1.完成活动手册Unit6 PartA 2.找找家中物品颜色 说给父母听。 Goodbye UnitUnit 6 6 ColorsColors PartPart B B 一、教学目标 1.语言知识目标: a.学习单词 red,yellow,green,blue,light, b.能初步运用 stop,now,lets,go 等词汇 c.学习句子 The light is red.Stop!The light is green.Lets go. d.学唱歌曲 Traffic Lights e.能用英文描述事物的颜色 2.语言技能目标: a.能听懂并说出所学的表示颜色的单词 b.能根据图片说出 light 并能看图识词。 3.教学情感态度 a.通过学习颜色,培养学生的审美意识,发现生活中的美和对美好世界的热爱。 b.通过学习童谣 Traffic Lights,教导学生要遵守交通规则,做讲文明的好少 年。 二、教具准备 a.单词卡片和图片:red,yellow,green,blue,light 等。 b.红色和绿色指示牌 c.课件 三、教学过程 StepStep Warm-upWarm-up 1. Greetings(一些简单的问候语,拉近师生之间的距离) 2. 课堂小组竞赛规则的说明,以及课堂指令和表扬指令。 3. sing a songI can sing a rainbow Can you guess what we will learn from this song? 3.教授 colors 引出课题,示视觉对比图,引出 color 和 colors 的学习 StepStep PresentationPresentation 1.出示视觉对比图,感受 color 和 colors 两个单词意思。 T:Color means “颜色” ,很多种颜色就要加 s. Color, color, C-O-L-O-R, color,颜色。 2.Show the title of “Unit 6 Colors Part A” (板书) S:学生跟读课题。 Teach: red (红色) (贴板书)red group 红色小组 师课件出示图片,单词 red 的教授方法(声调法,大小声操练法,拼读法) 师点学生读(师拿着卡片走到学生身边) 出示 apple 和 egg.的图片 Red, red, red, red apple. The apple is red. 分组操练巩固,单词到短语再到句子的操练,如 Bs: red, red Gs: red apple/egg Ss: The apple/egg is red.(男女生配合操练) 3、教授 yellow .(师拿香蕉图、男女生比赛,个别学生尝试说句子) 4:教授单词 blue blueblue groupgroup (1)(播放图片)Blue,blue b, b ,b.(B 字母的发音)无课件时(贴板书贴板书 show me your fingers. Follow me. B-L-U-E, blue.蓝色(师做吹泡泡的动作) T: 拿着卡片 Blue,its blue.(开火车 one by one ) (2):(播放图片)blue fish, blue cat (小组比赛说句子,师说词生接句子)The fish is blue. The cat is blue. 5、教授 green greengreen groupgroup 出示黄色和蓝色的图形,碰撞后出现 green(小黄、小绿的故事) 1) 、学生拍手,yellow,blue, green. 2)操练句子 The jacket / kite is green. 巩固游戏-愤怒的小鸟,看谁抢答得最快,师给与相应的加分奖励。 6、 教授 light, Look! The light is ?. Light, its light.(light means 灯) , 利用手指和抬头的动作练习 light, light -light-light T:(播放交通灯)traffic light. What colors are they? T:出示三种颜色的灯,引导学生说:red light,yellow light ,green light. T:Well done! 根据图片操练句型 The light is red. The light is yellow. The light is green 操练方法:师出示图片,闪卡,学生说句子 NewNew lessonlesson 两个问题引入新课、 T:OK, now open your book, turn to page 43,.Before you listen, there are two questions for you. Now, listen carefully.(第一遍) HowHow toto dodo whenwhen thethe lightlight isis redred? ? .How.How toto dodo whenwhen thethe lightlight isis greengreen? T: Who can answer my questions? First one, Hands up. S:The light is red. Stop!(出示图片) T: Great! 教授 stop(手部比) S:The light is green. Lets go!(出示图片)(动作) T:Wonderful! T: Pay attention to this word. “Now” means 现在。 T:Now, listen and follow.(教授 now) T:Once again, listen and repeat.(第二遍) 回顾,课件出示,学生操练(动作操练) The light is red. Stop! The light is green. Lets go! T:Now, boys and girls, stand up ,please. When I say: The light is red, you should stand and say “Stop!”. When I say: The light is green, you should say “Lets go.” and do the action. Understand? StepStep ExtensionExtension 1、 升级:请每组各一个学生上台,(老师举红色的牌子)全班说 The light is red, 台上的学生做动作并且说 Stop.(老师举绿色的牌子)全班说: The light is green.台上的学生做动作并且说:Lets go!看谁的反应 快就给改组加分。 3.学唱歌曲 Traffic Lights 4、两个游戏巩固这节课所学 鱼儿吹泡泡、红绿灯图 StepStep II SummarySummary T: Let me see what we have learned today. 1.Word: blue, red, yellow, green. 2.Sentence: he light is red. top! The light is green.Lets go. StepStep HomeworkHomework 1、熟读课文对话 2、回家说说家里有关这四种颜色的物体 3、放学等红绿灯时和自己的伙伴进行对话。
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