2022届高考英语 高三中英双语阅读素材:云南北移亚洲象群平安回归适宜栖息地等2则.docx

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1、中国奥运军团田径项目创造历史中国奥运军团田径项目创造历史 8 月 3 日,中国奥运军团再进 3 金,以 32 枚金牌追平了在 2004 年雅典奥运会上获得的金牌 总数,这也意味着在金牌数上追平了中国在境外奥运会上的第二好成绩。 截至 8 月 4 日下午,中国军团仍居榜首,美国队以 25 枚金牌位居金牌榜次席,获得 20 枚金 牌的日本队排名第三。 China became the first country to win more than 30 gold medals at the Tokyo 2020 Games, as victories came at the gymnastics v

2、enue1 and diving pool on Tuesday. 8 月 3 日,中国队在体操和跳水项目中夺冠,成为第一个在 2020 东京奥运会上赢得超过 30 枚金牌的国家。 Team China leads the medal table with 32 golds, 21 silvers and 16 bronzes, ahead of the United States with 25 gold, 29 silver and 22 bronze medals. 中国队以 32 枚金牌、21 枚银牌和 16 枚铜牌领跑奖牌榜,美国队以 25 枚金牌、29 枚银牌和 22 枚铜牌位列第

3、二。 At the Ariake Gymnastics Centre, Guan Chenchen grabbed her first Olympic medala goldin the womens balance beam final. Guans teammate Tang Xijing won silver, while star US gymnast Simone Biles took the bronze. 在有明体操竞技场,管晨辰在女子平衡木决赛中夺得她的第一枚奥运金牌。队友唐茜靖获得 银牌,美国体操明星西蒙拜尔斯获得铜牌。 At the age of 16, Guan beca

4、me one of the youngest winners of the event after Shawn Johnson from the US, who won the balance beam at age 16 at the Beijing 2008 Games. 16 岁的管晨辰成为继美国选手肖恩约翰逊之后最年轻的平衡木冠军。肖恩约翰逊 16 岁 时获得 2008 北京奥运会平衡木冠军。 I never expected that I would get a medal. My coach said, This is your first time in the Olympics

5、 and no one knows you, so just go ahead and do your best, Guan said after her victory. 管晨辰赛后表示:“我从没想过能拿牌,教练叮嘱我,我是第一次参赛,没有人认识我,比 好自己的就行了。” Tang took the early lead with 14.233 points for her routine. Biles moved into second after a clean and confident routine gained her 14.000. The American star, who

6、 won a team silver medal last week, has been in the spotlight2 after withdrawing from several individual events, citing mental health challenges. 唐茜靖起初以 14.233 分的成绩领先。拜尔斯以干净利落、自信满满的表现获得 14.000 分, 排在第二。她所在的美国队上周获得女子体操团体银牌,此前她因心理健康问题退出了几个个人 项目,因而备受关注。 Despite the pressure, Guan executed her routines t

7、o near perfection, earning 14.633 points to claim the gold. 尽管压力很大,管晨辰还是将自己的整套动作发挥得近乎完美,获得 14.633 分,夺得金牌。 Minutes earlier, Zou Jingyuan collected Chinas first gold at the gymnastics arena3 when he won the mens parallel bars. 在管晨辰夺金几分钟前,邹敬园获得体操男子双杠冠军,为中国赢得本届奥运会第一枚体操 金牌。 Although I won a gold medal th

8、is time, theres no way I could have done this on my own. It really was a worldwide effort to hold the Olympics, and so I would like to thank everybody who made a contribution toward that, Zou said. 邹敬园说:“虽然这次我在奥运会上获得了金牌,但如果仅凭我的个人努力是不可能实现梦 想的。在这里我要感谢每一位为奥运会的举办而作出贡献的人。” In the diving pool, Xie Siyi to

9、ok his second gold in Tokyo, winning the mens 3-meter springboard. He finished ahead of teammate Wang Zongyuan, with whom he had earlier partnered to win the mens 3m synchronized4 diving event. 在跳水比赛中,谢思埸领先队友王宗源,夺得跳水男子 3 米板冠军,赢下他的第二枚东京奥 运会金牌。此前,他在男子双人 3 米板项目中与王宗源搭档获得冠军。 On the track, Wang Chunyu mad

10、e history by finishing fifth with a personal best of 1 minute 57 seconds in the womens 800m final. It was the first appearance of a Chinese woman in a final of the event at the Olympics. 在田径赛场上,王春雨在女子 800 米决赛中以个人最好成绩 1 分 57 秒获得第五名,创造了历 史。这是中国女运动员首次晋级该项目的奥运会决赛。 Chinese hammer thrower Wang Zheng won s

11、ilver with a throw of 77.03m in the final, 1.45m behind gold medalist Anita Wlodarczyk of Poland. 中国链球运动员王峥在决赛中以 77.03 米的成绩获得银牌,落后金牌得主波兰的安妮塔沃 达尔奇克 1.45 米。 Sprinter5 Xie Zhenye, the current Asian record holder6 in the mens 200m, failed to reach the final with a time of 20.45 seconds. Xie made history

12、 by becoming the first Chinese runner to reach the mens 200m semifinals at an Olympics. 目前男子 200 米亚洲纪录保持者、短跑运动员谢震业跑出 20.45 秒的成绩,未能晋级决赛。 但他进入半决赛本身就创造了历史,因为他是第一位在奥运会上进入男子 200 米半决赛的中国选 手。 1 1venuevenue n.n.犯罪地点,审判地,管辖地,发生地点,集合地点犯罪地点,审判地,管辖地,发生地点,集合地点 参考例句: The hall provided a venue for weddings and oth

13、er functions.大厅给婚礼和其他社会活动提 供了场所。 The chosen venue caused great controversy among the people.人们就审判地点的问题产生了 极大的争议。 2 2spotlightspotlight n.n.公众注意的中心,聚光灯,探照灯,视听,注意,醒目公众注意的中心,聚光灯,探照灯,视听,注意,醒目 参考例句: This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。 The spotlight followed her round the stage

14、.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。 3 3arenaarena n.n.竞技场,运动场所;竞争场所,舞台竞技场,运动场所;竞争场所,舞台 参考例句: She entered the political arena at the age of 25. 她 25 岁进入政界。 He had not an adequate arena for the exercise of his talents.他没有充分发挥其才能的场 所。 4 4synchronizedsynchronized 同步的同步的 参考例句: Do not use the synchronized keyword in Managed

15、 Objects. 不要在管理对象上使用 synchronized 关键字。来自互联网 The timing of the gun was precisely synchronized with the turning of the planes propeller. 风门的调速与飞机螺旋桨的转动精确同步。来自辞典例句 5 5sprintersprinter n.n.短跑运动员,短距离全速奔跑者短跑运动员,短距离全速奔跑者 参考例句: He is more a sprinter than a swimmer. 他是短跑健将,而不是游泳选手。来自辞典例句 The sprinter himself

16、 thinks he can run the race at 9.4 seconds. 这位短跑运动员自认为可 以用 9.4 秒跑完比赛。来自互联网 6 6holderholder n.n.持有者,占有者;持有者,占有者;( (台,架等台,架等) )支持物支持物 参考例句: The holder of the office of chairman is reponsible for arranging meetings.担任主席职位 的人负责安排会议。 That runner is the holder of the world record for the hundred-yard dash

17、.那位运动员是一 百码赛跑世界纪录的保持者。 云南北移亚洲象群平安回归适宜栖息地云南北移亚洲象群平安回归适宜栖息地 8 月 8 日 20 时许,云南北移亚洲象群 14 头大象已跨过元江,平安回归适宜栖息地。 A herd1 of wild Asian elephants that has wandered Southwest Chinas Yunnan province for more than 17 months appears to be heading home to its traditional habitat in Xishuangbanna National Nature Re

18、serve. 在云南游荡了 17 个多月以后, 亚洲象群正在回归原栖息地西双版纳国家自然保护区的路 上。 云南省林业和草原局党组书记、局长万勇介绍: The elephants were on Monday approximately 26 kilometers from Mojiang county, Puer city, one of their major habitats in Yunnan along with Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous3 prefecture. 8 月 9 日,象群距离普洱市墨江县辖区约 26 公里,该县是除西双版纳傣族自治州以外,亚

19、洲 象在云南的另一个主要栖息地。 后续,现场指挥部将继续科学引导,全力保障象群安全,帮助其尽快回归原栖息地。 象群离家 17 月,迁移 500 多公里 The herd of 14 elephants, ranging in age and size, has traveled more than 500 km. 这 14 头亚洲象,年龄、体型各异,已经迁移了 500 多公里。 Sixteen elephants departed Xishuangbanna, but three of them dropped out of the trek4 and two calves5 were bor

20、n en route. In July, a bull elephant that had broken away from the herd was sedated6 and returned to the nature reserve. 最初离开西双版纳时有 16 头象,途中有三头掉队,另有两只幼崽出生。今年 7 月,一头雄象 离队,被麻醉后带回自然保护区。 Heading north, the herd passed through Puer, Honghe and Yuxi. In June, they reached the outskirts7 of Kunming, the pr

21、ovincial8 capital. 象群在北移途中经过了普洱、红河和玉溪等地。今年 6 月,它们抵达云南省省会昆明市郊外。 Local authorities deployed9 trucks, workers and drones to monitor the elephants 24 hours a day, evacuated10 roads for them to pass safely and lured11 them away from populated areas with food. 当地政府派出卡车、工作人员以及无人机 24 小时监测象群,为它们安全通过清空道路,用食 物

22、将它们从人口密集地区引开。 Nearly 180 metric tons of food, including pineapples and corn, has been fed to the herd, Wan2 said. Even as they encroached on communities, none of the elephants or people were injured. 途中投放菠萝、玉米等食物近 180 吨,在象群侵扰居民区期间,未造成人、象受伤。 在科学研究方面,北移亚洲象群为动物学家提供了近距离观测亚洲象栖息活动的机会。 北移亚洲象群专家组成员、国家林业和草原局

23、亚洲象研究中心主任陈飞表示: They can identify the direction of food and water resources very precisely12. And they also showed great performances in solidarity13 and group decision-making. Their division of work is impressive, too. 它们能精确识别食物和水源的方向,表现出了强大的团结和团队决策能力。象群内的分工也 很明确。 北移亚洲象群处置专家组成员、云南西双版纳国家级自然保护区管护局高级工程

24、师沈庆仲表 示: Its likely that the elephants will head north again. 象群可能会再度北移。 Historically, Asian elephants used to live in many parts of the country. Migration14 is in their nature. It helps the species expand its territory and have more chances to improve their gene15 pool by mating with different grou

25、ps. 亚洲象曾经遍布全国多地,对它们而言,迁移是一种正常行为。迁移有助于野象寻找新的栖 息地和开展种群间的基因交流。 The forestry16 department and the provincial government plan to develop a national park, which aims to provide habitat protection for the elephants and a balanced relationship with residents. 国家林草局和云南省政府计划开发一处国家公园,为亚洲象群提供栖息地保护,同时促进人 象和谐共存。


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