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1、汽车专业英语全册配套最完整汽车专业英语全册配套最完整 精品课件精品课件 Project 1 Automobile Overview 2 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 3 Project 1 Automobile Overview 掌握汽车的分类方法、 汽车的总体结构、 汽车的技术参数, 掌握常用术语 熟悉世界上知名汽车 品牌的商标图案 知知识识目目标标 n 能读懂汽车总体结构、布局和 分类方法的相关英文材料 n 能看懂汽车的技术数据表格 n 能熟记相关专业词汇 n 能写出各种车型的名称; n 能读懂汽车知名品牌的图案 和英文名称 能力目能力目标标 东北大学出版

2、社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 4 Task1 Automobile structure and layout 1.New words and expressions vehicle vi:ikl n.交通工具,车辆;传播媒介,工具,手段 layout leiaut n.布局, 安排 complex kmpleks adj.由许多部分组成的,复合的,复杂的 engine endin n.发动机, 引擎 component kmpunnt n.成分, 组成部分, 部件, 元件 overall uvr:l adj.总体的; 全面的; 综合的;全面考虑的 combust kmbs

3、t v.消耗,燃烧 valve vlv n.阀, 活门, 阀门, 气门 chassis si:, tsi: n. (车辆的)底盘 lubricate lu:brikeit vt.加油润滑 lubrication. n.润滑;加油 ignition gnn n.(汽油引擎的)发火装置 知知 识识 准准 备备 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 5 1.New words and expressions skeleton skelitn n.骨骼; 骷髅;骨干, 框架;梗概, 提要 install inst:l vt.安装;安顿, 安置;使正式就职 transmit t

4、rnzmit vt. 板;控制板, 仪表盘 bumper bmp n. (汽车上的)保险杠, 缓冲器 compartment kmp:tmnt n. 间隔,分隔的空间 artificial ,:tifil adj. 人造的, 人工的 知知 识识 准准 备备 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 6 知知识识目目 intelligence intelidns n. 智力, 智慧 adopt dpt vt. 收养;采用, 采纳, 采取 stability stbiliti n.稳定(性), 稳固 impact impkt n.影响, 作用;冲击(力), 碰撞 perfor

5、mance pf:mns n. 性能, 工作情况 transverse trnsv:s adj.横向的;横断的;横切的 spin spin vt. 轮 廓 reflect riflekt vt. 反映 distinct distikt adj.截然不同的, 完全分开的;清晰的, 明白的, 明显 的 attribute tribju:t vt.认为是; 归因于; tribju:tn.属性, 特性 dump dmp n.脏的地方;垃圾场;口忧郁vt.倾倒, 丢弃, 倾卸; 堆放;倾销, 抛售 viscous vsks adj.黏的;黏性的;半流体的,黏滞流体的;黏滞的 perishable prb

6、l 易腐烂的,易腐败的,易变质的 capacity kpsiti n.容量, 容积;才能, 能力;身份, 职位 知知 识识 准准 备备 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 14 Task2 Automobile category and logo serial siril adj.连续的, 一系列的;连续刊登或播出的 facilitate fsiliteit vt.使便利, 减轻的困难 maintenance meintinns n.维持; 维护; 保养; 维修 supervisor sju:p,vaz n.监督者, 管理者 registration ,redstr

7、en n.登记,注册,挂号 inspection nspekn n. .检查,视察 .检验;审视 trademark treidm:k n.(注册)商标 label leibl n.标签, 标记;称号; 符号; 标示 vt.贴标签于;把列为 identification ai,dentifikein n.鉴定, 验明, 认出;身份证明;认同 logo l,g n. 1.(某公司或机构的)标识,标志,徽标 converge knv:d vi.会合;聚集,集中 aside from 除之外 be subdivided into 将细分成 be based on 基于 cross-country 越

8、野的 vehicle identification number 汽车识别号码 consist of 由组成 知知 识识 准准 备备 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 15 Automobile classification 任务任务 实施实施 What is Automobile? Different countries have different definition. In china, it is defined as a non-track vehicle with four wheels or above that is driven by a ki

9、nd of power equipment. The automobile has been developed into a huge family since it came into being. So far, it has a history with more than 100 years. Today it may be said that wheels run the world. There are numerous types of automobiles found in different regions of the world. The various types

10、of automobiles are classified in different countries. These methods of classification reflect distinct attribute of vehicles. Here is just an example of types of automobiles. According to the application, automobiles are classified as trucks, passenger, and special-purpose bodies such as dump bodies

11、 to transport loose and viscous cargo, tank bodies for liquids, refrigerator vans for the perishable , etc. Aside from a body type, trucks are classified according to their load-carrying capacity and cross-country capacity. 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 16 Automobile category 任务任务 实施实施 The passeng

12、er vehicles are divided into cars seating from one to six men, and buses. The buses are subdivided into city and intercity ones. Tourist buses make a separate group. According to their length, buses are classified as minibuses, small, large, and articulated buses. The special-purpose automobiles are

13、 equipped for performing particular tasks. Among them are fire and garbage trucks, ambulances, tow tractor, water tanks etc. There are some pictures shown in the following figure to be contrasted. Vehicle sign Vehicle sign is the symbol of all car brands. These signs imply usually the automotive cor

14、porations. 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 17 Automobile Classification 任务任务 实施实施 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 18 Automobile Classification 任务任务 实施实施 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 19 Automobile classification 任务任务 实施实施 Cars should have enough signs to show that their manufacturers, model, engin

15、e power, vehicle serial number and so on. Their role is to facilitate the sellers and users, maintenance workers, traffic supervisors to identify its status. In china, the administrator in vehicle registration division need to check these signs in the time of annual inspection. Car signs include tra

16、demark or factory standard, product label, engine model and serial number, vehicle type and serial number, vehicle identification number. Some famous logos in the world are converged in Fig.1.2.1. Vehicle identification number (VIN) is a set of code from which the manufacturer can identify a vehicle

17、, which consists of a group of Latin letters and Arabic numerals, a total of 17. Each code represents a particular aspect of information on vehicle parameters. For instance, Volve YV1KS9549P1412998. 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 20 Automobile loges 任务任务 实施实施 Project 2 Automobile repair tools and e

18、quipment 21 课件制作者:中山职业技术学院课件制作者:中山职业技术学院 王升平王升平 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 22 Project 2 Automobile repair tools and equipment 掌握汽车的常用维修工具、 仪器、设备及使用方法 掌握其常用术语 知知识识目目标标 n 能识别汽车常用维修工具 的英文表达,并能熟记相 关专业词汇 n 能读懂汽车维修常见检测 设备的英文使用说明,并 按照说明进行正确操作和 检测 能力目能力目标标 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 23 Task1 Autom

19、obile repair tools 1.New words and expressions efficient ifint a.效率高的,有能力的 prior prai a.优先的,在前的 maintenance meintinns n.维修,保养 essential isenl a.必不可少的;本质的,基本的 technician teknin n.技术员,技师 wrench rent n.扳手 pliers plaiz n.钳子 screwdriver skru:draiv n.螺丝刀、起子 property prpti n.财产;性质,性能 caution k:n n.谨慎;注意(事项

20、),警告 file fail n.档案;文件夹;锉刀 hammer hm n.锤,榔头 lift lift vt.提,举;vi.升起;消散 n.电梯,举升机 知知 识识 准准 备备 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 24 1.New words and expressions torque t:k n.转矩,扭矩 gauge geid n.测量仪表 jack dk n.千斤顶 piston pistn n.活塞 valve vlv n.阀,活门 spring spri n.春(天);泉;弹簧,发条 tongs tz n.夹子,钳子 universal ju:niv

21、:sl a.普遍的;万能的 socket skit n.插座,套筒 prior to 先于,优于 a variety of 各种各样的 carry out 执行,实行 apart from 除之外 知知 识识 准准 备备 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 25 知知识识目目 hex keys 内六角扳手 slip joint pliers 鲤鱼钳 Pair of pliers 钢丝钳 long nose pliers 尖嘴钳 pipe wrench 管子钳 steel wire brush 钢丝刷 feeler gauge 塞尺/厚度规 vernier calip

22、er 游标卡尺 micrometer 外径千分尺 dial indicator 百分表 air compressor 空气压缩机 adjustable wrench 活动扳手 universal puller 通用拉拨器 digital multimeter 数字万用表 hydraulic jack 油压千斤顶 知知 识识 准准 备备 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 26 Automobile repair tools 任务任务 实施实施 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 27 Automobile repair tools 任务任

23、务 实施实施 There is an old Chinese saying, “Efficient tools are prior to good harvests.” It is the same in the field of automobile maintenance. It is essential and helpful for a technician to get some efficient repair tools. There are a wide variety of repair tools in an auto.4S shop. When we talk about

24、 them, we should not be strange for such tools as wrenches, pliers and screwdrivers and so on. Of course, these are the most common tools. They are not enough to finish the repair work. Apart from some common tools, there are a lot of special tools that are used to carry out some special task. The f

25、igure 2.1.1 converges some of repair tools. Before using these tools, we must learn more about their structural properties and cautions. 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 28 Task 2 Automobile testing equipment 1.New words and expressions facility fsiliti n.pl.设备,设施; technician teknin n. 技术员,技师 oscillo

26、scope sl,skop n. 示波器 current krnt a. 当前的;流行的 n.流;电流 voltage vultid n. 电压 resistance rizistns n. 反抗,抵制;抵抗力(性);阻力,电阻 frequency fri:kwnsi n. 次数,频率 decode di:kud vt. 译(码),解(码) performance pf:mns n. 表现,工作性能 analyze nlaiz vt. 分析,细察 exhaust igz:st vt. 使精疲力尽;耗尽 n. 排气装置;废气(液) align lain vt. 模拟 indispensable

27、indispensbl a. (to,for)必不可少的,必需的 accurate kjurt a. 正确无误的;准确的,精确的 reading ri:di n.读物;读数 function fkn n. 功能;重大聚会;函数 impedance mpidns n. 电阻抗, 全电阻 parameter prmit n. 常 pl.界限,范围;参数 capacitance kpstns n. 容量, 电容 waveform wevf:rm n. 波形 amplitude mpltud, -tjud n. 振幅 intensity intensiti n. 强烈,剧烈;强度 graphic gr

28、fik a. 生动的,形象的;图表的 interface int(:)feis n. 接口;界面,交接处 accessory ksesri n. 附(零,配)件 maintenance meintinns n. 维修,保养;扶养费;维持,保持 知知 识识 准准 备备 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 30 Task 2 Automobile testing equipment dynamic dainmik a. 有活力的;动力的 detect ditekt vt.察觉,发现;查明, 检测 ignition ignin n. 点火 lubricate lu:bri

29、keit vt. 使润滑 emission imin n. 排放,辐射;排放物 extract ikstrkt, ekstrkt vt. 取出;提取;获得;摘录 n.摘录;提 出物 cabinet kbinit n .内阁;贮藏橱,陈列柜 compliance kmplains n. 排放达标(率);服从,听从 density densiti n. 密集,稠密;密度 coefficient kofnt n. 数系数 versatile v:stail a. 多才多艺的;多功能的,万用的 ingredient ingri:dint n. 组成部分,成分,原料 contrast kntr:st n

30、. 对比;反差 vt.对比 vi.(with)形成对比 camber kmb n. 拱形, 外倾 caster k:st n. 投手、(家具的)轮脚, 后倾 知知 识识 准准 备备 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 31 Task 2 Automobile testing equipment auto multimeter 汽车万用表 auto oscilloscope 汽车示波器 engine performances analyzer 发动机性能分析仪 auto decoder 汽车解码器 auto exhaust gas analyzer 汽车尾气分析仪 f

31、our wheel aligner 四轮定位仪 fault diagnosis 故障诊断 liquid crystal display (LCD) 液晶显示器 self-diagnosis function 自诊断功能 electronic control unit (ECU) 电控单元 data acquisition 数据采集 signal extraction device 信号提取装置 carbon dioxide (CO2) 二氧化碳 carbon monoxide (CO) 一氧化碳 oxygen (O2) 氧气 hydrocarbon (HC) 碳氢化合物 nitrogen ox

32、ide (NOx) 氮氧化物 excess air coefficient 过量空气系数 知知 识识 准准 备备 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 32 Automobile testing equipment 任务任务 实施实施 A modern car is a hi-tech product. The repair work is far beyond the capability of technicians hands and eyes. As a technician, you will have to use some special facilit

33、ies to find out the fault cause and solve problems. These testing equipments that are commonly used in the auto repair work include auto multimeter, auto oscilloscope, fault decoder,engine performances analyzer, auto exhaust gas analyzer and four-wheel alignment instrument, etc.(shown as the figure

34、2.2.1). They are all the mechanical-electrical integrated examining facilities specially designed for automotive trouble diagnosis, test and analysis. The brief introduce is as below. 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 33 Automobile testing equipment 任务任务 实施实施 The digital auto multimeter. Multimeters a

35、re divided into two types:digital and analog. It is an indispensable testing instrument in the repair process. Compared with an analog multimeter, a digital multimeter (DMM) has more advantages, like accurate readings, more functions and higher impedance. Therefore most electricians would like to us

36、e digital multimeters to test such parameters as current, voltage and resistance. Besides, a more advanced function like frequency or capacitance can be selected to measure. Auto oscilloscope. The oscilloscope is a powerful tool by which automobile mechanics can make a rapid fault diagnosis of the a

37、utomotive electronic equipment. It is a device that measures voltages. When tested, the oscilloscope shows a waveform diagram which the voltage changes with the time to respond to an electronic signal. Normally, it displays the voltage as a function of time. Especially, the oscilloscope is applied t

38、o observe and measure the frequency, amplitude and waveform of various signals. 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 34 Automobile testing equipment 任务任务 实施实施 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 35 Automobile testing equipment 任务任务 实施实施 In the graph, the vertical axis (Y) represents for voltage and the horiz

39、ontal axis (X) shows time. The intensity or brightness of the display is sometimes called the Z axis. The oscilloscope is more accurate and more graphic than the multimeter to measure an electronic signal. It mainly consists of the liquid crystal display (LCD), function keys, a host interface and ac

40、cessories. Auto decoder. When a car is running, once the electrical control system fails, the electronic control unit (ECU) will use its self-diagnosis function to detect the fault. The fault will be stored in the memory of the electronic control unit in the form of the code. The role of the decoder

41、 is to read the fault code from the electronic control unit and provide reference for the maintenance personnel. An auto decoder is divided into general and special type. No matter which it is, its structure is basically the same, mainly including the host, power supply, test connectors and test lin

42、e. 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 36 Automobile testing equipment 任务任务 实施实施 Engine performance analyzer. An engine performance analyzer is a set of instrument that integrates sensor technology, dynamic data acquisition and signal processing technology. It can not only accurately acquire various ope

43、ration parameters of the engine by dynamically detecting the system of the engines ignition, the fuel supply, cooling, lubrication, intake and exhaust, electronic control, sensor, emission, etc. but also analyze the fault root. The engine performance analyzer is generally composed of five parts: sig

44、nal extraction device, signal processing system, personal computer (PC) installed the software and accessories, optional equipment and cabinet. 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 37 Automobile testing equipment 任务任务 实施实施 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 38 Automobile testing equipment 任务任务 实施实施 Automobi

45、le exhaust analyzer. An exhaust gas analyzer is one of important testing instruments. A 5-gas analyzer measures carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), oxygen (O2), hydrocarbon (HC) and nitrogen oxide (NOx). The gas readings can be used to determine emission compliance, and to diagnose different

46、 engine performance problems. Automobile emission analyzer directly measures the thickness of HC, CO and CO2 in the exhaust gas of vehicle. It also can inspect the density of NOx and O2 via electrochemical sensors in order to calculate the excess air coefficient . It is a highly versatile and accura

47、te test instrument. In addition to testing the ingredient of exhaust gas, it can be used to assist in detecting and diagnosing the engine fault. 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 39 Automobile testing equipment 任务任务 实施实施 Automobile four wheel aligner. The four wheel aligner is used to detect and adjus

48、t the parameters of the wheel alignment so as to achieve the ideal vehicle performance, by contrasting the original design parameters. The parameters mainly include the camber, the caster, the toe and the included angle. Project 3 Engine components 40 课件制作者:中山职业技术学院课件制作者:中山职业技术学院 王升平王升平 东北大学出版社东北大学出

49、版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 41 掌握发动机的总体结构、 工作原理、 基本术语,分类 掌握常用术语的表达方法, 了解相关其它专业术语 知知识识目目标标 n能读懂发动机工作原理相关英文 材料, 能熟记相关专业词汇 n能读懂发动机总体构造和分类的 英文材料,能熟练掌握发动机基本 术语和概念的英语表达方式 n能对发动机各机构和系统组成中 的常见零部件的英语表达准确识别 n能熟记常见的发动机专业术语 缩写形式 n能看图写出零件名称 能力目能力目标标 Project 3 Engine components 东北大学出版社东北大学出版社 改革创新示范教材改革创新示范教材 42 Task1 En

50、gine Principles and Structure 1.New words and expressions 知知 识识 准准 备备 principle prinspl n. 原则,原理 convert knv:t, knv:t v. (使)转变(化) combustion kmbstn n. 燃烧 gasoline sli:n n.汽油 stroke struk n. 冲程 spark sp:k n. 火花; 火星; vi.发出火星; 发出闪光 compress kmprs vt. 压紧, 压缩 cylinder slnd n. 圆筒, 圆柱, 圆柱体, 汽缸, 泵体 plug pl


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