人教版(新起点)一年级上册Unit 2 Face-lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级公开课-(编号:a237b).zip

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Unit 2 Face Lesson 2 Listen and Chant Who am I? This is my eye. Who am I? This is my ear. Who am I? This is my mouth. Who am I? This is my nose. Who am I? This is my face. Who am I? This is my hair. This is me. Who am I? This is my eye. Who am I? This is my ear. Who am I? This is my mouth. Who am I? This is my nose. Who am I? This is my face. Who am I? This is my hat. This is me. Who am I? This is my eye. Who am I? This is my ear. Who am I? This is my mouth. Who am I? This is my nose. Who am I? This is my face. Who am I? This is my hair. This is me. I am a robot. Lets Sing!Lets Sing!Lets Sing! This is my . This is my . Stand up, sit down. Stand up, sit down. This is my . This is my . Stand up, sit down. Stand up, sit down. This is my . This is my . Stand up, sit down. Stand up, sit down. This is my . This is my . Stand up, sit down. Stand up, sit down. This is my . This is my . Stand up, sit down. Stand up, sit down. 作业 1.给同桌用英语介绍自己的五官。 2.画一幅自画像(也可以带照片)。 Unit 2 Face Lesson2 教学设计 教材分析:教材分析: 1. 本课是新起点英语一年级上册第 2 单元 Face 第二课。在第一 课时,学生们已经学习过有关五官的词汇,如:face, eye, ear, mouth, nose 等,学生将在本课中学习用“This is .”功能句型表达介绍自 己的五官。因此,本课是一节会话课。 2. 本课是第二单元,学生在第一单元中学习过文具类词汇,为了体 现出知识的连续性,本课还会对这些词汇进行简单复现。 3. 在后续的学习中,学生们还将会继续学习相关的话题,因此,本 课的学习也为后续的学习打下坚实的基础。 学生分析:学生分析: 1. 一年级新生刚刚入学,很多孩子还没有适应小学生活,因此教师 应该对孩子更加关注他们的内心感受,尽可能让孩子们在课堂上感 到安全。 2. 一年级学生是养成习惯的关键期,课堂上教师应该注重学生习惯 养成的培养。 3. 一年级的学生年龄小,很难坚持 40 分钟,所以教师尽量以活动 和游戏推进课堂。 教学目标:1. 学生能通过游戏和活动模仿机器人介绍自己的五官。 2. 大部分学生能够用英语介绍自己的自画像。 教学重点:1. This is . 句型的初步运用。 教学难点:This 一词的发音 教学过程:教学过程: 1、复习、热身(4) 1. Greeting. T: Good morning, boys and girls! 2. Say the chant: Look at my eye. T:Lets say a chant. 3. Game: Sunny says. T:Sunny says: “Touch your nose.” Touch your face. 4. Guessing Game: Who am I? T: Look at the picture, this is my . Who am I ? 设计意图: 通过歌谣 TPR 活动达到热身的作用,通过“猜一猜我 是谁”的活动调动学生思维,复习上节课所学内容,并通过 robot 引 出新课。 2、呈现新知(6) 1. 导入情景 T: This is a robot. He is from the Science Museum. Look! Who are in the Science Museum? 2. 视听感知 T: Look! Andy and the robot are talking. What are they talking about? 3. 听音模仿,学习 this 一词的发音。 T:Who can repeat. 4. 角色扮演。 T: Lets role-play. 5.猜测 Lily 与 Lucky 的对话。 T: What does Lily say? Can you guess? 4. 四人角色表演。 T: Lets role-play in four. 设计意图: 通过开篇页,创设情景,整体呈现本课的新句型。 三、巩固操练(20) 1.对话操练:我们都是机器人 1)教师与一名学生示范 T: Touch your nose. S1: This is my nose. 2)全体学生扮演机器人 2.句型操练:一起照镜子 T: Look! Whats this? Its a mirror. There is a game named Mirror. Lets take a look. 3. 句型替换:失物招领 T: Close your eyes.(教师拿出同学的铅笔和尺子等,让学生认领) S:This is my pencil. This is my book. 设计意图:通过替换练习,创设多种语境,帮助学生深刻理解语言 功能句型的使用语境。 四、尝试运用(8) 1. 绘本故事欣赏。 T: Now lets read a picture book. 2.贴一贴:利用教师下发的各种形状,拼出自画像。 T: Now, lets play a game. This is my face.(教师示范边贴边用英语介绍) 2. 介绍自己的画像。 T: I want to introduce my picture. This is my eye. I have tow eyes. T: Who wants to introduce your picture? 5、课堂小结与作业(2) 1. 小结: T: Today we learn know when we introduce something we can use “This is .” 2. 作业: 用英语向你的爸爸、妈妈介绍你的自画像。 This is me. This is me.
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