人教版(新起点)二年级上册Unit 1 My Family-lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级公开课-(编号:300ae).zip

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Unit 1 My family (Lesson 2) sister grandmother mother brother father brother father sister Play a game grandfather mother Lets chant! Im so happy. Can you see? Come and meet my family. My father, my mother, my sister, my brother, grandfather, grandmother and me. Lets chant! Father, father, this is my father. Mother, mother, this is my mother. Sister, sister, this is my sister. Brother, brother, this is my brother. We love each other. Whos he? He is. Whos she? She is. Think about the questions: (思考下列问题) 1.What are they talking about? (他们在讨论什么?) 2.Who can you see in the photos? (照片里你能看到谁?) Answer the questions: (回答下列问题) 1.What are they talking about? (他们在讨论什么?) 2.Who can you see in the photos? (照片里你都看见了谁?) Family. Yaoyaos family and Andys family. Make a dialogue (仿照下面的示范,利用家 庭合影编对话) Play a game Homework Listen and repeat the dialogue of this class. (听录音跟读本课对话) f a m i l y andfathermother Ilove you Members in a family should love each other and help each other. 家人之间应该互相关爱,相互帮助。 Unit 1 My Family ( Lesson 2 ) 教学设计教学设计 教学内容:教学内容:Unit 1 My Family ( Lesson 2 ) 教学目标:教学目标:1.能够正确使用询问和回答表示人物身份的功能句:Whos he? He is . Whos she? She is . 2.能够正确区分 he 和 she 的发音。 教学重难点:教学重难点:1.重点:能够正确使用询问和回答表示人物身份的功能句:Whos he? He is . Whos she? She is . 2.难点:能够正确区分 he 和 she 的发音。 教学准备:教学准备:课件,纸盒,词条,录音机 教学过程:教学过程:1. Step1 : Warmming up (1). Lets sing a song. 播放歌曲 Finger Family,师生合唱。 (2).Play a game (Whats missing?) 出示一颗苹果树的图片,学生说出掉落的苹果中所示的词汇。 2. Step2: Revision Lets chant (1).师生一起说唱本单元 Lesson1 部分的歌谣。 (2)出示新的歌谣,让学生复习上节课学过的词汇和句型。 3.Step3: Presentation (1)出示学生的全家福照片,让学生介绍自己的家人。 (2)再次出示学生的全家福照片,引出句子“Whos he? He is my father. Whos she? She is my mother.” 。 (3) A game:Look for your family members. 出示部分学生家庭成员的照片,用刚才出示的句子进行问答练习。 (4)A.Look, listen and repeat. a.听对话录音,学生了解对话大意。 b.学生回答问题。 c.学生跟读对话,多种方式操练对话。 d.学生分角色练读对话。 (5)B.Show and say a.学生听该部分录音,了解对话大意。 b.仿照范例,学生分小组编对话,并进行表演。 4. Step4: Consolidation Play a game: Listen to the music and pass the box(击鼓传花). 要求:音乐停止时,其他同学一起拍手问:“Whos he? 或是 Whos she?”手持盒子的同学从盒子中抽出一张纸条,根据纸上的词汇用 “He is ”或是“She is ”进行回答。 5. Step5: Summing up 师总结今天所学内容,并领读板书。 6. Step6: Homework 听录音,跟读本课对话。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 1 My Family Whos he? He is my father. Whos she? She is my mother.
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