人教版(新起点)三年级上册Unit 4 Pets-Fun Time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:30004).zip

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人教人教2011课标版课标版 一年级起点(吴欣主编)一年级起点(吴欣主编) 三年级上册(三年级上册(2014年年3月第月第1版)版) Unit 4 Pets - Fun Time Lets chant! A:A: DoDo youyou havehave a a ? B:B: Yes,Yes, I I havehave a a / / No,No, butbut I I havehave a a A:A: WhatWhat doesdoes it it looklook like?like? B:B: ItsIts ItIt hashas A:A: WhatWhat a a prettypretty ! B:B: ThankThank you!you! duck chickenchicken rabbitrabbit snakesnake turtleturtle dogdog catcat birdbird fishfish WorkWork inin pairspairs Its mother is a hen. It is small and yellow. It likes . ReadRead andand guessguess It is small and white. It likes and . It can run. It likes . It is yellow. It can swim. It likes fish. _ hashas a a _._. _ hashas a a _._. _ hashas a a _._. JoyJoy chickenchickenLilyLily rabbitrabbit YaoyaoYaoyao duckduck _ hashas a a _._. BinbinBinbin dogdog _ hashas a a _ . ._ hashas a a _._. _ hashas a a _._._ hashas a a _._. A A petpet needsneeds youryour love.love. A A petpet needsneeds water.water.A A petpet needsneeds food.food. A A petpet needsneeds exerciseexercise. . WhatWhat doesdoes a a petpet need?need? JoyJoychickenchickenLilyLilyrabbitrabbit BinbinBinbindogdogduckduckYaoyaoYaoyao 1 2 3 Good to know! _ hashas a a _._ hashas a a _._. _ hashas a a _._._ hashas a a _._. A A petpet needsneeds _ _._. A A petpet needsneeds _._.A A petpet needsneeds _._. A A petpet needsneeds _._. LookLook andand saysay Hi,Hi, ImIm Tom.Tom. I I amam anan AmericanAmerican boy.boy. I I havehave a a cat.cat. ItsIts namename isis Candy.Candy. ItIt isis grey.grey. ItIt hashas twotwo yellowyellow eyes.eyes. EveryEvery morning,morning, I I prepareprepare ( (准备准备) ) somesome waterwater forfor it.it. TheThe catcat needsneeds water.water. I I feedfeed ( (喂养喂养) ) it it too.too. ItIt needsneeds food.food. AfterAfter dinner,dinner, I I playplay withwith mymy cat.cat. TheThe catcat needsneeds exercise.exercise. I I lovelove mymy cat.cat. ItIt needsneeds mymy love.love. ( ) 1. Tom is an American boy. ( ) 2. Candy is grey and has two yellow eyes. ( ) 3. The cat needs water and food. ( ) 4. The cat needs exercise. ( ) 5. Tom loves his cat. ABCDE C E B A D NoticeNotice ThereThere areare somesome homelesshomeless petspets ( (无家可归的无家可归的 宠物宠物). ). DoDo youyou wantwant toto keepkeep ( (领养领养) ) one?one? PleasePlease choosechoose ( (选择选择) ) youryour favouritefavourite petpet andand talktalk aboutabout it it withwith youryour partner.partner. I want to have a _. Its _. It has _. It needs _. I love my _. Which pet do you want to have? What does your pet look like? What does your pet need? I want to have a _. Its _. It has _. It needs _. I love my _. WriteWrite aboutabout youryour pet!pet! HomeworkHomework My advice PetsPets areare ourour friends.friends. TheyThey cancan helphelp us.us. LoveLove animals.animals. LoveLove youryour pets.pets. ThankThank you!you! Unit 4 Pets Fun Time 评测练习评测练习 1. Do the dialogue. duck chicken bird snake cat turtle rabbit fish dog A: Do you have a ? B: Yes, I have a / No, but I have a A: What does it look like? B: Its It has A: What a pretty ! B: Thank you! 2. Read and guess. What are they? Its mother is a hen. It is small and white. It is small and yellow. It likesand. It likes. It can run. It is yellow. It likes. It can swim. It likes fish. 3. Look and say. _ has a _. _ has a _. A pet needs _. A pet needs _. _ has a _. _ has a _. A pet needs _. A pet needs _. 4. Read and match. Hi, Im Tom. I am an American boy. I have a cat. Its name is Candy. It is grey. It has two yellow eyes. Every morning, I prepare (准备) some water for it. The cat needs water. I feed (喂养) it too. It needs food. After dinner, I play with my cat. The cat needs exercise. I love my cat. It needs my love. ( ) 1. Tom is an American boy. ( ) 2. Candy is grey and has two yellow eyes. ( ) 3. The cat needs water and food. ( ) 4. The cat needs exercise. ( ) 5. Tom loves his cat. A B C D E 5. Answer the questions and finish the oral composition. Q: Which pet do you want to have? What does your pet look like? What does your pet need? I want to have a _. Its _. It has _. It needs _. I love my _. Unit 4 Pets Fun Time 设计理念:设计理念:本课的设计依据“学习者为中心”的思想为核心理念。一切教 学活动要以学生发展为重点。教学设计要符合学生年龄特点,充分激发学 生学习兴趣,突出语言学习的“趣味性、直观性、实践性和灵活多样性” 。 人教人教 20112011 课标版课标版 一年级起点(吴欣主编)一年级起点(吴欣主编) 三年级上册(三年级上册(20142014 年年 3 3 月第月第 1 1 版)版) 本着“在语境中学习语言,以任务驱动学习”的理念,教师发挥指导作用, 引导学生“做中学、用中学” 。教学中注重由浅入深的带入,教学环节环环 紧扣,教学中注意分层教学,发挥不同学生的长处。 教材分析:教材分析:本课为人教 2011 课标版(一年级起点)三年级上册 Unit 4 Pets Fun Time 部分,本单元的主要话题是谈论宠物的外貌特征,本节课的重 点是能够让学生们了解宠物的需求:水、食物、运动和主人的爱,从而知 道如何更好地照顾宠物。难点是能够使用 A pet needs 的句型表达宠物的 需求。 学情分析:学情分析:三年级的学生语言积累较少,只能用英语做简单的交流。学生 已经通过前三课的学习知道如何描述宠物的外貌特征,并能仿照范例,通 过填空来介绍自己宠物的情况。本课虽作为 Fun Time 部分,但可以将前三 课的内容进行整合,在寓教于乐的同时,复习所学句型又增加了学生的阅 读量,同时能让学生在教师创设的语境中交流运用。 教学目标:教学目标: 1知识目标:知识目标: 1)教师通过创设情境、chant 等形式,帮助学生回顾本单元的生词及核心句型。 2)能够借助图片读懂 Fun Time 中关于宠物需求的介绍,帮助学生掌握 A pet needs 的句型。 2能力目标:能力目标: 引导学生介绍自己的宠物及其需求。 3情感目标:情感目标: 培养学会热爱宠物,了解宠物的需求:水、食物、运动和主人的爱,从而 知道如何更好地照顾宠物。 教学准备:教学准备: 教师:多媒体教学课件、本课课文内容图片、宠物图片、Question card 学生:课前复习本单元生词及描述动物外貌特征的句型。 教学重点:教学重点: 引导学生能够借助图片读懂本课时基本信息。 教学难点:教学难点: 帮助学生掌握 A pet needs 的句型并能够介绍自己的宠物及其需求。 教学过程:教学过程: 一热身复习一热身复习 Warm-up 1. T: The class begins. Stand up, please! Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Xiong. T: First, lets chant. (点 PPT 播放 Unit 4 lesson 1, C Chant) Ss: Chant. (边唱边做动作) T: Very good! Sit down please. What animals can you see in the chant? S1: I can see a turtle/rabbit/duck/snake/chicken. (贴动物卡片到黑板上) T: I have three pets. Look, what is it? S1: Its a dog. T: Yes. What is this? S2: Its a bird. T: Right. What about this? S3: Its a fish. T: Are they animals? Ss: Yes, they are. T: Are they pets? Ss: Yes, they are. T: (点 PPT 出示一张老虎图片) Is this an animal? Ss: Yes, it is. T: Is it a pet? Ss: No, it isnt. T: Why it is not a pet? S1: Its too big. / T: Do we have it at home? Ss: No, we dont. T: A pet is an animal. We have it at home. Today lets go on learning Unit 4 Pets - Fun Time. (贴板书) 2. T: ( 点 PPT 出对话结构, 教师随机与一名同学对话) Do you have a pet? S1: Yes. I have a T: What does it look like? S1: Its It has T: What a pretty S1: Thank you! T: Now lets do a dialogue. Talk about your pet with your partner. Begin! Ss: (学生讨论作对话) T: Stop here. Boys and girls. Who wants to try? Ss: (学生作对话) T: Do you love your pet? Ss: Yes. T: Why? S1: I can play with it. / We are happy together. / We are friends. T: Yes. Pets are our friends. So love animals. Love your pets. 设计意图:设计意图:通过 chant 复习本节课生词,有节奏的音乐,吸引学生注意力,创 设良好的开端。对话环节帮助学生巩固本单元核心句型,为本节课新知识教学 做好铺垫。 二学习新知二学习新知 I. 情境中学习新知。情境中学习新知。 1. T: Here are four pets. What are they? Now read and guess in groups! Ss: (学生讨论) T: Stop here, everybody. Ss: (学生拍手坐好) T: No 1, what is it? S: Its a chicken. T: (点 PPT 出示 Joy 和 chicken 图片及句型_ has a _. ) Yes! Look, what a pretty chicken! Who has a chicken? S: Joy has a chicken. T: (点 PPT 出现 Joy, chicken) No 2, what is it? S: Its a rabbit. T: (点 PPT 出示 Lily 和 rabbit 图片及句型_has a _. ) Bingo! Its a rabbit. Who has a rabbit? S: Lily has a rabbit. T: (点 PPT 出现 Lily, rabbit) No 3, what is it? S: Its a dog. T: (点 PPT 出示 Binbin 和 dog 图片及句型_has a _. ) Right. Its a dog. Who has a dog? S: Binbin has a dog. T: (点 PPT 出现 Binbin, dog) No 4, what is it? S: Its a duck. T: (点 PPT 出示 Yaoyao 和 duck 图片及句型_has a _. ) Lets see. Thats right. Who has a duck? S: Yaoyao has a duck. T: (点 PPT 出现 Yaoyao, duck) 2. T: Do they love their pets? Ss: Yes, they do. T: Yes. We should love pets. (点 PPT 出现句子) And a pet needs your love. “Needs” means “需要”. Read after me, “needs”. Ss: (找两组同学逐一读 needs) T: (出示 love 图片) A pet needs your love. (在黑板上贴 love, 边说边板书 A pet needs your love. ) Ss: (选取两组学生逐个说此句子) 3. T: Now look at picture 1, 2, 3. (点 PPT 出示) Lets talk about What does a pet need? Work in groups. Now begin! Ss: (小组讨论) 4. T: Ok, times up! Boys and girls. Picture 1. What does a pet need? S: A pet needs water. T: Yes. A pet needs water. (点 PPT 出示句子, 然后展示 water 卡片, 领读句子两 遍, 单独叫两组学生读此句子) T: Picture 2. What does a pet need? S: A pet needs grass / food. T: Ok, grass is food. So a pet needs food. Right? (点 PPT 出示句子, 然后展示 food 卡片, 领读句子两遍,单独叫两组学生读此句子) T: Picture 3. What does a pet need? S: It needs (run / play) T: Yes. It needs to run / play. It needs exercise. (出示 exercise 卡片, exercise means “锻炼, 运动” , 做 exercise 动作帮助学生理解词义, 领读 exercise, 学生跟读, 单独叫两组学生 读) T: (贴 exercise, 引导学生说) A pet Ss: A pet needs exercise. (叫一组学生逐个读 A pet needs exercise.) T: Do you need exercise? Ss: Yes. T: Me too. I need exercise. I can swim. What about you? S1: I need exercise. I can run. T: Good. Running is for your body. S2: I need exercise. I can dance. T: You can dance. You are so good. S3: I need exercise. I can skate. T: Thats cool. Lets read together. (手指板书, 齐读板书) II听读课文,感知对话内容。听读课文,感知对话内容。 1. T: Now lets look at the video. (教师播放课文视频) (再次播放课文视频) This time, read after the sound. Please open your book. Turn to page 45. Practice reading. Ss: (练习读课文) T: Who can read it? S1: 读课文 T: (点 PPT) Now lets look and say. Who wants to try? S1: (根据图片及所给句型复述) 设计意图:设计意图: 1. 通过猜谜、观察人物图片、小组讨论、回答问题等活动,学生在语境中学会 了本课生词并运用到句子中。这种方法增添了学习的趣味性,加深对新词印象, 做到活学活用。2. 在学会新词的基础上引导学生看课文视频,练习学生听力理 解能力。在跟读课文环节,教师强调学生注意模仿语音语调,达到训练学生口 语的准确发音能力。3. 通过观察图片复述课文的方式检验学生是否真正学会新 知。 三三. 拓展阅读拓展阅读 语用实践语用实践 1. T: Now lets read and finish the practice. Talk about it with your parterners. Ss: (阅读文本,完成练习,小组讨论) T: Stop here, boys and girls. No 1 Choose what? S1: T: Please check the answers. 2. T: (点 PPT) Boys and girls, I see a notice in the park. There are some homeless pets. Do you want to keep one? Please choose your favourite pet and talk about it with your partner. Talk about the questions on your card. You can answer the questions like this. ( 点 PPT 出句型结构 ) Now begin! T: Stop here, boys and girls. Who wants to have one? S1: T: Excellent. You can have your pet. (给孩子相应宠物书签) 设计意图:设计意图: 1. 阅读相关文本,拓展学生阅读量,从而达到扩充语言,训练学生思维,开拓 视野的目的。2. 口头作文,提供语言情境,帮助学生夯实基础,活用提升,将 所学语言真正应用到实际生活中。 四作业夯实四作业夯实 情感教育情感教育 1. T: Ok, boys and girls. Here is your homework. Write about your pet. Ok? Ss: Yes! 2. T: Kids, here is my advice for you. Pets are our friends. They can help us. Love animals. Love your pets. 教学意图:教学意图:作业设计目的是巩固本课所学的句型,复习本单元核心句型,使学 生学以致用。培养学生热爱宠物,立德育人。 T: The class is over. Stand up, please. Good bye, boys and girls. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 4 Pets Fun Time water food A pet needs exercise your love
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