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1 教育教学教育教学“大练兵大练兵 大比武大比武”活动活动 同课异构研讨课教学反思同课异构研讨课教学反思 学科 英 语姓名 教材:人教版小学英语四年级上册 课题:Unit6 Jobs Story Time 今天,我执教的公开课,授课内容是四年级上册 Unit6 Jobs Story Time 在新课之前我先利用本单元的一首歌曲引入并且用游戏等活动来让学生 复习有关未来职业的询问,询问方式面向全体,回答中包含三种人称 I, You , He , She 的替换练习,强调主语是第三人称单数时动词应注意的变化,即 复习了本单元的基本句型,也为新课做了很好的铺垫。这是一节关于职业话 题的故事阅读课,本节课课堂气氛活跃,学生能积极愉快地配合,学习兴趣 高昂使活动设计更加的丰富,而且非常有趣。整节课知识的滚动性非常大, 一直都在贯彻着知识的互相联系,也就是贯彻滚雪球式的英语学习法!尽量 的把前面学习过的知识重复的运用。将单词,短语,句型融入到故事文本的 学习任务中。对于四年级的孩子们来讲,在初始阶段能为他们拓展的实在有 限,所以我们就尽可能地利用一切“熟悉”资源。然后是最后的 show time 表演平台,我认为不管是单词课,对话课还是阅读都应该有一个让学生展示 的机会,让他们觉得英语原来就是从单词到句子,再从句子到对话再到生活 的简单过程。这里学生表达清晰,很好地反映出他们对本课主要内容的掌握。 老师有亲和力,感染力,课堂驾驭能力较好,英语功底扎实,学生反应积极, 英语学习兴趣浓厚,基础知识扎实。课堂上充分面向全体,有问题设计,扩 展,有批改,有鼓励,从多方面,全方位地实施本课教学。课件制作精美, 教具准备充分,其中教学设计思路是亮点,学生有据可循。表演到位,主要 内容练习充分。重难点突出。教学设计完整,准备充分。 总的来说,在这堂课中我的教学步骤非常清晰,各个环节设计紧凑时效 性强,但我在课后也总结了以下几个不足之处: 2 1.在故事教学中由于时间关系,没有依据主人公四次工作经历的不同心 情,让学生去感受,缺少对学生语音语调的培养。 2.由于精心策划的教学设计中各个步骤都舍不得删掉或简化,希望给更 多的孩子参与表演的机会,导致教学时间超 4 分钟。 总之,在以后的教学中,我需要改进的地方还有很多,应该多学习多努 力,方能取得更大的进步。我会在未来的教学过程中争取查漏补缺,不断提 升自我,更加完善我的英语教学。 What do you want to be in the future ? The monkey has no job. He wants a job. ? ? ? 2.2. Monkey and bird. 4.4. Jobs How many people ? Who are they ? What are they talking about ? How many jobs did the monkey do? Find out 4 jobs in your book. Look and see fir e ma n 消防消防 员员 合成词: 由两个或以上单词结合构成的一个词 fire + man = fireman police+ man = policeman foot + ball = football pencil+ box = pencil-box 词词1 + 词词2 = 词词3 teach + er = teache rwork + er = worker play + er = player sing + er = singer 派生派生:在一个动词后加:在一个动词后加后缀后缀-er , 词义变为执行该动作的人。词义变为执行该动作的人。 v. + er = n. Main words too 太太 but 但是但是 know 知道知道 great 好极了好极了 for 为为 me 我我 with 和和 want 想要想要 can 能能 cant 不能不能 small 小的小的 short 矮的矮的 happy 高兴高兴 why 为什么为什么 becaus 因为因为 Can the monkey be a fireman? Why? Can the monkey be a taxi driver? Why? Can the monkey be a singer ? Why? Can the monkey be a footall player? Why? No.Because hes too small. No.Because hes too short. No.Because he has bad voice. Yes.Because hes happy. Whats the best job? 适合的工作才是最好的。适合的工作才是最好的。 The suitable job is the best one. Choose a title for the story A: The Birds New Job. B: Two Friends. C: The Monkeys New Job. D: A Sad Monkey. The title of the story: The Monkeys New Job Monkeys New Job The Monkeys New Job The Monkeys New Job Lets retell together The monkey wants a job. He wants to be a fireman. But he is too small. He wants to be a taxi driver.But he is too short. He wants to be a singer, but he is not good at singing. He wants to be a football player. He is good at playing football. This is a great job for him. Lets act the story . Level 1 read the story (读出故事)(读出故事) Level 2 Act the story with the help of your books.(借助课本(借助课本 表演故事)表演故事) Level 3 Act the story with your own words.(用自(用自 己的语言表演故事己的语言表演故事 ) 1 2 3 4 Retell the story in groups The Monkeys New Job I want a job. You can be a fireman, I know. You can be a taxi driver. I am too short. I want to be a fireman, but I cant. I am too small. I want to be a firema n, but I cant. You can be a singer. Oh, you cant be a singer. You can be a football player. This is a great job for me ! 扩展扩展 Extend knowledge 写写 WriteWrite 或或oror 演演 ActAct Fill in the blanks and retell the story. The monkey wants a _. He wants to be a _. but he cant, because he is too small. He wants to be a _. but he cant, because he is too short. He wants to be a _. but he cant, because he is not good at singing. He wants to be a _. He is good at _. He is happy with his new job. Introduce your own job in the future. Im _. ( Andy/Joy) Im a _. ( boy/girl) I like _. ( cooking/teaching) I want to be a/an _. ( cook/teacher) Its _. ( fun/ great/cool/interesting) I cant be a/an _ . (fireman/taxi driver) Because I am _ .(small/short) 2626 4 4 丁丁 宁宁 马龙马龙 360360行行行出状元行行行出状元 从事任何一个行业的人,都有成功的机会。从事任何一个行业的人,都有成功的机会。 There are 360 trades,and every has its master. me wo Ho rk Homework 1 .Read the story after the tape. 2.Tell the story to your parents or your friends. 3. Work together and make a storybook with pictures . (小组合作制作带图片的故事书。小组合作制作带图片的故事书。) Choose one of them to do according to your level. 选择适合你的作业选择适合你的作业 : Goodbye! 教育教学教育教学“大练兵大练兵 大比武大比武”活动活动 同课异构研讨课教学设计同课异构研讨课教学设计 学科 英 语姓名 一、教学重点难点 (1)教学重点:学生能听懂故事大意,全体学生能在图片和教师的帮助下运用 正确情绪朗读故事,绝大部分学生能理解与体会故事。 (2)教学难点:发挥想象借助头饰、职业道具和关键单词,学生能复述故事和 激发旧知表演故事。 二、教学过程 I.【热身】Warmup 课前一歌:播放 Unit6 Lesson3 Fun Time C 部分中的歌曲,一段歌词以人 物工作的询问及回答为内容的歌曲。 【设计意图】 通过歌曲演唱,配套教学光盘的播放,让学生在优美的歌曲 演唱中复习本单元的基本句型。What do you want to be in the future? 为新课的学习做好铺垫。 II.【复习】Review 依据录播室的座位为 9 竖行,选择中间第五竖行的学生作为操练的对象,让 这一竖行的同学准备心中未来理想的职业。让他们回答自己将来想做的工作。 全班同学依次询问第一桌至第六桌的同学:What do you want to be in the future?这位同学用第一人称 I 来回答(借助动作、道具)I want to be a in the future.第五竖行右侧同学替换为第二人称 You 来复述他的职 业:You want to be a in the furure. 【设计意图】 面向全体,通过询问,转换人称帮助学生对旧知 I want to be a/an.,You want to be a/an He/She wants to be a/an 为学 生能更好的学习故事做好铺垫准备。 III.【新授】Teaching New Lesson 1.【导入】Prereading 同学们都有自己将来理想的职业,那么今天我们的新朋友猴子和小鸟也来到 我们班级,在他们的对话中猴子的最终职业是什么呢,让我们来了解这个小 故事吧。出示图片,粘贴动物图片到黑板上,引出故事主人公。出示本课标 题 Story Time. 【设计意图】自然过渡,引出故事主人公。快速吸引学生眼球和注意力,激 发学生强烈的求知欲望。 2.【讲授】Whilereading 1).观看 PPT,说明:The monkey has no jobs. He wants a job. 2).小组合作四-一: 首次出示问题一,让学生小组合作解决以下问题。 How many people are there in the story ? Who are they ? What are they talking about ? How many jobs did the monkey do ? Find out 4 jobs in your book, draw a line. 小组讨论结束,教师逐一解决以上问题,PPT 演示各题答案,最后一题来 到黑板让学生逐一拼出故事中的职业生词,然后依据单词结构特点让学生由 易到难把职业单词全部掌握。并向学生渗透构词方式,通过演示 fireman 的 构词方式,让学生理解合成词和派生。 3).出示故事中相关的新旧单词,齐读,熟知。 4).再次出示问题二,在观看故事动画前,让学生带着问题去思考,学习。 Can the monkey be a fireman ? Why ? Can the monkey be a taxi driver ? Why ? Can the monkey be a singer ? Why ? Can the monkey be a football player ? Why ? 观看两遍动画,让学生回答以上问题,每个问题回答后,揭示猴子前三 职业的失败,最后一次的成功,粘贴哭脸与笑脸在黑板上。 No. Because he is too small. No. Because he is too short. No. Because he has a terrible voice. Yes.Because he is happy. 询问学生为什么?在此,适当的对学生进行第一次德育渗透:什么事最 好的工作?适合的才是最好的工作。 5).观看故事动画左半部分,跟读 2 遍。回到书中,学生指读并齐读左半部 分,找两名同学领读并给予他们全班其他同学的击掌鼓励。 6).小组合作四-二 告诉学生刚刚我们学完了左半部分,那么右半部分孩子们小组合作共同 学习它。然后选一组同学 Team 1/2/3/4/5/6 其它五小组跟读。分角色来读。 a.男同学扮演 monkey,女同学扮演 bird:b.前三排同学读 monkey,后三排学 生读 bird. 7).齐读整篇故事,Group A /B/ C 三大组选一组领读,其它两大组跟读。 8).选择两名学生,一个读故事,一个来翻译。 9).完成 Part B.学生独立完成此部分,教师走到学生中间去检查孩子的答案, 并用红笔批改,全部正确的孩子,给予印章 well done 给学生扣戳在该题的 位置。找学生说出答案,观看白板公布答案,并将六句依照顺序齐读出来, 再次熟悉故事。 10).教师依据课型,设置新的阅读题,选出最佳的故事题目。 并以此为题目再来讲述这篇故事。 【设计意图】 以提问的方式启发学生思考,带着问题一起读故事,调动学生 阅读的积极性,更帮助学生较深层次地去理解故事。在小组合作中完成右半 部分的故事教学,让学生成为学习的真正主人。在故事的学习中有领读,有 齐读,有分角色读,操练到位,让学生牢固掌握故事,为后面的表演及扩展 做了很好的铺垫作用。为故事选取题目的活动则训练了学生的思维并有效检 验和加深了学生对故事的理解。 3.【表演】Afterreading 根据学生的不同水平,分层次来表演故事。 LevelLevel 1:1:Can read the story.(读出故事) LevelLevel 2:2:Can act the story out with the help of your books. (借助 书本表演故事) LevelLevel 3:3:Can act the story out with your own words. (用自己的语 言表演故事) 小组合作四-三 九人一小组共有六小组,每小组最后选择两人表演故事,佩戴头饰,真 实感受故事中的乐趣。 【设计意图】展示环节让学生自己选择,可以读本课故事,可以借助课本表演 故事,也可以用自己的语言表演故事,让不同层次的学生都有不同的收获。学 生头戴动物头饰,创设情境,彷如身临其境的来到故事中。 4.【扩展】Extend Knowledge 扩展设计两种,一是写的扩展,二是表演的扩展 写的扩展二选一,一是运用 wants to be 以第三人称的口吻来复述故事 二是依据自己实际情况介绍自己未来的职业和其它信息。 表演的扩展,小组成员一人扮演主人公,由于考虑一人表演有诸多缺点 一是没有面向全体,二是道具来回变换麻烦,耗时,所以有七人来扮演他的 替身,另一人是主人公的好友,一位帮他选择工作的好朋友。那么扩展的故 事中主人公先后尝试了八种职业,最后乒乓球是他最终的选择。 小组合作四-四 以上三个扩展内容小组内自行选择其一,进行汇报和表演。 先做写的汇报,四人分别代表四小组上前汇报,他们又分两人一组,短 文内容一样的为一组。以第三人称来复述故事的,选一人的短文在投影仪中 播放,另一个看自己文稿,二人齐读。介绍自己信息的两人,同样选择一人 的内容在投影仪处播放,便于全班同学观看,二人一人一句,分别介绍自己 真实的自然信息和未来工作。 再做表演的汇报。最后职业选择乒乓球,与原故事足球运动员完美呼应。 并在此进行进一步的德育渗透。 1.乒乓球是我们的国球,今年 2016 里约奥运会中中国共获得 26 枚金牌, 其中 4 枚是乒乓球。 2.360 行行行出状元,There are many professions in our society, we should study hard from now,when you grow up , you can choose a good job, its suitable for you, you love it , you are good at it. So you can make our country stronger and stronger . 【设计意图】通过扩展,活化学生的英语知识,培养学生语言的综合运用能 力。 IV.【总结】This class we have learnt the new story about the monkeys new job. 【设计意图】让学生明确本节课的教学内容。 V.【作业】Homework Choose your suitable homework: 1. Read the story after the tape. 2. Tell the story to your parents or your friends. 3. (optional work) Work together and make a storybook with pictures . 【设计意图】通过故事学习,让学生懂得了最适合的工作是最好的工作。同 样,最适合的作业也才是最好的作业。所以,此部分设计了三个不同层次的作 业,让学生选择适合自己的作业,兼顾到了不同层次学生的需要,也升化了故 事主题。 VI.【板书设计】 UnitUnit 6 6 JobsJobs StoryStory TimeTime a fireman. The Monkey wants to be a taxi driver. a singer. a football player. Teaching Plan I.Warmup Sing a song: Look at the slide,lets sing a song about jobs,in Unit6 Lesson3 Fun Time C. Two girls stand in the front ,lead to sing and act. II.Review According to the seats , there are 9 lines , choose the middle line to practice the basic sentence. All the pupils ask them one by one ,the pupil in the middle line answers: I want to be a / an Then the pupils in right side say : You want to be a/an The pupils in left side say : He / She wants to be a/an in the future. Use the different prons to practice the basic sentences .When he or she is the subject ,try to use wants to be a/an III.New Lesson Teaching 1. 【Prereading】 We have our own jobs, but what about the monkey ,today the monkey and the bird come to our class ,there is a story between them ,so well learn this lesson Story Time . Stick the pictures on the blackboard. 2. 【Whilereading】 1).Look at PPT,introduce:The monkey has no jobs. He wants a job. 2).Work in teams 4-1: First show the questions, try to think about the next questions. How many people are there in the story ? Who are they ? What are they talking about ? How many jobs did the monkey do ? Find out 4 jobs in your book, draw a line. After arguing ,say the answers one by one, the last question, find 4 pupils to spell the new jobs. Lead them to read them. Then look at the PPT, introduce the new knowledge, compound word and derive. 3).Show the old and new words ,read them together . 4).Show the questions again, before watching, ask them to think about the next questions. Can the monkey be a fireman ? Why ? Can the monkey be a taxi driver ? Why ? Can the monkey be a singer ? Why ? Can the monkey be a football player ? Why ? Look at the video twice, try to answer the front questions, after answering ,stick the pictures about mood on the blackboard : sad ,happy. No. Because he is too small. No. Because he is too short. No. Because he has a terrible voice. Yes.Because he is happy. T: Why ? Whats the best job ? The suitable job is the best one. Finish the moral education. 5).Look at the video about left side, read after the recorder twice. Read together, point their books, Lead to read , when he or she reads better , praise them. 6).Work in teams 4-2 Just now we have learnt the left side, this time lets learn the right side by themselves .Choose Team 1/2/3/4/5/6 ,the others read after. Read in roles. a. Boys act monkey,Girls act bird :b. The first 3 rows act monkey, the last 3 rows act bird. 7).Read the whole story together, then find one group to read among Group A /B/ C the others read after it. 8).Find two pupils , one read, the other translate. 9).Finish the Part B. To do it by themselves, Ill check them ,or tick or stamp. Report the answer , then read the six sentences together. 10).Then choose the title for the story. C: Use this title , look at the PPT , retell the story again. 3.【ACT : Afterreading】 According to the levels of pupils, act the story in different gradations. LevelLevel 1:1:Can read the story. LevelLevel 2:2:Can act the story out with the help of your books. LevelLevel 3:3:Can act the story out with your own words. Work in teams 4-3 Find two pupils to act the story in six teams. Put on the headwear, ask them to be happy, interested in the story . 4.【Extend Knowledge】 Work in teams 4-4 Lets extend , you can write , there are two paragraphs, one: use the wants to be to retell the story , the other : introduce your new jobs and sth. You can act the story. Fireman , taxi driver ,singer can change the other jobs, football player change the basketball player , volleyball player , pingpong player . The second moral education : Ping pong is our national sport, Olympic of Rio in 2016, China won 26 gold medals, we won 4 gold medals in ping pong. There are many professions in our society, we should study hard from now,when you grow up , you can choose a good job, its suitable for you, you love it , you are good at it. So you can make our country stronger and stronger . IV.【Summary】This class we have learnt the new story about the monkeys new job. V.【Homework】 Choose your suitable homework: 1. Read the story after the tape. 2. Tell the story to your parents or your friends. 3. (optional work) Work together and make a storybook with pictures . VI.【Writing on the blackboard】 UnitUnit 6 6 JobsJobs StoryStory TimeTime a fireman. The Monkey wants to be a taxi driver. a singer. a football player.