必修1英语新教材人教Unit 3 Sports and fitness Discovering Useful Structures.ppt

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1、 To learn the usage of tag questions and their answers. To learn the functions of the tag questions. To learn to use tag questions to role-play a situation. Read the conversations below and underline the tag questions and their answers. What functions do the tag questions have? Its a beautiful day,

2、isnt it? 1. Amy: Its not a real sport, is it? Shen Qi: Yes, it is. 2. Adam: That sounds interesting, doesnt it? Julie: Sure, it does. Its not a real sport, is it? Yes, it is. That sounds interesting, doesnt it? Sure, it does. 3. Lin Tao: Hi! Its a beautiful day, isnt it? Han Jing: Yes, it is. Im goi

3、ng to play soccer. Can you come along and join us? Lin Tao: Sorry, I cant. Ive got to meet my adviser. By the way, our school soccer team won at last, didnt they? Han Jing: No, they didnt. Its too bad. Its a beautiful day, isnt it? Yes, it is. our school soccer team won at last, didnt they? No, they

4、 didnt. 疑问句类型疑问句类型 1. 一般疑问句一般疑问句 e.g. Do you like these animals? 2. 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 e.g. Who runs fastest in your class? 3. 选择疑问句选择疑问句 e.g. Do you like to play football or basketball? 4. 反意疑问句反意疑问句 e.g. I dont think he will come, will he? 反意疑问句是附加在陈述句后的简短问句,对反意疑问句是附加在陈述句后的简短问句,对 陈述句所叙述的事实或观点提出疑问。陈述句所叙述的事

5、实或观点提出疑问。 1. 结构:结构: 陈述句反意疑问句(助动词陈述句反意疑问句(助动词be动词动词情态情态 动词陈述部分主语的相应代词)动词陈述部分主语的相应代词) 2. 规律:前肯后否规律:前肯后否, 前否后肯,助动词和人称前否后肯,助动词和人称 前后一致。前后一致。如:如: You are from Australia, arent you? He doesnt live in Beijing, does he? 反意疑问句反意疑问句 3. 回答方法回答方法: 用用yes/no来回答,事实是肯定的用来回答,事实是肯定的用yes, 反之用反之用no。如:。如: He isnt a stud

6、ent, is he? No, he isnt. 一、反意疑问句主语一、反意疑问句主语 要与前面陈述句主语保持一致。要与前面陈述句主语保持一致。 1. 陈述句主语是陈述句主语是that, this, those, these,反意疑问,反意疑问 句的主语要用句的主语要用it或或they。如:如: This is Toms textbook, isnt it? These are your books, arent they? 2. 陈述句主语是表示人的不定代词,如陈述句主语是表示人的不定代词,如anyone, someone, no one, everybody, nobody, somebo

7、dy 等,反意疑问句的主语通常用等,反意疑问句的主语通常用they。如:如: Everyone knows that writer, dont they? 3. 陈述句主语是表示物的不定代词,如陈述句主语是表示物的不定代词,如 anything, nothing, something, everything 等,反意疑问句的主语用等,反意疑问句的主语用it。如:如: Nothing in the world is difficult, is it? 4. 陈述句的主语是非谓语动词或主语从句,陈述句的主语是非谓语动词或主语从句, 反意疑问句的主语用反意疑问句的主语用it。如:如: Smoking

8、 is not allowed here, is it? What he lacks is courage, isnt it? 5. Lets与与Let us/me后的反意疑问句主语不同。后的反意疑问句主语不同。 如:如: Lets start early in the morning, shall we? Let us / me know your new address, will you? 6. 陈述句如果是陈述句如果是there be句型,反意疑问句的主句型,反意疑问句的主 语用语用there。如:如: There is little water left, is there? 二、反

9、意疑问句的助动词二、反意疑问句的助动词 要与陈述句的助动词保持一致。要与陈述句的助动词保持一致。 1. 在含在含I am的陈述句之后,反意疑问句的助动的陈述句之后,反意疑问句的助动 词用词用arent。如:如: I am supposed to be here, arent I? 2. 陈述句谓语动词为陈述句谓语动词为have to时,反意疑问句用时,反意疑问句用 do作助动词。当陈述句中作助动词。当陈述句中have作作“有有”讲时,讲时, 反意疑问句中既可用反意疑问句中既可用have作助动词也可用助作助动词也可用助 动词动词do。如:如: We have to take a test, do

10、nt we? He has a good memory, hasnt / doesnt he? 3. 陈述句的谓语动词含有陈述句的谓语动词含有used to时,反意疑问时,反意疑问 句多用句多用did作助动词。作助动词。如:如: She used to live in London, didnt she? 4. 陈述句中有情态动词陈述句中有情态动词must时:时: 1) must“一定,准是一定,准是”,反意疑问句中助动词,反意疑问句中助动词 要要 与与must后动词照应。如:后动词照应。如: You must be very excited, arent you? You must have

11、 waited here for a long time, havent you? 2) must“必须必须”,反意疑问句中的助动词用,反意疑问句中的助动词用 mustnt。如:。如: You must leave right now, mustnt you? 3) mustnt“禁止禁止”,反意疑问句中的助动词,反意疑问句中的助动词 用用must或或may。如:。如: You mustnt walk on grass, must/may you? 三、反意疑问句用肯定还是否定三、反意疑问句用肯定还是否定 陈述句是肯定句,反意疑问句用否定;陈述句是肯定句,反意疑问句用否定; 陈述句是否定句,反

12、意疑问句用肯定。陈述句是否定句,反意疑问句用肯定。 陈述句含有表示否定或部分否定意义的单词,陈述句含有表示否定或部分否定意义的单词, 如如not, no, never, none, little, seldom, hardly, few, nowhere, nothing等,看成否定句,反意疑问句等,看成否定句,反意疑问句 用肯定。如:用肯定。如: Mary seldom goes to the cinema, does she? 四、陈述句是主从复合句或其它句子时四、陈述句是主从复合句或其它句子时 1. 陈述句是主从复合句时,反意疑问句常重陈述句是主从复合句时,反意疑问句常重 复复合句中主句

13、的主语。复复合句中主句的主语。 主句中如果有主句中如果有I think/believe/suppose这样的主这样的主 谓结构时,反意疑问句重复从句主语。谓结构时,反意疑问句重复从句主语。如:如: You never told us why you didnt pass the exam, did you? I dont think she cares, does she? 2. 陈述句是并列句时,反意疑问句与后一个分陈述句是并列句时,反意疑问句与后一个分 句保持一致。句保持一致。如:如: They were absent yesterday, but Mary wasnt, was she?

14、 3. 祈使句的反意疑问句常用祈使句的反意疑问句常用will或或can作助作助 动词。祈使句为肯定句时,反意疑问句常动词。祈使句为肯定句时,反意疑问句常 用用will/wont/can/cant you;祈使句为否定;祈使句为否定 句,反意疑问句则常用句,反意疑问句则常用will / can you。如:如: Please close the window, will/wont/can/cant you? Dont take photos in the meeting room, will/ can you? 4. 感叹句的反意疑问句用否定形式。感叹句的反意疑问句用否定形式。如:如: What

15、 a foolish child (he is), isnt he? How clever a boy he is, isnt he? What beautiful clothes (they are), arent they? Complete the conversations with appropriate tag questions or correct answers. Then act them out. 1. A: Its not going to rain, is it? B: _. Its a good day for sports. A: Then we can play

16、 football, _? B: _. We dont have a ball. No, it isnt cant we No, we cant 2. A: Its Sports Day next Thursday, _? B: Youre right, it is. Lets ask Xia Lei if she wants to join a team. A: She likes soccer, _? B: _. But she loves volleyball. She could be in the volleyball team. isnt it doesnt she No, she

17、 doesnt 3. A: Its time for badminton class. Where is the coach? Hes late, _? B: Its been 10 minutes already. He isnt coming, _? A: Cool! We can have a good time. Thats great! B: Shh! A: Oh no, hes right behind me, _? C: Yes, I am! isnt he is he isnt he 反意疑问句解题步骤反意疑问句解题步骤 1. 判定:肯否定判定:肯否定 2. 找动:确定谓语动词

18、的类型找动:确定谓语动词的类型 3. 换代:将主语转换为相应的代词换代:将主语转换为相应的代词 He isnt bright, _? She can do it better, _? Nobody knows about it, _? It is impossible, _? is he cant she do they isnt it I. 用反意疑问句补全句子。用反意疑问句补全句子。 1. No one wants to leave, _? 2. You must read more books next term, _? 3. Lets talk about your son now,

19、_? 4. I dont think youve heard of this concept before, _? do they mustnt you shall we have you 5. People should make the best of what theyve learnt, _? 6. There have been some terrible scenes on television, _? shouldnt they havent there II. 用恰当的反意疑问句补全下面对话。用恰当的反意疑问句补全下面对话。 Host: Youve lived in Holly

20、wood for many years, _? Guest: Since I was eighteen and came here to write my first screenplay. Host: You didnt know anyone here at first, _? Guest: No. And I didnt have a cent to my name. Just some ideas and a lot of hope. It sounds crazy, _? havent you did you doesnt it Host: But things have worke

21、d out for you, _? Youre working on another screenplay now, _? Guest: Yes. Its a comedy about some kids who become invisible. Host: Speaking of kids, you have some of your own, _? Guest: Two boys and a girl all very visible! Host: I know what you mean. Do you ever wish they were invisible? Guest: Now

22、, thats an interesting thought, _? havent they arent you dont / havent you isnt it Use tag questions to role-play one of the situations below. SPORTS DAY We Need You! To register, come to Room 501, Yiwen Building. 10-11 October A: The Sports Day is coming soon, isnt it? B: Yes, it is. They need some volunteers, dont they? A: Yes, they do Review grammar. Do more exercises. Make a conversation according to Activity 3 on page 40.


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