广东版五上Unit 2 Months-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:80ba6).zip

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Unit 2 Months (Story) Class_ Name_ 一 Read and write. 读 P18 故事,写出答案。 1. When can Gogo go ice-skating? _ 2. Whens winter holiday? _ 3. Is May after winter holiday? _ 二 Read and choose. 读故事,选择正确答案。 ( ) 1.Where are they? Theyre at the _. A. park B. beach C. spring ( ) 2.Why is spring hot? Because of _. A. the air pollution B. the global warming C. A&B ( ) 3.What should we do to protect the earth? _ A. We should cut trees. B. We should always drive cars. C. We should save water. 三 If you have a chance to redefine the seasons with months, please make a seasons table and write down the months.(如果你有机会去重新 定义各季节的月份,请做一份季节表并写下其月份。 ) seasonmonth spring summer fall winter Unit 2 Months(Lesson 1 Story)教学设计 1教学内容分析 This passage is mainly about Gogo wants to do something that he likes, but its not the right time. The students learn about some months and how to ask the time. After learning the story, students know about the order in which the time is expressed and understand the importance of doing the right things at the right time. 2教学目标定位: 语言 知识 1. 能朗读所学故事,理解并复述故事内容。 2. 学会表达时间先后(before,after)的交际用语。 语言技能 与思维能 力 1. 理解和阅读短文,培养学生的分析、判断、推理、质疑 等思维能力。 2. 学会表述时间先后顺序。 3. 懂得理性分析合适时间做合适的事情这一道理。 文化意识了解和宣传“全球气温变暖”,明确保护环境的重要 性,进一步增强学生的环保意识。 情感态度培养学生乐观、积极、热情的生活态度和学习态度。 培养学生的主动参与、团结协作的精神。 学习 目标 学习策略小组合作、探究性学习 3教学重点和难点: 1)重点:掌握生字词:January, February, May, winter holiday, before, after 了解部分月份及寒假的时间概念和表述时间先后顺序的交际用语。 2) 难点:学生能在理解的基础上学会运用语言表达自己的观点。 4教学策略选择(教学方法、辅助手段等) 1) Teaching methods : task-based learning method, TPR method, communicative approach, situational method, practice method, audiovisual method, and group work. 2) Teaching aids: ppt, vedio. 5教学过程(说明意图及依据) 步骤教学方案目的 Pre-reading 1. Greeting. 2. Video. (Four Seasons) Question: What seasons are there in the video? 3. Think and answer: Whats your favorite season? Why? 4. Watch and think. Spring Festival, ice- skating 利用四季变化的一个视 频短片,既复习 Unit1 的旧知,也能通过最喜 欢的季节的讨论,引出 在冬天滑雪这一情节, 巧妙地引入故事的学习。 用简单有效的方式调动 学生的积极性并把学生 的注意力吸引到课堂上 来。 While-reading1. Watch and think. Enjoy the story video. And then answer: Can Gogo go ice-skating in spring? 2. Read and answer. 1) Questions A. When can Gogo go ice- skating? B. Whens winter holiday? C.Is May after winter holiday? 2)Do you know? What can we learn from it? Do the right things at the right time. 3)Look and say. class is before/afterclass. 3. Listen, fill and read. 4. Read the story. 5. Retell the story. 通过观看小视频,让学 生初步感知故事内容。 再读,并根据所读内容 设计回答问题的练习, 提高学生的阅读能力和 策略,以及操练巩固学 习重点词汇。在此过程 中注重培养学生的思维 品质。让学生懂得思考 故事文本包含的深层含 义:Do the right things at the right time. 继续阅读,通过教师的 引导,让学生运用 Whens? Its in 和 is before/after 的句型来进行交流。 Post-reading1.Do you know? Can Gogo go to the beach in May? Why? 3.Story time(I can swim in May.) 1)Enjoy the story. 2)Read the story and do the Exercise. 4. Emotion teaching. Do every little things to save the earth. 结合本课的的重点话题, 让学生能够结合实际给 Gogo 提出建议并说出原 因。通过绘本故事阅读 引出全球气温变暖带来 的环境破坏问题。引导 学生阅读理解绘本故事 内容的同时,更要关注 环境保护的问题。培养 学生的文化意识和思维 品质。 HomeworkIf you have a chance to redefine the seasons with months, please make a seasons table and write down the months. 学生重新定义各季节的 月份,让学生在复习月 份词汇之余,更是认真 思考当今的气候问题。 引导学生对环境保护的 重视。 6评价活动 用语言评价以及奖励机制,鼓励学生踊跃参与互动,激发学生的求知欲以及参与课堂活 动的积极性。利用星级评价,鼓励以及肯定学生学习英语的成果。 Lesson one MonthsMonths Watch Watch andand think. think. Watch and think.Watch and think. What seasons are there in the video?Whats your favorite season? Think and answer.Think and answer. Look Look andand think. think. Spring Festival ice-skating Look Look andand think. think. Can Gogo go ice-skating in spring? No, he cant. Can Gogo go ice-skating in spring? Look and answer.Look and answer. May _is in May.May is in _. spring 1. When can Gogo go ice-skating? 3. Is May after winter holiday? 2. Whens winter holiday? Read and answer.Read and answer. He can go in winter holiday. 1. When can Gogo go ice- skating? Read and answer.Read and answer. 2. Whens winter holiday? Its in January or February. Read and answer.Read and answer. winter holiday We can_ in . Do you know?Do you know? What can we learn from it? (在这里我们懂得了什么?) Do the right things at the right time. (合适的时候做合适的事情。) Do they do the right things at the right time? Its summer. It rains heavily. They go fishing in a river. Its winter now. Its very very cold. They are swimming at the beach. Do you know?Do you know? (合适的事情)(合适的时间) Do you know?Do you know? Yes, it is. 3. Is May after winter holiday? = Read and answer.Read and answer. winter holiday May May is after winter holiday. = Winter holiday is before May. Look and Look and think.think. English class is _ math class. Math class is _ music class. Look and say.Look and say. Science class is_ Chinese class. Music class is _ P.E. class. before after after before Lets _!go ice-skating We cant go ice-skating _. Its _. Its _! now Mayspring Listen, fill and read.Listen, fill and read. _ can we go ice-skating?When We can go in _. winter holiday Listen, fill and read.Listen, fill and read. _ winter holiday? Its in _ or _.January February Whens Listen, fill and read.Listen, fill and read. Is May _ winter holiday? No, May is _ winter holiday. before after Listen, fill and read.Listen, fill and read. _ is after _?Maywinter holiday Listen, fill and read.Listen, fill and read. OK. Lets _. go to the beach Listen, fill and read.Listen, fill and read. Lets read.Lets read. cant now May spring When ? winter holiday When ? January February Is before ? No after May winter holiday OK beach Retell the story.Retell the story. Do you know?Do you know? Do you know?Do you know? 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 广东气温 () 时间 2016年5月2017年5月2018年5月 Story time.Story time. Story time.Story time. Gogo is a magician. He does a magic. I can do magic. Ma-li-ma-li-hoo. Story time.Story time. They are at the beach now. Gogo can swim. Hes exciting. Hurray! I can swim. Story time.Story time. Tony and Jenny feel worried. Whats wrong with the weather? Its May. Its spring. Why can we go swimming? Story time.Story time. The air pollution makes the global warming. So its hot in spring. We should protect the earth. Grandma tells them the reason. (全球气温变暖) Story time.Story time. They want to do many things to protect the earth. I will plant more trees. I will save water. I wont drive a car. ( ) 1.Where are they? Theyre at the _. A.park B. beach C. spring ( ) 2.Why is spring hot? Because of _. A.the air pollution B.the global warming C. A&B ( ) 3.What should we do to protect the earth? _ A.We should cut trees. B.We should always drive cars. C.We should save water. 1 4 23 5 Try to do!Try to do! HomeworkHomework Choose, write and act.Choose, write and act. Gogo does a magic. Wow! They are at the beach now. Gogo runs into the sea. He wants to _(swim, run). Cool! The weather is a little _ ( hot, cold). And the water in the sea is _ (warm, cold). Gogo cant swim. Hes _ (happy, sad). Choose, write and act.Choose, write and act. Gogo does a magic. Wow! They are at the beach now. Gogo runs into the sea. He wants to _(swim, run). Oh, no! The weather is a little _ ( hot, cold). And the water in the sea is _ (warm, cold), too. Gogo cant swim. Hes _ (happy, sad). Gogo does a magic. Wow! They are at the beach now. Gogo runs into the sea. He wants to _(swim, run). Cool! The weather is a little _ ( hot, cold). And the water in the sea is _ (warm, cold). Gogo cant swim. Hes _ (happy, sad). Choose, write and act.Choose, write and act. Gogo: Hey, I can do magic. Tony: Cool. Were at the beach now. Gogo:Whats the _(food, weather) like? Tony: Its spring now. Its a little _(hot, cold). Gogo: Can I _ (swim, run) in the sea? Tony: No, you cant. Its too _(hot, cold) to swim. Gogo: Oh, no! Gogo: Hey, I can do magic. Tony: Cool. Were at the beach now. Gogo: Whats the _(food, weather) like? Tony: Its spring now. But its _(hot, cold). Gogo: Can I _ (swim, run) in the sea? Tony: Yes, you can. Gogo: Hurray! weather cold swim cold weather hot swim Do you know?Do you know? Yes, it is. 4. Is May after winter holiday? winter holiday May May is after winter holiday. = Winter holiday is before May. 东凤镇小沥小学 黄建妹 Unit2 Months Story Read and answer.Read and answer. Story time.Story time. Grandma tells them the reasons. The temperature becomes warmer and warmer. The polar bears are losing their home. 2. When can Gogo go ice-skating? 1. Can Gogo go ice-skating in May? 4. Is May after winter holiday? 3. Whens winter holiday? Read and answer.Read and answer. Do they do right things at right time? Its summer. It rains heavy. They go fishing in a river. Its winter now. Its very very cold. They are swimming at the beach. Look and say.Look and say. 合适的事情合适的时间 Does Gogo do right things at right time? Watch Watch andand think. think. Does Gogo do right things at right time? No, he doesnt. Watch and think.Watch and think. Is English class before math class? _ Is math class after P.E. class? _ Yes, it is. English class is before math class. No, it isnt. Math class is before math class. A: Is before/after ? B: Yes, it is. is before/after No, it isnt. is before/after Look and say.Look and say. Role playingRole playing Do you know?Do you know? UnitUnit 2 2 Months(LessonMonths(Lesson 1)1)教学反思教学反思 刚刚接触 Unit 2 Months 这一单元时,我曾简单地认为:只要拿着日历让 学生学会几个月份的单词,理解 Whens? Its 的意思,懂得表述时间 先后 before 与 after 的用法,就可以了。经过深入的教材研读,才发现这看似 简单的课时,却蕴藏着很多值得发掘的知识点。于是抱着满腔热情,我投入到 本单元第一课时的备课当中。在同科组老师的帮助下,我完成了这一课时的授 课。感受很多,收获更多。以下就本课的优缺点进行个人的教学反思。 一优点一优点 故事前,首先播放一个四季变换的视频,让学生感受四季变化。自然而然 地对 Unit 1 的知识进行复习,并且巧妙地引入了故事的学习。所采用的这个视 频精确唯美地展示了大自然中四季的变化,能给学生带来较大的触动。故事中 设计的几个问题都源于故事文本,利于帮助学生理解故事,属于有效的问题输 入。在解决这几个问题的过程中,对本课时的教学重点 (January,February,May,winter holiday,before,after)和难点(时间先后 的表达)进行导出和学习操练,形成清晰的教学思路和教学流程。 为了让学生充分理解掌握故事文本,教学中提供学生充足的读故事的时间, 如听录音读,表演读,打开书读,分角色读等。通过大量的语言输入,然后帮 助学生呈现语言的输出。因此在复述故事内容时,学生基本是能复述的。 除了完成本课时的语言知识目标,在课堂上,还重视培养学生的思维品质 发展。通过挖掘文本深层含义,在故事文本解读到图四之时,能看出主人公 Gogo 并不懂得在合适的时间做合适的事情,因此在这时用问题“What can we learn from it?”引导学生思考和总结“Do the right things at the right time.” 。 为了营造一个让学生产生求知欲和感兴趣的氛围,形成了师生互动、生生 互动的良好教学局面。在故事后的环节里,设计了 “Can Gogo go to the beach in May?”的开放性问题。大部分学生都认为五月是不适合去海滩的,这 时反问学生一句“Really?”,让学生心里产生疑惑,再用近三年广东五月的气 温走势图,告诉学生,即使还是在春天,也会出现温度较高的五月,在五月游 泳成为了可以发生的事情。这为接下来出现的绘本故事的呈现提供了很好的过 渡,也是培养学生思维品质的良机。 总而言之,在本课时中,从复习故事前到故事中,再到故事后;从课本知 识的新授到课外知识的延伸,都遵照学生的认知规律去设计每个教学环节,做 到了循序渐进,注重培养学生的思维品质。围绕着任务主线,本节课开展了很多 活动,活动形式多样而有效。在课堂中注重每个学生的表现,做到优生中下生 都能积极投入,适时适当地给学生予以表扬和激励,既培养了学生学习英语的 自信心,也提高了学生学习英语的兴趣。让学生在兴奋之余,体验到成功的喜 悦,并在无形中把这份喜悦化为踊跃的自我表现。 二不足二不足 没有十全十美的一节课,每一节课总会有它的不足之处,这节课当然也不 例外。以下分几点来说明:1. 在故事前的视频播放完毕后,会提问学生 “Whats your favorite season? 在学生回答之后,应该追加一个问题 “Why ?” ,更能培养学生的英语思维能力。2. 在故事后的拓展环节,让学生 思考 “Can Gogo go to the beach in May?”这一开放性问题时,少了让学生 进行小组讨论交流的过程。3. 在最后的环节,布置作业之前,应该对板书进行 一个总结反馈。
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