广东版五上Unit 3 Dates-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:636db).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Dates_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:636db)
    • 素材
      • 11.wav
      • 22.wav
      • 33.wav
      • 44.wav
      • 55.wav
      • 66.wav
      • 77.wav
      • BACK.WAV
      • BAD2.WAV
      • birsong.wav
      • chant.swf
      • GOOD2.WAV
      • LAN.WAV
      • Listen and chant. 1.mp3
      • mazijun.mp3
      • MEI.WAV
      • Oh, Gogo.wav
      • SONG whens your birthday.WAV
      • Story.mp3
      • Story.swf
      • The months.swf
      • XI.WAV
      • 张晨旭.mp3
      • 梁展荣.mp3
    • unit3.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案636db.doc--点击预览


Whens Miss Gaos birthday? Its _ _. July 7th January 18th May 3rd November 13th Whens his birthday? Its _ _. March 6th June 5th June 27thSeptember 4th Whens his birthday? June 8thOctober 12th January 3rd Its _ _. August 14th Whens Gogos birthday? Whens Gogos birthday? Is it Gogos birthday party? 这是这是Gogo的生日派对吗?的生日派对吗? Oh, Oh, GogoGogo! ! Its not Gogos birthday party. August 7th March 4th October 20th Its March 4th. Whens your birthday, Gogo? 一问一答一问一答 Look, this is a birthday party. Jennys birthday is _ _. Tonys birthday _ _ _. Gogos birthday is _ _. March 4th August 7this October 20th Yeah, lets sing! Happy birthday to you! What do they want to do on their birthday? 他们在过生日时想做些什么呢? Hi, Im Kevin. Im a boy. My birthday is September 1st. On my birthday, I want to play a computer game. Hi, Im Liang Zhanrong. Im a boy. My birthday is December 3rd. On my birthday, I want to see a movie.(在我生日那天,我想要看电影。) Hi, Im Berry. Im a boy. My birthday is September 9th. On my birthday, I want to go to the swimming pool. (在我生日那天,我 想要去游泳池。) He wants to _ He wants to _. He wants to _. play a comuputer game. go to the swimming pool see a movie 参考词汇:参考词汇: have a birthday party 开个生日派对; see a movie看电影; go to the KFC 去肯德基; go to the park 去公园; play with friends 和朋友玩; sing and dance with my friends 和我的朋友一起唱歌、跳舞; surf the Internet; play outside; play cards; play computer games; watch TV; listen to music; read books; ride my bike 请同学们说说自己的生日愿望请同学们说说自己的生日愿望 参考词汇:参考词汇: have a birthday party 开个生日 派对; see a movie看电影; go to the KFC 去肯德基; go to the park 去公园; play with friends 和朋友玩; sing and dance with my friends 和我的朋友一起唱歌、跳舞; surf the Internet; play outside; play cards; play computer games; watch TV; listen to music; read books; ride my bike 请同学们说说自己的生日愿望请同学们说说自己的生日愿望 S1: Whens your birthday? S2: Its . S1: What do you want to do? S2: I want to . The tradition of birthday parties started in Europe a long time ago. 生日聚会的习俗产生于很久以前的欧洲生日聚会的习俗产生于很久以前的欧洲。 It was believed that evil spirits were attracted to people on their birthdays. 人们认为在人生日的那一天,魔鬼会闻讯而人们认为在人生日的那一天,魔鬼会闻讯而 来来 To protect them from harm, friends and family would to come to the home, to be with the birthday person and bring good thoughts and wishes. 为了使过生日的人免受伤害,朋友和家人会来到他家和他共度危难为了使过生日的人免受伤害,朋友和家人会来到他家和他共度危难 并带来关切之情和良好的祝愿。并带来关切之情和良好的祝愿。 Giving gifts brought even more good cheer to ward off the evil spirits. This is how birthday parties began. 赠与礼物能让气氛变得更加愉快从而把魔赠与礼物能让气氛变得更加愉快从而把魔 鬼挡在门外。这就是生日聚会的来源。鬼挡在门外。这就是生日聚会的来源。 At first it was only kings who were recognized as important enough to have a birthday celebration. 起初只有国王被认为有足够的分量获得举起初只有国王被认为有足够的分量获得举 行生日聚会的权利。行生日聚会的权利。 As time went by, children became included in birthday celebrations. 渐渐地,孩子们也能够在自己生日的当天渐渐地,孩子们也能够在自己生日的当天 举行生日聚会。举行生日聚会。 The first childrens birthday parties occurred in Germany and were called Kinderfests. 最早为孩子举行的生日宴会出现在德国,最早为孩子举行的生日宴会出现在德国, 被称为被称为Kinderfests.(德语:德语:Kinder小小 孩孩;Fest庆祝;聚会庆祝;聚会) The origin in China First view: Celebrate life extension and prosperous. 第一种说法:庆祝生命的延续和兴旺。 Second view: Disappears the disaster to avoid evil influences. 第二种说法:消灾驱邪。 Third view: Entrusts with the life to the mother the gratitude. 第三种说法:对母亲赋予生命的感激。 As the saying goes: Childrens birthday, mothers difficult day. 俗话说:孩子的生日,母亲的受难日。 What can we do on our birthday? 生日时可以做什么? We can do something for mother. Our parents love us.Our parents love us. 我们的爸爸、妈妈爱我们。 We should care our parents and We should care our parents and do something for something for them. 我们应该关心我们的父母,并为他们做力所能及的事。 What should we do?What should we do? 那么我们应该怎么做呢? They care about us.They care about us. 他们关心我们。 Ask your parents Ask your parents “Whens your Whens your birthday? What do you want to do on your birthday? What do you want to do on your birthday?birthday?” and write it down. and write it down. (写下父母的生日愿望,并记在心里,当他们(写下父母的生日愿望,并记在心里,当他们 生日到来时,为他们做些你能做的事。)生日到来时,为他们做些你能做的事。) Read the Conversation.Read the Conversation. 朗读课文。朗读课文。 第 1 页 共 2 页 UnitUnit 3 3 DatesDates(Conversation,(Conversation, ChantChant Activity)Activity) 一.学生分析 学生在一年级就已经开始学习英语,经过四年的学习,学生已经有了基本的听、说、读 的能力。升上五年级后,学生已经掌握一定的学习方法,思维能力和观察能力有一定幅度的 提高,在本课教学之前,学生对一六月份的单词已熟练掌握,并且对 when 提问的句型也有 所了解。本单元的话题是谈论日期和生日,其中日期是比较枯燥一点的话题,而生日是学生 比较感兴趣的话题,容易调动学生英语学习的积极性,让他们积极参与到教学活动中来。 二、教学目标 1.Be able to understand and read the conversation fluently 2.Be able to understand the culture differences on birthday between Chinese and Westerner. 三、教学重点 1、To understand and read the Conversation. 2、Be able to say some sentences about ones birthday wish. 四、教学难点 To express their own feeling correctly. 四、教学用具 CAI 五、教学过程 StepStep 1 1 Warming-upWarming-up 1. Sing a song: The months. 2. Guessing: Whens (Miss Gaos) birthday? StepStep 2 2 ConversationConversation 1.Listen1.Listen andand watchwatch forfor thethe firstfirst time.time. (1) Watch the video and answer: Whens Gogos birthday? (2) After answering the question, show why Grandma use such a tone to say “ Oh, Gogo” . 2.2. ListenListen againagain andand dodo a a match.match. 第 2 页 共 2 页 (1) Listen again and do a match. (2) Ask and answer 3.3. ReadRead thethe ConversationConversation andand fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks. 4.4. ReadRead conversation.conversation. (1) Read conversation after the teacher. (2) Read together. StepStep 3 3 SingingSinging StepStep 4 4 PracticePractice 1. Listen and look at the Ma Zijun, Liang Zhanrong and Zhang Chengxus birthday wishes. 2. Talk about your birthday wish in pairs. Then have some Ss say out their birthday wishes. 3. The culture differences on birthday between Chinese and Westerner. (1) The origin of birthday in the west. (2) The origin in China. StepStep 5 5 ConclusionConclusion andand HomeworkHomework 1. Whens your parentsbirthday? 2、Homework 板书设计: Unit 7 Whens your birthday? Whens your birthday? March 4th Its August 7th . October 20th
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