广东版五上Unit 5 School Lunch-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f04e9).doc

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1、Book 5Unit 5 School lunch 教学目标:1、Sentences: What do you need? I need _./ We need _. What does he/she need? He/She needs _. What do they need? They need _. 2、Words: meatvegetablestofufruit 教学内容和学情分析: 我今天这节课是第 5 课 School lunch 第二课时内容, 第一课时主 要讲授重点句子 What do you need? I need some rice. 讲授新单词: juice rice

2、 salt sugar 四个单词,还有复习一下以前学过的食物单词和 食材单词, 所以这节课在第一节的基础和前提下, 我主要讲授 What do you need? 第一人称单数与 What does he /she? He /She needs some rice. 第三人称单数和 What do they need? They need some rice. 第三人称复 数的提问与回答。讲授四个单词:meat tofu vegetables fruit . 难点在 于 need 与 needs 的变化,什么情况下回答用 need,什么情况下回答 用 needs。课前我先让学生背第一至第四课的

3、 Target 一次,巩固所学 过的知识,然后唱第四课的歌曲,复习就知识,引入新知识作准备。 课前复习完我用第一课时的四个单词 rice juice salt sugar, 运用第四课 句型 What do you have?的复习来引出 What do you need?,由于第一课 时 What do you need? I need some.在第一课时已经学过,这节课 我操练时只用学过的单词略带过去,把重点放在第三人称单复数 What does he need? What do they need? 的提问与回答上。 教学重点:What do you need?I need _. 教学

4、难点: What does he/she need? He/She needs _. needneeds 教具:Words cards Picture cards 实物 多媒体幻灯 教学过程: 1、Warm up: 1) 、Read Target U1 to U4 2) 、Ask and answer 3) 、Listen and sing P52 4) 、Do Ex (Look at the blackboard) (课前预习题) Lets write:I hedo doeshavehasneed need Ask and answer :( Show U4 picture cards) D

5、o you have any _ ? Does he have any _? What do you have?What does he have? 引入:课题This lesson we will learn Unit 5 . (板书课题) What do you need? (Teach: need ) 2、Teach the new lesson Step1: Show the picture ( juice rice salt sugar) What do you need? I need some Show the pictures: soupeggbreadpotatoestoma

6、toeschicken saladfishhamburgersdumplingscarrots cakenoodlesice creammilkwater Ask and answer: What do you need? I need some Step2: Teach the new words: A. meatvegetables What does he need?He needs some . P58 Practice1 D and B B. tofufruit What do they need?They need some . P58 Practice1 C Step3:Acti

7、vity P59 (课堂效果检测题)Mr. Greens family What do Mr and Ms Green need? What does Tony need?What does Jenny need? What does Ben need?What does Lisa need? What does Gogo need? Step4: Chant activity P62 (Listen and chant) 引入: Oh, Do you like vegetables? Do you like milk? Step5: Lets play a game(Guess game)

8、I am hungry. I need some _. I am thirsty. I need some _. I can cook breakfast. I need some _. I can cook lunch. I need some _. I can cook dinner. I need some _. Step6: Make good food (We can have three meals here) A. Lets cook breakfast.What do we need? B. Lets cook lunch. What do we need? C. Lets c

9、ook dinner. What do we need? Teacher: Do we need any _? P: Yes, we do.(No, we dont.) Step7: Target. (Listen and say) Step8: Writing.(拓展练习题)I like cooking. Hello, My name is _. I am _ years old. I like _ food very much. I like _. I want to cook. For breakfast, I need _ _ and _. For lunch, I need _ _ and _. For dinner, I need _ _ and _. Its delicious! 3、 4、Homework: Lets write. I like cooking 板书:Unit 5 School lunch What do you need?I need _. What does he/she need? He/She needs _. What do they need? They need some _. Words:meatvegetablestofufruit


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