广东版五上Review 1-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:d1b3d).doc

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1、5 Teaching Plan of Review 1 Book 5 (The second period-Reading and writing) .Teaching Objectives: 1. Knowledge objectives: (1)Students can get to know the weather feature in different places in China. (2)Students can get to know different places, different weather. 2. Ability objectives: (1)Students

2、can improve their listening by listening for the main idea of the text. ( 2 ) Students can find out some necessary information by skimming and scanning. (3)Students can improve their thinking ability by learning the text. (4)Students can master some effective reading strategies gradually. 3. Learnin

3、g strategies: (1)Students can learn to use the old language to learn the new. (2)Students can guess what the places are according to the pictures given, based on their knowledge and experience. (3)Students can take part in the activities actively in class. 4. Emotion objectives: (1)Students can be a

4、ctive and confident when they speak in English. (2)Students can be interested in English reading. (3)Students can widen their vision after reading. .Teaching Key Points: 1. Students can get to know the weather feature of the four places by listening and reading. 2. Students can describe the typical

5、weather and the typical feature of these four places to others. 6 .Teaching Difficult Points: 1. Students can get some information from the text by related reading strategies. 2. Students can describe the typical weather and the typical feature of these four places to others. . . Teaching aids: Comp

6、uter, PPT, and some related exercises. . Teaching procedure: Step 1: Pre-reading 1. Review: Compare the weather in winter in Zhongshan with the weather in Beijing. 1) Show a map of China, and ask Ss which city we are in, then show Zhongshan on the map.After that, talk about the weather in Zhongshan

7、today. 2) Show Beijing on the map, talk about the weather there. Have students think about why Zhongshan is a little bit cold but Beijing is very cold and snowy. Then, lead into the topic. 【设计意图】通过地图的展示,让学生初步有中国地大的感官感受, 同时通过中山和北京在冬天的天气差异的话题,引起学生思考,从而引出 本节课所要讲的主题。 2. Lead-in: 1)Situation setting: Gog

8、o receives a message from his foreign friend Lily. She wants to travel to China, and asks him some good ideas. Gogo reads an article. Suddenly, he has some ideas. There are four places for Lily to choose. 2) Students guess what the four places are according to the pictures given. 【设计意图】设计情景:Gogo 收到国

9、外朋友 Lily 的信息,Lily 说她想 到中国旅行,让 Gogo 给她一些建议。Gogo 读了一篇文章,突然有了灵感, 给 Lily 四个地方选择。通过这一情景,让学生利用自己已有的知识和经验, 猜猜这四个地方是哪里,并猜猜那里的天气,从而引起学生的兴趣,为学 习新知作铺垫。 7 Step 2: While-reading Task 1: Listening Guide students to find out the four places by listening. Task 2: Skimming Guide students to find out the typical weat

10、her in these places, and get to know: different places, different weather. Explain dry and wet at the same time. Task 3: Scanning 1. Read and find out the typical feature in these places. 8 2. Read and find out what we can usually do in these places. Then students get to know: different feature, dif

11、ferent weather. Task 4: Summary Students look at the blackboard and retell what they have learnt in this passage. 【设计意图】读中活动利用表格整理信息。共设计了四个任务,任务 一是让学生通过听来检查刚刚猜的四个地方对不对,究竟是哪四个地方, 让学生带着目的去听。任务二是让学生通过略读,快速寻找文中四个地方 的有代表性的天气。任务三是让学生通过寻读,找出四个地方的典型特征, 进一步了解文章内容。在特征的寻读任务讲解中,适时通过图片、地图还 有地理知识等整合信息,加上 Hainan i

12、s an island; Guangdong is near the sea 等知识,让学生感知地理位置的不同会带来天气的不同,实现跨学科知识 的融合。通过任务四,让学生能够看着板书中表格的关键词复述文章内容。 Step 3: Post-reading 1.Activity: Help Gogo reply to Lily by doing some exercises. 2. Check the answers. 9 3. Continue with Gogos situation setting: Gogo receives another message from Lily. It sa

13、ys,“Gogo, I dont want to go to these four places. Do you have more good ideas?”Introduce four more places which are Kunming, Harbin, Lanzhou, Fujian for Lily to choose. 4. Listen and watch the video about the four places. 5.Activity: Read the four passages and match the pictures and the weather. 6.

14、Lily replies to Gogo. Show what Lily likes and tell where she decides to go. 7. Gogo has some tips for Lily. China is a very big country. There are many different kinds of weather. Before you go traveling, please check the weather! 8. Sum up 【设计意图】 读后活动根据读前 Gogo 收到国外朋友 Lily 的信息, 现在 Gogo 要回复 Lily 这一主

15、线,让学生通过选词填空的练习回复 Lily,回复中 适当拓展了四个地方的特点以及在那里可以做的事情或要带上什么,结合 10 阅读,训练学生的思维能力。此外,创设情景 Gogo 又收到 Lily 的信息,说 她不想去这四个地方,从而引出中国有代表性的另外四个地方。 ,先通过观 看视频,再阅读这四个地方的文段进而与图片和天气的单词配对,进一步训 练学生的阅读能力与读图能力。最后,Lily 回复,因为喜欢滑冰和堆雪人 而选择去哈尔滨。另外,Gogo 还给了 Lily 一些出游的小贴士。至此,创设 的情境线索完整体现。 Step 4: Homework 1. Surf the net or read books, find more different kinds of weather in China. 2. Listen and read P40 more. Finish the exercises on P41. 【设计意图】学生通过学习文本内容,以及在读后活动中再次了解中 国有代表性的另外四个地方 Kunming, Harbin, Lanzhou, Fujian,课后让学生 继续上网了解中国更多地方的各种不同类型的天气,再次听并朗读文本, 加深理解并完成课后练习,以达到巩固的效果。 Blackboard-writing:


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