广东版五上Unit 5 School Lunch-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:7005a).doc

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1、Unit 5 Vegetable soup (reading and writing) Teaching analysis 1. 本课时为五年级上册 Unit 5 Vegetable soup 第四课时。 2. 本课前三个课时是学习食物有关知识,第四课时是拓展食物单词, 知识的综合运用。 3. 本课的学习内容与生活息息相关,为了让学生更好地拓展更多的 食物单词,本节课运用了 chant,食物的实物评价方式,视频教学, 市场情景的设计等引起学生的学习兴趣。 4. 本课时教学内容让学生掌握了一定阅读理解方法。 Teaching aims 1. Ss can understand the main

2、idea of the passage. 2. Ss can understand the verbs of making soup from the passage: wash,peel,cut,put,put in,cook. 3. Ss are able to use the reading skills to read the passage and find outthe answers. 4. Ss are able to understand the story by reading. 5. Ss are able to cooperate with each other in

3、groups. Teaching key and difficult points 1. To use the new words to write a passage. 2. Enable to use the reading skills to read the passage and find the correct answer of the questions. Teaching strategies 1. group work 2. Task-based method: read the passage based on different questions. 3. Cards,

4、 some food ,a knife ,a drum Teaching procedures 一Warming up 1.Greeting T:Hi, How are you ? S: 2.Chant T:Everybody,Lets chant. (PPT)Meat ,tofu, fish and rice. Egg, salad, cake and bread. Juice, fruit, milk, and cheese. Water , tea , salt and sugar,. Apple, pear, peach and grape, Yummy, yummy, I like

5、them all! (设计意图:激活学生关于食物的原有知识储备,为最后创作自己喜 欢的汤做准备。) 二、Presentation 1.T: As you know, we will have a Cooking Competition tomorrow. (ppt) 大家都知道,我们学校明天将会举行厨艺大赛。 (教师拿出厨师帽)T: The best group will take part in the Cooking Competition.今天表现最棒的小组就可以参加厨艺大赛。 Lastweek,Itoldyoutoprepareforthecooking competition.(pp

6、t) Can you show me? Ss: T:OK. You can put vegetables here. Meat here. Flavoring here. Whocan try? S (设计意图:教师布置学生课前准备的关于煲汤食材的新单词,拓展 新单词,让学生初步感知,为写作做准备) 2.T: Do you like peppers? . Its for you.Thank you. Peppers,peppers,I love you. T:You can choose one. Cabbage,cabbage,its green. T :Which one do you l

7、ike ?. Corn,corn,yummy,yummy! (Garlic,garlic, I like it. Ginger, ginger, its lovely.) (设计意图:运用拓展的单词实物对各组进行表扬,活跃课堂气氛, 再次感知新单词) 3.T:Our cooking subject is soup. (PPT) Meat soup is Chinese soup.Vegetable soup iswestern soup.Do you like Chinese soup or western soup? Ss: Western soup. Ss: Chinese soup. T

8、: Most of you like Western soup. OK. Lets make vegetable soup. (指课题 Vegetable Soup,跟读两次) 2.T: I can help you. I did it yesterday. (PPT) 3. T: Open your books at Page sixty. Lets read and underline the new words. 4.T:Show me, please. (展示新单词) potatoes T 展示实物土豆一个: potato 展示两个: potatoes 全班带读两 次。 tomatoe

9、s T 展示实物西红柿一个:tomato 展示两个:tomatoes 全班带 读两次。 carrot T 展示实物胡萝卜一个:carrot 展示两个:carrots 全班带读 两次。 1 spoon of T: 展示实物(一汤匙糖) (两汤匙糖) 1 spoon of sugar, 2 spoons of sugar peel T: 展示实物(削土豆皮) cut T: 展示实物(切土豆)cut .into pieces Put 展示实物(土豆)I put the potatoes on the plate. Minutes 钟表展示分钟 (设计意图:通过实物演示,动作演示让学生理解单词,初步了

10、解文 章) 5.T: Lets read again. Please pay attention to the order. 教师举 起手指示范,T:First, second, third, then, at last T: Finished?S: Yes. T:Take No. 1 and stand here. . T: Who can try? S: Let me try. (设计意图:第二次阅读让学生理解文章煲汤的步骤,完成书 P61 练 习) T:OK,now, lets watch a video. (设计意图:观看蔬菜汤制作视频,加深对文章的理解,并为接下来 能够运用所学知识写

11、作打下基础。) 6. (PPT 练习)T: Can you do it? 7. 完成书 P61E-mail T: Xiaolong is my good friend. He wants to join us, but he doesnt know how to cook. Lets invite him and tell him. Please do Exercise 3. 8. Make a dialogue T: Now, Lets make our own soup. What do we need? lets go to the supermarket Talk in groups.

12、 (设计意图:设计一个市场情境对话,充分认识拓展的食物单词,激 发学生写作热情) 9.Writing T:I make cucumber soup. I need. I do these. T:Now write a passage, how to make your soup. (设计意图:写作是这节课所学知识的综合运用,学会了一种简易菜式 做法,对文章理解的升华。) T:Who can share? T:Congratulations! Youre the best cook! 10. Moral education T: Healthy eating, healthy body! 11.

13、 Homework 1.Cook some soup for your parents. 2.Tell your mom how to make the soup. 教学反思:教学反思: 本课以学校举行的厨艺大赛为主线贯穿,配合使用图文并茂、声 形兼备的多媒体课件,强调个人参与、二人结对和小组参与的活动方 式。学生在每个环节都能明确感受到自己的学习任务,主动参与和探 讨。拓展了许多饮食单词,是比较高效的阅读课。 本课有以下亮点: 一、巧用课堂评价方式,在教学中达到拓展知识的作用。运用拓展 的单词实物对小组,个人进行评价。例如,在各小组课前预习成 果这一环节, 以拓展的食物单词进行有节奏的朗读, 再进行奖励, 起到活跃课堂气氛的作用。 二、二、创设生活化课堂,进行多样化教学。生活化课堂教学需要有丰 富、多样化的教学活动。在这节课中,首先,我设计了文章煲汤 的视频,其次,设计了一个模拟市场购物的情境,让学生进行情 境创造性对话,在这样轻松愉快的情境,能缩短课堂与生活的距 离,在阅读中提高了学生的生活技能。 需改进的地方: 在设计市场情境对话环节,我缺乏了学生之间在情境中的对话展 示。其次,学生在写作环节展示不够多。


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