广东版五上Culture 2Festivals-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:31b57).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Culture 2 Festivals_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:31b57)
    • 素材
      • custom2_纯音频文件_纯音频输出.MP3
      • winter solstice.pptx--点击预览
      • You raise me up感恩父母 00_00_00-00_00_43.mp4
      • 冬至公益广告_高清.mp4
      • 冬至的祝福_标清.mp4
      • 几米 - 拥有Masbfca (广告配乐完整版).mp3
      • 文本及练习(最后版).doc--点击预览
    • festival.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案31b57.doc--点击预览


Winter Solstice ( )2.The Winter Solstice is one of the _ solar terms(节气) in Chinese Lunar Calendar(中国农历). A.23 B.24 C.25 ( )3. In this day, the daytime (白天) is the _ while the night is the _ of the year. A.shortest, longest B. longest, shortest A B A On the Winter Solstice, the most important custom is to eat dumplings or Tangyuan. In the north, most people eat dumplings. Because it will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. While in the south, people have Tangyuan and long noodles. It symbolizes reunion. True or False ( )1. In the north, most people have Tangyuan. ( )2. Eating dumplings will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. ( )3. Tangyuan symbolizes reunion. F T T On the Winter Solstice, the most important custom is to eat dumplings or Tangyuan. In the north, most people eat dumplings. Because it will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. While in the south, people have Tangyuan and long noodles. It symbolizes reunion. 1. On the Winter Solstice, the most important custom is to eat dumplings or Tangyuan. In the north, most people eat dumplings. Because it will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. While in the south, people have Tangyuan and long noodles. It symbolizes reunion. On the Winter Solstice, the most important custom is to eat dumplings or Tangyuan. In the north, most people eat dumplings. Because it will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. While in the south, people have Tangyuan and long noodles. It symbolizes reunion. 2. On the Winter Solstice, the most important custom is to eat dumplings or Tangyuan. In the north, most people eat dumplings. Because it will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. While in the south, people have Tangyuan and long noodles. It symbolizes reunion. 4. frost 霜冻,寒冷bite 咬 frostbite 冻伤 Tang yuan-“团圆” It means reunion. -“get together” (团聚)(团聚) What do we need? 1. To make dumplings, we need _ . A. Tomatoes B. Salt C. Carrots D. Meat E. Potatoes F. Sugar G. Dumpling wrappers B, C, D, F, G ( ) ( ) 12( ) 3 1 Mix (混合) meat with carrots, salt, and sugar. 2 Put some fillings(馅料) in the dumpling wrapper. 3 Close the dumpling wrapper with your fingers. How to make dumplings? 1.Mix.with 3.Close.with Tips: the dumpling wrapper, meat, carrots, salt, sugar, the fillings, fingers Give shoes to kids as a present.(赠鞋) It means “one year older”. (长一岁) Offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors. (祭祀先祖) Have a big _ ?dinner/lunch/meal/party. The Winter Solstice is also a gratitude day. 岁末岁末冬至冬至也是一也是一个个感恩感恩的的节日。节日。 Thanks parents teachers friends . . . for helping me. 感谢朋友的帮助。 for teaching me. 感谢老师的教导。 for bringing me up. 感谢父母的养育。 Thanks parencts teachers friends . . . for helping me. 感谢朋友的帮助。 for teaching me. 感谢老师的教导。 for bringing me up. 感谢父母的养育。 Surf the festivals of reunion in other countries. 1 Winter Solstice Festival 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1. 知识 s 目标 (1)学生能够掌握以下单词及词组:in the north,in the south,frostbite, reunion, dumpling wrappers, the fillings, mix.with,, close.with. (2)学生能够掌握南北方冬至习俗差异, (3)学生能够掌握做饺子的食材及步骤。 2. 能力目标 (1)学生能从视频中提取重要信息:时间,性质,特点。 (2)学生能从文本中找出关键信息,完成相关的练习。 (3)学生能学会如何包饺子。 3. 情感目标 岁末冬至是个团圆的节日,也是一个感恩的节日,一年下來, 大家能够平平安安、幸福美滿的走來,应该是要充滿感恩的心情, 谢天谢地、谢谢爸爸、妈妈、老师,以及一切我们要感谢的万事万 物。二、教学重点二、教学重点 1.从短文中获取南北方冬至习俗差异。 2.通过文本阅读,了解包饺子的材料和步骤 。 三、教学难点三、教学难点 学生复述包饺子的步骤。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 教学文本内容,教学课件,视频,练习,教具等。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step1. Lead in 1. Ask Ss to enjoy a song to lead in the topic “Winter Solstice Festival”. 2 【设计意图设计意图】通过一首动听悦耳的歌曲“冬至的祝福”导入,活跃 课堂氛围,从而引起学生的兴趣,且与主题紧密相联,引出冬至节 这一节日。 Step2 Pre-reading 1. Watch a video and answer 3 questions. 【设计意图设计意图】让学生带着问题观看冬至视频,设置这一环节是为了 让学生对冬至节有初步的了解,和考察学生获取信息的能力,能从 视频中获取冬至节的时间,性质和特点。 Step3 While-reading 1. Passage1 3 (1) Listen and read. T: Whats the most important custom? Lets listen, read and answer. (2) True; close.with.) (3) Make dumplings in groups. (4) Retell the step of making dumplings. T: I need 2 Ss to show us how to make dumplings. One says the step, the other make it. 4 【设计意图设计意图】通过食谱文本阅读,让学生掌握做饺子所需的食材和 步骤,并能掌握相关的单词及词组,最后学会亲手包饺子,且能复 述包饺子的步骤,锻炼学生动手能力及表达能力。 Step4 Post-reading 1. Introduce other custom on Winter Solstice. 5 2. Educate Ss to be grateful and funkful. T: The Winter Solstice is a reunion day. Its also a gratitude day. (1) Watch a video-Who do you need to thank? (2) Thanks.for.句型运用。 (3) Write notes of thanks. (4) Share notes with classmates. (5)Put the thanksgiving card on the blackboard. 【设计意图设计意图】对学生进行情感教育,岁末冬至是个团圆的节日,也 是一个感恩的节日,一年下來,大家能够平平安安、幸福美滿的走 來,应该是要充滿感恩的心情,谢天谢地、谢谢爸爸、妈妈、老师, 以及一切我们要感谢的万事万物。还设置了写感谢卡,分享感恩卡 6 的环节,锻炼了学生的书写能力及表达能力。 Step 5 Homework 1. Surf the festivals of reunion in other countries. 【设计意图设计意图】让学生利用课外时间,上网搜索其他国家的团圆节日, 了解中西方节日的相似点,共同点。 六板书设计六板书设计 Winter Solstice ( )2.The Winter Solstice is one of the _ solar terms(节气) in Chinese Lunar Calendar(中国农历). A.23 B.24 C.25 ( )3. In this day, the daytime (白天) is the _ while the night is the _ of the year. A.shortest, longest B. longest, shortest A B A On the Winter Solstice, the most important custom is to eat dumplings or Tangyuan. In the north, most people eat dumplings. Because it will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. While in the south, people have Tangyuan and long noodles. It symbolizes reunion. True or False ( )1. In the north, most people have Tangyuan. ( )2. Eating dumplings will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. ( )3. Tangyuan symbolizes reunion. F T T On the Winter Solstice, the most important custom is to eat dumplings or Tangyuan. In the north, most people eat dumplings. Because it will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. While in the south, people have Tangyuan and long noodles. It symbolizes reunion. 1. On the Winter Solstice, the most important custom is to eat dumplings or Tangyuan. In the north, most people eat dumplings. Because it will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. While in the south, people have Tangyuan and long noodles. It symbolizes reunion. On the Winter Solstice, the most important custom is to eat dumplings or Tangyuan. In the north, most people eat dumplings. Because it will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. While in the south, people have Tangyuan and long noodles. It symbolizes reunion. 2. On the Winter Solstice, the most important custom is to eat dumplings or Tangyuan. In the north, most people eat dumplings. Because it will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. While in the south, people have Tangyuan and long noodles. It symbolizes reunion. 4. frost 霜冻,寒冷bite 咬 frostbite 冻伤 Tang yuan-“团圆” It means reunion. -“get together” (团聚)(团聚) What do we need? 1. To make dumplings, we need _ . A. Tomatoes B. Salt C. Carrots D. Meat E. Potatoes F. Sugar G. Dumpling wrappers B, C, D, F, G ( ) ( ) 12( ) 3 1 Mix (混合) meat with carrots, salt, and sugar. 2 Put some fillings(馅料) in the dumpling wrapper. 3 Close the dumpling wrapper with your fingers. How to make dumplings? 1.Mix.with 3.Close.with Tips: the dumpling wrapper, meat, carrots, salt, sugar, the fillings, fingers Give shoes to kids as a present.(赠鞋) It means “one year older”. (长一岁) Offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors. (祭祀先祖) Have a big _ ?dinner/lunch/meal/party. The Winter Solstice is also a gratitude day. 岁末岁末冬至冬至也是一也是一个个感恩感恩的的节日。节日。 Thanks parents teachers friends . . . for helping me. 感谢朋友的帮助。 for teaching me. 感谢老师的教导。 for bringing me up. 感谢父母的养育。 Thanks parencts teachers friends . . . for helping me. 感谢朋友的帮助。 for teaching me. 感谢老师的教导。 for bringing me up. 感谢父母的养育。 Surf the festivals of reunion in other countries. 1 Passage On the Winter Solstice, the most important custom is to eat dumplings or Tangyuan. In the north, most people eat dumplings. Because it will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. While in the south, people have Tangyuan and long noodles. It symbolizes reunion. Practice: Q: Whats the most important custom? True or False ( )1. In the north, most people have Tangyuan. ( )2. Eating dumplings will keep them from getting frostbite in the upcoming winter. ( )3. Tangyuan symbolizes reunion. 2 Making Dumplings You need: Dumpling wrappers Meat Carrots Salt Sugar You do these: 1.Mix(混合)meat with carrots, salt and sugar. 2.Put some fillings(馅料)in the dumpling wrapper. 3.Close the dumpling wrapper with your fingers. Now dumpling is ready! 3 Task1. Read and answer. 1. To make dumplings, we need _ . A. Tomatoes B. Salt C. Carrots D. Meat E. Potatoes F. Sugar G. Dumpling wrappers Task 2. Read and number. ( ) ( ) ( )
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