广东版五上Culture 2Festivals-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:801b7).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Culture 2 Festivals_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:801b7)
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Welcome to my class! What is the song about? The sunThe moon full moon Changemooncake tealantern happy Fill in the blanks with the words: Pair Work happy moon mooncakes tea Change lanterns Tonight the _ is round and full. happy moon mooncakes tea Change lanterns moon I make lanterns. I can eat . They are round like the moon. happy moon mooncakes tea Change lanterns mooncakes Outside we hang . happy moon mooncakes tea Change lanterns lanterns In our garden, we sit together in a big chair. We watch the moon. happy moon mooncakes tea Change lanterns Dad and Mom tell me a story. The story is about _ flying to the moon. happy moon mooncakes tea Change lanterns Change “Time for mooncakes” Mama says. We eat a big one. It is tasty. happy moon mooncakes tea Change lanterns “Time for ”Dad says. He pours it for us to drink. happy moon mooncakes tea Change lanterns tea Tonight I feel _ and sweet. happy moon mooncakes tea Change lanterns happy What festival is the story talking about ? A. Spring Festival C. Dragon Boat Festival D. Lantern Festival B. Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival When? Mid-Autumn Festival When? Food Meanings (意义)(意义) History (历史(历史 ) Story Traditional activities (传统活动(传统活动 ) When is Mid-Autumn Festival? A. On August 15th B. On the 15th day of the 8th lunar month Solar Calendar(阳历)阳历) Lunar Calendar(阴历)阴历) Lotus SeedRed BeanFive types of nuts Mooncakes FruitChocolateGreen Tea What do you eat at Mid-Autumn Festival? What do you eat at Mid-Autumn Festival? mooncakesfruitspomelos crabsducks pumpkins Harvest season (丰收的季节丰收的季节) Story of Mid-Autumn Festival What do you do at Mid-Autumn Festival? Have dinner with family Watch the moonEat mooncakes make lanterns Mid-Autumn Festival When? Food Meanings (意义)(意义) History (历史(历史 ) Story When Food Story Traditional activities (传统活动(传统活动 ) Traditional activities (传统活动(传统活动 ) Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. Its on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. At that night, the moon is big and round. So, it is also called “ Moon Festival”. Mid-Autumn Festival has a history of over 3000 years. And at the first beginning(起初), the festival is to celebrate(庆祝) the harvest(丰 收), like Thanksgiving Day in western countries. But later, the festival mainly means family reunion(团圆). On that day, people usually get together with their families and have a big dinner. After dinner, they may sit outside to watch the moon, drink some tea and eat mooncakes. Children may make lanterns. In some places, people worship(崇拜) the moon for good luck and happiness. Mid-Autumn festival is also celebrated in many other Asian countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine, Vietnam, Japan and Korean. 1. Mid-autumn Festival is also called _. A. Moon Festival B. Lantern Festival C. Water Festival The moon is big and round. A 2. Mid-Autumn Festival has a history of _. A. 300 years C. 3000 years B. over 3000 years B 3. Mid-Autumn Festival mainly means _. B. family reunion A. to be with friends C. good luck B 4. Mid-Autumn Festival is like _ in Western Countries. A. Halloween B. Christmas C. Thanksgiving Day C Mid-Autumn FestivalThanksgiving Day Origin (来源)(来源) Activity (活动)(活动) Food Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. Its on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. At that night, the moon is big and round. So, it is also called “ Moon Festival”. Mid-Autumn Festival has a history of over 3000 years. And at the first beginning(起初), the festival is to celebrate(庆祝) the harvest(丰 收), like Thanksgiving Day in western countries. But later, the festival mainly means family reunion(团圆). On that day, people usually get together with their families and have a big dinner. After dinner, they may sit outside to watch the moon, drink some tea and eat mooncakes. Children may make lanterns. In some places, people worship(崇拜) the moon for good luck and happiness. Mid-Autumn festival is also celebrated in many other Asian countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine, Vietnam, Japan and Korean. Traditions of Mid-Autumn Festival ( ) Eat tangyuan ( ) Eat mooncakes and drink tea ( ) Make lanterns and hang lanterns ( ) Worship the moon ( ) Watch the moon ( ) Dragon boat race ( ) Have a big dinner ( T or F ) T F T T T T F Countries to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival ( ) Malaysia ( ) Vietnam ( ) Australia ( ) Singapore ( ) India ( ) Japan ( ) Korean ( ) Philippine ( T or F ) F F T T T T T T 新加坡 Singapore Malaysia Philippine Korean Japan Vietnam Mid-Autumn (Moon) Festival On the 15th day of the 8th lunar month Over 3000 years Celebrate the harvest Family reunion Sit outside, watch the moon, drink some tea, eat mooncakes, hang lanterns Worship the moon Retell(复述)(复述) If you cant go home at Mid-Autumn Festival, what can you do? Meanings (意义)(意义) Family Reunion A Tranquil Night Before my bed a pool of light. Can it be hoarfrost on the ground? Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in homesickness Im drowned. 静夜思静夜思 床前明床前明月月光光, 疑似地疑似地上上霜霜。 举头望明举头望明月,月, 低头思故乡低头思故乡。 As the bright moon shines over the sea , From far away you share this moment with me. 海上生明月海上生明月 天涯共此时天涯共此时 How long will the full moon appear? Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of the year Twould be tonight in the palace on high. Riding the wind, there I would fly, Yet Im afraid the crystalline palace would be Too high and cold for me. I rise and dance, with my shadow I play. On high as on earth, would it be as gay? The moon goes round the mansions red Through gauze-draped window soft to shed Her light upon the sleepless bed. Why then when people part, is the oft full and bright? Men have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again; The moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane. There has been nothing perfect since the olden days. So let us wish that man Will live long as he can! Though miles apart, well share the beauty she displays Sum-up Homework 1. Surf the internet to find more about Mid -Autumn Festival. https:/ 2. Make a poster to introduce Mid-Autumn Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival Also called: Traditional Activities History: Food: Date: 1 Mid-Autumn Festival 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1) 学生能读懂绘本以及阅读文篇的大意; (2) 学生通过本课的学习对中秋节的历史渊源,传说故事,饮 食习惯、风俗习惯以及文化意义有更深入的了解。 (3) 学生能了解中国周边的一些国家也庆祝中秋节,中国的中 秋节类似于西方的感恩节。 2. 能力目标 (1) 学生能够用给出的单词给绘本故事填空。 (2)学生能够读懂文章大意,并且能够完成相关练习; (2) 通过文本阅读,学生的阅读习惯得到培养,学生的阅读能 力得到提高; (3) 通过小组比赛和小组学习,学生的团队意识能够增强,合 作能力能够得到提高。 3. 情感目标 (1) 感受节日文化中的精髓和传统的家庭观念元素,即中秋节 作为丰收节的感恩意义,以及中秋佳节家人团聚的重要意义; (2)了解一带一路国家的文化融合点,东亚和东南亚各国也有 过中秋节的习惯,西方国家中的感恩节和中国的中秋节类似。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 1. 学生能用英语说出中秋节的名称,用英语谈论中秋节的饮食、 习俗等。 2. 学生通过阅读文本能较全面地了解中秋节的传统习俗,文化 意义。 三、教学难点三、教学难点 1. 学生能了解中秋节的文化内涵; 2 2. 学生能读懂文章大意,并且能够完成相关练习。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 学生准备:学生准备:全班 48 位同学,分四个大组,有些活动是个人完成, 有些活动是两人合作完成,最后对四大组进行评价。自带笔。 教师备:教师备:多媒体课件,板书图片,24 份绘本,48 份学生课堂阅 读文本,月饼。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step1. Pre-reading: 1. Listen to a song and free talk. 【设计意图设计意图】 课前播放歌曲水调歌头,六年级的学生语文课上学习过 这首词,音乐课上也学习过这首歌曲,因此学生们能跟着一起哼唱。 课堂上的 Free talk 就有这首词而展开,聊到圆月,又聊到跟圆月 相关的事物,为下一步学生绘本阅读填空做好准备。 2. Read the picture book and Fill in the blanks,lead in. 【设计意图设计意图】 3 学生利用 Free talk 时谈论的词汇来给绘本故事填空,因为有了前面 的激活,学生也更容易理解绘本的大意。利用绘本故事引入本课的 主题中秋节,可以唤醒学生对中秋节的记忆,为接下来的头脑风暴 做好准备。 3. Brainstorm. Talk about Mid-Autumn Festival 【设计意图设计意图】 学生对中秋节这个传统节日比较熟悉。此处通过思维导图检测 学生对中秋节的了解情况,并引领学生说出中秋节的时间、饮食、 故事和传统节日活动。这样的设计是为接下来的文篇阅读教学做好 铺垫。 Step2 .While-reading: 1. Read the passage and choose the right answer. 4 【设计意图设计意图】 文本的第一遍阅读是快速阅读,让学生快速浏览文章,找出关 键的句子。此处通过阅读让学生了解中秋节的另外一个名字,中秋 节的历史,中秋节的意义以及中秋节和西方的哪个国家类似。核对 答案的过程中教师对一些生词进行解释。 2. Read the passage again and judge. 【设计意图设计意图】 第二次再读阅读文篇,学生对中秋节的传统活动有了一个更深 刻的理解,同时教师在讲解的过程中注意让学生区分出中秋节独有 5 的习俗如 eat mooncakes, watch the moon, worship the moon. 第二个判 断哪些国家也庆祝中秋节的任务设置拓展学生的知识深度,了解同 一节日在周边国家的相关情况。 Step3 Post-reading: 1. Retell the passage 【设计意图设计意图】 通过对文章的复述,让学生对中秋节有一个更系统的了解,也 能够锻炼学生的归纳和表达能力。 2.2. ThinkThink aboutabout howhow toto contactcontact withwith youryour familiesfamilies whenwhen youyou cantcant gogo homehome atat Mid-AutumnMid-Autumn Festival.Festival. 【设计意图设计意图】 通过思考让学生对中秋节团圆的意义理解更深刻。通过思考让学生对中秋节团圆的意义理解更深刻。 3.3. GuessGuess thethe poemspoems aboutabout Mid-AutumnMid-Autumn FestivalFestival 6 【设计意图设计意图】 通过听读英文诗句,猜测英文诗句的中文原文让学生能够感受 到中国古代诗歌文化的魅力,对中国圆月的文化意义有所了解的同 时,对中秋团圆的意义也理解得更深刻。结尾的水调歌头英文 版的朗诵也与这节课开篇的歌曲前后呼应。 Step 4 Sum-up and Homework: 1. Sum-up 【设计意图设计意图】 对本节课的重点内容进行一个小结,评价小组竞赛结果,给表 现突出的小组成员发奖励,奖励也是与本节课相关的 Mooncakes。 2. Set homework. 7 【设计意图设计意图】 一节课的内容有限,有关中秋节的知识还很多,如各个地方不 同的中秋习俗,中秋节的传说故事,让学生课后上网去了解更多的 相关信息,并模仿老师给出的样板做一个中秋节的宣传海报。 Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. Its on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. At that night, the moon is big and round. So, it is also called “ Moon Festival”. Mid-Autumn Festival has a history of over 3000 years. And at the first beginning(起初), the festival is to celebrate(庆祝) the harvest(丰收), like Thanksgivin g Day in western countries. But later, the festival mainly means family reunion(团圆). On that day, people usually get together with their families and have a big dinner. After dinner, they may sit outside to watch the moon, drink some tea and eat mooncakes. Children may make lanterns. In some places, people worship(崇拜) the m oon for good luck and happiness. Mid-Autumn festival is also celebrated in many other Asian countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine, Vietnam, Japan and Korean. Task 1: Read and Choose (阅读选择)(阅读选择) 1. Mid-Autumn Festival is also called _. A. Moon Festival B. Lantern Festival C. Water Festival 2. Mid-Autumn Festival has a history of _. A. 300 years B. over 3000 years C. 3000 years 3. Mid-Autumn Festival mainly means _. A. to be with friends B. family reunion C. good luck 4. Mid-Autumn Festival is like _ in western countries. A. Halloween B. Christmas C. Thanksgiving Day Reading Tips: Underline the key sentences (在文章中划出相关句子) Task 2: Read and Judge(T or F) 1. 2. Reading Tips: Underline the key words (在文章中划出相关单词) happy moon mooncakes tea Change lanterns Fill in the blanks
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