广东版五上Unit 1 Season and Weather-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:600a6).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Season and Weather_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:600a6)
    • Unit 1 Seasons and Weather.ppt--点击预览
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    • 教案600a6.doc--点击预览


Guessing game ! rain y cloudy sunny windy hot cold There are four seasons in a year. How many seasons are there in a year? Look at pictures .Lets say something about the four seasons. Its warm and rainy in spring . There are many beautiful flowers everywhere. Whats the weather like in spring? Whats the weather like in summer? Its hot and sunny in summer . There are many colourful leaves . Whats the weather like in fall ? Its windy in fall . Whats the weather like in winter ? Its cold and cloudy in winter. On Gogos hang glider Tony Jenny 1.Whats the weather like in spring? 2.Whats the weather like in summer? 3.What colour are the leaves? 4. Whats the weather like in winter? On Gogos hang glider Look at the flowers! Its spring! Its warm in spring. Its summer! Its hot in summer. Look at the leaves! The leaves are red, yellow, and orange. Its fall ! I like fall. Its winter ! Its cold in winter. Its summer now! Oh, Gogo!Oh, Gogo! 1.Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm in spring. 2.Whats the weather like in summer? Its hot in summer. 3.What colour are the leaves? The leaves are red ,yellow and orange. 4、Whats the weather like in winter? Its cold in winter . On Gogos hang glider Look at the flowers! Its spring! Its warm in spring. Its summer! Its hot in summer. Look at the leaves ! The leaves are red, yellow, and orange. Its fall ! I like fall. Its winter ! Its cold in winter. Its summer now ! Oh, Gogo!Oh, Gogo! spring cold hot winter summer fall Look at the flowers ! Look at the leaves ! I like fall ! Its warm in spring. Its hot in summer. Say out the words or sentences. (大声说出你看到的单词或句子。) The leaves are red, yellow, and orange. Look at the flowers! Its spring! Its warm in spring. Its summer! Its hot in summer. Look at the leaves ! The leaves are red, yellow, and orange. Its fall ! I like fall. Its winter ! Its cold in winter. Its summer now ! Oh, Gogo!Oh, Gogo! I like . Its . Look at the . The are (/ is) . I can . Its so fun! fall windy leaves red, yellow, and orange pick apples springwarmflowers summerhotsun wintercoldsnow leave s 词词汇汇 小小提示提示 redswim whitemake a snowman red and yellowfly a kite Summary spring summer fall winter Its warm in spring . There are flowers . Its hot in summer . Its windy in fall . Its cold in winter . There are red ,yellow and green leaves . Write a letter to your friend about your favorite season. hot cold leaves flowers 1 教教 学学 准准 备备 自制课件、单词卡片 教学教学 方法方法 情景法,交际法 课课 标标 要要 求求 及及 分分 析析 本节课的教学内容,对应的是英语课程标准二级分目标对本部分教学 做出的要求: 1.能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。 2.能在口头表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达意. 3.能就所熟悉的个人情况进行简短对话 教教 材材 分分 析析 本单元是五年级上册第一单元,要求学生能熟练询问和准确描述有关 天气情况。本单元通过主人公带上他的好朋友坐上滑翔翼,一起去感受不 同地方四季的气候特征,让学生通过学习,认识到同一时间处在不同半球, 所感受到的季节会有所不同,从而激发孩子热爱自然的情怀。 学学 情情 分分 析析 五年级学生,他们大多聪明活泼,乐于思考。对于颜色 red, yellow, orange 和天气温度 cold, warm, hot 等词汇,以及日常用语有了一定的积 累,学习一年四季的话题,贴近生活实际,兴趣比较浓厚。同时大部分学 生对阅读教学的目标仅停留在会读的层面上,对于阅读策略了解不够。本 课将尝试对学生进行阅读教学策略指导,提高学生的阅读能力。 教教 学学 目目 标标 1、知识与技能: (1)能感受、理解并区分一年四季:spring, summer, fall, winter (2)能在故事中理解词汇:season, hot, look at, flower, leaves ,cold , weather, hang glider (3)能学会句型 Whats the weather like in spring?Its rainy in spring,并能用该句型结合具体情境对话。 (4)能会听、说、读 vocabulary 部分的单词 (5)能理解、读懂语篇,运用所学内容表述自己所爱的季节。 2、过程与方法: (1)通过听课文录音的方式,初步掌握课文背景和句型。 (2)通过小组合作学习和全班展示熟练掌握课文知识并能在实际中运用 3、情感、态度与价值观: 培养学生敢于用英语对季节和天气进行描述,加深学习英语的兴趣。 教教 学学 重重 点点 1、能理解并掌握一年四季的单词和季节之间的变化。 2、能听、说、读、理解和表演故事语篇。 3、单词的听读 2 教教 学学 难难 点点 学生能运用所学的内容,组织语言,表述自己最爱的季节。 教教 学学 流流 程程 一、一、Warm-upWarm-up 1、Guessing game T : Lets play a game “Guessing game”.Look at the weather sign .Please tell me “Whats the weather like ? ” S :rainy/cloudy/sunny/windy/hot/cold 2、T :How many seasons are there in a year ? S :There are four seasons in a year . T:Look at the pictures .Lets say something about the four seasons . 3、(出示春季图片)T:Look at the picture ,which season is it ? Ss :Spring . T:Whats the weather like in spring ? Ss :Its warm and rainy in spring . T :Look at these ,what are these ?(手指花朵树木) Ss :There are many beautiful flowers everywhere . 4、(出示夏季图片)T:Look at the picture ,which season is it ? Ss :Summer . T:Whats the weather like in spring ? Ss :Its hot and sunny in summer . 5、(出示秋季图片)T:Look at the picture ,which season is it ? Ss :Fall . T:Whats the weather like in fall ? Ss :Its windy in fall . T :Look at these ,what are these ?(手指树叶) Ss :There are many colourful leaves . 6、(出示冬季图片)T:Look at the picture ,which season is it ? Ss :Winter . T:Whats the weather like in winter ? 3 Ss :Its cold and cloudy in winter . 【设计意图】展示一年四季,帮助学生初步感知一年四季的季节变化,通 过图片的直观演示来初步认识单词:spring, summer, fall, winter 二、二、PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice 1、Story T; This is our friend Gogo .Lets say “Hello ,Gogo.” Ss :Hello ,Gogo . T :Today Jenny and Tonny will play with Gogo on Gogos hang glider . 2、Take the four questions and listen and read the story .带四个 问题,听,并跟读故事。 3、Answer the questions . 4、Lets read 读小故事(盖住部分词汇,句子) 5、 Lets play : Say out the words or sentences .大声说出单词和 句子 6、Act out the story in groups of three .小组角色扮演小故事 7、Lets talk : My favourite season 模仿范例创编,利用词汇小提示,谈谈我最喜欢的季节。 I like . Its . Look at the . The are(/is) .I can . Its so fun! 三、三、SummarySummary T : What did you learn this class ? 四、四、HomeworkHomework Write a letter to your friend about your favorite season. 板板 书书 4 设设 计计 教教 学学 反反 思思 小学英语课程标准指出:现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强 调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并 在此基础上学习和运用语言。要求教师通过各种方式调动学生学习积极性, 促使每位学生都积极参与英语学习。 Unit 1 Seasons and Weather整节 课学生学习氛围浓厚,学习兴趣高涨,能积极进行师生互动。我从以下几 个方面进行点评: (一)以趣引学,以培养学生终身发展为落脚点。兴趣是最好的老师。 学生的学习兴趣被充分调动起来,激活学生思维,点燃学生学习热情。 (二)以境启学,创设适合学生学习的情境,更好地感知语言,在情 境中自由畅谈,更好地理解文本。 (三)以评促学,通过多种评价方式激励学生参与课堂学习,最大限 度地保持了学生学习的热度,为后续英语学习打下坚实的基础。在学中评, 在评中思,更好地进行语言的操练。 这节课从学生认知特点和已有知识储备出发,认真落实教学目标,采 取多种教学方式引导学生全身心投入英语学习,让他们在情境中探究,在 听说中体验。
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