广东版五上Unit 2 Months-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:20207).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Months_Lesson 4_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:20207)
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revision words1saychantgamelook and say formwords2 words3 practice talk Lets sing! February is after January February is after January. After January, after January. February is before March, Before March, before March. March is after February. After February, after February. March is before April, Before April, before April. January February March April May June 1.Is before ? Yes, it is. 2.Is after ? Yes, it is. 小组利用组利用自己制作己制作的日历开火日历开火车比赛比赛 Its in February. Its June. January March May 有趣的月 份 January June March May February April A: Whats your favorite month? B: My favorite month is _. 最喜爱最喜爱的的 月月份份 阅读短短文回答问题 1.When does Bens family like to go camping? 2. Which month does Bens brother love? 哪一个哪一个 最后的最后的 1.When does Bens family like to go camping? _ They like to go camping in March. 总是总是 露营露营 最后的最后的 2. Which month does Bens brother love? _ He loves the last month of the year. 露营露营 总是总是 另一个另一个 春节春节 长的时间长的时间 等待等待 十月十月 3. What are Gigis favorite months? _ They are May and October. January June March May February April A: Whats your favorite month? B: My favorite month is _. Why?为什么?为什么? 最喜爱最喜爱的的 月月份份 喜喜题 的理由:的理由: 1、 、My birthday is in this month. 2、 、Its nice for camping/swimming/hiking 3、 、I like swimming. I can go swimming with my friends. 4、 、I can go toBeijing/Shanghai/ Wuhan. 5、 、I can fly kites.(放风筝)放风筝) I can go fishing.(去钓鱼)(去钓鱼) . My Favorite Month My favorite month is . Its nice for . I like . I can . March camping camping go camping with my friends 小作文思路小作文思路 题 目目:My favorite month(五句五句题 ) ) 开开题 : :My favorite month is. 中中题 : :Why?(理由)理由) 题 尾:尾: Whats your favorite month?/Do you like ?/What about you? My Favorite Month My favorite month is . My birthday is in . Its nice for . I can . June swimmin g June go swimming with my family My Favorite Month My favorite month is . Its nice for . I like . I can . Whats your favorite month? My favorite month My favorite month is . My birthday is in . Its nice for . I can . What about you? 1.Talking about My Favorite Month with your family. 2.完成新完成新课堂堂P9(四)。 1 一、一、 教学设计教学设计 二、教学过程。二、教学过程。 Stages Procedure s Teachers Activities/Methods Students Activities Purpose 1.Sing a songLook at the video and sing. 1. 创设课堂气氛。 2.为阅读文本作出 铺垫。 Before readin g Warm-up 2.check the homework Have a match.学生利用 自己制作的小日历进行 小组比赛 1.温故知新,充分 调动小学生的学 习积极性。 2.创造学生语言输 教材分析 本单元是阅读课,理解文本,学会运用句型 My favorite months is 知识目标: 1. 拓展部分新词汇 camping,last,another 等。 2. 能理解文章,表达自己喜爱的月份。 能力目标: 1.培养学生的自主阅读的能力。 2.培养学生小组合作的能力。 教学目标 情感目标: 教育学生学会感恩大自然 教学重点 1. 理解文本内容,能表达自己喜爱的月份。 2. 引导学生进行小组共读和自主阅读。 教学难点 如何表达自己喜爱的月份,以及喜爱的理由。 教学准备 多媒体课件 词汇卡 练习纸 2 出的渠道。 While- readin g Passage Reading 1. Lead in. Ask the Qs and discuss Check the answers. 2. Read the Qs first. 3.Scanning: The first part of the passage. . Listen and read the first part. . Find out the new words and explain. . Finish Qs and check. 4. Scanning: The second part of the passage. . Listen and read the first part. . Find out the new words and explain. . Finish Qs and check. 1. Try to know the new words . 2. To catch the Qs first. 3. Read the whole passage quickly. 4. Read by themselves. And finish the task. 5.Listen and finish the task. 1创设情景自然引入 阅读文本,并且要求 学生先读懂题目,为 学生了解文本打基础。 2先把生词找出来, 降低阅读难度。并运 用不同的教学手段和 任务创设去帮助学生 理解文本。 3. 用小组共读,自主 阅读等各种学习策略 去反复吃透文本。 After readin g Consolidati on and Extension 1. Show more months. 2 Share the teachers and the students favorite months. 创设情景,感知老师的喜爱月份。 4. Writing and sharing. 提升写作能力。 1. Finish the exercise on slide. 2. Work in groups: try to stick the favorite months with your team. 3.Try to finish the sentences. 1让学生分小组讨论 自己喜爱的月份,完 成句子串成一篇小短 文。 2由观看教师的范文 表达递进到学生个人 篇章的表达,突显了 知识的阶梯性,并锻 炼了学生的写作能力。 End the class Summary and Homework 1. What have we learned . 2. Awarding the No.1 team. 3. Assign the homework. 1.Sum up . 2.Get the presents. 3.Mark the homework. 1 小结所学内容。 2.教师的评价促进学 生的学习。 3.拓展课后作业。 板书设计: Unit2Unit2 MonthsMonths 3 readingreading andand writingwriting WhatsWhats youryour favoritefavorite month?month? MyMy favoritefavorite monthmonth isis _._. MyMy birthdaybirthday isis inin . . ItsIts nicenice forfor . . I I cancan . . WhatWhat aboutabout you?you? 三、教学反思三、教学反思 当我们进行阅读时,首先我们就需要快速阅读,找到一些重要的信息。 课文教学的第一 步通常是:Read the passage quickly to find out the answers to the questions 这一 步只是针对课文提出几个最基本的问题, 要求学生迅速找出答案, 以便提高学生快速寻找信 息的能力。在此基础上,我根据课文或练习册上所安排的练习,设计多种形式的语言实践活动。 例如回答问题、判断正误、归纳大意、复述课文等, 使学生全面准确地理解和掌握课文,全 面提高英语听、说、读、写的能力。对于一些生词, 我注意教给学生通过上下文所提供的语 言环境猜测和理解生词的技巧,减少阅读中的障碍, 加快阅读速度,提高理解率。接着进入 精读阶段。首先对课文的难点进行详细的讲解, 对英语中的一些固定句型和习惯用语等进行 讲解, 引导学生用英语思维,从整体上加以理解,而不仅仅是简单的翻译,通过长期的训练, 帮助学生扫清这些阅读理解中的障碍。 总之,英语阅读能力的提高是一个长期的,循序渐进的过程,同时它也是培养学生综合 运用语言能力的重要奠基。作为一名英语教师一定要把对学生能力的培养牢记在心,通过各种 教学实践活动, 完成英语教学目标,进而全面提高学生综合运用语言的能力,为他们进一步 学习和运用英语打下坚实的基础。
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