广东版五上Unit 3 Dates-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e01ed).zip

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1. Whats the date today? There are 12 months in a year. They are . . Its November 9th. 2. How many months are there in a year? There are different kinds of festivals in each month. Its the last month of the year. Children like this festival best. You can get many presents. What festival is it? Its in June. What festival is it? Guess: What festival ? Guess: Whats my favorite festival? Chinese New Year / Spring Festival What festival is it ? Prediction(预测) What festival is the text about? Scan and answer New Years Day What countries are mentioned in the text? Australia China Thailand Task 1 Listen and circle, then match Reading tips: Focus on the key words. 聚焦关键词聚焦关键词 Match the texts(1-3) with the pictures (A-C) Whens the New Years Day in ? Whens the New Years Day in Australia? Whens the New Years Day in China? Whens the New Years Day in Thailand? Task 2 Read and underline(划出答案) What do people do on New Years Day? Task 3 Read for details (划出关键词) Water Festival. Task 4 Lets read What do we do during Spring Festival ? ( ) 1. The date of the Chinese New Year is always the same. Task 5 Read and judge ( ) 2. People dont like having a big dinner together. True or False ( ) 3. People eat some great Chinese food, listen to music and see the colorful lanterns. F Whens Spring Festival this year? Its on February 16th. The date of the Chinese New Year changes every year. ( ) 1. The date of the Chinese New Year always the same. Task 5 Read and judge ( ) 2. People dont like having a big dinner together. True or False ( ) 3. People eat some great Chinese food, listen to music and see the colorful lanterns. F F T Chinese New Year Spring Festival We do a lot of things during Spring Festival. have a big dinner put up couplets(对 联) watch lion dance get lucky money clean our house buy flowers see the colorful lanterns Retell the text New Years Day in many countries is on January 1st. The New Years Day in the US is on January 1st. The New Years Day in the UK is on January 1st. India Holi Festival(色彩节)(色彩节)is a famous festival in India. Its the traditional India New Years Day. It is a colorful and joyful festival. People celebrate it in spring. They pour colored water at each other. They sing and dance. Its a lot of fun. 1.Holi Festival is a famous festival in _(Australia/India/Egypt). 2.People celebrate Holi Festival in _(spring /summer/winter). 3.People _(have parties /shout/pour colored water) at each other. India spring pour colored water Read, choose and write. Many countries has their own New Years Day. 许多国家都有自己的新年 Homework 1.Read the text P36 and Finish exercise 2 and exercise 3. 2. Surfing the net and find more about the New Year Days of the other countries . Then, design a form and collect notes. Countrie s WhenWhat China Australia Thailand Unit3 Dates (More reading and writing) Name:_ Class:_ True or False ( ) 1. The date of the Chinese New Year is always the same. ( ) 2. People dont like having a big dinner together. ( ) 3. People eat some great Chinese food, listen to music and see the colorful lanterns. Holi Festival(色彩节)(色彩节)is a famous festival in India. Its the traditional India New Years Day. It is a colorful and joyful festival. People celebrate it in spring. They pour colored water at each other. They sing and dance. Its a lot of fun. Read, choose and write. 1. Holi Festival is a famous festival in _(Australia / India / Egypt). 2. People celebrate Holi Festival in _ (spring / summer / winter) 3. People _(have parties/ shout/ pour colored water) at each other. 小学英语五年级上册小学英语五年级上册 UnitUnit 3 3 Dates-readingDates-reading andand writingwriting 教学设计书教学设计书 一教学内容一教学内容 五年级上册 Unit 3 Dates,More reading and writing 版块, 英 语广东人民出版社 2 2教学内容分析教学内容分析 本模块选自广东人民出版社的广东版小学英语(三年级起点) ,五 年级上册,第三单元 Dates 的 More reading and writing 教学版块, 内容主要介绍澳大利亚,中国和泰国三个国家的新年。阅读材料从三个 国家新年的时间, 新年的一些活动等方面进行具体介绍,同时也渗透了 泰国新年的别称。阅读材料内容丰富,科学趣味性强,符合六年级学生 的知识水平和认知规律。 三教学目标三教学目标 (一)语言能力(一)语言能力 1. 能通过整体阅读理解文本大意。 2. 能通过跳读、寻读、细读策略找出澳大利亚,中国和泰国三个国家的 新年时间和新年活动及庆祝方式等相关信息。 3. 能在插图片和文字的帮助下理解文本中的 another name,change every year, throw water 等词汇的意义。 4.能借助板书和关键词,复述文本的主要内容。 (二)文化品格(二)文化品格 1.通过文本的学习,学生能掌握澳大利亚、中国、泰国三个国家新年的相 关知识,并初步了解不同国家的文化习俗,知道不同的国家有不同的新年 时间与庆祝方式。 2.通过阅读拓展活动,学生能了解更多国家的新年情况,如美国,英国和 印度等,在体验中外文化的异同中形成跨文化意识。 (三)思维品质(三)思维品质 1、通过对文本的学习,培养学生的发散性思维; 2、挖掘文本内涵,培养学生的深入性思维;培养学生严密性思维;学生 的独立性思维得到训练。 (四)学习能力(四)学习能力 1.学生能学会阅读策略理解文本意思, 2.学生学会合作学习,有生活感悟并能用正确语言表达。 四教学重难点四教学重难点 (一)教学重点:(一)教学重点: 1. 能通过整体阅读理解文本大意。 2. 3.能借助板书和关键词,复述文本的主要内容。 (二)教学难点:(二)教学难点: 1. 能通过跳读、寻读、细读策略找出澳大利亚,中国和泰国三个国家的 新年时间和新年活动及庆祝方式等相关信息。 2. 能通过拓展活动了解印度的新年情况。 五教学策略五教学策略 (一)教学准备:PPT 课件,学生练习用纸(阅读材料,相关练习) (二)教学方法:PWP 教学策略,任务型教学法,合作学习法等。 六教学过程:六教学过程: StepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming upup 1.1. FreeFree talking.talking. 2.2. GuessingGuessing (1)(1)HaveHave studentsstudents guessguess whatwhat festivalfestival itit isis accordingaccording toto thethe teachersteachers (2)(2)HaveHave studentsstudents guessguess thethe teachersteachers favoritefavorite festivalfestival accordingaccording toto thethe 【设计意图】利用课前的热身环节,引导学生进行日常交际和利用猜节日 的游戏去思考,既能复习了本单元的重点词句,也激发学生的兴趣,培养 他们的发散性思维。 StepStep 2 2 Pre-readingPre-reading Prediction:Prediction: GuideGuide studentsstudents toto looklook atat thethe picturespictures .Predict.Predict thethe festivalsfestivals areare talkingtalking aboutabout inin thethe text.text. 【设计意图】用对等概念引入阅读教学。先紧接着上面热身猜猜老师最喜 欢的节日,再通过图片阅读的预测,激活学生已学知识和已有经验,培养 学生思维能力。 StepStep 3 3 While-readingWhile-reading 1.1. HaveHave studentsstudents scanscan andand answeranswer thethe question:question: WhatWhat festivalfestival isis thethe texttext about?about? 【设计意图】让学生带着概括性的问题快速阅读文本,检查刚才的预测 的节日是否正确,培养学生的归纳、总结的能力。同时进行阅读策略的渗 透:文章的中心词一般在文章的开头或结尾。 2.2. HaveHave SsSs finishfinish thethe tasks:tasks: TaskTask 1 1 ListenListen andand circle,circle, thenthen match.match. (1)Play(1)Play thethe tape,tape, havehave studentsstudents circlecircle thethe countriescountries areare mentionedmentioned inin thethe text.text. (Tips:(Tips: FocusFocus onon thethe keykey words.)words.) (2)Match(2)Match thethe texts(1-3)texts(1-3) withwith thethe picturespictures (A-C)(A-C) . . 【设计意图】让学生整体感知文本内容,在听的过程中找到文本所提 到的三个国家,并完成文本与图片的配对练习。同时进行阅读策略的渗透: 聚焦关键词。 TaskTask 2 2 ReadRead andand underlineunderline HaveHave studentsstudents readread thethe texttext againagain andand underlineunderline thethe datesdates ofof thethe NewNew YearsYears DayDay ,then,then answeranswer thethe questions.questions. (1 1)WhensWhens thethe NewNew YearsYears DayDay inin Australia?Australia? (2 2)WhensWhens thethe NewNew YearsYears DayDay inin China?China? (3)(3) WhensWhens thethe NewNew YearsYears DayDay inin Thailand?Thailand? 【设计意图】让学生再次速读文本,把三个国家的新年日期划出来。 TaskTask 3 3 ReadRead forfor detailsdetails (1)Have(1)Have studentsstudents readread thethe texttext andand findfind outout whatwhat peoplepeople dodo onon NewNew YearsYears Day.Day. (2)The(2)The teacherteacher createscreates a a newnew passagepassage aboutabout thethe SpringSpring Festival,Festival, havehave studentsstudents readread itit andand findfind outout whatwhat peoplepeople dodo duringduring SpringSpring Festival.Festival. 【设计意图】为了让学生对中国新年有更多的了解,但是课文里没有提到 中国人在新年所做的事情,所以教师整合了书本 37 页练习 3 的海报以及 书本 83 页 culture2 的知识,重新整合了一个关于中国新年的文本,通过 深入挖掘文本内涵,让学生带着问题细读文章和寻找答案,培养孩子们从 文本提取信息的能力,发展学生的深入性思维。 TaskTask 4 4 ReadRead andand judgejudge (1 1)HaveHave studentsstudents readread thethe newnew passagepassage aboutabout ChineseChinese NewNew Year,Year, thenthen judgejudge thethe massagemassage fromfrom thethe passage.passage. (2 2)CheckCheck thethe answers.answers. ShowShow thethe calendar,calendar, makemake studentsstudents understandunderstand thethe wordword “change”.“change”. 【设计意图】让学生阅读整合后的文本,对文本信息进行判断,让学 生掌握一定的阅读策略和技巧,培养学生的严密性思维。同时,在新单词 的处理上,老师利用 2017、2018、2019 的新年日历,让学生回答 Whens the Chinese New Years Day in 2017? Whens the Spring Festival this year? Whens the Chinese New Years Day in 2019? 让学生体 会单词 changes 在句子 The date of the Chinese New Year changes every year.中的意思。 3.3. ShowShow moremore activitiesactivities whatwhat peoplepeople dodo duringduring thethe SpringSpring FestivalFestival andand havehave studentsstudents knowknow moremore aboutabout thethe SpringSpring Festival.Festival. 【设计意图】让学生借助教师所展示的图片,再次感受中国人过春节的气 氛以及了解中国春节习俗,学会关于春节习俗的短语表达。 StepStep 4 4 Post-readingPost-reading 1.1. RetellRetell thethe story.story. HaveHave studentsstudents retellretell thethe texttext basedbased onon thethe KeyKey wordswords onon thethe blackboard.blackboard. 【设计意图】让学生用自己的语言复述文本的主要内容,巩固所学知 识,检查学生的语言输出效果,同时培养学生语言综合运用能力。 2.2. HaveHave studentsstudents knowknow moremore NewNew YearsYears DaysDays inin otherother countries.countries. (1)Firstly(1)Firstly,teacherteacher introducesintroduces thethe NewNew YearsYears DayDay inin thethe USUS andand thethe NewNew YearsYears DayDay inin thethe UK.UK. (2)Secondly,(2)Secondly, teacherteacher introducesintroduces thethe NewNew YearsYears DayDay inin India.India. ShowShow somesome picturespictures aboutabout HoliHoli Festival,Festival, havehave studentsstudents guessguess whichwhich countrycountry celebratecelebrate thethe NewNew YearsYears DayDay likelike this.this. Then,Then, havehave studentsstudents readread anotheranother passagepassage aboutabout thethe traditionaltraditional IndiaIndia NewNew YearsYears Day.Day. AtAt last,last, studentsstudents dodo thethe exercisesexercises “Read,“Read, choosechoose andand write”.write”. CheckCheck thethe answer.answer. 【设计意图】教师设计一篇与文本话题相关的小短文-关于印度的 传统新年(色彩节) 。通过印度色彩节图片的展示,激发学生的兴趣,让 学生了解更多国家的新年庆祝方式,在体验中外文化的异同中形成跨文化 意识。同时通过阅读这篇短文,激发学生的学习兴趣,最后完成选词填空, 考查学生对文本关键信息的提取整合能力。 3.3. SummarySummary HaveHave a a summarysummary aboutabout thisthis lesson.lesson. T:ManyT:Many countriescountries hashas theirtheir ownown NewNew YearsYears Day.Day. InIn thisthis lesson,lesson, wewe knowknow thethe NewNew YearsYears DayDay inin differentdifferent countries.countries. StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework 1.Read1.Read thethe texttext P36P36 andand FinishFinish exerciseexercise 2 2 andand exerciseexercise 3.3. 2.2. SurfingSurfing thethe netnet andand findfind moremore aboutabout thethe NewNew YearYear DaysDays ofof thethe otherother countriescountries . . Then,Then, designdesign a a formform andand collectcollect notes.notes. CountriesWhenWhat to do 【设计意图】课后让学生朗读文本后完成课本的课后练习。让学生上 网找出更多的其他国家新年的信息,并设计一个表格,把关键信息填在表 格里。培养学生查找信息,归纳整理信息的能力。 BlackboardBlackboard design:design:
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