广东版五上Unit 5 School Lunch-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b043b).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 School Lunch_Lesson 4_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:b043b)
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Vegetable Soup 蔬菜汤 You need 3 potatoes 三个马铃薯 4 tomatoes 四个西红柿 2 carrots 两个胡萝卜 1 spoon of sugar 一勺糖 2 spoons of salt 两勺盐 1. Wash and peel the potatoes. 削皮 2. Cut the potatoes, tomatoes, and carrots into small pieces. cut. into small pieces 把.切成小块 3. Put the salt, carrots, and potatoes in water. Cook for 20 minutes. 分钟 4. Put in the tomatoes. Cook for 5 minutes. 放入 5. Put in the sugar. Cook for another 2 minutes. 另一个 Unit 5 School Lunch 单元教材分析:单元教材分析: 本单元主要围绕话题 school lunch 展开教学,通过真实自然的情景对话学会句子: “What do we have ? We have some sugar.” “Do we have any salt? No, we dont. We need some salt.”“ Do we need any tofu? Yes, we do.”重点学习的单词有:juice, rice, salt, sugar, meat, vegetables, tofu, fruit。本单元需要重点掌握的便是以上的句型及单词。 单元教学目标:单元教学目标: 一、语言知识目标一、语言知识目标: 词汇:juice, rice, salt, sugar, meat, vegetables, tofu, fruit 句型:What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we dont. We need some salt. Do we need any tofu? Yes we do. 3. 语音:掌握字母组合 ui 和 ue 在单词中的发音规律。 二、语言技能目标二、语言技能目标: Able to ask and express what they need or not in daily life. 3、情感态度目标情感态度目标: Stimulate students interest in learning English, cultivate students independent learning ability and cooperation spirit, and tap the students innovative ability. 4、学习策略目标学习策略目标: Centered on language communication, learn the knowledge of the unit by listening and reading situational dialogues and stories with multimedia . 5、文化意识目标:文化意识目标: Through the study of this unit, students know the different kind of food in different countries. 单元教学重难点:单元教学重难点: 一、一、重点:重点: 1.掌握本单元的新单词 juice, rice, salt, sugar, meat, vegetables, tofu, fruit 2.掌握本单元的新句型 What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we dont. We need some salt. Do we need any tofu? Yes we do. 二、难点:二、难点: 1.掌握本单元的单词和句型。 2.在实际情景中正确运用本单元的新单词及句型。 单元教学安排表:单元教学安排表: 课时课时教学内容教学内容课型课型 第一课时Vocabulary and Target新授课 第二课时Practice操练课 第三课时Story阅读课 第四课时Sounds and Words语音课 第五课时Reading and Writing阅读课 第六课时More Reading and Writing阅读课 第七课时Review复习课 第八课时Exercise练习评讲课 第九课时Test测验课 第十课时Paper analysing试卷评讲课 教学内容教学内容Unit5 School Lunch课时课时1课型课型新授课新授课 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: Vocabulary: juice, rice, salt, sugar, meat, vegetables, tofu, fruit . Sentence pattern: What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we dont. We need some salt. Do we need any tofu? Yes we do. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标:Learn to how to use the sentence patterns. 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:Guide students to form a good habit to treasure the food, eat healthy food and ask about food politely in English. 学习策略目标:学习策略目标:Communicate with partners, cooperate with others, learn the knowledge with actions, take part in the class activities, stimulate interest in learning English. 文化意识目标:文化意识目标:Through the study of this period, students know the different kind of food in different countries. 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点:教学重点: Vocabulary: juice, rice, salt, sugar, meat, vegetables, tofu, fruit Sentence pattern: What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we dont. We need some salt. Do we need any tofu? Yes we do. 教学难点:教学难点: 教学准备教学准备 CD-ROM blackboard chalks word cards PPT The pronunciation of the words “vegetables” and “fruit”. 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 1 Warming-up Greetings Free talking Step 2 Presentation 1. Teacher presents to be hungry and say, “Im hungry. I want to eat some food. I want to eat some tofu.” Learn the new word “tofu”. 2. The same way to learn “vegetables”, “meat”, “rice” and “salt”. 3. Teacher presents to be thirsty and say, “Im thirsty. I want to drink some coffee. But I need some sugar.” Learn the new word “sugar”. 4. Learn the new words “juice” and “fruit”. Step 3 Practice 1.Mechanical drills(机械操练) 1) Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word. 2)Show Ss picture cards. Say the word and have Ss repeat. 3)Choose several lines to ask Ss to read the words with pictures one by one. 2.Meaning practice(意义操练) 1)Play a game: Listen and touch. 2)Memory game: Read the words with pictures. Step 4 Production Pair work: Read and check the new words in a group. 2.Pair work :Make a dialogue with the words in groups. Step 5 Summary Step 6 Homework Listen ,read and copy the words. 板书板书 设计设计 Unit 5 School Lunch juice, rice, salt, sugar, Do. have/need.? meat, vegetables, tofu, fruit Yes./ No. 教学教学 反思反思 (后记)(后记) 教学内容教学内容Unit5 School Lunch课时课时2课型课型操练课操练课 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1.Review the words 2.Sentence pattern: What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we dont. We need some salt. Do we need any tofu? Yes we do. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标:Learn to how to use the sentence patterns. 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:Guide students to form a good habit to treasure the food, eat healthy food and ask about food politely in English. 学习策略目标:学习策略目标:Communicate with partners, cooperate with others, learn the knowledge with actions, take part in the class activities, stimulate interest in learning English. 文化意识目标:文化意识目标:Through the study of this period, students know the different kind of food in different countries. 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点:教学重点: Sentence pattern: What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we dont. We need some salt. Do we need any tofu? Yes we do. 教学难点:教学难点: To use the sentences correctly. 教学准备教学准备 CD-ROM blackboard chalks word cards PPT 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greetings 2.Free talking Step 2 Presentation 1. Watch the conversation by CD-ROM. 2. Answer some questions about the conversation. 3. Have Ss point to the pictures in their books. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat. 4. Practice the conversation in pairs, then act out. Step 3 Practice 1.Mechanical drills(机械操练) 1. Point and talk about the pictures. 2. Play the tape for number A, then pause, and circle the pictures and number with the finger. 3. Continue with the rest, pausing after each picture and let Ss repeat each sentence. 2.Meaning practice(意义操练) 1. T: What are they? (Point to the pictures.) 2. Read the questions. Then have the class say the sentences. 3. Put Ss in small groups and have them practice asking and answering the questions. Step 4 Production 1.Group work:Finish the dialogue in groups. 2.Report presentation: After enough practice, have Ss make their dialogue in front of the whole class. Step 5 Summary Step 6 Homework 1. Listen ,read and copy the words. 2.Make the sentences with the words. 板书板书 设计设计 Unit 5 School Lunch What do / does . have/ need? 教学教学 反思反思 (后记)(后记) 教学内容教学内容Unit5 School Lunch课时课时3课型课型阅读课阅读课 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1.Sentence pattern: What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we dont. We need some salt. Do we need any tofu? Yes we do. 2.To understand the conversation of the story. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标:Learn to how to use the sentence patterns. 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:Guide students to form a good habit to treasure the food, eat healthy food and ask about food politely in English. 学习策略目标:学习策略目标:Communicate with partners, cooperate with others, learn the knowledge with actions, take part in the class activities, stimulate interest in learning English. 文化意识目标:文化意识目标:Through the study of this period, students know the different kind of food in different countries. 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点:教学重点: Sentence pattern: What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we dont. We need some salt. Do we need any tofu? Yes we do. 教学难点:教学难点: To understand the story. 教学准教学准 备备 CD-ROM blackboard chalks PPT Step 1 Warming-up 教教 学学 过过 程程 1.Greeting T greets to Ss at the beginning of the class. 2. Free talk T has free talk with individual Ss. Questions: What do you have ? Do you need any meat ? 3. Chant a chant T leads Ss to chant the chant Step 2 Revision T leads Ss to review the words and sentences that they have learned. Step 3 Presentation & Practice 1.T presents the sentences What do you need? I need. Do you need any .? Yes.,./ No. 2.T practices the sentences with Ss. Step 4 Pre-reading 1.T: Gogo, Jenny and Tony are in the school. Its time for lunch. They are going to make their own lunch. What do they need? First, lets watch the video. And I have some questions for you. 2.T plays the video of the story and Ss watch carefully. 3.T shows the questions:What do they need? What do they have? Step 5 While-reading 1. T leads Ss to answer the questions above. 2. T leads Ss to do some other exercises. Step 6 Pro-reading T leads Ss to role play and retell the story. Step 7 Homework 1.Copy the story on the exercise book. 2. Read after the radio for 15 minutes. 板书板书 设计设计 Unit 5 School Lunch What do they need? What do they have? 教学教学 反思反思 (后记)(后记) 教学内容教学内容Unit5 School Lunch课时课时4课型课型语音课语音课 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标:juice fruit cruise glue blue Sue. Sounds:/ui/ /ue/ 语言技能目标:语言技能目标:To be able to read the words with sounds:/ui/ /ue/. 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:To love phonetic. 学习策略目标:学习策略目标:To cooperate with one another. 文化意识目标:文化意识目标:Through the study of this period, students know the different kind of food in different countries. 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点:教学重点: To get good master of the sounds:/ui/ /ue/ 教学难点:教学难点: To be able to read the words with sounds:/ui/ /ue/. 教学准备教学准备 CD-ROM blackboard chalks PPT 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greeting T greets to Ss at the beginning of the class. 2. Free talk T has free talk with individual Ss. Questions: Do you have any tofu? What does your mother need? What do you need? Step 2 Revision 1 1.T leads Ss to chant the chant 2.T leads Ss to practice the story in groups. 3.T invites individual groups to act the story. 4.T leads Ss to do some exercise. 5.T checks the answers with Ss together. Step 3 Presentation 1.T leads Ss to review the letters and sounds together. T: Today, we are going to learn a new sound. First, lets read the letters and sounds together. 2.T presents the sound /ui/ /ue/and ask Ss how to pronounce it. Ss try. 3.T shows the words “juice fruit cruise glue blue Sue”for Ss to read and Ss try to read. 4.T teaches Ss to read the words. Step 4 Practice 1.T writes out more words with the sound /ui/ /ue/ and try to let Ss read them out by themselves. 2.T leads Ss to discuss in groups to brainstorm more words with the sound. 3.Ss show their words and the whole class try to read the words together. 4.T and Ss conclude the rules together. Step 5 Production T leads Ss to chant about the sounds. Step 6 Summary Step 7 Homework 1. Copy the words on the exercise book. 2. Read after the radio for 15 minutes. 板书板书 设计设计 Unit 5 School Lunch /ui/ /ue/ juice fruit cruise glue blue Sue 教学教学 反思反思 (后记)(后记) 教学内容教学内容Unit5 School Lunch课时课时5课型课型阅读课阅读课 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标:Read the passage and dialogue. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标:Learn to how to use the sentence patterns. 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:Guide students to form a good habit to treasure the food, eat healthy food and ask about food politely in English. 学习策略目标:学习策略目标:Communicate with partners, cooperate with others, learn the knowledge with actions, take part in the class activities, stimulate interest in learning English. 文化意识目标:文化意识目标:Through the study of this period, students know the different kind of food in different countries. 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点:教学重点: Read the passage and dialogue and find the new words. 教学难点:教学难点: How to write an e-mail. 教学准备教学准备 Video, PPT 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greeting T greets to Ss at the beginning of the class. 2. Free talk T has free talk with individual Ss. Questions: What do you need? Does your teacher have a book? What does your friend have? Step 2 Review. 1. Look at the words cards and say out the words they have learned. 2. Ask and answer. T: What do you have? S1:I have. T: Do you need any meat? S2:Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Step 3 Reading 1.Pre- reading Read and find out the new words. Learn the new words. Explain the Chinese meaning of the words if necessary. Read the new words. SS-S. 2. While reading Read and answer the questions. Try to let Ss tell how to make vegetable soup in Chinese. 3. Post reading. Finish the exercise on page 61. Step 4 Writing Fill in the blank to write the note. Step 5 Homework 板书板书 设计设计 Unit 5 School Lunch How to make vegetable soup? 教学教学 反思反思 (后记)(后记) 教学内容教学内容Unit5 School Lunch课时课时6课型课型阅读课阅读课 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标:The new words in the reading material. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标:Learn to how to use the sentence patterns. 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:Guide students to form a good habit to treasure the food, eat healthy food and ask about food politely in English. 学习策略目标:学习策略目标:Communicate with partners, cooperate with others, learn the knowledge with actions, take part in the class activities, stimulate interest in learning English. 文化意识目标:文化意识目标:Through the study of this period, students know the different kind of food in different countries. 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点:教学重点: Read and find the new words. 教学难点:教学难点: Develop the ability of reading. 教学准备教学准备 Video, PPT 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greeting T greets to Ss at the beginning of the class. 2. Free talk T has free talk with individual Ss. Questions: Do your friends need any maps? What do you have? What do you need? Step 2 Pre- reading Lead in the reading. Look and say. Look at the pictures and say the food. Step 3. While reading Look at the pictures and ask the questions. Where are Mr. and Mrs. White? What do they want? What do they buy? Step 4. Post- reading. Finish the exercise on page 65. Fill in the blank Step 5 Writing Step 6 Homework. 板书板书 设计设计 Unit 5 School Lunch Where are Mr. and Mrs. White? What do they want? What do they buy? 教学教学 反思反思 (后记)(后记) 教学内容教学内容Unit5 School Lunch课时课时7课型课型复习课复习课 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1.To review the words they have learned in this unit. 2.To review the sentences they have learned in this unit. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标:Learn to how to use the sentence patterns. 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:Guide students to form a good habit to treasure the food, eat healthy food and ask about food politely in English. 学习策略目标:学习策略目标:Communicate with partners, cooperate with others, learn the knowledge with actions, take part in the class activities, stimulate interest in learning English. 文化意识目标:文化意识目标:Through the study of this period, students know the different kind of food in different countries. 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点:教学重点: 1.To review the words they have learned in this unit. 2.To review the sentences they have learned in this unit. 教学难点:教学难点: To write about their favorite food. 教学准备教学准备 CD-ROM blackboard chalks PPT Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greeting T greets to Ss at the beginning of the class. 2. Free talk T has free talk with individual Ss. 教教 学学 过过 程程 Questions: What does your sister have? Do your parent need any tofu? What do you like doing? Step 2 Dictation T leads Ss to take out the dictation book and have a dictation. After that, Ss have an oral dictation. Step 3 Revision 1.Chant a chant T leads Ss to chant the chant . 2.Game-Boom Game T leads Ss to play a game. T shows the cards and Ss read out the words. Step 4 Practice 1 1.T asks Ss about where they are going with the sentence. What do you have/ need? I have/ need. Do you have/ need.? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 2.T leads Ss to asks about food with the sentences. 3.T shows some pictures and leads Ss to talk about food. Step 5 Practice 2 1.T leads Ss to make a survey. 2.T leads Ss to write . Step 6 Summary Step 7 Ho
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