广东版五上Unit 4 School Things-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:90038).zip

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练习练习 1:读短文,判断对错,对的写 T,错的写 F. ( ) 1、Tony and Jenny are playing. ( ) 2、Gogo is making something. ( ) 3、Jenny has some crayons. ( ) 4、Today is September 10th. 练习练习 2、What do they have?(选词填空:paper、glue、crayons、color pens) havedoesnt have Gogo Jenny What is Gogo making?(根据文章内容选择,请打) Making a cakeMaking a paper bagmaking modelsMaking a card Gogo What day is it tomorrow?(根据文章内容选择,请打) September 8thSeptember 9thSeptember 10th Yesrerday(昨天) Today Tomorrow(明天) 练习练习 3 回答问题回答问题 1、What is Gogo making? 2、Does Jenny have any crayons? 3、What day is it tomorrow? 练习练习 4、作文、作文 _ WhenWhoWhereWhat Hello Ms. Black, Subject Take care, _ _ Book 5 Unit 4 School Things 1 6 3 4 5 2 (选择数字,听到ye的声音起立大声读单词,其它 声音坐好读单词) Ask and answer: Do you have any _? Yes, I do. No, I dont. B. busy Jenny,Tony and Gogo are _ C. bored A. happy 忙碌的 Tips 2: Read the story and underline the key words (跟读,找关键词句) Ture or False? ( ) 1、Tony and Jenny are in the park. ( ) 2、Gogo is making something. ( ) 3、Jenny has some crayons. ( ) 4、Today is September 10th. ( ) 1、Tony and Jenny are in the park. ( ) 2、Gogo is making something. ( ) 3、Jenny has some crayons. ( ) 4、Today is September 10th. 1、 (找一找关键词句) ( ) 1、Tony and Jenny are in the park. ( ) 2、Gogo is making something. ( ) 3、Jenny has some crayons. ( ) 4、Today is September 10th. F ( ) 1、Tony and Jenny are in the park. ( ) 2、Gogo is making something. ( ) 3、Jenny has some crayons. ( ) 4、Today is September 10th. F 1、 (找一找关键词句) 2、 ( ) 1、Tony and Jenny are in the park. ( ) 2、Gogo is making something. ( ) 3、Jenny has some crayons. ( ) 4、Today is September 10th. F T ( ) 1、Tony and Jenny are in the park. ( ) 2、Gogo is making something. ( ) 3、Jenny has some crayons. ( ) 4、Today is September 10th. F T 1、 3、 (找一找关键词句) 2、 ( ) 1、Tony and Jenny are in the park. ( ) 2、Gogo is making something. ( ) 3、Jenny has some crayons. ( ) 4、Today is September 10th. F T T ( ) 1、Tony and Jenny are in the park. ( ) 2、Gogo is making something. ( ) 3、Jenny has some crayons. ( ) 4、Today is September 10th. F T T 1、 3、 4、 (找一找关键词句) 2、 ( ) 1、Tony and Jenny are in the park. ( ) 2、Gogo is making something. ( ) 3、Jenny has some crayons. ( ) 4、Today is September 10th. F T T F Tips 3: Group work Do a survey (小组读,小组合作做调查表) hasdoesnt have Gogo Jenny making a cake making a paper bag making models Making a card Gogo 1、What do they have?(选词填空:paper、glue、crayons、color pens) September 8thSeptember 9thSeptember 10th Yesrerday(昨天) Today Tomorrow(明天) 2、What is Gogo making?(根据文章内容选择,请打) 3、Whats the date today?(根据文章内容选择,请打) havedoesnt have Gogo Jenny Gogo has some_. He doesnt have any _. Jenny has some_. She doesnt have any _. paper color pens crayons color pens color pens crayons making a cake making a paper bag making models Making a card Gogo He is _ and _. Gogo is_. making a paper bag a cardmaking something Theyre making something. 某些事 Lets learn! making a cake making modelsmaking a snowman making a card Today is _. Tomorrow is _. Tomorrow is _. What is the date today September 8th September 9thSeptember 10th Yesrerday (昨天) Today Tomorrow (明天) September 9th September 10th the Teachers Day (个人读,回答问题) Read and answer(个人读文章,回答问题) 1、 What is Gogo making? 2、Does Jenny have any crayons? 3、What day is it tomorrow? Read and answer(个人读文章,回答问题) 1、 What is Gogo making? He is making a paper bag and a card. 2、Does Jenny have any crayons? Yes,she does. She has some crayons. 3、What day is it tomorrow? Its the Teachers Day. Ms Black is very happy. Write a E-mail to the teacher Write blessing language. (祝福语) 1、 Happy Teachers day! 教师节快乐! 2、Best wishes to you. 最好的祝福给你。 3、 I wish you happiness! 祝你快乐! Ms.B The Teachers Day When Its September 10th. WhoWhereWhat Tony,Jenny and Gogo are busy. They are at home. He is making a paper bag and a card for you . Gogo is making something. Hello Ms. Black, Best wishes to you. Subject Take care, Gogo _Gogo _ The Teachers Day WhenWhoWhereWhat Hello_, Best wishes to you. Subject Take care, _ _ 给你同学的邮件评分: 1.拼写正确 2.语句通顺,正确 1.拼写正确 2.语句通顺,正确 3.书写工整 4.内容丰富 Let the world be filled with love . 让世界充满爱。 Its the joy of living to help others. 生活的快乐是帮助别人。 Homework: .Retell the story to your parents. (向父母复述今天所学的故事) 1 Book 5 Unit 4 School Things 一、单元知识简介一、单元知识简介 本单元是一个新授单元,主要学习 bags, maps, pencil cases, pictures, blackboards 等可数 名词,paper, glue 3 个不可数名词,和 Do you have any? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.这个句型 二、学情分析二、学情分析 学生以前学过一些名词复数和不可数名词,也学过 Do you have ? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.Does he/she have ?Yes,he/she does. No,he/she doesnt.He/She has 这些句型,也学过 正在进行时。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1语言知识目标语言知识目标 a. 学习单词 color pens , making something, a paper bag,the Teachers Day. b. 对制作卡片进行简单的询问和描述 Do you have any pictures? Yes, I do. Do you have any pencil cases? No, I dont. Does Jenny have any pencil cases? Yes, she does. c. 能唱歌曲,并能理解歌曲意思。 d. 学会运用简单的阅读策略获取信息,并做完相关练习。 2语言技能目标语言技能目标 通过说唱歌谣,做游戏,做调查报告,比赛等多个环节,使学生在观察、选择、合作、 自学、竞争、评价等多方面使阅读的能力得到发展和提高。 3情感态度目标情感态度目标 a. 采用游戏教学和活动教学手段,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的情感目标。 b. 教育学生要懂得感恩。 四、教学重点与难点四、教学重点与难点 1教学重点教学重点 a. 学习单词 color pens , making something, a paper bag,the Teachers Day. b. 模仿短文写一篇 E-mail 给老师 2教学难点教学难点 a. making something 的理解和使用 b. 掌握阅读的技能 五、教法学法五、教法学法 以游戏的形式复习单词和句型,使学生能在快乐中回忆,提高学生参与课堂的积极性; 通过听说故事,培养学生良好的听说习惯;通过故事的学习,潜移默化地渗透思想品德教 育,通过表演活动逐步培养孩子们的相互协作意识;通过任务的布置,把综合语言运用能 力的培养落实在教学过程中,让学生通过任务的完成体验生活,能用英语做事情。 六、课前准备:六、课前准备:课本、金太阳课件、单词卡片、贴纸。. 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Stage I : Pre-reading aGreetings b. Sing a song : Do you have any crayons? 2.Leading-in 导入导入 Revision:(1)Play a game. (Choose the number, if you hear the voice of Yea ,stand up 2 and read the words loudly; if not ,sit down and read the words loudly) (2)Ask and answer: What do you have ? Do you have? Stage II : While-reading 泛读泛读 1. Tips1:Listen and choose:Tony,Jenny and Gogo are _.A.happy B.busy C.bord (设计说明:听一遍短文,初步感知文章,做简单的选择题,突出单词 busy 的教学,听录 音的同时让学生整篇阅读,培养学生的听说能力。) 2. Tips 2: Read the story and underline the important words, phrases and sentences. (设计说明:第二遍阅读,进一步感知短文,跟读文章,让孩子们更好地学习正确的发音。 请学生找出文中关键词、句,并用笔划出来,并完成判断。此方法即原始也实用,让学生 能理解并掌握阅读最基本的技能。) 精读精读 Tips 3: Group work,Do a survey.(在第三遍阅读,在前面的感知和猜测基础上,教 授 color pens ,a card, making something, a paper bag,the Teachers Day,有利用培养孩子的 阅读技能) 1、What do they have?(选词填空:paper、glue、crayons、color pens) havedoesnt have Gogo Jenny 2、What is Gogo making?(根据文章内容选择,请打) Making a cakeMaking a paper bagmaking modelsMaking a card Gogo 3、What day is it tomorrow?(根据文章内容选择,请打) September 8thSeptember 9thSeptember 10th Yesrerday(昨天) Today Tomorrow(明天) (设计说明:在小组朗读全文,小组合作学习,共同猜词,有好同学带动基础差的同学。 通过调查表让学生对语篇再一次进行细读,串联起整个语篇内容,为接下来的回答比较难 的问题做好准备。) Tips 4:Read and write:个人阅读,回答问题 1、What is Gogo making? 2、Does Jenny have any crayons? 3、What day is it tomorrow? (设计说明:第四次阅读,难度加大,学生要自己阅读全文,通过问题,教师配合板书 示范降低难度,让学生了解整篇短文的主要思路。最后,通过学生的回答,检查学生对整 个语篇的理解。) Stage III: Post-reading Write a E-mail to the teacher.(设计说明:培养学生的敢说敢写的能力。学生模仿语篇, 以及使用第 1 课课后阅读的 E-mail 的学习,完成一篇 E-mail,,复习和巩固了课上所学知识 的同时也将这过程作为课本知识与生活实际相联结的桥梁,并提升孩子对教师的喜爱。 3 Stage IV:情感教育 Blackboard_writing Stage V: Homework:Retell the story to your parents.
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