广东版五上Unit 6 Shopping for a School Party-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:2118f).zip

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Unit 6 Shopping for a School Party Reading and writing.(The third period.) 粤人民版Book5 Kathy Taishan Zhuhai Shopping mall Department store What are in the picture? Who are they? Where are they going? Look and say. What is he thinking? What is Gogo doing? What is he saying? Listen and answer. Can Gogo take the guitar? The first reading. The second reading. 读短文,判断下列说法是否正确,用读短文,判断下列说法是否正确,用T/F表示。表示。 1.( )Gogo likes guitar. He can play the guitar very well. 2. ( ) Gogo can take this guitar. 3.( ) The guitar is too expensive. T T F Read and answer. Can Gogo get this guitar? Why? Gogo is sad, but then he has an idea The third reading. He wants a guitar. No, they cant. He does a magic to get a guitar. What can we say when we buy something? You should ask nicely. You should say “please” Think and read. What should we do in the shopping mall? We should not Susan Jack Christmas Day yuan eighty expensive thirteen cheap buy 1.Just buy what you need. Dont be a shopaholic. (购物狂)购物狂) 2. Be polite.Ask and answer someone nicely. Remember Flea market (跳蚤市场跳蚤市场 ) Summary 1.再读文章,摘抄好词好句。 Homework 2.做一个购物计划,并与朋友去把 东西买好。 Do you have any other questions? Look, read and write.(根据提示,完成短文)根据提示,完成短文) Shopping for a Party Christmas Day is coming. Susan and Jack are at a shopping mall. Clerk: What can I do for you? Jack: I like the blue jacket. _ Clerk:Sure. Here you are. Jack:_ Clerk: Its 300 yuan. Jack:Wow, _. Susan: Maybe you can buy this yellow one._ Jack: Ok._ 1 一、教学内容与学生认知水平分析一、教学内容与学生认知水平分析 本课教学内容是粤人民版英语第五册 Unit6Shopping for a School PartyReading and writing 部分。 Unit 6 的话题是用英语询问物品的价格以及评价物品的价格,本单元主要 围绕购物的话题进行讲授。本节课是这个单元的第三个课时,前面的两个课时, 学生已经掌握了数字 30-100 的单词,掌握了询问物品的价格以及评价物品的价 格的句型,也具备相应的阅读和写作能力。学生通过对文本的阅读和话题学习, 主要让学生综合运用句型进行交流。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、知识目标: 通过 Free talk 的方式,引出本课主题 shopping;通过 Gogo 和 Jenny,Tony 一家人的对话,引导学生认读词汇 take, have to, pay for,should,nicely 同时让 学生结合前面所学的词汇和句型进一步谈论话题。 2、能力目标 让学生运用本课重点句型用对话的形式进行交流,进一步提高他们口头表达 的能力。 3、文化目标: 引导学生明白西方国家的 flea market 的文化,了解这样的市场既可以将 自己多出的东西拿出去摆卖,也可以买到便宜的东西。还可以自己做一个跳蚤 市场,把自己多出的玩具或文具等拿出来义卖,把收入捐给山区学生上学。 4、情感态度: 引导学生礼貌购物用语。 让他们懂得理性购物和节约的习惯。 懂得如何注意购物场所的标志,做文明公民。 5、学习策略: 通过个人、结对和小组活动等方式,促使学生合作学习、共同探讨 shopping 这一话题。 三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点 教学重点:通过阅读短文,在购物时要用礼貌用语,并且要买该买的东西,并 能让学生运用到实际生活中来。 教学难点:根据课文内容回答相应的问题以及用正确的语调朗读课文内容。 四、课前准备四、课前准备: PPT,单词卡片,句子卡片,学生使用练习纸等。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings. Im Kathy. Im from Taishan. I came to Zhuhai last week. Zhuhai is a beautiful city. Can you tell me what can I do in Zhuhai? 2 I like shopping. Where can we go shopping? 2. Today well have three tasks in four groups. I hope you all can finish the tasks well. And therere some coupons for you to shop for the school party. 【设计意图】通过教师的自我介绍,与学生进行问候;让学生了解本节课通过小 组竞赛完成任务的形式学习新知识,老师希望他们能完成任务获得奖励,而奖 励的东西又将用在后面的部分知识的应用。 Step 2 Pre reading 1. Look at the picture, think about that where are they going? What are in the picture? 【设计意图】让学生借助图片去自由表达,从而调动学生的学习兴趣与积极性, 更重要是唤醒了学生关于场所类的词汇的记忆,同时引导学生用上 Theyre in/at the 及 There arein句型描述图片,发展学生的发散思维能力。 2. ThereThere areare soso manymany toystoys atat thethe toytoy WhatWhat isis GogoGogo doing?doing? WhatWhat isis hehe thinking?thinking? WhatWhat isis hehe saying?saying? 【设计意图】在正式开始阅读前,让学生基于文本背景预测文本内容,根据教 师提供的话框,激发学生的想象力,同时渗透阅读前合理预测的学习技能。 Step 3 While-reading 1. T: Lets listen and get some information. Listen for the first time and answer this question: Can Gogo take the guitar? 【设计意图】第一次听录音时要求学生不看文本,直接听录音,然后对照刚才 写在黑板上的预测结果核对预测是否正确,最后将 Gogo 想要的物品词条贴在黑 板上。 2. Open your book to P70. Listen to the tape and judge. 听短文,判断下列说法是否正确听短文,判断下列说法是否正确,写写 T 或或 F。 (1) ( ) Gogo likes the guitar.He can play the guitar very well. (2) ( ) Gogo can take this guitar. (3) ( ) The guitar is too expensive. The first reading The second reading Task 1 Task 2 3 【设计意图】通过判断的练习设计,让学生通过听录音获取相关信息,明白文 本的结构,对故事的发展有充分的了解。 3. (1) Ask and answer: Can Gogo get this guitar? Why? Read and write. (Read the passage quickly and think about the questions.Write down the answer.) What does Gogo want? Can Jenny and Tonys parents buy it? What does Gogo do in the end? T: What can we say when we buy some things? Ss: You should ask nicely. T: You should say “please”. Read the passage together. 【设计意图】通过不同形式的朗读,让学生在朗读中获取更详细的信息,给学 生提供了充分的思考空间,让他们明确本文的中心思想,渗透了导读的阅读策 略。 StepStep 4 4 Post-readingPost-reading 1. Look at the signs. What should you do in the shopping mall? You should watch your step. You should watch your head. We should not We should not play on the autowalk. We should not smoke. 2. Look at the poster.Complete the conversation with the words from the box.(P71) .Jack: Look at the guitar.Its 92_. Susan: I like the little bear, but its _ yuan. Thats _. TheThe thirdthird readingreading Task 3 yuan cheap expensive thirteen eighty buy 4 Jack: Yeah,but the ball isnt. Its only _ yuan.Thats _. Susan: Maybe you can _ the ball for you brother. Jack:Hmm, but I hope my dad buys it for me. 3.Groupwork:Try to make a conversation with the shopkeeper. Look ,read and write.(根据提示,完成短文) Shopping for a Party Christmas Day is coming.Susan and Jack are at a shopping mall. Clerk: What can I do for you? Jack: I like the blue jacket. _ Clerk:Sure. Here you are. Jack:_ Clerk: Its 300 yuan. Jack:Wow! _. Susan: Maybe you can buy this yellow one. _. Jack: OK._. 给出两个不同的场景和对话框架,让学生根据提示分角色创编对话。 【设计意图】补充练习,创设情景,为学生提供实际操练的平台,通过小组合 作交流,学生的对话语言会更加丰富,语言的生成更加贴近学生的生活实际, 体现了教学中的人文性。 Step 5 Summary 1. 情感教育 T: Gogo has lots of toys at home. But he loves all the toys.Should he buy so many toys? Think and remember it: 2. Good to know: flea market What is the place? How to make a flea market. And use the money to help the poor children to go to school. 3. 小结: T: From this class,what did you learn? Just buy what you need. Dont be a shopaholic(购物狂). Be polite. Ask and answer someone nicely. 5 Ss: We learn how to buy something. 【设计意图】本课的情感教育非常必要,教师应教育学生懂得怎样去购物, 购物自己真正所需要的,不要造成浪费或过度消费,懂得节俭生活的方式。引 导学生明白西方国家的 flea market 的文化,了解这样的市场既可以将自己多 出的东西拿出去摆卖,也可以买到便宜的东西。还可以自己做一个跳蚤市场, 把自己多出的玩具或文具等拿出来义卖,把收入捐给山区学生上学。 小结环节,让学生自己根据板书梳理语言知识,学会归纳知识。 StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework Read the passage.Copy some words and sentences. Make a plan for a party.Shop for the party with your friends. 【设计意图】作业的设计具有层次性,适合不同的学生,学生可以根据自己的 喜好自由选择,体现了作业布置的人文性。 板书设计:板书设计: Gogo, Jenny, Tony, parents Toy shop guitar take WhereWhere should pay nicely WhatWhat HowHow toto WhoWho
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