广东版五上Unit 5 School Lunch-Lesson 4-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:51b75).doc

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1、- 1 - 五年级语音课五年级语音课 Book 5 Unit 4 Brothers gift (第(第 4 课时)课时) 【学习内容】【学习内容】Book5Unit 4 School things(Period 4) Sounds and words 【学习目标】【学习目标】1、知识目标知识目标:1)能听、说、认读单词:blue, black, blackboard, bread, brother, brown. 2) 能正确读出例句含有/bl/和/br/的单词, 有感情地朗读含有/bl/br/的句子及文段。 2、技能目标技能目标:1)通过小组合作,悟出字母组合 bl 和 br 的读音规律。

2、2)通过母语的正迁移作用及已学过的音节知识,认读含有/bl/和/br/的新词。 3) 能圈出例句含有/bl/和/br/的单词, 有感情地朗读含有/bl/和/br/的句子及文段。 3、情感目标情感目标: 1)培养学生自主学习,自我总结的学习习惯。 2)激发学生的学习积极性、智力开发,提高学生语言能力。 4、文化目标文化目标:让学生学会地道的英语发音,并用地道的英语与他人交谈。 【重点难点分析】【重点难点分析】1、掌握字母组合 bl 和 br 的发音规律,并了解相关例词的读音。 2、 区分字母组合 bl 和 br 的音形。 【教具准备】【教具准备】1、6 个单词的词卡;2、多媒体课件3、若干张卡纸

3、。 【教学过程】【教学过程】 一、一、Warm-up T:Hello, boys and girls. Im happy to be your English teacher today. Nice to see you! Ss: Nice to see you ,too. T: Thank you! T: Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its sunny. T: Yes, its sunny. Its a good day for us! 二、二、Review 1. Song - 2 - T: Do you like songs? Ss: Yes.T:

4、Ok, lets sing! Red, yellow, blue and green Red, yellow , blue and green Red, yellow , blue and green Purple, orange and white Purple, orange and white What color is it? What color is it? Blue, blue, blue, blue. Its blue. Blue, blue, blue, blue. Its blue. T: You sang so well. Can you change the color

5、 about “brown” ? T: Youre so great! Thank you, sit down, please. (设计意图:教师动作示范,通过 Song 进行热身及复习已学颜色单 词,既吸引学生的注意力,又加强学生对/ bl /和/ br /发音的认读。 ) 三、三、Presentation (课件播放动画,展示本课 6 个单词 ) T : Boys and girls.Im very happy today. Because its my birthday today. And I get a big gift from my brother.(幻灯片出现礼物,并引入课题,

6、贴课题卡片 Unit 4 Brothers gift)Can you guess? What is it? 让学生自由猜是什么礼物? 引出 a box. Look!Its a box. What color is it? Is it blue? Is it yellow?.让学 生自由猜是什么颜色?引出 a black box. Yes, youre right. Its black. (红灯点击)Its a black box. Its a black magic box. - 3 - (红灯点击黑板)T: Whats this? Ss: Its a blackboard. T:Yes. T

7、: Whats in the box? Guess! Is it a cat? Is it a dog? (动作示范动物) S1:S2: T: Look! Wow! Ss: Birds. T: Yes, therere two birds. (动作示范小鸟飞) (红灯点击)What color is the bird? Ss: Its blue. And this? Ss: Its brown. (红灯点击)T: And whats that? Ss: Its bread. T: What color is it? Ss: Its brown. (点击下一张幻灯片)T: Oh, my brot

8、her. He likes bread. 点击 Yummy! (课件有声音) 1. Lead in the chant T:Do you like this magic box? Do you like my brothers gift? I have a chant about my brothers gift. .Listen , please. Brothers gift. Black box, black box Its a magic box. Blue bird, brown bird On the blackboard. Brown bread, black bread Brot

9、her likes bread. T: Is it funny? Can you chant? Ok, lets chant. - 4 - T: Excellent! 2.Lead the Ss to find out the regular of the words T: But can you circle the words with the sound of the letter bl?(圈出含 有 bl 发音单词 black , blue) 点名学生先讲,教师用红灯点击。再依次圈出三个单词。 T: look at these words . Lets see. Whats the s

10、ame ? Can you find? S1: They have the same letters bl.(单词都含有 bl. ) T: Thats right. In todays lesson, were going to learn the sound of the letter bl ? (贴卡片 bl 在黑板) Teach the gesture and the pronunciation of bl . Learn to say the word: blue (出示字母和其音标卡片, 折叠面制作) T: b pronounce Ss: /b/l- pronounce /l/bl-

11、 pronounce/bl/ Game. I say bl. You say /bl/. I say blbl. You say /bl/bl/. How do you say? 提问几个学生, 练读发音/bl/(评价激励 Good! Good! Super.) T: How do you say this word? S1: blue. T: Good! The whole class. Please read after the girl. T: Now, I have a chant. Listen to me, please. 动作示范 Chant: b/b/b/b/b/ l/l/l/

12、l/l/ bl/bl/bl/bl/ - 5 - blueblueblue A. Lets chant together. Follow me, please. B. Now, please chant in your groups. C. T: Can you chant for us? Which group wants to try?(其中一小组展 示) (设计意图:通过 chant 的操练,让学生整体感知单词的读音,并初 步了解 bl 的发音规律。 ) 3. Learn to say the word: black T: How do you say this one? Chant: b

13、/b/b/b/b/ l/l/l/l/l/ bl/bl/bl/bl/ blackblackblack (全班 chant) 4. Learn to say the word: blackboard T: Lets learn another word. This one is black. (先出示 black) And this?(再出示 board)Together. Ss: blackboard 6. Try to read more new words T: What are the letters? Ss: bl(课件先出示 bl )T: bl pronounceSs: /bl/ 7.

14、 Let the students try to read the new words: block blank blink bleck blent blake T:Now, we will learn another words with bl. Lets try to read this one!(在 bl 后面增加 ock) - 6 - 课件先出现 bl, 再增加 ock. T: ockpronounce/ And this? blank How about this one? blink The last one. Bleck blent blake (昨天讨论可否用旧词导入) 8.(

15、圈出含有 br 发音的单词 brown, bread, brother) T: Lets watch the chant again. Can you circle the words with the sound of the letter br? 点名学生先讲, 教师用红灯点击。 再依次圈出三个单词。 OK, lets read them together. b- pronounce/b/r-pronounce / r / 动作示范 br-pronounce/ b r/ 提问检查,并做动作。Group 1,please. b/b/ r/r/ br/br/ a) 小组合作后上台汇报。The

16、same way to teach the other words in groups. T: Now, group work. Try to read these words in your groups. Group work: 通过小组操练这 3 个单词的读音。 - 7 - T: Who wants to try to read them out? b/b/ r/r/ br/br/ bread bread (一组展示)T: The whole class, please chant after this group. Lets chant:用歌谣加以巩固所学发音单词。 T: Look a

17、t this chant. Which group wants to chant for us? (另一组 展示) b/b/b/b/b/ r/r/r/r/r/ br/br/br/br/ brownbrownbrown T: The whole class, please chant after this group. T: Can you chant together? Ok, one ,two, go! ( 全 班 一 起 chant “brother”) c) 新词操练 T:Now,wewilllearnanotherwordswithbr. (brall,brand,bring,bres

18、s,bright,brick) Can you try to read this one? (在 br 后面增加 all) 课件先出现 br, 再增加 all. T: allpronounceSs: / T: So And this? brand How about this one? bring - 8 - The last one. Bress bright brick 9. Listen and chant 第二部分 chant 的教学 10. Make and read sentences in groups. T: Ok, boys and girls. Do you want to

19、 eat any fruits in my party? Can you make sentences in your groups? Which fruit do you like? 在课件出示 6 个用水果形状装着的句子供每小组学生挑选。 注意:打乱顺序排列,增加的两个句子是: Abig black bear sat on a big blue bag. My brother loves the brown bread. T: Now, group work. I give you 3 minutes. One, two, go! T: Times up! Please read your

20、 sentence together. 课件出示刚才该组学 生选的 Number. B. 播放课本的 Listen and chant. T: Ok, boys and girls. Lets have a relax. Lets chant together. T: First, listen to the chant. T: The chant is interesting! Do you want to listen again? But this time, Lets play a game:when you hear the sound / bl /, please clap you

21、r hands, and when you hear the sound / br / , please hit your desk. (听到这两个发音的单词分别用两种不同的动作加以区分,也就区别了 这两个发音。) - 9 - 四四 Practice T: Now, lets do some exercise. Can you hear bl or br? 1. 听力练习 1. _ other2. _ ue3. _ ush4. _ead 5. _ing6. _og7. _ own8. _ack 2. 语篇拓展 A. First ,listen to the letter. T: I like

22、my brothers magic box very much. I want to write a letter to thank him. Can you help me? Listen to my letter ,please. (播放录音) Dear brother, Thank you for your gift. Today I have a birthday party with my friends. My mother gave me a nice blanket and a blouse. Betty brings some green food . We have som

23、e chicken and bread,. And my cousin broke the plates, but it was OK.Iblow the trumpet in the party. We have a good time. Yours, May B.T: This time, finish the words with the sound of the letters bl and br. 课件先出示下面的学生练习, 学生做好后之后再依次出现补充的完整单 词。 Dear _other, Thank you for your gift. Today I have a birth

24、day party with my friends. My mother gives me a nice _anket and a_ouse. Betty _ings some - 10 - green food . We have some chicken and _ead,. And my cousin _oke the plates, but it is OK.I _ow the trumpet in the party. We have a good time. Yours, May 五、情感教育 Good to know When you are good to others, yo

25、u are best to yourself. 善待他人,即最善待自己。 六、Summary Ss tell the sound rule of bl and br, then read together. 1. 用中文小结和动作示范 bl 是平舌发音,br 是卷舌发音。 2. Read the words on the blackboard. 七、七、Homework(二选一)(二选一) 1. Listen and read Sounds and words for three times. 2. Find out more words including bl and br in the dictionary or on internet and try to read them. Board-designUnit 4Brothers gift(Sound and words) blbr bluebread blackbrother blackboardbrown


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