(精)外研版(三起)六年级上册英语Module 10 Unit 2 Go straight on! ppt课件(含素材).zip

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Module 10 Unit 2 Go straight on. 外研版 三起点 六年级 上册 Learning goals 能听、说、认读单词: cross 能够运用句型: 1.Go straight on. 2.Dont turn right here! 点击,播放视频 Watch and chant 如打不开该视频,请单独使用PotPlayer播放 cr os s cross the street 过马路 Dont cross 不要过马路 1.The light is red.Please_. A.cross B.dont cross C.stand in line 2.Now you can cross.Its_. A.red B.green C.yellow B B Listen and choose We cant cross when_. stop! Dont go! the light is red We can cross when_. the light is green Go!Its green now. turn left 向左转请勿左转。 Dont turn left. turn right 向右转 Dont turn left. 请勿右转。 go straight on 直着走 Dont go straight on. 请勿直走。 Go straight on ! Turn left. Dont ride your bicycle here ! Listen and match 3._now ! A.Turn right B.Dont turn right 2._now ! A.Walk B.Dont walk 1._now ! A.Walk B.Dont walk Because its red. Because its green. Read and choose Listen, read and imitate A:Excuse me.How do I get to .? B:. A:Thank you. Group work 假如你是小向导,在组内分别描述出去“school”,“zoo”, “supermarket”,“toy shop”的路线。四人一组分别描述,用 时最短的的小组获胜。 Dont ride your bicycle here ! 请勿在这里骑自行车。 Go straight on ! 直着走。 Dont turn left. 请勿左转。 祈使句 祈使句表示要求、命令 让他人做某事,常以动词原 形开头,出于礼貌我们有时 会在句子开头或句子末尾加 上please,祈使句的否定形 式就是直接在动词前面加上 Dont,意为“不要” 1.Please_(stand) in line. 2.Dont _(put) your books on the floor. 3.Please_(be)in class. 4.Dont_(sleep)in the class. stand put be sleep Fill in the blanks stopDont go straight on.Dont smoke. Please stand in line.Be careful! Look and say. Write some school rules and talk about them. Write and Talk. Go straight on ! 直着走。 Dont ride your bicycle here ! 请不要在这里骑自行车。 Dont turn left here. 这里禁止左转。 Dont walk. 不要走。 Please help the mouse to get the orange.
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