外研版(一起)四上Module 6-Unit 1 It didn’t become gold.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b05a7).doc

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外研版(一起)四上Module 6-Unit 1 It didn’t become gold.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b05a7).doc_第1页
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1、1 Module 6 Unit 1 The Magic Paintbrush教学设计 1整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本教学设计的主题是基于核心素养的小学英语阅读教学。义务教育课程标准对小学阶段学 生的阅读技能有明确要求:能看图识词和拼读;能在图片的帮助下读懂简单的小故事;能读懂教材 中简短的要求或指令;能看懂贺卡等所表达的简单信息;能正确朗读所学故事或短文等。基础教育 阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。而此能力的形成建立在学生语言技能, 语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识等核心素养整体发展的基础上。 基于核心素养的小学英语 阅读教学,要求教师在教学过程中不仅要让学生理解教

2、学内容,掌握语言知识,更重要的是培养学 生的语言输出能力,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生掌握英语阅读方法,发展批判性思维, 并能将所学知识内化并用自己的语言准确地交流和表达。 2教学背景分析 教学内容分析: 1、 本单元是以故事为题材的阅读, 学生在语文课本曾学过神笔马良的故事, 为文本提供了背景知识, 学生兴趣浓厚,积极性高。 2、本课使用的教材是义务教育课程标准外研版(一起)小学英语第七册 Module 6 Unit 1 的内容,新 单词有 magic, paintbrush, real, bad, gold, snake, 主要句型有 He helped people. This w

3、oman didnt have food. The bad man didnt have gold. It didnt become gold. It became a snake。本课内容是中国传统故事 神笔马良为载体,学习用过去时表达已经发生的事情,学习使用过去时的否定表达。紧密联系实际, 培养学生对本土文化的热爱,启发学生思维,培养合作意识。 3. 本阅读课主要从学生兴趣出发,联系学生所有的背景知识以及语言知识,通过 magic show, brain-storming, predicting, dialogues, reading, picture talking, discussio

4、n, mind-mapping, retelling 等多种 活动,复习旧知,联系新知,丰富学生的词句,训练学生的听说能力,培养学生阅读过程中获取信 息的能力,注重阅读方法的渗透,提高学生的语言运用能力。 4. 学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。全英语教学,创造英语课堂良好的听的环境,让学生充 分感知,积极体验实践,把握用英语交际的机会,鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,真正做学习的主人。 学生情况分析: 1.学生是福建省龙海市石码第二中心小学五年一班的学生。本课选材于外研版一年级起始第七册的 故事,龙海市小学英语的教材是闽教版,学生从三年级才开始接触英语,五年级上学期初步学习了 动词的过去式,考虑到

5、语言积累的问题,最终选择了五年级的学生。 2.学生比较熟悉这个故事,整体体会故事的情节具有一定的基础。整个教学过程遵循“学为主体, 教为主导,练为主线”的教学原则。 2 3教学目标分析 1、知识与技能 (1)能正确掌握单词 paintbrush, magic, real, bad, gold, snake。 (2)能正确听、说、读目标语句:He helped people. This woman didnthave food. The bad man didnt have gold. It didnt become gold. It became a snake. (3)通过本模块的学习,使学

6、生进一步加深对一般过去时的理解和掌握。 (4)能正确复述故事。 2、过程与方法 (1)通过问答,提高学生的阅读理解能力。 (2)通过对文本中关键词的提取、整理,培养学生的总结、归纳能力。 (3)引导学生根据思维导图复述故事,培养学生语言组织能力和语言表达能力。 3、 情感态度与价值观 (1)通过马良一心为民的行为,引导学生养成明辨是非、关心集体,乐于助人的好品质。 (2)在学生的小组活动中,培养学生的合作意识和合作精神,能够相互配合完成任务。 (3)通过读民间故事,进一步注意到中外文化异同。 4教学重点、难点分析 教学重点: 学生能掌握一般的阅读技巧,并能在阅读后利用思维复述故事。 教学难点:

7、 培养学生在故事阅读中使用对应阅读策略的能力。 5教学过程设计 Step 1:Warming Up(热身环节)(热身环节) 1. Greetings: T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Guo. 2.Amagic show: T: Today, Ill give you a magic show. Please watch carefully.(教师表演魔术。)Look, its empty. Now, touch it.(空箱子变出三个花筒。) 设计意图 3 以表演魔术的形式导入本课,营造轻松、愉悦的课堂氛围,学生觉得觉得好奇又有 趣,进而拉

8、近师生距离。同时,让学生自然地理解文本中的生词“magic”的含义。 Step 2:Pre-reading Free Talk:(师生根据魔术与学生展开对话并自然揭题.) T: Do you like this magic show? Ss: Yes. T: Thank you. And today Ill tell you a story about magic. Look, it is a magic paintbrush.(领读)Paint, brush, paintbrush.The magic paintbrush.(揭题并展示在黑板上。) T: Boys and girls, wh

9、at do you think of the paintbrush? Maybe, it can write. Anything else?(头脑风暴法) S1: It can draw. S2: It can fly. S3: It can speak. (教师语言鼓励 Maybe, good imagination, good thinking) 设计意图 教师拿出魔法毛笔巧妙地引入课题,并让学生进行头脑风暴预测这根魔法毛笔会做 什么,有效地对要学习的阅读文本进行预测。 Step 3:While-reading 1. Speed-reading(第一遍快速阅读寻找关键词。) T: Do y

10、ou have a magic paintbrush? Ss: No. T: I dont, either. Now lets read the story and find out:Who had a magic paintbrush?And who 4 are in the story?(先让学生默读一遍文本。 ) Please take out sheet 1, you should read quickly and circle the key words “who”. Clear? Yes, lets do it. (快速阅读后) T: OK, who can answer me?

11、S1: Ma Liang had a magic paintbrush. T: How many people were there in the story? Ss: Three. T: Who were they? Ss: They were Ma Liang, an old woman and the bad man. 设计意图 第一遍让学生带着问题默读文本,用 Reading Tip 的形式要求学生对阅读材料进 行快速扫描,学会识别关键词,有利于学生培养其快速阅读能力。在解决阅读问题的 过程中把主要人物的头像贴在黑板上,为后面文本的展开做铺垫。 2Scanning(第二遍寻读,猜测生词

12、含义以及人物性格。) T:The bad man means the man is bad. But whats the meaning of bad?And was Ma Liang 5 good or bad? Now, read again and underline the answers. T: OK, times up. Together. Whats the meaning of “bad”?Aor B? Ss: B. T: Yes. “Bad” means “not good”. How do you know that? S1: In picture 4. T:Yes, we

13、 can find it in Picture 4. (引导学生说出)There was a bad man. T: Why was the man bad? Ss: Because He took Ma Liangs magic paintbrush. T:(教师总结)So, here is reading tip 2. When you dont know a new word or peoples characters. You can guess from the text or the picture. T:According to the reading tip, can you

14、tell me was Ma Liang good or bad? Ss: He was good. T: Where did you find the answer? Ss: In Picture 1. There was a good boy. His name was Ma Liang. He helped people. So Ma Liang was good. The man was bad. (引导学生说出并把 good, bad 贴到对应的头像旁 边。) 6 设计意图 第二遍寻读,训练学生带着问题找答案的能力,学生不仅要在阅读材料中快速找到 特定的信息,还要具有一定的逻辑推理能

15、力,如在回答为什么说坏人很坏的时候,是通 过他拿走马良的神笔这句话推理出来的。 3. 带着问题听录音。 (1)T: So, Ma Liang was good. The man was bad. Lets watch the video and see what Ma Liang and the bad man did. (2)Now lets listen and repeat.(在听音跟读的过程中解释生词 real, gold, snake 以及体 会一般过去式的否定形式 “didnt do”结构。) (3)Read together. 设计意图 两遍快速阅读后学生基本了解故事的主旨大意,

16、此时播放故事动画视频,有利于学 生更好地理解故事内容,真正进入故事情节。在听音模仿的过程中利用图片、表情动作 帮助学生扫清词汇语法障碍。带着马良和坏人做了什么事情这个问题看故事动画,学生 的思维可以积极调动起来,从而提高听和理解的效率。 4. Careful-reading (精读归纳总结故事重要信息。) T: Wow, you know the story. Lets try more. Now lets read carefully one more time in your group and complete Sheet 2. Look at Reading tip 3. You sh

17、ould help each other and get the main information. For example 教师讲解,并把板书画出来。 7 The Magic Paintbrush goodbad helpedfoodtook (real) BeginningMiddleEnding 设计意图 要求学生精读并小组合作做填空练习,可以检查学生对故事的理解程度以及考察学 生的归纳整理能力,表格的形式帮助学生梳理故事中的语言要点,实现阅读文本从语言 输入到语言输出,为下一步的复述故事做铺垫,培养小组合作意识。 Step 4:Post-reading(读后拓展环节)(读后拓展环节)

18、1. Story-retelling: T: OK. We know that a story has its beginning, middle, and ending. Look, this is the (引导 学生说出并板书在黑板上)beginning, middle, ending. Now lets try to retell the story. You can do it like this: Ma Liang was a good boy. He had a magic paintbrush. He OK, 2 minutes for you.(小组复数故事。) 2.Stor

19、y Show Time:(故事展示) T: OK, its your story show time. Who wants to come here and retell the story? S1: S2: S3:(学生根据思维导图按照自己的想法复述故事) T: You are really awesome. Now lets retell the story together. Ss: Ma Liang was a good boy. He had a magic paintbrush. He helped people. He painted food. The food became

20、real. The man was bad. He took Ma Liangs magic paintbrush. He didnt have gold. So he painted gold. But it became a snake. 8 设计意图 利用板书上的思维导图让学生明白故事是要按事情的发展顺序自然展开,有意让 学生在语义之间建立联结, 形成对故事文本的总体把握并学会在思维导图的帮助下复 述故事。 通过复述故事的方式检验学生在阅读过后是否掌握了本故事, 让学生有语言 输出环节。倒计时两分钟的设计制造了紧张感,提高了小组合作效率。 Step 5: 升华感情升华感情 T: Boys

21、 and girls, Ma Liang painted food, then the food became real. The bad man painted gold. But it became a snake. Why? S1: Because Ma Liang was good. The man was bad. S2: Because Ma Liang helped people, so the magic paintbrush helped Ma Liang. T:You are so clever. As for me, I often help my students wh

22、en they are in trouble. Do you often help people? S3: I often help my mother do the housework. S4: I often help my teacher clean the blackboard. S5: T: You are very good boys and girls. So, and I think we should all be helpful. (配乐 You raise me up, 并欣赏乐于助人的场景图。 ) Maybe, its just a lift of your hand.

23、 Maybe, its just a pull of your hand. Maybe, its just a bit of your strength. Maybe, its just your useless books. You can get smile, warm heart, strength and happiness. So lets do it together. Please remember, where there is love, there is magic. 设计意图 故事的学习不仅能让学生学习到语言知识,更重要的是能让学生明白一些道理。根 据文本内容自然升华感情

24、,教育学生要乐于助人,赠人玫瑰,手有余香。 Step 6: Homework This is your homework: 1. Retell the story “The Magic Paintbrush” . 2.Try to continue the story “The Magic Paintbrush”. 设计意图 故事既是教学内容的主体,又是教学内容的载体。掌握故事的叙述方式、故事中的 重点语言知识是故事阅读教学的重要目标。因此,让学生课后复述故事以及续编故事, 有利于学生回顾重点知识,巩固故事阅读方法。 9 板书设计: The Magic Paintbrush goodbad helpedfoodtook (real) BeginningMiddleEnding


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