外研版(一起)四上Module 10-Unit 1 Go to bed early.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:511c7).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_四年级上册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 10_Unit 1 Go to bed early._ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:511c7)
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M10 U1 Go to bed early. He gets up very early every morning. He gets up very late. argue (争辩) It can be hot. (它能发热。) It cant be hot. (它不能发热。) Why? CD I get up very early every morning.getveryevery I get up very late. Get up early. Dont be late. 任务: 知道:好的生活习惯的重要性。 提出:养成良好生活习惯的建议。 At the Doctors CD Take this medicine. Take this medicine. Take this medicine. The bad man took Ma Liangs magic paintbrush. A. Dont take the medicine away. B. Ill take the medicine soon. C. Can you take a picture of me? ? D. It wont take you a long time. Dont take the medicine away. Go to bed early. Get up early. Drink a lot of water. lots of Do some exercise. Healthy Life Can you help me? Dont touch water. ( ) Get up early . ( ) Go to bed early . ( ) Drink a lot of hot water . ( ) Do some exercise. ( ) Use a band-aid. (创可贴) ( ) Wear warm clothes. ( ) Stay at home. ( ) Go to the park. ( ) Dont eat too much. ( 吃太多) ( ) Dont eat too fast. ( 吃太快) ( ) Take this medicine. ( ) Get up early . ( ) Drink a lot of hot water . ( ) Do some exercise. ( ) Eat some fruit . ( ) Wear warm clothes. ( ) Stay at home. ( ) Dont run. ( ) Dont eat too much. ( 吃太多) ( ) Dont eat too fast. ( 吃太快) ( ) Homework: A套餐:学案P28; 背诵对话 B套餐:学案P28; 表演对话 Making a poster:How to be healthy. Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise . 早睡早起好身体,早睡早起好身体, 健康、财富属于你。健康、财富属于你。 课题:一年级起点第七册课题:一年级起点第七册 ModuleModule 1010 UnitUnit 1 1 Go to bed early. 【教材分析】 教学目标: a.语言知识目标: (1)理解并学习单词 early every during computer games, take, medicine, a lot of, exercise 通过对比句式的方式,重点掌握 take 的不同含义; 通过 TPR 的形式,重点运用 exercise。并正确掌握其发音。 (2)学习目标语句:Drink a lot of water. And do some exercises. b.语言技能目标:能够运用祈使句,谈论好的生活习惯,并能针对他人的生活 习惯给出相应好的建议。 c.情感态度目标:乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。 教学重、难点: 重点:学习新词 ,并能正确认读。掌握并运用祈使句提建议。 难点:单词 exercise 的正确发音,正确建议的提出。 关键:结合实际生活,创设环境,拓展学生对祈使句的应用。 【学生分析】 1教材分析: 本课教学内容为四年级上册第十单元第一课 本课介绍了好坏习惯。通过了解好坏习惯的内容,作用以及表达习惯,使他们 在轻松、愉快的气氛中达到语言学习,养成良好习惯的目的。 2生分析 本节授课对象是四年级的学生。该年龄阶段的孩子天真、活泼,喜乐好动,具 有强烈的表现欲和求知欲。他们有一定的英语基础,有一定的预习能力,具有 自己动手搜集信息的能力,这就要求老师为他们提供一个开放而富有活力的课 堂, 这个开放需要融合,让英语语言的学习和实践贯穿于多个学科的活动中,借助 信息技术等多种手段尽量给他们提供真实的语言情境,使他们在这个情境中把 所学的知识淋漓尽致的体现出来。 【设计理念】 在教学中采用“任务型”教学方式,有效地利用学生已有的学习经验, 将每个要完成的教学内容赋予真实的语言情景之中去,吸引学生进入情境,用 学到的英语进行交流。使学生感受到他们是在用英语做真实的事情,从而让学 生感受到学习英语的乐趣,而不是单纯地去学。在教学过程中分层安排任务, 因材施教引人而教,让每个学生都能在本节课上有所收获。 教学准备 CD-ROM、磁带、图片,PPT 课件,点读笔 【教学过程】 、Warming up a.师生问候。 b.播放五年级教材中 M5 第二模块中的歌曲:“I get up in the morning.”,鼓 励学生边唱边做出相应的动作,以唤起学生对动词词组 getup 的理解和感受。 、Presentation A Telling a story ( 设计意图:通过一开始的 story,活跃课堂气氛,激活学生已有的学习 经验,并有效激发学生学习热情。不仅复习旧知,为新知作铺垫,更让学生愉快 地动起来,不由自主地进入了一个英语学习的佳境。 ) T:Do you love stories? Ss: Yes. T:Now,Im going to tell you a story.(PPT 配合演示) The cock and the owl. There is a cock. He gets up very early every morning. There is an owl. He gets up very late. One day, they argued: The cock said, when the yellow, round object comes out, I feel hot. So, it can be hot. No ,no, no. when the yellow, round object comes out, I feel hot. So, it cant be hot. They both are not wrong. Do you know why? 引入导入环节的 CD_ROM,听音一遍。帮助学生理解故事内容和情节。在明确的 任务指引下,训练学生的听力。 CD_ROM,听音第二遍。 T: What do you know now? (引导学生自主思维,积极表达) Ss: The cock gets up very early. 根据生回答引出并板书: I get up very early every morning. 卡片教学:early, every 对比 get, very, every,启发生对比字母 e 的不同发音,渗透语音教学。 师:Why does the owl get up very late? Because he works during the night. 教学 during. 师知识扩展:一只猫头鹰一年可以吃掉一千多只田鼠,为我们保护一吨多的粮 食。 B. 任务提出:Talking about good habits in our life.(语言的语用功能的 体现) 、text-learning a. T: Look, Where is Sam? Ss: He is in the hospital. T: Yes, at the doctors. Whats the matter with him? b. Listen and understand. 播放 CD-ROM,呈现课文。 T; Whats the matter with him? Ss: Hes got a cold. T: Poor Sam. What did he do yesterday? Ss: He played computer games. He went to bed late. 师出示 computer games 卡片,教学。 T: What advice did the doctor give? b. 播放 CD-ROM 第二遍。 生回答后,板书:Take this medicine. Drink a lot of water. Go to bed early. Do exercises. d. PPT 重点对比不同句式,引出 take 的不同用法教学。 (照相; 花费,拿, 买,服药) 不同形式教学 exercise: (设计意图:设计一些适合四年级学生的情景活动, 融知识与趣味一体。学生在玩中学,在学中玩,在活动中巩固所学的语言, 为真实地运用语言打好基础。 ) T:At the break time, we do eye exercises.(按节奏拼单词,做眼操) Lets do hands exercises. (按节奏拼单词,做手指操) Lets do morning exercises. (按节奏拼单词,做身体操) T: Its good for your health. IV:Consolidation Reading time: 评出“Reading Star.” Act the dialogue:Role-playing T: Everyone wants to be healthy. But what happened? PPT: 几个孩子感冒、受伤的情境图片。 T:How about your suggestions? (小组讨论,给出建议,夯实语用功能,完成本课语用任务。让学生根据自己的 情况,给出合适的建议。设计有层次的任务活动,让学生体会语言知识的实 际应用。学生知道交际的真实动因,可以在语言活动中找到真实的感觉,收 获用英语做事情的快乐。) e. 课堂检测:(约 2 分钟) 、summary 小结: What did we learn today? 让学生自己总结本课所学知识。 (设计意图: 在任务完成阶段让学生不断运用本课的重点句型描述他人的活动, 使学生对知识进行梳理,总结) VI 、Homework 板书: Module 10 Unit 1 (医生、Sam 图片) Take this medicine. Drink a lot of water. Go to bed early. Do some exercises.
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