外研版(一起)四上Reading for Pleasure-Hats and Monkeys-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:e33ef).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_四年级上册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Reading for Pleasure_Hats and Monkeys_ppt课件_(含教案)_部级优课_(编号:e33ef)
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    • 教案e33ef.docx--点击预览


Lets sing !Lets sing !Lets sing !Lets sing ! Lets sing !Lets sing !Lets sing !Lets sing ! The fox and the tiger D Duty report by uty report by Fang Fang YuhengYuheng No, it doesnt. 2. Why do all the animals run away ? They are afraid of the tiger. 1. Does the tiger eat the fox ? Pre-readingPre-reading Pre-readingPre-reading What happens in this story ? monkey Pre-readingPre-reading shake Pre-readingPre-reading fist Pre-readingPre-reading Guessing GameGuessing Game throw ones hat Pre-readingPre-reading Pre-readingPre-reading take ones hats sit down Pre-readingPre-reading feet Pre-readingPre-reading on the ground Pre-readingPre-reading happy Pre-readingPre-reading angry Pre-readingPre-reading hat Pre-readingPre-reading fists Pre-readingPre-reading shake ones fist Pre-readingPre-reading stamp ones foot Pre-readingPre-reading stamp ones foot 跺 脚 (动词) Pre-readingPre-reading expensive stamp 邮 票 (名 词) about ¥ 12,000 Pre-readingPre-reading crazy expensive about ¥ 2,920,000 Pre-readingPre-reading stamps 邮 票 (名 词) 1.I like collecting (stamp). Pre-readingPre-reading Can you try ? 2.Look! They (stamp) their feet. stamps are stamping shake ones fist throw ones hat stamp ones foot Pre-readingPre-reading take ones hat Pre-readingPre-reading Read and rearrange the pictures 1. 2. 3. 4. . Pre-readingPre-reading Read and rearrange ABCD 1. What does the man do? while-readingwhile-reading Maybe he is a hat seller. 1. What does the man do ? while-readingwhile-reading Some monkeys take his hats . while-readingwhile-reading 2. What happens to the hats ? He shakes his fist. while-readingwhile-reading 3. What does man do after the monkeys take the hats? 4. Then what does the man do? He stamps his foot. while-readingwhile-reading 5. Does he got his hats back ? No, he doesnt. while-readingwhile-reading He throws his hat on the ground. while-readingwhile-reading And the monkeys throws their hats on the ground, too. 6. At last, how does he get his hats back? We should take care of our own things. while-readingwhile-reading What can we learn from the man ? When we are in trouble , try to find good ideas to solve the problems. while-readingwhile-reading What can we learn from the monkeys ? Dont followed the herd. 不要人云亦云,随波逐流。 Know your own mind. 要有自己的主见。 while-readingwhile-reading while-readingwhile-reading hats caps while-readingwhile-reading Whats the difference between hats and caps? hats The difference between caps and hat while-readingwhile-reading caps while-readingwhile-reading The difference between caps and hat while-readingwhile-reading while-readingwhile-reading Monkey King Post-readingPost-reading The little monkeys and the moon The little monkeys and the moon Post-readingPost-reading Post-readingPost-reading The little monkey comes down from the mountain. Post-readingPost-reading The little monkey comes down from the mountain. The little monkey comes down from the mountain. sees/red peaches/happy/climbspicks Post-readingPost-reading Post-readingPost-reading The little monkey comes down from the mountain. The little monkey comes down from the mountain. comes to/sees/happy/throwspicks Post-readingPost-reading Post-readingPost-reading The little monkey comes down from the mountain. The little monkey comes down from the mountain. takes /sees/happy/throwsruns after/ runs away Post-readingPost-reading Post-readingPost-reading The little monkey comes down from the mountain. The little monkey comes down from the mountain. In the end /has got nothing Post-readingPost-reading Post-readingPost-reading The little monkey comes down from the mountain. Post-readingPost-reading Animals are our good friends. They are lovely. They can help us do lots of things. We should protect the animals. Retell these animal stories to your parents or your friends. 新标准英语新标准英语一起五下一起五下 Reading for Pleasure Hats and monkeys 教学设计教学设计 课题课题 Hats and monkeys 课型课型NT 教材分析教材分析 本课的故事源自俄裔美国儿童文学家艾丽菲.斯劳柏肯纳 创作的经典儿童读物卖帽子:小贩和猴子的恶作剧故事, 这个故事的寓意是要善于观察,随机应变,灵活处事。 学情分析学情分析 四年级的学生有一定的阅读积累,所以,对于他们来说, 本文难度不是很大。本课教师可以通过故事激发学生的阅读兴 趣,鼓励学生扩大阅读量。 设计思路设计思路区域导学模式 教学目标教学目标 功能描述卖帽子的小贩与猴子发生的故事。 语法一般现在时的用法:如动词的第三人称单数形式 词汇shake,fist 语言语言 知识知识 目标目标 语音ts 字母组合的发音 听能听懂故事 说能用一般现在时描述故事 读能熟练朗读故事中的精彩情节 写能正确书写文中的重点词汇 语言语言 技能技能 目标目标 运用能运用一般过去时描述人物的生平 习惯自主预习 学习学习 策略策略 目标目标 交际合作学习 文化意识目文化意识目 标标 通过学习了解故事寓意,要灵活处事。 情感态度目标情感态度目标遇到困难不要生气,要冷静想办法灵活处事。 教学重点教学重点 1. 语篇内容的理解 教学难点教学难点运用一般现在时描述故事 教学准备教学准备PPT, 点读笔,白板 教学流程教学流程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 I Pre-reading 1. Duty report 2. Guessing game 3. Make up stories 1. Do the duty report. 2. Play the guessing game 3. Read the words together 4. Make up stories. To arouse the students interests and check the students preview. II While-reading 1. Watch and answer. 2. Read and answer 3. Read the story 4. Act it out 5. Try to retell 1. Watch the video. 2. Answer the questions: 1) What does the man do? 2) What happens to the hats? 3) What does the man do when the monkeys take his hats? What do monkeys do ? 4) Then what does the man do? What do the monkeys To help the students understand the story. To feel the alphabet and talk about the feelings. do ? 5) Has he got his hat back ? 6) At last, how does the man get his hat back ? 3. Tell the story 4. Act the story out 5. Try to retell III Post-reading 1. Read and answer 2. Group work 1. Work in ten and talk about the another famous story about monkeys” The little monkeys and the moon” 2. Try to tell “The little monkey comes down from the mountain” To know how to talk about the story IV Summary What have you learnt today? 1. words 2. Sentences 3. expressions To sum up of the whole story. V. Homework 1必做: Read and retell the story 2选做: Tell another famous story about the monkeys.
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