- 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 The Clothes We Wear_Lesson 6 Bettys Clothes_ppt课件_(含教案)_省级优课_(编号:f05fa)
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Unit1 The Clothes We Wear 冀教版(三年级起点)四年级上册 Lesson 6 Bettys Clothes Whats the weather like today? What are you wearing ? What is she / he wearing? Free talk Happy Childrens DayHappy Childrens Day partyparty What will you wear to the party? 将要 partyparty I will wear What will Betty wear to the party? What day is it today? Can she wear the shorts to the party today? Its Saturday. No, she cant. 33 What day is it today? Can she wear the shorts to the party today? No, she cant. Its Saturday. Today is Saturday. I am going to a party. What will I wear? The shorts are new.But I cant wear shorts to a party.I can wear the shorts on Monday. What can she wear on Tuesday? Trousers and T-shirt. No,she cant. Its hot today. Can she wear the sweater today? Why? What can she wear on Tuesday? No, she cant. Its hot today. Can she wear the sweater today? Why? Trousers and T-shirt. The trousers and the T-shirt are nice.I can wear them on Tuesday, but not today. Wear me ,please! This sweater is my favourite.But its hot today.Ican wear the sweater on Wednesday. Im your favourite sweater! And me,too! What can she wear on Thursday? Shirt and skirt. What would she like to wear on Friday? Scarf. What can she wear on Thursday? What would she like to wear on Friday? Shirt and skirt. Scarf. I like the shirt and the skirt. I can wear them on Thursday, but not today. Id like to wear the scarf on Friday. I look nice with a skirt.Wear me! Yes!Yes! Do you want to wear me?Im nice ,too. Why will she wear the dress to the party? Its nice for a party. Its a birthday gift from her mom. Why will she wear the dress to the party? Its nice for a party. Its a birthday gift from her mom. I will wear my red dress today. Its a birthday gift from my mom. I like this dress.Its nice for a party! Retell Lets chant Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday A birthday gift from my mum. I will wear it to the party. Group work: Read the story and act out. Show time Tips: Your is very beautiful. Thanks. I like it very much. is /are my favorite Its a birthday gift from my mom. You look cool / beautiful / nice today! Thanks! Its time to show our play! Group work: Make a play. Show time Love everything you have.Love everything you have. Homework: Tell the story to your friends. Talk about your favorite clothes with your friends. 冀教冀教 20112011 课标版三年级起点四年级上册课标版三年级起点四年级上册 Unit1 The Clothes We Wear Lesson 6 Bettys Clothes 教学设计教学设计 本课是冀教版四年级上册第一单元第六课,是一节关于主人公 Betty 去参加 party 挑选衣服的故事课。要求学生能听懂,理解故 事,并能回答有关问题;能够用自己简单的语言表演故事。本课采 用故事教学法,激发学生英语阅读的兴趣。以学生猜故事、听故事、 讨论故事、读故事、讲故事、演故事、续编故事为主要环节。通过 引导学生对故事绘本进行观察和推理,培养学生的思维能力,学会 思考,能够合作学习,更积极地去交流。体会到合适的场合会挑选 合适的服装,并爱惜自己所拥有的,珍惜家人对自己的爱。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 四年级的学生经过了一段时间的学习,逐步能从会说几个单词 向会说会用句子的阶段转变,对故事教学并不是很陌生。多数学生 能积极参与,并有一定的前置学习习惯。他们乐于利用小组合作进 行课外排演故事,乐于在课上积极展示。但少数学生比较吃力,需 老师耐心采取积极鼓励的方法,创设生动活泼的课堂气氛,以增强 其自信心,调动其学习积极性。 三、三、 教学目标教学目标 1.语言知识和语言技能目标。 (1)能在情景中感知 party、 will、 birthday gift。 (2)能理解故事、复述故事,并能模仿故事中的人物进行表演。 2.学习策略目标 (1)通过创设情景引入故事、猜故事、分解故事内容,培养学生听 故事和观察图片并捕捉信息的能力,提高学生自主学习的能力。 (2)通过合作学习等形式,使学生能朗读并表演故事。 3.情感态度目标 (1)学生能通过小组活动,学会与他人合作。 (2)让学生懂得什么场合适合穿什么样的服装,并珍惜自己所拥有 的。 四、四、 教学重难点教学重难点 1.学生能通过听和读,提炼关键信息,理解故事大意。 2.学生能根据生动形象的思维导图及关键词,组织语言复述故事并 表演故事。 3.学生能将故事迁移到真实情景,通过综合运用本故事及本单元的 重难点句式续编小剧本。 五、五、 教学过程教学过程 Step1.Warm-up 1. Greeting and evaluation system T: Hello, boys and girls ! Ss: Hello, Miss Xie! T:Today well have a PK. Lets see which group has the most clothes.(示意黑板上的衣柜每个小组将获得多少衣服。) (设计意图:黑板上的衣柜分为九格,分别为九个小组设立,整节 课小组间为自己所得衣物竞争,该评价奖励机制与课堂内容息息相 关,肯定了学生的课堂表现,从而激励学生积极思考,踊跃发言。 ) 2. Free talk Whats the weather like today? What are you wearing today? Whats she/he wearing? (设计意图:以今日天气入手询问今日各自穿的服装,复习了本单 元的话题,激活了语言。 “头脑风暴”式地呈现出各种服装名称,为 过渡及学生语言的输出做好了铺垫和储备。 ) Step2 Pre-reading Lead-in 学生听音乐猜儿童节。由前面现在正穿的什么过渡到六一儿童节将 穿什么参加 party,创设此情景,让学生初步感知今日故事中将要 出现的语言难点。 T: On Childrens Day, what will you wear to the party? (师先示范) S1: I will wear. T: How about you? S2: I will wear. (设计意图:由听音乐猜出是学生们最喜欢的六一儿童节。创设儿 童节将要穿什么的真实情景,贴近实际,也激活了故事背景。话题 也深受孩子们喜欢,让孩子们在真实的语境中体会难词,难句的意 思,为后面故事的理解扫清了障碍。 ) Step3 While-reading. 1.Guess and watch 以六一儿童节孩子们将穿什么参加聚会为背景,迁移到故事主人公 Betty,她将穿什么参加六一聚会呢?以此引出故事。 T:How about Betty? What will she wear to the party?(出示 Betty 正在 衣柜前选衣服的情景。 ) Can you guess?(学生看图猜测) 教师利用故事中实物,饰演服装和 Betty 双重身份来演绎故事,使故 事真实、饱满、生动。学生带着“What will she wear to the party?”的 猜测,整体感知故事,体会大意,并证实了自己的猜测。 (设计意图:以六一儿童节为背景,创设情境,自然过渡到 Betty 将穿什么参加六一儿童节的聚会,使故事有前因后果,更具完整性、 连接性,也更生动。特别是这一情景将贯穿本节课始终。学生也通 过观察老师的手偶表演,初步整体感知故事情节,使静态的故事变 为动态,更生动形象。观前提问能引导学生有意识地去关注故事情 节。该部分的表演,也能对学生后面的表演起示范作用。 ) 2.Listen, read, answer and build T: Why will she wear the red dress to the party today? When will Betty wear the other clothes? Lets listen. 学生带着疑惑走入故事,由此过渡到故事细节,每两幅图一段录音。 此环节中,视、听、读并举。学生根据图下的问题听录音,抓住关 键信息回答,并逐步分析。同时逐步和学生构建思维导图。 Picture 1 and 2: What day is it today? Can she wear the shorts to the party today? Picture 3 and 4: What can she wear on Tuesday? Can she wear the sweater today? Why? Picture 5 and 6: What can she wear on Thursday? What would she like to wear on Friday? Picture 7 and 8: Why will she wear the dress to the party? (设计意图:引导学生有目的通过关键词抓住关键信息,培养学生 提炼关键词的习惯,以及提取重要信息的能力。同时帮助学生整合 重要信息,学会构建思维导图这一阅读策略。引导学生以故事讲述 者的身份对故事进行转述,为后面的复述故事作了重要的铺垫。 ) 3.Read and retell 读故事,根据思维导图关键词复述故事。 T: Look, we have all the key words and the whole story on the blackboard. Lets try to retell it . You can do it like this(师示范一两句) First, please read the story by yourselves, then try to retell with your partner. (1)Read the story by yourselves. (2)Retell the story with your partner. (3)Show it. (设计意图:培养学生从感知故事细听读故事提炼整合关键 信息组织语言复述故事的完整阅读策略和方法。通过这一 完整的阅读策略和方法,学生已对故事情节比较熟悉。 ) 4.Chant 将思维导图中的关键信息编成有节奏的 Chant, 师生用手指有节 奏的打拍子。 Lets chant: Shorts, shorts, on Monday, Trousers, T-shirt, on Tuesday, Sweater, sweater, on Wednesday, Shirt, skirt, on Thursday, Scarf, scarf, on Friday, Dress, dress, on Saturday , A birthday gift from my mum. I will wear it to the party. (设计意图:此环节再次巩固了故事内容,加深了故事情节的记忆, 引导学生学习编排 Chant 的趣味方法,延续学生学习的兴趣。 ) 5.Group work: Read the story and act out. 小组内读故事,编排表演故事,融入自己的创意。 (1)Read the story in your groups and act it out. (2)Show it. T: Please read the story in your group, and then act it out.You can be the shorts, the trousers, the T-shirt and so on. You can add some creative things in your play. T: Its time to show your play. (设计意图:此环节是学生语言输出的过程,整个故事也得以生动呈 现。学生也能在团队合作中体会到学和用的乐趣,获得成就感。 ) Step4 Post-reading. Group work: Make a play T: Now its time for the party, Betty also joins us. Can you show your clothes to us? And what can you do at the party? Please make a play.(呈 现可用的本单元的重难点句式,为其编剧提供语言支架。 ) Tips: Your is very beautiful. Thanks. I like it very much. is /are my favorite Its a birthday gift from my mom. You look cool / beautiful / nice today! Thanks! Its time to show our play! (1)Work in groups. (2) Show time. (设计意图:创设 Betty 选好衣服来参加六一 party 的情景,综合 运用本单元的核心句型和词汇,学生在聚会上各展其特长,使得故 事更完整,整节课的情景更有连贯性、整体性、真实性、趣味性。 也是本故事的延续和拓展,使课堂达到了高潮。此环节亦是学生语 言输出的过程,让学生学以致用,并乐在其中,充分发展了学生的 语言表达能力、思维能力和知识运用能力。 ) Step5. Summary. 总结孩子们课堂的表现,并让学生懂得什么场合穿合适的衣服。 尤其要珍惜父母对自己的爱,珍惜自己所拥有的一切。 (设计意图:让学生自己评价并总结,并懂得珍惜所拥有的。 ) Step6 Homework 1. Tell the story to your friends. 2. Talk about your favorite clothes with your friends. (设计意图:引导学生课后进行巩固训练,综合运用本单元的语言。 板书设计:板书设计: Lesson 6 Bettys Clothes MondayTuesday Wednesday ThursdayFridaySaturday