冀教版(三起)四上Unit 3 Let's Go!-Lesson 15 In the City-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:2233d).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Lets Go!_Lesson 15 In the City_ppt课件_(含教案)_部级优课_(编号:2233d)
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    • 教案2233d.doc--点击预览


Lesson 15 In the City 冀教版冀教版 四年级上册四年级上册 In the city street 金鱼公园金鱼公园 餐馆餐馆 公交车站公交车站 Playground A : Where is the ? B : Go straight and turn . = Lets talk! Go straight and turn . There is the . Excuse me, . Can you help me? Im lost. Where is the ? Thanks! You re welcome ! Lets have a try .look at our classroom ,Its a small city .lets have a conversation ! (看我们的教室多像一个小小的城市看我们的教室多像一个小小的城市,让我们在这个小城让我们在这个小城 市里一起对话呦市里一起对话呦!) 教学目标 知识目标 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:street, Go straight .turn left/turn right., 2.学生能听懂、会说下列句子:Where is the .? Go straight and turn left/turn right. 能力目标 学生理解、听懂、会说词汇和问路的简单对话;渗透字母和字母组合的发音,对字母组合 tr 的发音有基础认识。 情感目标:乐于助人 学情分析 四年级学生喜欢歌曲、儿歌、对话交流。学生已经掌握一些基本地点词汇,能分清 right, left,本单元前两课又学习了问路的短语:Excuse me, Where is?这些知识能力的储备,为 本节课教学任务完成奠定了基础。 3.重点难点 教学重点 学生能听懂、会说下列句子:Where is the zoo? Go straight and turn left/right. 教学难点 会用 go straight, turn left, turn right 指令,为人指路。 一、热身复习 1Chant, Show me your left hand.(全班一起做) 2新课导入。 Watch a picture.教师提问: What can you see in the city ? 学生自由回答:in the city, we can see house cars buses fountain street buildings, 引出 street Look, This is street.告诉学生 tr 发音不同, There is a street in the city. 3课件出示学校附近的地图,让学生找餐馆,书店,公园,车站等并将图片对应贴在左侧 的黑板上。老师问 Where is the school? Where is the library? Where is the park? Where is the restaurant? 让学生根据地图在黑板的相对位置贴图片引出新授内容 Go straight and turn left/turn right 4让四位学生站起来领读 Go straight and turn left/turn right,指出并纠正学生的 错误,学生将 straight 与 street 读音混淆。 5让全班学生在手心自己练习拼写 Go straight and turn left/turn right。 6.lets play a game .快速反应,强化记忆。第一遍老师示范动作学生说指令 Go straight and turn left/turn right。第二遍老师说指令,学生做动作,分组练习。 7pair work :同桌两人看图片练习句子然后展示对话 Where is the restaurant/playround/library 等? Go straight and turn left/right. 二、学习课文 1.听录音,回答问题,Who is lost? Where is the zoo? 2、逐句听读,模仿对话。 3.四位学生站起示范领读,再次强调 straight 与 street 读音。 4.同桌练习对话并表演对话。 三、学习书中 chant。第一遍老师教读并示范动作,然后全班学生站起练习说唱两遍。 四、欣赏电影小短片,观看后让学生回答问题:Where is the Nice house? 五、创设情境,巩固句型。 1. Lets talk! Lets have a try .look at our classroom ,Its a small city .lets have a conversation !(看我们的教室多像一个小小的城市,让我们在这个小城市 里一起对话呦! 老师说:in the city, Danny is lost,he wants to go to the library ,restaurant, bus stop and so on ,can you help? Who wants to be a little Danny ? ) 让学生带丹妮头饰和尾巴进行表演对话,全班同学回答。 注:将书店,车站,餐馆,学校,动物园,公园等制作图片单词,课前发给七位学生,分注:将书店,车站,餐馆,学校,动物园,公园等制作图片单词,课前发给七位学生,分 布在教室周围。布在教室周围。 学生分别装扮成丹尼,请求帮助。 A: Excuse me, can you help me? S: Yes? A:Im lost. Wheres the ? S: Go straight and turn left/right. Theres the A: Is that far from/near here? S: Yes./No. A: Thanks! S: Youre welcome. 2.用儿歌巩固所学。(两只老虎音调改编) Where is the library? Here it is , Here it is . Where is the bus stop ? Far from here ,Far from here . Where is the restaurant? Near the school, Near the school Where is the hospital? In the city, In the city, 3.拓展安全标识:Note Safety ,NO Thoroughfare, no parking, no bicycle. 六、Homework.先总结评价再布置作业。
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