冀教版(三起)四上Unit 3 Let's Go!-Lesson 16 Cars and Buses-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:c02e7).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Lets Go!_Lesson 16 Cars and Buses_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:c02e7)
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Lesson 16 Cars and Buses If you work hard, you can get a prize. for a student. for a group. car taxi bus bike Riding a bike is the most popular transportation.Riding a bike is the most popular transportation. But please note that, But please note that, Riding a bike is the most popular transportation.Riding a bike is the most popular transportation. But please note that, But please note that, you can ride a bike on your own, when you you can ride a bike on your own, when you are twelve.are twelve. car taxi bus bike A: How do you go to school? B: I go to school by_. Task 1:Listen and Guess How do you _? I go home by _. Task 1:Can you ask? How do you go to restaurant? I go to restaurant by_. How do you _? I _by_. Task 1: Task 2: Tip: sister dad school by bus by car restaurant by taxi zoo Task 2: Task 3: Homework: 1.Talk about your favorite place with your friends and show how to go there. (和你的朋友谈谈你最喜欢的地方,向他们展示你是如何去的?)(和你的朋友谈谈你最喜欢的地方,向他们展示你是如何去的?) 2.仿写一组对话仿写一组对话 A: Where do you go? B: I go to the park. A: How do you go to the park? B: By bus. 1、本课设计意图: 本节课以去参观崇礼的活动空间为基本素材,进行关 于交通工具为内容的问答训练,学完本课学生能够询问出 行方式及应答,并能就此话题自由交谈。在此基础将教学 内容进行适当的扩展和延伸,理解介词 by, on foot, 的 意思。 2、本单元学习目标: 语言知识目标:培养学生的学习兴趣,使学生掌握一 定的语言知识,让学生认识日常生活中的各种交通工具, 即 car, bus, bike, taxi and so on.正确理解 by 的含 义。要求学生掌握出行方式的方法。即“ How do you go to . ? ” 并能够根据实际情况选择适当的出行方式。 即 “I go to. by car/ by 语言技能目标:教师创设情境,学生在情境中学语言, 学生能运用所学语言进行交际的能力。 情感态度目标:激发他们学习的主动性,培养学生学 习英语的兴趣,培养学生参与合作的意识,通过学习和交 流, 提高学生的实际生活能力。 学习策略目标:课上通过小组合作,师生互动、游戏 操练等形式,让学生完成听、说、读、写的技能训练。使 学生能够灵活运用本课对话、培养学生实践、创新和自主 探究学习的能力,并提高学生语言的实际运用能力。 Lesson16Lesson16 CarsCars andand BusesBuses 一、TeachingTeaching goalsgoals: 1.1. KnowledgeKnowledge objectivesobjectives: : Students can listen, speak, read and write these words: zoo, taxi, on foot Students can listen, speak and read these words, phrases and sentences: twenty, thirty Key structures:How do you go _? I go _ by _. 2.2. AbilityAbility objectivesobjectives: : By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Scan the text and the Ss can express how he /she goes to some places. 2. Get to know the meaning of by both in spoken and written forms, and pronounce them clearly; 3. Use structures like “How do you go _ ? I go _ by car /by bike/by bus. ” to talk about how they go to some places. 3.3. FocusFocus ofof thethe lesson:lesson: 1. Understanding the dialogue as a whole; 2. Role playing the dialogue with the right pronunciation, intonation and sentence stress. A: How do you go _ ? B :I go_ by car /by bike/by bus. 4.Emotion4.Emotion objectivesobjectives Build the Ss self-confidence and cultivate the Ss abilities of communication. 二、TeachingTeaching methodsmethods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, 三、TeachingTeaching aidsaids: computer, cards, CAI 四、TeachingTeaching ProceduresProcedures: StepStep I I : GreetingGreeting SingSing hellohello songsong (设计意图:自编问候歌曲,拉近师生情感,渲染课堂氛围。) StepIIStepII: IntroducesIntroduces thethe mainmain lineline 1. Watch a video. 2. T: Today we will have a winter camp to Chongli .Would you go with me ? I think you should work hard and get the stars. Let group1and group2 PK. (设计意图:创设去崇礼冬令营的情景主线,并实行竞争机制激发学生兴趣 和学习欲望,为下面的学习做铺垫。) StepIII:StepIII: PresentationPresentation Task 1 1. Guess some pictures of transportation and learn the words. (设计意图:让学生看图片猜去崇礼坐什么交通工具来学习新单词并渗透到 语言当中,同时调动学生积极性,为下面有关的短语和句子做铺垫。 ) 2.Listen and guess (设计意图:通过听、猜老师如何上学,学习新句型。 ) 3.Can you ask? (设计意图:巩固新句型,激发学生主动运用知识。 ) 4. Work in groups. (设计意图:小组合作操练重点句型,培养语言交际能力。 ) T: Task1 is finished. You did a good job. Lets come to Task2. Come on! Task 2 1.Play a game. (设计意图:设置大转盘游戏让学生在游戏活动中再次巩固操练本课重点句 型,并拓展语言知识运用能力,培养学生的发散思维。 ) 2.Listening and fill in the blanks (设计意图:通过听与本课重点相关的小短文,让学生在实际的语言环境 中理解运用知识,提高听读能力,这也是本课的一个阅读延伸。) Task 3 Show Time 1. If youre a volunteer ,how do you introduce Chongli? (假如你是志愿者,你如何介绍崇礼?) 2.If you see your favorite player,what do you want to say? (假如看到你最喜欢的明星你想说些什么?) 3.If you are a cheer leader, what do you want to do ? (假如你是一名啦啦队队长,你想做些什么?) (设计意图:这是学生对所学知识的一个输出展示环节,给学生充分发挥主 观能动性的机会,增加学生自信心。这也是对本课重点知识的一个延伸拓展, 与时代相接为冬奥会出力,升华主题。接着观看相关的冬奥会和创文明城的 图片,适时激发学生爱国主义情怀,为中国加油!将课堂推至高潮。) StepStep IV:IV: HomeworkHomework 1.Talk about your favorite place with your friends and show how to go there. (和你的朋友谈谈你最喜欢的地方,向他们展示你是如 何去的?) 2.仿写一组对话 A: Where do you go? B: I go to the park. A: How do you go to the park? B: By bus. StepStep V.V. BlackboardBlackboard Design.Design. Group1Group2 How do you go to .? I go to the. by car bus bike taxi.
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